2018 Annual Report
Our Mission & Objectives
Urantia Association International’s mission is to foster the study of The Urantia Book and to disseminate its teachings.
Revelatory teachings transform lives, and transformed individuals change the world. The book’s teachings change lives by enhancing spiritual perception and helping people find friendship with God. This, in turn, provides the spiritual stimulus to seek service opportunities.
One of our main objectives is to help people who have discovered The Urantia Book find greater breadth and depth in the teachings by fostering comprehensive study of the book, and by helping students find others who also have a desire to find real meaning and value in their lives.
When truth seekers come together, great things can and do happen in the spiritual growth of each individual, through the vital exchange of ideas concerning such topics as our inner relationship with God—how the soul grows—why dynamic service is essential to soul growth—and why the universe is friendly.
There is a real purpose in the socialization of religion. It is the purpose of group religious activities to dramatize the loyalties of religion; to magnify the lures of truth, beauty, and goodness; to foster the attractions of supreme values; to enhance the service of unselfish fellowship; to glorify the potentials of family life; to promote religious education; to provide wise counsel and spiritual guidance; and to encourage group worship. And all live religions encourage human friendship, conserve morality, promote neighborhood welfare, and facilitate the spread of the essential gospel of their respective messages of eternal salvation.
[Paper 99:6.2, page 1092.2]
From the President
Families, groups, nations, races, worlds, systems, constellations, and universes are relationships of association which possess individuality; and therefore does every member of any such group, large or small, reap the benefits and suffer the consequences of the rightdoing and the wrongdoing of all other members of the group concerned.
[Paper 54:6.3, page 619.0]
It Was A Good Year
The expansion of Urantia Association International across the globe is truly inspiring to those of us who have dedicated ourselves to the spread of The Urantia Book and its teachings. We are seeing exponential growth of revelation-focused study and service right before our eyes. Urantia Association is in constant movement, developing strategies to meet the social and spiritual needs of the worldwide communities we serve.
In Africa there is a growing appreciation for The Urantia Book. Recently a team of experienced leaders from Senegal began coordinating with leaders from the growing community in Ghana to form a Continental Leadership team. Together they organized the 2018 African Conference in Ghana, supporting leaders from across the continent in planning for the future of Urantia Africa. We are grateful to all who have taken personal roles in mentoring and caring for the growing Urantia Book community in Africa.
Latin America
In Latin America members of the Brazilian Urantia Association showed strong leadership in organizing and hosting the 2018 Continental Conference in Sao Paulo. They offered proof that this Portuguese speaking country is ready to be a leading force for Urantia Book study and service in this region of the world. The Latin American Continental Coordinator and a team of conscientious and capable volunteers continue their efforts in attending book fairs and fostering study group leaders; new teams are emerging in every country and are showing rich fruits.
North America
In North America the Mexican Association continues to grow and now is a full voting member of the Representative Council. The United States Association comprises more than a dozen Local Associations working to organize study groups, regional and national conferences, and to guide the largest single National Association. The Canadian Urantia Association is committed to co-hosting a large conference in Vancouver in 2020 and is diligently working to bring together the home continent of Urantia students.
In Europe we see leaders working together to mitigate the challenge of multiple languages and to celebrate their diversity of culture and perspective. The Netherlands Urantia Association hosted our triennial International Conference in April, showcasing Urantia Europe and the entire International Association! Thanks to all those leaders and volunteers who put in the long hours and hard work to make this spectacular event a reality.
Australasia and South Pacific
The Australasia and South Pacific region is ably served by the tireless efforts of members of the Australia and New Zealand Urantia Association by fostering study groups using a variety of methods to compensate for the wide distances between readers, hosting an annual regional conference for this vast region “Down Under,” and providing books, study aids and other information services throughout the region.
Behind every strong organization is a large pool of experienced leaders; our organizational structure ensures the rotation of volunteers willing to step forward and serve. Members elect their leaders to every service position, and so leadership skills are developed in grassroots fashion—at the local study group level and in regional associations. If you are ready to serve, we are ready to offer you rich opportunities.
I find it stimulating to envision the work of seeding this revelation throughout the world and the responsibility we have accepted to carry out this mission. By working together, hand in hand, hundreds of volunteers are fulfilling this trust and proving the power of a simple truth: “In liaison with God, nothing—absolutely nothing—is impossible.”
Chris Wood
On behalf of the International Service Board
2018 Highlights
One of the most important lessons to be learned during your mortal career is teamwork.
[Paper 28:5.14, page 312.1]
2018 was another dynamic year of service for Urantia Association International. Members and volunteers from a host of countries and from all walks of life contributed much time and effort in serving the revelation. Projects included: organizing conferences and meetings, distributing The Urantia Book at book fairs, spreading the good news to friends and strangers, improving study groups, reaching out to prison inmates, participating in the Parliament of World's Religions, and publishing newsletters and journals to share events, knowledge, and personal experiences.
Bringing People Together
Spiritual fellowship is best achieved when we all come to realize we are sons and daughters of one God. As we come together in study groups and various events, there is a palpable sense of fellowship that gives rise to many growth opportunities such as gaining wisdom from others, sharing spiritual experiences, learning about different cultures, and recognizing the value of teamwork.
Global Seeding
When we find ourselves filled with the Spirit of God, we become greatly inspired to share The Urantia Book and its remarkable teachings. Such sharing is often accomplished through the special efforts of volunteers who engage in book fairs and prison outreach, and particularly by those courageous and inspired individuals who are willing to travel far and wide to meet people face-to-face in order to disseminate the teachings of the book.
Study & Education
The Urantia Book tells us that we are not reckoned as having possessed ourselves of knowledge and truth until we have demonstrated our willingness and ability to impart this truth to others [25:4.12]. Educational and study group efforts facilitate the development of programs to encourage the study of The Urantia Book, as well as to further the development of effective leaders and teachers.
Personal Testimonials
It is inspiring to hear stories about the uplifting experiences of those who have attended Urantia Book conferences and meetings or have participated in book fairs. And most of us are fascinated by the many different ways people came across The Urantia Book in their lives. But nothing touches our hearts more than hearing the personal struggles and triumphs of those who have embarked on the long path of spiritual growth and personal transformation.
Behind the Scenes
The success of the Association relies heavily on the many volunteers who work behind the scenes to ensure the smooth running of all operations. Continuing changes to infrastructure have greatly facilitated our ability to accomplish our goals and objectives.
2018 Financials
In 2018, Urantia Association International raised a total of $94,745 in revenue, with significant support coming from our constituent associations and members. In all, $100,957 was spent on funding our various programs, administration and operations.
We are extremely grateful for the generosity of all who donate, volunteer and partner with us in achieving this great mission of a revelation. This work is made possible by you.
Bradly Tharp
Chief Financial Officer
Income (in United States dollars) | $ |
Ordinary Un-Restricted Contributions | 83,382 |
Restricted Fund Contributions | 10,002 |
Earned Income | 26 |
Other Income | 1,335 |
Total Income | 94,745 |
Expenses | $ |
Program Service Costs | 57,096 |
Admin. Services Expenses | 39,593 |
General Operations Expenses | 4,268 |
Total Expense | 100,957 |
Change in Net Income Adjusted | (6,212) |
Looking Ahead... With Your Helping Hands
The year 2018 was a good one for those who are served by Urantia Association International. As this Annual Report shows, the Association is moving in its mission to bring people together to disseminate the teachings of The Urantia Book, to foster study, and to develop teachers and leaders. Our progress has always been steady and focused… responding to and supporting students in every part of the world who have been inspired by an epochal revelation, who have raised their hand and offered to serve with us.
So much service freely given! So many new volunteers joining us every year! Urantia Association has only one paid staff person who manages and coordinates our worldwide activities. All other services are rendered by devoted students who donate their time (and often their treasure) to the projects that help bring God closer to humans and us children closer to our Heavenly Father.
This generosity of service reflects back through the spirit of gratitude that shines from the eyes of a teen in a study group in Ghana, an elder at a conference in Peru, an entire family reading El Libro de Urantia in Mexico, a prisoner who has found the better way. This is the light of generosity that shines so brightly when we share. The Association simply could not function without the spirit of giving.
Students of The Urantia Book have been given something unique on our world: a new view of human origin, history, and destiny—a view so complete and replete we are astounded, and our hearts are lifted. And so we share the gift of the knowledge of our sonship with God and all the meaning that flows with this inspiring truth.
We are deeply grateful for the helping hands of those who are active volunteers, and all those who support the Association financially so the fields may continue to ripen. Thank you for your donations and consider that generosity is truly gratitude in both directions… Our inner light shines when we give and so does the light of those who are served.
Financial Contributors
In appreciation of their support for Urantia Association and our activities in 2018, we wish to thank all of the following contributors. Names posted with permission. Not all contributors are listed.
- Alan and Cheryl Glicker, United States
- Alfonso Garcia, United States
- Amazon Smile, United States
- Anne Barnaby, United States
- Australia/New Zealand Urantia Association (ANZURA), Australia
- Bill and Share Beasley, United States
- Bob and Linda Buselli, United States
- Boutique Videotron Le Carrefour de Nord, Canada
- Brent St. Denis, Canada
- Bruce Johnson, United States
- Charles Smith, United States
- Chris and Alice Wood, United States
- Clermont Fortier, Canada
- D.C. Bartlett, United States
- Dave Leroy Reiman, United States
- David E. Young, United States
- David Glass, United States
- David Linthicum, United States
- David Neufer, United States
- David Wagstaff, United States
- Doreen Heyne, United States
- Douglas Troop, United States
- Ed and Susan Owen, United States
- Éric Martel, Canada
- Erika Webster, United States
- Eugene and Belen Asidao, United States
- Gabriel Rymberg, Israel
- Gaétan G. Charland, Canada
- Gaétan Perreault, Canada
- Gard Jameson, United States
- Gary and Wanda Powless, United States
- Geoff Taylor, Canada
- George and Peggy Clark, United States
- Georgia Gleaves, United States
- Gestion Charland-Lessard Inc, Canada
- Gilles Lapierre, Canada
- Grant Walmoth, United States
- Gregg Arthur, United States
- Holly Arvanites, United States
- Jacques Lafrance, Canada
- Jake and Margaret Thompson, United States
- James Boyd, United States
- James Patten, United States
- James Woodward, United States
- Janet Cote, United States
- Janet Guaderrama, United States
- Jean Ascher, Denmark
- Jean Claude Lafreniere, Canada
- Jeanette M. Schafer, United States
- Jean-Luc Amblet, Switzerland
- Jean-Pierre Heudier, United States
- Jeffrey and Hagiko Wattles, United States
- Jesusonian Foundation, United States
- Jim Watkins, United States
- Joanne Strobel, United States
- Joel and Xue Wood, United States
- John W. Nugent, United States
- Jose Winum, France
- Judy Van Cleave, United States
- Julian McGarry, Australia
- Karen L. Thornton, United States
- Larry Austin, United States
- Laurier Veilleux, Canada
- Line St-Pierre, Canada
- Lone Star Urantia Association, United States
- Lucas Pèrier, France
- Mark and Karen Kurtz, United States
- Marta Elders, United States
- Martha Christian, United States
- Meredith Van Woert, United States
- Michael Hill, United States
- Michelle Varela, United States
- Nancy Bove, United States
- Neil Waldrop, United States
- Nicholas Scalzo, United States
- Olga Molina López, Spain
- Patricia Martin, United States
- Preston Thomas, United States
- Rebecca Picou, United States
- Renata Lloyd, United States
- Richard Bates, United States
- Richard Jernigan, United States
- Richard Keeler (Graduated), United States
- Richard Rosen, United States
- Richard Vannucci, United States
- Rick and Susan Lyon, United States
- Rick Warren, United States
- Rita Schaad, Australia
- Robert Craig, Canada
- Robert Dean, Australia
- Robert Oliver, United States
- Sabino Souza Hüttner, Brazil
- Scott Brooks, United States
- Scott David Merrill, United States
- Superclub Videotron St-Javier, Canada
- Teresa Bradley, United States
- Thomas Burger, United States
- Thomas Hansen, United States
- Timothy S Minasian, United States
- Tom and Marie Vasile, United States
- Travis Binion, United States
- Trevor and Kathleen Swadling, Australia
- Urantia Foundation, United States
- Virginia-Carolina Readers Association, United States
- Wendall W Wilson, United States
- William Page, United States
- William Wentworth, Australia
- Youssef Saliba, Canada
- Zailyn Prada Blackburn, United States