another mind thing

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    In other words, if the note you’re singing falls in the crack between two keys on the keyboard, it’s not a true tone. It’s a crack-tone, a made up note. That’s what I’m talking about . . . falling in the crack between true and false. It’s wrong. It’s error. It’s not perfect.

    If I’m not mistaken Bonita, that you have had some formal musical training, but what you seem to be referring to is called a semitone, or half step and half tone, where not all instruments are designed to be able to play, without specific tuning.  One of which is a piano, but may be represented by playing two keys together, to create a combination tone or frequency.  This can also be achieved by playing out of key which the music has been written but then there are specific notation in which the composer may use to note differences, which is the prerogative of the composer.  So, yes there are semitones between true and false notes but to the trained ear, and the understanding of the entire composition, will no one be able to determine what is perfect, from the standpoint of the composer, only interpret it like a conductor who puts their own emphasis on the composition in question.  Not all conductors have the same skills or abilities.


    As I stated before, some posts are so entirely illogical that there is no reasonable response. What Jesus presented is similar to what Lucifer presented?? Sigh. A manifesto closing the synagogues to Jesus’ teaching is the same as the Lucifer Manifesto??? Yet a manifesto is not a public teaching or guideline to action???? Another sigh. And the Lucifer Manifesto is just an opinion of what Lucifer meant, not actually what he said or wrote????? Many more sighs. Ahhhh . . . . I think I’ll just let irrationality be seen for what it is and move on. Best to get out of the way and let the train that’s jumped the tracks come to its own stop. Which it will.

    Okay, then prove me wrong, if you can? Present your argument, and lets pick it apart, or is your position that weak that you must relate to assumptions on what I present as illogical — “convincing forcefulness; inexorable truth or persuasiveness: the irresistible logic of the facts.”?  Or, is this an area of the UB, where it doesn’t say something in the way it has been narrated?


    POPPYCOCK ALERT:  Semitones are one-half of a whole tone, the smallest interval in traditional Western music.  Smaller intervals are called microtones.  Microtones are a feature of Asian music, which is why it often sounds dissonant to Western ears.


    Semitones are one-half of a whole tone, the smallest interval in traditional Western music. Smaller intervals are called microtones. Microtones are a feature of Asian music, which is why it often sounds dissonant to Western ears.

    Thanks for proving my point.  I didn’t want to go that fare but proof that what you have presented is illogical as well as inaccurate.

    Microtonal music – “Microtonal music can refer to any music containing microtones, therefore it is important to comprehend what a “microtone” is. The words “microtone” and “microtonal” were coined before 1912 by Maud MacCarthy Mann in order to avoid the misnomer “quarter tone” when speaking of the srutis of Indian music (Mann 1912, 44). Prior to this time the term “quarter tone” was used, confusingly, not only for an interval actually half the size of a semitone, but also for all intervals (considerably) smaller than a semitone (Ellis 1877, 665; Meyer 1903). It may have been even slightly earlier, perhaps as early as 1895, that the Mexican composer Julián Carrillo, writing in Spanish or French, coined the terms microtono/micro-ton and microtonalismo/micro-tonalité (Donval 2006, 119).”

    Note the symbols used to express these tones.

    As a side note, the UB has, in the past, interpreted the atomic scale as having divisions in octaves, where these octaves have sub-divisions where even light can be inclusive.  Therefore, light can be represented through musical or tonal notation.

     (474.5) 42:5.1 In the superuniverse of Orvonton there are one hundred octaves of wave energy. Of these one hundred groups of energy manifestations, sixty-four are wholly or partially recognized on Urantia. The sun’s rays constitute four octaves in the superuniverse scale, the visible rays embracing a single octave, number forty-six in this series. The ultraviolet group comes next, while ten octaves up are the X rays, followed by the gamma rays of radium. Thirty-two octaves above the visible light of the sun are the outerspace energy rays so frequently commingled with their associated highly energized minute particles of matter. Next downward from visible sunlight appear the infrared rays, and thirty octaves below are the radio transmission group. *

    Just a side note for the science buffs, and what is not presented in the UB unless one knows?


    86:2.4 Man naturally tends to believe that which he deems best for him, that which is in his immediate or remote interest; self-interest largely obscures logic.

    I would think that when you try to convert someone to your way of thinking there must be some level of self-interest involved.  I also think this is why Jesus said that the extent you have to go to get your message across is a measure of your ability to live a truth-coordinated life.  I would think that the more truth there is in a message, the easier it is to get the message across. On the flip side, the less susceptible to truth you are, the less likely you’ll be willing to receive a truthful message.  Then there is the other danger TUB warns us about that can happen once distorted thinking takes hold (66:8.2), the reprehensible habit of judging others by your own selfish motives, which defies all logic.




    I would think that when you try to convert someone to your way of thinking there must be some level of self-interest involved.

    Why is your thought pattern in the mood of assuming that everyone should think the same way, or as might be reflected by their incessant alternate assumption?  It is a fact that you will not be able to think the same way as I do because of different experiences or abilities but, even though one does not comprehend different ways of thinking, it should be noted that there are different ways of thinking.  I care not to change another to my way of thinking, which would be difficult, nevertheless to present a different way of thinking is a motive to stimulate thought.  Therefore, there is no attempt to convert thought but to stimulate thought to open the cosmic mind to enhance creativity though imagination.


    Been reading all of this and my opinion is Midi-your defending a troll.

    cant say much of it was worth reading. Sorry.

    on the bright side the German piano maker Sauter makes a microtonal piano.

    Mr Sauter at a convention asked me to tune it and I did. It is 97 notes that spans one octave in the mid range A3 to A4. So the upper note was 440hz standard pitch in America anyway and the lower 220hz. The way I figured the tuning was that whole tones are divided into cents – one hundred to the whole tone so for an octave there would be 1200 cents divided by 97 notes – you can do the math for cents per note. The tuning fit the octave and no two adjacent notes sounded the same and the chromatic progression was even so I figure it was right enough. Can’t play a third, fourth or fifth with one hand-weird.

    problem was that there only a handful of these instruments and even less people that write music for them and even less that play them. The artist performed, his technique was awesome but the music made no musical sense at all.

    an exercise in futility imho.


    POPPYCOCK ALERT: One does not open the cosmic mind.  The cosmic mind is already open and readily available.  However, one might attempt to more fully open their own personal consciousness to the reality responses of the cosmic mind.   This results from reflective thinking.

    TUB is not dangerous but uncontrolled creative imagination can be quite dangerous.  What controls the creative imagination?  Sensitivity to reality, i.e. ability to utilize the three cosmic reality responses.  They are openly available to all.  The experience of living never fails to to develop them in all those who engage in reflective thinking.  What is reflective thinking?  It is thought seeking alignment with spirit.

    16:9.1 The cosmic-mind-endowed, Adjuster-indwelt, personal creature possesses innate recognition-realization of energy reality, mind reality, and spirit reality. The will creature is thus equipped to discern the fact, the law, and the love of God. Aside from these three inalienables of human consciousness, all human experience is really subjective except that intuitive realization of validity attaches to the unification of these three universe reality responses of cosmic recognition.

    Trying to stimulate other people to open their cosmic consciousness doesn’t seem as important as opening your own.  Just sayin’.


    Trying to stimulate other people to open their cosmic consciousness doesn’t seem as important as opening your own. Just sayin’.

    Speaking for yourself, I see that you are. “Do. Or do not. There is no try.”  If what you say is backwards and upside-down, then have you found yourself to be in a place which is right for you.  For me, have I found my place, with Father as a guide. To progress in confusion is inherent to the law – life everlasting within the pockets of time.

    Haha!  That is hilarious!!!  I think I’ll start collecting  too.

    To progress in confusion is inherent to the law – life everlasting within the pockets of time. Thur. Oct. 20, 2016

    That’s very similar to this Van/nodism:

    Life is dangerous. The Urantia Book is a part of life. Sun Sep. 18, 2016

    Phew . . . everlasting life in the pockets of time.  That sounds eerily similar to Louis’ cracks in time where God rushes in.  Now that was outrageously  funny.

    Confusion is inherent to the law – life?  Yes, the law is life, but life itself is not inherently confusing.  The problem of learning how to coordinate reality can be confusing to personalities while they transfer their identity from material to spiritual, which is another way to say, traverse the psychic circles.  The closer one’s identity is to spirit, the less confusing reality is.  Confusion is a mind problem, a problem of adjusting to life.  But never mind, who knows what really goes on in those pockets and cracks of time created by the uncontrolled creative imagination . . . what a hoot!


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    I posted:  “And I know the UB says what it says and does not say what it does not…..”

    Midi replies:  “Yes, maybe, but you did indicate that you know what the UB says and what it don’t say.”


    Me here:  A nice example of word twisting or poor reading skills perhaps?  Not once in my life have I ever, even once, claimed to know what the UB says and does not say…especially now that the power of recall seems to fade.  I said I know that it says what it says, NOT that I know what it says….big difference and very illustrative Midi.  Another example of a false accusation by twisting and tormenting the written word (my written words on this occasion).  Let’s try another!

    Midi says:  “There is a problem with what you seem to be saying here?  How is it that you know that ‘VA/nod’s “opinion” is inaccurate’, if his opinion is based on your “opinion”, as you see it?  From my experience in reading the UB, I have found many contradictions in the UB….”

    Me here:  VA/nod’s opinion is obviously inaccurate – compared to that written in the UB.  We are not comparing opinions but the difference in VA/nod’s opinions presented and the facts presented clearly and redundantly in the UB.  My opinion is hardly more relevant than VA/nod’s.  But we are not here to study opinions…but to learn the teachings.   I requested supporting text and received hyperbolic obfuscations instead….more opinions plus personal insults….from you and from VA/nod.

    You claim to have found “many contradictions” in the UB….but in 40 years I’ve never found even one, nor have I seen one offered by anyone.   Care to enlighten us?  Please post 3 examples….okay, okay….just one will do to begin.

    This goes to the crux of the matter:  You claim the UB has many contradictions and have claimed multiple times on multiple forums to be able to understand the UB by your powers of comprehension to unlock the keys of its contents compared to others who find the book a literal and factual and clearly presented text book of facts.  VA/nod inserts anxiety and sows seeds of doubt, claiming the UB is DANGEROUS and that fusion is the moment of perfection or becoming perfect and constantly insinuates that readers of the UB are a bunch of complacent, indolent, indifferent, do-nothing navel viewers.

    You posted on TB as “Caligastia” to share your dark perspective of this life and your own lack of confidence in the life still to come, especially related to fairness and mercy in the universe.  While the text says and quotes Jesus as saying this is a friendly universe ruled in and by love, mercy, kindness, patience, and forgiveness, you defend Lucifer and his Manifesto as being misunderstood and poorly treated and proof that there is no true free will using Lucifer and Caligastia as your example.

    Any student of the UB who claims their personal suspicions and paranoia about God’s very nature and the ascendant’s adventure ahead, is no friend of or scholar of the Revelation….and becomes, potentially, far more dangerous to the student body than those who debunk and discredit the Papers from their disbelief.  I’d rather deal with those who claim not to believe the text than those who cast their personal dark shadows of fear and doubt about our safety and the nature of Father and claim such evil comes from the Revelation itself.  Poppycock indeed!!  It does not matter how bellicose you may wish to present such nefarious darkness to the student body, nor how many false accusation and mis-readings you deliver…..the lack of fruit and flavor is obvious to all.

    Just sayin’……


    an exercise in futility imho.

    That may be true but there also can be a correlation between audio tones and light frequencies which can be associated with human cellular harmonics which could be used to identify various biological cells and how they may be altered to either enhance them or eradicate them, like cancer cells etc.  This concept was introduced by “Royal Raymond Rife” however, no one was able to follow his work, for various reasons but, also was a viable theory.  Notwithstanding that the method used in the human brain to register thought, memory and various other functions is or can be encoded within a chemical harmonic resonance which should be common to everyone.  This would allow for a better knowledge of how specific types of communication is deciphered by the brain even though a person may understand different languages, the common frequency would be the same yet interpreted differently.  This could be associated to Bible stories where many people who understood different languages received the same message, thereby being a universal language.  This would be a fundamental need to understanding how the brain functions and how we think.  Thanks for the information regarding the microtonal piano, where there have been additional advancements to new types of electronic audio synthesizers.


    Thanks for all the kind words Bonita….and right back at you!!!  = )


    Sauter only makes acoustic pianos

    and you lost me.


    Sauter only makes acoustic pianos and you lost me.

    I understand but the fundamental theory can be expanded in other areas, of acoustics and frequency mathematics.  I’ve been studying in an area which is beyond singular areas and attempting to combine multiple areas of study into a more productive area.  There are many similarities between subject material that may produce a combined theory that may work better for finding out detailed information.  I have found similarities in the text of the UB which seems to link several areas of study together because they seem to be related.  But, I don’t expect anyone to understand what I have found because for the most part people are generally mean natured when they cannot understand new concepts.  If everyone took on this same attitude there would be no advancements in science or medicine today.

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