URANTIA Book Dissemination

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    I’m glad you think teaching and learning, learning and teaching, are part of dissemination.  I agree with that.  But there are so many false teachers.  It’s dizzying.  But then I look at religion in general on this world and it is likewise rife with false teachers, more than anyone can imagine; and yet, the living truth marches on despite it all.  Thank you God for the presence of the living Truth within our souls to help us sort it all out.



    Bradly wrote: We are taught that the entire universe is based on two things for ascenders: education and experience. And that it is imperative that we must teach to learn and to learn by teaching. This is dissemination.


    “I’m glad you think teaching and learning, learning and teaching, are part of dissemination. I agree with that. But there are so many false teachers. It’s dizzying. But then I look at religion in general on this world and it is likewise rife with false teachers, more than anyone can imagine; and yet, the living truth marches on despite it all. Thank you God for the presence of the living Truth within our souls to help us sort it all out.”

    A review of comments so far illustrate several common themes:  there are several forms of dissemination – letting our light shine in example as we walk by; sharing concepts of truth which illuminate both minds so sharing; personal hand to hand transfer of the UB to others we think are, may, or should be interested; support of the planetary distribution of the UB to assist in its “availability” for the finding by the seeking; dedicated active service without reference to the UB in any way.  Everyone seems to have had some success and some frustration in some forms of dissemination.

    I would suggest, in reference to Bonita’s point above, that we are instructed to give voice – the true shepherd’s voice – to provide alternative to the wolves and charlatans and priests and wayward, fear mongering voices that are common enough.  I think the right “voice” gives a harmonic chording affect to the Spirit of Truth….we give the ear of some a clearly played note of truth that is not unknown to the mind and thereby reinforce that voice within by our contribution….if it is true and sincere and given in love.

    I’d like to hear more about how readers found the book or it found them….for I believe there are lessons regarding dissemination there.  How I have the Revelation is certainly not an ineffective method….since I have it.  I doubt there is any single best device or practice in dissemination….variety in form offers more complete availability.  Forums are a form of dissemination.  Shipping crates of book into India, Africa, the Mideast, and other places – to people and places already reading and requesting books – is another.  Book fairs, while less effective in the USA are placing/selling hundreds of books now every year in other parts of the world.  So, evidently, dissemination must also be culturally sensitive.

    Thanks to all of you who are grateful enough for your own copy of the Revelation, that you find it important to help its dissemination.


    I should acknowledge that one or more here raises doubts as to the value of “revelation” itself.  I must confess I do believe the Urantia Book is what it claims to be…an epochal revelation and a gift to our world after the pattern of the Prince, the Garden, Machiventa, and the Master.   Such epochal revelations are designed and given to uplift the world and its people through a transformational progression from barbarity to Light and Life.

    I, for one, cannot fathom NOT disseminating the book itself and its teachings to the world.  I am no preacher nor great philosopher or articulate and wise teacher.  But even a tadpole can aid and assist the angels and midwayers in their far more effective and well planned ministry to our world.  For believers in the Revelation, is dissemination even an option?  Or a mandate?

    I wonder what the UB may say on this?


    Well knowing God is not enough is it. Once we know him we must do something. We likely feel compelled to do something. And what we do regardless of what it is tends to reveal something of the revelation dont it?

    Im training a young person and had an occasion to ask him if he was religious. I asked because of his work ethic, honesty and dedication to doing good work. He said no. I told him that yes he was and explained why I thought so. He kind of shined me on but he heard what I told him. We will see what comes of that one.


    Yes indeed nelson and well said.  We are taught that true religious experience is fundamentally transformative and always results in the fruit of the spirit which is not something that can be hidden away.  True religion is self-disseminating in this way.  It brings forth and casts out the seeds of truth, beauty, and goodness as we walk by.  If such fruit and such seed is not forthcoming, then the experience within mind is not, by definition, true or truly religious either.  We are also taught that this is progressive and results will be tempered by maturity, experience, and wisdom in our expressions.

    Thanks for sharing…..and caring!



    My efforts at “spreading the word” as they say, have met with failure as well. The first time I attempted to tell someone about the book, the person wasn’t interested. The second time, the person said that it was written by demons.
    I am in agreement with the person/people? who think that it is up to the book to find the person. That was the case with me. Several years ago, I was doing some biblical research on a certain high priest that received a tithe in Genesis. I’m not how sure how to spell his name from memory, but that should be enough to let you know who I’m talking about. Among my results using Google, I came across a new age religion, and the Urantia Book. It wasn’t until several years later that I actually read TUB. The first time, I read it as a nonbeliever. I found contradictions all throughout the book with conservative Christianity, wich was the faith I was raised in. One of the major ones was in paper 89 where the revelators talk about the rebuilding of Jerico. If you read the relevant passages, both in Joshua and Kings if memory serves, and then compare it to TUB, then it appears as if a few facts were left out of tub that were included in the biblical account, like the fact that the deaths of the sons were the result of a curse. I don’t have the passages in front of me, but a comparison is interesting. Anyway, after I read the UB, I did a complete chronological reading of the Bible. I found more problems there than in the ub, and the ub was more satisfying from a spiritual perspective than the bible. I read it again, after about a year, this time as a believer. I’m on my third reading now.


    {6:26} And Joshua adjured [them] at
    that time, saying, Cursed [be] the man before the LORD, that riseth up
    and buildeth this city Jericho: he shall lay the foundation thereof in
    his firstborn, and in his youngest [son] shall he set up the gates of
    it. Joshua, 6:26
    {16:34} In his days did Hiel the Bethelite build Jericho: he laid
    the foundation thereof in Abiram his firstborn, and set up the gates
    thereof in his youngest [son] Segub, according to the word of the LORD,
    which he spake by Joshua the son of Nun. 1 Kings 16:34
    King James Bible
    (981.3) 89:6.6 A petty king in Palestine, in building the walls of Jericho, “laid the foundation thereof in Abiram, his first-born, and set up the gates thereof in his youngest son, Segub.” At that late date, not only did this father put two of his sons alive in the foundation holes of the city’s gates, but his action is also recorded as being “according to the word of the Lord.”
    The Urantia Book
    I looked up the passages. When I was reading the ub for the first time, this was one of the major challenges to my believing it. That, and the 40/50 days of pentacost… the ub says 40 days, but the festival was held at 50 days after Passover, and was done as the law demanded, according to Acts. I still haven’t found answers to both of those “questions” As for the block quotes, I haven’t figured out how to put in the closing one. I think whoever reads my posts will have to deal with it until I can figure it out. If I can’t, I’ll indicate where a quote/s begins and ends somehow.


    Wheredid that block quote on the bottom come from? Oh well.


    Thanks for sharing part of your story chuck!!  It does appear that hand to hand or personal dissemination is something nearly all newer readers attempt in our enthusiasm over discovering this “pearl” and treasure for ourselves.  And that rejection and even ridicule often are our reward.  That’s probably why so many turn to placing books in libraries and bookstores or book fairs or new age and religious expositions, etc.  My getting a book was in three forms of dissemination:  first, hand to hand from a nonreader as a temporary loaner; then got my own, finally, in a used book store but with title page and table of contents removed (text only with no contact or publisher info); and finally, I found my first reader/study group in the library with their donation of book card within.  This took about 8 years of reading on my own and the possibility that no one else was reading this thing but me.

    Took a long time for me to come to believe the claims of the book but every bread crumb of truth I gobbled up within kept taking me deeper and deeper and my appetite grew and grew.   The book is self revealing and auto-revelatory in this way I think.  But it is an “elephant” that can only be “eaten” one bite at a time to enjoy the full and satisfying nutrition it offers.  And, as you say, there are many contradictions to our preconceptions and one who is prejudiced in mind and lacks the courage required for transcending that which is “known” to appreciate that which is yet unknown will not appreciate the banquet served up in the UB.

    Thanks again for sharing.  And welcome to another form or forum for dissemination!!



    Your welcome. It is my personal belief that, for this at least, “spreading the word” buy traditional “hand to hand” methods won’t work. Most people simply aren’t ready for it yet. I know I wasn’t the first time I encountered UB. I’m sure the same is true the first time one encounters another religion as well. Certain Christian sects come to mind who go door to door… It usually takes them several tries to make a convert. People are comfortable staying in their own religion. They are not willing to “give it up” for something, to them at least, that is new and strange. I think that we should put the book out there, and trust that the people who are ready for it, or who will be ready for it at some point, will encounter the book when it is time for them to do so. A “through the Urantia Book” study may be helpful as well, much in the way that certain preachers do a “through the Bible” study. That’d be in interesting study… Imagine a program that is set up like the one that I described in a previous post. It’s on here somewhere. If such a program were carried through and recorded, what a resource that would be! Granted, some people may have a few questions that others don’t, but the thing about the UB, is that all of the questions that the revelators answered were common questions, so that shouldn’t happen to often. I think that I posted it under spiritual journey or some title like that. You could take it to the extreme and do a topical study series using the same ideas outlined in my program, but I’m not sure how good that’d work. These are just a few ideas. Also, while I’m posting, is there a UB reading schedule? I haven’t been able to find one. I thought that someone would come up with a year long reading schedule (or something similar) much as people do the same for the Bible.

    Thanks for being willing to read my rambelings, and for answering my question, if possible. Still haven’t found an adaquat answer to my questions that I posted above though. Oh well.




    chuck….here’s a link to a discussion of the 40/50 day issue at Truthbook from a couple of years ago and it includes some additional links for your research too.  Someone here may know of a similar discussion at Invisionzone…the Association’s first Forum, recently archived here.

    Glad you are here.  I’ll see about your other question(s) as time allows.  Peace.



    Thanks for the link. I haven’t read it all, but enough to get the idea of what it was about. It was a verry lively discussion! People certainly had oppinions on that subject… I’ll have to look at the links to get an idea of the research provided, but I was able to get an idea of the conclusions reached. Thanks again.


    I’ve been thinking about the Pentecost issue for years and I’ve finally settled it in my mind.  It’s unlikely that my ideas will resonate with everyone, but I’ll put them out there for the record . . . subject to change if new info appears.

    The quote that settled it for me is the following:

    194:1.1 The apostles had been in hiding for forty days. This day happened to be the Jewish festival of Pentecost, and thousands of visitors from all parts of the world were in Jerusalem.

    Pentecost was a festival, which culminated on the fiftieth day, but the festivities began well before the last day.  Up to two million people would come to Jerusalem for these festivals and they would have to arrive prior to the final feast day in order to make preparations for the appropriate sacrifices.  As it states further in 194:1.1, some people lingered in Jerusalem since Passover, but many thousands came for the final week of the Festival of Weeks, or Pentecost.  The festivities lasted for over a week culminating in the ceremonies of the final day of Pentecost. In the UB the Feast of Tabernacles is described similarly; and likewise, Jesus’ first Passover visit to Jerusalem lasted over a week. So, as I see it, the day the Spirit of Truth arrived (Christian Pentecost) was at the beginning of the week, or so, of the festival which lead up to final day of celebration, the Jewish Pentecost, Shavuoth.  



    Thanks for the reply. Regardless of what people think, at least they can see where you are coming from. As for me, I’ll have to think about it, but your reasoning makes sence.




    For those of you who are not on the Tidings newsletter email list, I am posting a link to a page here at the Association website which gives multiple accounts of some of the dissemination successes (and challenges) the Association and Foundation faces in our efforts to get the UB into the hands of those already reading and seeking the Revelation.  The first story about Malawi is most interesting and quite a tale of dissemination adventure!  Another pallet of books shipped into a different country in Africa was hijacked at the border and held for a ransom by some port “official” (bribery is a common obstacle to our work abroad).  The Dissemination Committee wisely decided to pay extra for “guaranteed” delivery, which cost too much but ended up being less than 20% of the “fee” (extortion) imposed, which our shipper paid to complete the delivery of books and satisfy the guaranteed delivery.  There are those who are actually smuggling the UB into the Mideast.

    While the obstacles are many (including money for books and shipping, delivery hazards, etc.), to read the stories of those who cannot get their own UB but are students engaged in study groups, local associations, etc. is thrilling to those of us so dedicated and engaged in dissemination.  The celestials and Most Highs did not give us this book to bury this “talent” or preserve it in pickle juice – each who comes to hold the Revelation dear to their own enlightening should consider how to make this gift available to all who want one.  This is NOT evangelism!   It is merely supplying an existing (and growing) demand from an ever expanding readership.  Thanks to all those who support the efforts of the Association by volunteering and donating….couldn’t do it without you!  Enjoy the stories here:



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