URANTIA Book Dissemination

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    Bonita wrote:  I think most of them gave it to the Goodwill
    I used to do reader outreach for Urantia Foundation.  I called  a lady who told me she found her UB by pawing around in a box of books another lady left at their local library.  The other lady gave her permission to take any books she found.  What a find!

    Very interesting posts so far…thanks to all.  I would comment that it has become apparent to me that I am obligated to put “bread on the water” without any attachment to knowing or seeing the result of such service ministry.  That is not the point of our efforts and if it is, then surely disappointment and frustration will be our reward.  The book I first read was given by a reader to a non-reader who then loaned it to me to read.  The second book I found and bought was given to a used book store.  The third contact with the book came in a public library, gifted by a local study group who posted their contact information inside the cover.  Finally, after a decade, met my first readers and found out how to pronounce all the words I had never heard said aloud and found a search index (the Concordex) and the Bible cross-reference (the Paramony) – both of those early works were tools of dissemination too which I found immensely helpful in my studies.  I’ve always wondered how many hands it took for those three books to find me.

    My point is we simply do not and cannot know where such seeds may land or take root in the mind of another – maybe second, third, or even fourth hand (and even further) down the line.   But truly, today is so different than those old horse and buggy days.  I can affirm that the book has taken a life of its own in this new time of universal access and global communication.  Today dissemination is far more a matter of getting books to those who want them….not finding people who someone feels “needs” the book.  The book is clear that it contains nothing that is required to know or believe for anyone’s survival or spirit progress or joy or happiness – all that is fully integrated in the mind and spirit circuitry we all enjoy….or at least enjoy access to as we so choose.

    Like my friend Bonita, my personal and direct service ministry is primarily the effort to calm people I know or encounter from fears and anxieties.  And, also, to draw out or support conversations about the inner life and God’s hand and care in all things – at least the truly important things.  So many are so entangled in the edges of conflict and vicissitudes of life that a smile or laugh or comforting words and a little encouragement lighten a load for the next steps to come.  I am a great fan of the random acts of kindness I receive daily and give daily.  I try to “see” and “be” as one who is confident that all will be well later if not sooner and encourage all forms of love.  But again, this is but bread upon the waters….and not anything I can manipulate into some outcome of my choosing.

    As to dissemination, still today, there is a great need for students to support other students, where finding and convincing someone who is not a student to become one is not the priority.  Every one on this forum has such an opportunity to serve others by their knowledge of and experience in the Revelation and to exhibit the best of what we are taught by the Revelation in how to serve others and to extend ourselves as ambassadors to the kingdom.  So, like it or not, every post here is disseminating something to others who attend here.  Every time I get crossways of peace and harmony, I am reminded how silly I must look to some others in my over reactions, retorts, and self promotion.

    We are taught that the entire universe is based on two things for ascenders: education and experience.  And that it is imperative that we must teach to learn and to learn by teaching.  This is dissemination.  Not just getting the book to those who wish one but working together to assimilate the teachings into daily life.  Team building and joint ventures in soul building (our own) and in service to others.  Those who host study groups, organize events, get books into bookstores and libraries, and share on-line are all disseminators – we share with others and work with others.  It is not about evangelizing new voices but harmonizing those voices already in song!

    Thanks again everyone.  Peace.


    Communicating some concept learned from the book to a prospective reader for the purpose of drawing their interest as a reader is just about proportional to revealing

    no easy task



    Jesus told his disciples to not strive with men. He knew of the coming of the Spirit of Truth.


    I’m not a disciple

    striving with men is my passion


    I’m not a disciple

    striving with men is my passion

    That is OK, of course. We all strive with people and by striving we experience all the ways to deal with disappointment. There must be some value in that.


    Absolutely there is value and I believe that what Jesus may have meant about striving with men is analogous to an experience I had once when the  atonement doctrine came up between myself and a devout Catholic.

    It devolved into a no win argument that nobody gained anything from.

    not at all what I intended and actually I did gain something and that is to avoid similar encounters in future.


    Jesus told his disciples to not strive with men. He knew of the coming of the Spirit of Truth.

    I think that Jesus meant this explicitly for the disciples who job it was to spread the gospel as rapidly as possible and not spend too much time with at any one house or with an individual. If resistance is met then dust off your feet and proceed to the next house. Stay no more then three days, etc.

    I do not think there is anyone here who has not experience the frustrations of religious arguments going sour and leaving regret in its wake.


    I think the Apostles kept it short simply because of the nature of Jesus gospel.

    i can capture it’s concept in 14 words.

    soon after Jesus mortal death the Spirit of Truth was bestowed and what followed was a vivid history of what  the human race has done with it all for the last 2000+ years.

    enter TUB and 2097 pages stuffed with details available  nowhere else.

    history itself demonstrates limitations and needs


    i can capture it’s concept in 14 words.

    And tell it to someone standing on one foot with one hand tight behind your back. Short and gloriously sweet.

    Bradly wrote:  My point is we simply do not and cannot know where such seeds may land or take root in the mind of another – maybe second, third, or even fourth hand (and even further) down the line.

    Isn’t this what Jesus meant by the seed sower who slept at night and went about his business during the day?  He harvested the crop but had no idea how its growth came about (151:3.15).  Putting bread on the water is very similar I would think.  It’s God’s kingdom, it’s God’s way. We do his will and allow him to tend the seeds.   If we leave ourselves out of it all we too can say that we have no idea how it came about.  No ego getting in the way there.


    Do good and be good and the seeds grow.


    i can capture it’s concept in 14 words.

    And tell it to someone standing on one foot with one hand tight behind your back. Short and gloriously sweet.

    someone standing on one foot may be a bit pre-occupied

    Bradly wrote: We are taught that the entire universe is based on two things for ascenders: education and experience.  And that it is imperative that we must teach to learn and to learn by teaching.  This is dissemination.

    I’m glad you think teaching and learning, learning and teaching, are part of dissemination.  I agree with that.  But there are so many false teachers.  It’s dizzying.  But then I look at religion in general on this world and it is likewise rife with false teachers, more than anyone can imagine; and yet, the living truth marches on despite it all.  Thank you God for the presence of the living Truth within our souls to help us sort it all out.


    someone standing on one foot may be a bit pre-occupied

    Not if you are ‘sure’ footed.

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