The Kingdom of Heaven

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    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    If I’m reading this next quote right, the “oil of reconciliation” is necessary for the entire superuniverse:

    28:5.13 3. The Union of Souls. Completing the triune staff of attachment to the Perfectors of Wisdom, are these reflectors of the ideals and status of ethical relationships. Of all the problems in the universe requiring an exercise of the consummate wisdom of experience and adaptability, none are more important than those arising out of the relationships and associations of intelligent beings. Whether in human associations of commerce and trade, friendship and marriage, or in the liaisons of the angelic hosts, there continue to arise petty frictions, minor misunderstandings too trivial even to engage the attention of conciliators but sufficiently irritating and disturbing to mar the smooth working of the universe if they were allowed to multiply and continue. Therefore do the Perfectors of Wisdom make available the wise experience of their order as the “oil of reconciliation” for an entire superuniverse. In all this work these wise men of the superuniverses are ably seconded by their reflective associates, the Unions of Souls, who make available current information regarding the status of the universe and concurrently portray the Paradise ideal of the best adjustment of these perplexing problems. When not specifically directionized elsewhere, these seconaphim remain in reflective liaison with the interpreters of ethics on Paradise.

    Thanks for researching that Bonita. I don’t recall reading that one before.

    That’s really interesting what they say and makes total sense. Another part of why I know the Urantia Book is what it is. The truth.



    I’m curious. How many people here think the kingdom of heaven is where everyone gets along perfectly and there is no strife?

    Interesting word – strife.  From the middle English verb – strive.

    Strive – VERB
    make great efforts to achieve or obtain something:
    “national movements were striving for independence” · [more]
    struggle or fight vigorously:
    “scholars must strive against bias”
    synonyms: try (hard) · attempt · endeavor · aim · venture · make an effort · exert oneself · do one’s best · do all one can · do one’s utmost · labor · work · go all out · give it one’s best shot

    Strife – NOUN
    angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues; conflict:
    “strife within the community” · “ethnic and civil strife”
    synonyms: conflict · friction · discord · disagreement · dissension · dispute · argument · quarreling · wrangling · bickering · controversy · ill/bad feeling · falling-out · bad blood · hostility · animosity

    I am certain there is conflict, disagreement, dissension, dispute, argument, wrangling, and controversy in the Local Universes.  I doubt the more contentious meanings of hostility, bad blood, animosity, bickering, discord and the other potential meanings of the word.  There are many quotes in the Papers for “strive” and but a few for “strife” and those all mortal related.

    We are told of votes and appeals and judicial arbitrations and executive leadership in multiple forms.  And then there is the example of the rebellion and how disharmony and temporal disarray/chaos is managed.  There is a very specific process for ‘settlements’ of dispute and disagreement in the evolutionary perfecting cycle of time.  All beings created/born in the Local Universes are evolutionary beings gaining wisdom and experience….all are striving to grow, learn, do, experience, and perfect over time.  And we know that wisdom is something acquired and we know there are trillions of beings in time and space.  There is not equal wisdom or experience but the entire scheme of heaven is one which allows, even requires all beings gain experience and wisdom…we all participate in the evolutionary struggles of time to improve….well, everything I guess.  All beings are challenged to strive for such improvement gains.

    I think there is far more cooperation than conflict.  All are agreed on the objective – local light and life.  But the strategies, tactics, timing, and priorities are subject to the imperfections and evolutionary development of those charged with their particular duties and their is no ‘hive mind’ or ‘controlling mind’ and so disagreements arise and require a process for resolution to assist in the reduction of strife in the universal efforts of striving.  I do think everyone “gets along” just fine…but “perfectly’?   Hahahaha….no, I don’t think so.

    Good question.


    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    (28:5.13) Of all the problems in the universe requiring an exercise of the consummate wisdom of experience and adaptability, none are more important than those arising out of the relationships and associations of intelligent beings. Whether in human associations of commerce and trade, friendship and marriage, or in the liaisons of the angelic hosts, there continue to arise petty frictions, minor misunderstandings too trivial even to engage the attention of conciliators but sufficiently irritating and disturbing to mar the smooth working of the universe if they were allowed to multiply and continue.

    I find what is said above quite startling. That relationship and association problems between intelligent beings are THE most important problems in the universe.

    Even to a point that it mars a universe.

    It makes me wonder how much is on our shoulders. How much we can do. Do to further all that’s good.

    We’re probably grossly underestimating everything about ourselves. Our value.



    I am certain there is conflict, disagreement, dissension, dispute, argument, wrangling, and controversy in the Local Universes.

    Just curious Bradly, your statement above; how does this fit into your indicating, several times, that this is a friendly universe, even though the friendly universe was an assumption, also of Jesus.  If as you say above, that there are problems in the Local Universe, that those specific issues above could be prefixed by friendly; as in friendly-conflicts, friendly-disagreement, friendly-dispute, friendly-argument, etc.  Where I could agree, if there were some rule of order to go by?  The only rule that I could associate to this is the “golden rule”, but still who would govern this type of rule, a “Sargent at Arms”?

    “. . . development of those charged with their particular duties and their is no ‘hive mind’ or ‘controlling mind’ and so disagreements arise and require a process for resolution to assist in the reduction of strife . . .”

    I’m assuming that your presentation of the above, would or could imply the need for a so called “Sargent at Arms”, although could you elaborate on the use of “hive mind” and “controlling mind”, which I can only assume why you used these phrases in relation to your overall post?



    Enno – Our “value” is measured by our fruit….our loving service to others.  That delivers our value to our family, community, world, and through the Supreme – delivers value to the universe of universes!

    Value is only potential until it is intentionally focused with love….value then increases by experiential wisdom evolved over time.

    Tadpoles contribute value…by sincerity and loyalty and by our ‘striving’ to know God and become more and more like God in the family of creation…or so I understand it.

    Our importance is inherent as God’s children….but our value to others must be self chosen and self evolved to become more than potential.  I doubt our value has any true ultimate measure since we will always be gaining more wisdom by ever more experience!


    Van Amadon wrote:We’re probably grossly underestimating everything about ourselves. Our value.
    I agree.  And we all do this, we underestimate our potential for contribution to value.  They say so few people cash in their personality credits, that we are all very rich and don’t realize it.  Think about it.  Personality itself is a divine pattern.  It comes from perfection itself.  No wonder the Adjusters desire it so intensely.  Why don’t we realize its value?

    48:7.6 4. Few mortals ever dare to draw anything like the sum of personality credits established by the combined ministries of nature and grace. The majority of impoverished souls are truly rich, but they refuse to believe it.

    Personality is value; personality is quality.  We all have it!  and it connects directly to God the Father on Paradise through his personality circuit!  That’s like POW! Mind-blowing stuff!

    5:6.3 Personality is that quality and value in cosmic reality which is exclusively bestowed by God the Father upon these living systems of the associated and co-ordinated energies of matter, mind, and spirit.

    MidiChlorian wrote:  Where I could agree, if there were some rule of order to go by?  The only rule that I could associate to this is the “golden rule”, but still who would govern this type of rule, a “Sargent at Arms”?
    , the universe is a place of law and order. Those who don’t recognize the law and order of the universe must be fighting against it, ignoring it, denying it or just plain blind to it.  People who do this are living in chaos, confusion, doubt and fear – drowning in the midst of a myriad of friendly life saving aid within immediate grasp.  Our Sovereign Master Son is busy trying to help those folks because it’s his business to make sure that his universe is an orderly place, that it becomes stabilized and coordinated with the law and order of cosmic reality.  All who refuse to do this will become disorganized and self-eliminated.  Our Master Michael is our “Sergeant at Arms”.

    4:5.3 But mortal man is beginning to realize that he lives in a realm of comparative law and order as far as concerns the administrative policies and conduct of the Supreme Creators and the Supreme Controllers.

    49:1.3 These planetary variations in the system life types result from the decisions of the Life Carriers. But these beings are neither capricious nor whimsical; the universes are conducted in accordance with law and order. The laws of Nebadon are the divine mandates of Salvington, and the evolutionary order of life in Satania is in consonance with the evolutionary pattern of Nebadon.

    97:7.11 fear. At last, man is introduced to a universe of law and order and to a universal God of dependable and final attributes.

    21:5.7 The elevation of a sevenfold bestowal Son to the unquestioned sovereignty of his universe means the beginning of the end of age long uncertainty and relative confusion. Subsequent to this event, that which cannot be sometime spiritualized will eventually be disorganized; that which cannot be sometime co-ordinated with cosmic reality will eventually be destroyed. When the provisions of endless mercy and nameless patience have been exhausted in an effort to win the loyalty and devotion of the will creatures of the realms, justice and righteousness will prevail. That which mercy cannot rehabilitate justice will eventually annihilate.


    I’d like to add that some level strife should not be eliminated because it is an incentive to do better.  What is the ascension career all about?  It’s about learning.  It’s a HUGE school.  What are we supposed to learn? Well, it’s a lot more than an education on the facts of the universe, all that stuff relative to God that never ends, since God is the “last fact” and God has no LAST.  Okay, what else?  I think we learn about the nature of God, his truth, love and beauty by personality contact.  Okay, that’s a one-on-one kinda thing.  What’s left?  OH!  All the other creatures in the seven superuniverses and Havona!  Like a supergazillion of them!

    We have to learn about all those other folks.  Not just a superficial, “hi how are yah? but an in-depth, I really want to get-to-know-ya kinda thing.  And we’re all different, from here to eternity we’re different.  There will always be challenges concerning personality differences.  You know there are NO two alike, right?  Sure, on the surface we can all hug, hold hands and be happy, clappy, and snappy, but when you start to really work together there will always be areas that don’t perfectly mesh up, and they need to be worked out.  The ascension career is about all that, so the strife may soften to simple misunderstandings and minor irritations, but it’ll be there, and it’s all good.  Otherwise eternity will be mechanical and boring . . . donchyathink?

    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    All good points Bonita. I’m beginning to realize that when others irritate me it’s because what they say or do reflect the fact that I’m actually irritated with myself, being reminded about my own shortcomings.



    Bradly wrote: I am certain there is conflict, disagreement, dissension, dispute, argument, wrangling, and controversy in the Local Universes.

    Just curious Bradly, your statement above; how does this fit into your indicating, several times, that this is a friendly universe, even though the friendly universe was an assumption, also of Jesus.

    Midi….I will confess that the ‘friendly universe’ is an assumption of mine.  However, you grossly misstate and misrepresent facts and the presentations of the UB when you declare that “…the friendly universe was an assumption, also of Jesus.”

    Jesus declared this unequivocally on multiple occasions!!  This teaching was recorded in the Gospels even in many ways indeed.  But surely, any student of the Papers must come to realize the fact of this reality by multiple authors on multiple topics.

    Indeed, many mortals over time have reached such an assurance and conclusion simply by the response to the ministering Spirits.  The mysteries and truths about the love-response which brings soul growth should deliver an ever increasing calmness, sweetness, patience, and assurance of God’s love for all and the orderliness of creation….even upon the material world of mortal birth and even upon an isolated and confused world as our own.

    Do you dispute the friendly universe teachings?  Is there something or someone to fear?

    Life is an adventure of discovery….for all beings in time and space.  It’s an adventure that most often, nearly always in fact, engages 2 or more beings in joint/team efforts and very large bodies or groups of beings working together to serve the functionality and perfecting of time and space.  Naturally there are forms of conflict for resolution and THAT too is part of the educational and evolutionary challenges for tadpoles and celestials to perfect.  The term perfecting inherently includes that which is not yet perfect, no?

    140:5.11 (1574.4) 3. “Happy are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” Genuine meekness has no relation to fear. It is rather an attitude of man co-operating with God — “Your will be done.” It embraces patience and forbearance and is motivated by an unshakable faith in a lawful and friendly universe. It masters all temptations to rebel against the divine leading. Jesus was the ideal meek man of Urantia, and he inherited a vast universe.

    180:5.8 (1950.3) But the highest realization and the truest interpretation of the golden rule consists in the consciousness of the spirit of the truth of the enduring and living reality of such a divine declaration. The true cosmic meaning of this rule of universal relationship is revealed only in its spiritual realization, in the interpretation of the law of conduct by the spirit of the Son to the spirit of the Father that indwells the soul of mortal man. And when such spirit-led mortals realize the true meaning of this golden rule, they are filled to overflowing with the assurance of citizenship in a friendly universe, and their ideals of spirit reality are satisfied only when they love their fellows as Jesus loved us all, and that is the reality of the realization of the love of God.

    133:1.4 (1469.3) “ …….Ganid, I have absolute confidence in my heavenly Father’s overcare; I am consecrated to doing the will of my Father in heaven. I do not believe that real harm can befall me; I do not believe that my lifework can really be jeopardized by anything my enemies might wish to visit upon me, and surely we have no violence to fear from our friends. I am absolutely assured that the entire universe is friendly to me — this all-powerful truth I insist on believing with a wholehearted trust in spite of all appearances to the contrary.”

    133:5.8 (1477.3) There is unity in the cosmic universe if you could only discern its workings in actuality. The real universe is friendly to every child of the eternal God. The real problem is: How can the finite mind of man achieve a logical, true, and corresponding unity of thought? This universe-knowing state of mind can be had only by conceiving that the quantitative fact and the qualitative value have a common causation in the Paradise Father. Such a conception of reality yields a broader insight into the purposeful unity of universe phenomena; it even reveals a spiritual goal of progressive personality achievement. And this is a concept of unity which can sense the unchanging background of a living universe of continually changing impersonal relations and evolving personal relationships.


    As to relationships…despite their relative importance, there is indeed much to learn about impersonal relationships and mechanics and how to improve the imperfections of process to organize, create, and perfect the universes of time and space.  We will be full partners in that part of the adventure as well!  I think that understanding how to organize, create, and perfect creation is destined to be our primary work in the outer space level creations to come….science is no myth – not here and not in the Kingdom of Heaven.  Design, engineering, construction, plant and animal and bio life, music, energy, mass, motion, gravity, circuitry design and maintenance, astronomical relationships, etc.  The universes of time are not some magical Wonderland or Oz…every being contributes to creation and perfection….or they choose irrelevancy and eventual extinction by this self chosen embrace of unreality.

    To believe the universe is not friendly is to embrace unreality and irrelevancy for one’s self.  Or so I see it.



    I think irritations also come from frustration, like the inability to coordinate things, ideas, people, spirit . . . it’s a lifelong struggle if you really think about it.  Increasing frustration and irritation are signs of a problem that needs to be solved.  Walking away from it and running to a safe-space – whether the cocoa and crayon cocoon, organized, crystallized religion, your parent’s basement, or some other comfort zone – is not a permanent answer.  It maybe okay for regenerating yourself in the short-term, but there’s no escaping it in the long-term.

    I get really frustrated when people obfuscate, but that’s not because I obfuscate myself; at least I never do on purpose. The reason I hate it so much is that I think obfuscation deliberately makes things obscure, confusing, mystifying, unclear, overcomplicated, illogical and unintelligible. It goes against the law and order of the universe; it goes against Michael’s plan; and, it goes against the Spirit of Truth’s work. It’s more in line with what Lucifer did in his war on words (to be covered in the thread on The Word).  And I really can’t stand anything like that, although I think I understand why some people do it.  Nevertheless, it’s frustrating and irritating like heck.  Should I ignore it, walk around the room and bang my head, or tackle it head on?  I choose to tackle it, even if I haven’t figured out the best way to do it yet.  It will come.  In time.


    Midi….I will confess that the ‘friendly universe’ is an assumption of mine. However, you grossly misstate and misrepresent facts and the presentations of the UB when you declare that “…the friendly universe was an assumption, also of Jesus.”

    Bradly, how can you say that I “grossly misstate and misrepresent facts”; what facts, are you referring too? The following UB narrative, which you presented, is actually my reference to saying that it was an assumption.

    133:1.4 (1469.3) “ ……. Ganid, I have absolute confidence in my heavenly Father’s overcare; I am consecrated to doing the will of my Father in heaven. I do not believe that real harm can befall me; I do not believe that my lifework can really be jeopardized by anything my enemies might wish to visit upon me, and surely we have no violence to fear from our friends. I am absolutely assured that the entire universe is friendly to me — this all-powerful truth I insist on believing with a wholehearted trust in spite of all appearances to the contrary.”

    The statement which you highlighted in “blue” was a personal observation by Jesus, because He later states “appearances” which associates it to an observation, and is a subjective statement, and personal, because He refers it as being “is friendly to me”, where he does not indicate, here, that it is friendly to all.  When He uses “I insist on believing” through His “trust in spirit” would indicate that the use of “assured” would indicate that the “spirit” is the authoritative factor.  Therefore, it can be associated to an assumption, regardless of His understanding of truth.  It does not indicate that “entire universe is friendly” to everyone, and that those who are His “enemies” who are not His friends, is not associated to having “no violence to fear from our friends.”  Being that it is His belief, can be associated as an assumption, that He has made the statement by faith in spirit.  Also, He indicates that His “lifework can really be jeopardized”, where it is this work which may be the focal point of any unfriendliness, not His person.  Therefore, it can be assumed that there were unfriendly factions in the universe that were against His mission, and not Himself, as a person.


    Well said Sister!!  Especially that about “increasing frustration and irritation” and I would add increasing anxiety and doubt and ‘outcome-fear’.  It is rather flabbergasting to me to find those who claim to be ‘students’ of the Papers and claim significant time and multiple readings who cling tightly to their fears and doubts.

    The Revelation is a gift of liberation from all fears, mortal and immortal, temporal and eternal.  Never has any text been so declaratively clear on God’s love and affection and ministering attention to mortals.  We are relieved, or should be, of all anxieties regarding every confusion, mystery, and uncertainty.

    It is one thing to be so dark and doubtful in mind and to seek relief for such maladies.  But it is not okay, IMO, to share such doubts, suspicions, and anxieties with other students I do not think.  What’s the point in that….such ones are only proving their own lack of progress and perspective.  We are to share the fruits of the Spirit….not the rebellious and obstinate and shrill voices of unreality.

    One may have increasing frustration and irritation (a sure sign of unattachment or disattachment from the living vine) or one may have increasing peace, confidence, calmness, and assurance (the only sign of attachment to the living vine) no matter what the heck is going on!

    When one considers the fruits of the vine, one might ponder the opposite….the bitter mouthful of doubt, fear, suspicion…and the sharing of such rotten produce with others seems a bizarre and counterproductive non-service and without the motivation of sharing and caring for others in loving service.  The Kingdom of Heaven is “at hand”….immediately so.  Or it becomes some faraway and time-distant fantasy that will not and cannot deliver the living water and bread of universe reality and the gift of the Spirit.

    Those who are confident in our care and our future in this friendly universe must overcome such voices…not to convert them or convince them of their error…but to offer contrast for the true truth seeker and those who approach, enter, and/or abide within the Kingdom of Heaven.



    Okay Midi…got it!  You don’t believe the universe is friendly.  What book are you reading again?

    133:5.8 (1477.3) There is unity in the cosmic universe if you could only discern its workings in actuality. The real universe is friendly to every child of the eternal God….

    You think Michael, our Creator/Master Son only has beliefs about God and the friendly universe?  Not certain knowledge and experience and relationship with God?  Who created our universe Midi?  If Michael believes it, think I will too!!

    Your fears and doubts are your own Midi….best wishes with all of them.



    Who created our universe Midi?

    According to what fact?  It is only stated within the Urantia Book, where in the Bible it indicates God, where it can be referenced that Jesus/Micheal did not refer to Himself as God nor creator, only the “Son of Man”, or the Son of God.

    The UB also states that there are meany “Micheal’s” who are responsible for many universes, but not the entire creation.  They act in their understanding of and through, The Father of All.  Therefore, to make the Urantia Book the only factual authority to knowledge about the universe, especially since its presenters indicate it is only a portion of fact or knowledge, makes me believe that there is much more to the information in this book which would alter the absolute facts or truth to abridged information.

    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    I think what Midi is saying is that there does exist unfriendliness, worse rebellion and lots of violent evil in the universe. Take our world for example. But your point Bradly is the greater reality, however much we are unable to not encounter all matter of personal unpleasantness from others.

    The universe is both, friendly and unfriendly right?


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