The Kingdom of Heaven

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  • #26258

    Dear Mara,

    Efficient answer updating “The kingdom of God”.

    Less obsolete.




    p.s.  … where the avatar beautiful flower is gone ?

    I was getting bored with it André.  Enno’s attack on my old avatar Iris made me think it’s time to abandon the flower motif. I’m thinking of using a frog instead, just can’t find one that’s mean-looking. 🐸



    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon


    Mark Kurtz

    Well, Bonita, perhaps you would like sound effects too. Try this”


    Maybe this sound replicates the original ones mentioned in the UB.

    Poking a bit of fun only!


    Nigel Nunn

    Thanks Nigel, but that frog is not mean-looking enough.  I’m in search of a really curmudgeonly, unpleasant, Scrooge-like critter.  You know, the kind of frog that makes you say yuk.


    Bonita, I think an image of a wise frog would be more suitable for you.



    That’s toadally sweet Keryn.  Thanks.

    But I’m basically a grizzly, grumpy gorgon . . . well . . . not all the time . . .  only on forums it seems. At least that’s what I’m told.  Harrumph.


    Dear Family,

    On the behalf of our love one to the other.

    I am sticking my neck out to shared personal point of view.

    Few days ago an interesting thread was suggested : The Kingdom of Heaven.

    Reading the introduction made by beloved Bonita, enthusiastic reaction made me “on the go” answered such an engaging train of thought, without further reading.

    I spent five hours making it up. At the end of the post I put a post-scriptum “p.s” regarding observation the avatar of Bonita no more exist.

    My post was disregard. How sad I was to witness the only generating posts was about this insignificant “p.s.”  “Insignificant” qualification wasn’t intend to be offensive. What have more significations/values is this interaction one to the other isn’t spiritual substances ?

    Would like to put back safely my neck in but it is not the proper time.

    Regarding those recurrent fight among us, among this forum for God’ sake. Our Father/brother never take off from an individual’s opinion He wisely add up.

    Concerning responsibilities on ours behaviors, Jesus advice firmly Judas to mind his own business … only with God. Each of us have to cease looking after a disruptive mods, brother or a sister. This isn’t what we are expected to do.

    Bonita under Spirituals ministries you had been gifted with an Efficient, Lovingly Thought Adjuster. Efficiently, lovingly you minister towards yours brothers and sisters in such a generous outgoing, unreserved ways. Your mind is properly crispy, accurate and clearly dedicated to be perfect as is your Father, thanks to your Creative Mother. What about your Father/brother whom hold your hand and engage Himself with you infallibly in the right direction ?

    Regarding your avatar how beautiful was the pinkly flower. Daily refreshed in the morning spiritual dews. Blossoming under the custodian of God.

    It is not you, dearest, looking for a vicious, aggressive, curmudgeonly representation.

    Exquisite pinkly garments suit you so well.

    Continue Bonita as everyone of you, object of Divine affection to solely look to your personal relationship with your Father.



    Thanks for the lovely post André.   I’m so happy you spent time thinking about this topic and reading the posts.  I gave up on it because I couldn’t keep the topic focused and organized.  It seemed to be a losing battle.  Did you want to go back and examine any particular aspect of this topic?  I’m certainly willing to do that.  I wasn’t disregarding your post. Frankly, I was having a hard time understanding what you were trying to say.  Perhaps you could help me understand what you meant by this:

    andré wrote:Certainly those folks shouldn’t be ostracized but illuminated in some way . . . right? ➤ Wrong. [def … to exclude from a group by common consent.] Satania system ostracization [quarantine and isolation] 46:8.4 … the law of deliberately nourished evil is universally and unerringly executed. There is wisdom 1.01 resulting in such way to do things. Ample occasions [illumination] to turn from the wrong self-annihilation direction is offered to the attention of such rebellious individuals. 2:6.9 The goodness of God rests at the bottom of the divine free- willness—the universal tendency to love, show mercy, manifest patience and minister forgiveness.



    Certainly those folks shouldn’t be ostracized but illuminated in some way . . . right?

    My first thoughts reading this question was :

    Certainly, here, Bonita is pulling ours legs !

    Ostracization as TUB explain is a measure of protection. Like putting apart a crate where contamination have been found. You seems to emphasis “illumination” versus “ostracization”. To be inspired, to be intuited in my sense [logic] proceed from a quest to and for the truth. The longtime search answer at a question.

    How could an individual be illuminated if he denied its source ?  Pending the illumination, gifted faith is our ticket for those moments.

    131:4.4  God is the illuminator of the gloomy and the power of those who are faint.

    32:3.6  The farther down the scale of life we go, the more difficult it becomes to locate, with the eye of faith, the invisible Father. The lower creatures — and sometimes even the higher personalities — find it difficult always to envisage the Universal Father in his Creator Sons. And so, pending the time of their spiritual exaltation, when perfection of development will enable them to see God in person, they grow weary in progression, entertain spiritual doubts, stumble into confusion, and thus isolate themselves from the progressive spiritual aims of their time and universe. In this way they lose the ability to see the Father when beholding the Creator Son.


    Certainly those folks shouldn’t be ostracized but illuminated in some way . . . right? My first thoughts reading this question was : Certainly, here, Bonita is pulling ours legs ! Ostracization as TUB explain is a measure of protection. Like putting apart a crate where contamination have been found. You seems to emphasis “illumination” versus “ostracization”. To be inspired, to be intuited in my sense [logic] proceed from a quest to and for the truth. The longtime search answer at a question. How could an individual be illuminated if he denied its source ?  Pending the illumination, gifted faith is our ticket for those moments.

    Ah!  I think I’m getting it.  Here’s the question I was asking in context:

    Bonita wrote: What are our responsibilities to those who are not God-knowing?  Certainly those folks shouldn’t be ostracized but illuminated in some way . . . right?
    I think you are talking about people who reject God.  I’m talking about people who haven’t met him yet.  I don’t think we should ostracize people who haven’t had the chance to accept or reject God.  We should probably illuminate their minds by our example, right? I guess it comes down to the meaning of God-knowing.  How do you think it is defined?   Here is the quote I was using when making my statement:
    99:3.2   The kingdom of heaven is neither a social nor economic order; it is an exclusively spiritual brotherhood of God-knowing individuals. True, such a brotherhood is in itself a new and amazing social phenomenon attended by astounding political and economic repercussions.

    Ahhhhhhhhh !!!

    Totally solidarity with your statement.

    How do you think it is defined?

    Illuminating a mind, spiritually speaking do not originated from André ‘s mind. As an encounter with a personality to another personality get an automatic interact. Trough dedication to do the will of God made possible for God to individualized His love to that specific, unique children and effuse it. 

    Bonita talking about an example of this pattern of revealing God’s love come this lesson.

    Remembering on his journey back from Rome, Jesus came to encounter a man whom mistreating his wife. 133:2.1 TUB tells us it wasn’t much what Jesus said that touched this man’s heart as the kindly look and the sympathetic smile which Jesus bestowed upon him. The non-verbal language.


    Bonita talking about an example of this pattern of revealing God’s love come this lesson. Remembering on his journey back from Rome, Jesus came to encounter a man whom mistreating his wife. 133:2.1 TUB tells us it wasn’t much what Jesus said that touched this man’s heart as the kindly look and the sympathetic smile which Jesus bestowed upon him. The non-verbal language.

    Yes!  Kindly looks and sympathetic smiles.  All easy to do.  Connect person-to-person in some meaningful way with the intention to bring as much truth, beauty and goodness to the interaction as possible.   As in this quote:

    p1950:2 180:5.7 In the kingdom of the believing brotherhood of God-knowing truth lovers, this golden rule takes on living qualities of spiritual realization on those higher levels of interpretation which cause the mortal sons of God to view this injunction of the Master as requiring them so to relate themselves to their fellows that they will receive the highest possible good as a result of the believer’s contact with them. This is the essence of true religion: that you love your neighbor as yourself.

    As to God-knowing.  TUB tells us that a God-knowing person is someone who has experienced the presence of God within.  I don’t know that many, to be honest.  At least, when asked most people don’t know what I’m talking about.  And sadly, even more don’t believe that God lives in their head.  I can’t believe that the world has so few God-knowing people, so my guess is that there are more people who sense his presence and don’t know what it is.

    Just last week my best friend was telling me that she can sometimes feel her deceased mother near her and maybe even in her head.  I know this can’t be the case so I asked her if she ever thought that might be God and not her mother?  She looked surprised at that, like “What would God be doing that for?”  Anyway, she was willing to accept that it might be an angel, so we left it at that.  She just knew there was a loving presence nearby and that’s really good when you think about it.  Just because people get it mixed up doesn’t mean that it isn’t happening on some level.  I worry about the people who won’t accept the fact that God is a person though, those who think of him as a mathematical formula or cosmic force.  I don’t know if they feel a presence or not. That’s why I ask if those folks are God-knowing or just God-thinking.  And does it matter?


    So, does anyone want to venture into a discussion on how to recognize a person who is not God-knowing, given the definition of the kingdom of heaven in this quote:

    99:3.2   The kingdom of heaven is neither a social nor economic order; it is an exclusively spiritual brotherhood of God-knowing individuals. True, such a brotherhood is in itself a new and amazing social phenomenon attended by astounding political and economic repercussions.

    Are we supposed to exclude people who are not God-knowing?  If we are, we should know how to recognize them.  Is it solely the absence of spiritual fruit?

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