The Kingdom of Heaven

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    133:5.8 (1477.3) There is unity in the cosmic universe if you could only discern its workings in actuality. The real universe is friendly to every child of the eternal God….

    If, there is “unity in the cosmic universe if“, then to understand “its workings in actuality”, would indicate we may not be able to understand how the universe actually work?  Then to indicate that “The real universe”, which would imply a universe which may not be real. Not to mention that not “every child” has been created by the “eternal God”, where there are sub-creations or creators to consider.

    133:5.8 (1477.3) There is unity in the cosmic universe if you could only discern its workings in actuality. The real universe is friendly to every child of the eternal God. The real problem is: How can the finite mind of man achieve a logical, true, and corresponding unity of thought? This universe-knowing state of mind can be had only by conceiving that the quantitative fact and the qualitative value have a common causation in the Paradise Father. Such a conception of reality yields a broader insight into the purposeful unity of universe phenomena; it even reveals a spiritual goal of progressive personality achievement. And this is a concept of unity which can sense the unchanging background of a living universe of continually changing impersonal relations and evolving personal relationships. [(some emphasis added)]

    The key word in the narrative above is “quantitative” where is is another way of stating the majority to “fact”, as it applies to the “universe-knowing state of mind”, and quality of this knowing, as can be associated to the “common” (or simplified) majority “causation” of the Father of All.  However, it has been mentioned that the problems seem to stem from those in minority subjecting their will upon others, which might indicate that they are affecting “the purposeful unity of universe phenomena”. The[n] what might the “spiritual goal of progressive personality achievement” be?


    is using a quote from Jesus prior to his baptism and the acquirement of his full knowledge of  universe reality.  He spoke to Ganid about his faith as a human being.  And what a faith that was!  To have such assurance in a friendly universe during the first Century when despicable and horrible deeds by the ruling class were so common place.  Indeed, what a faith!  We should all have such a faith!

    We were told this little story about the human Jesus to help us increase our faith.  Yes, the universe is friendly.  We are given so many gifts, on so many levels.  There are so many helpers assisting us and ministering to us, it boggles the mind that so much energy is put into a single human being to help him/her succeed.  It’s such a beautiful and marvelous thing.  How could anyone scoff at it?  It’s beyond me.

    Those who see a world full of evil, unfriendliness and injustice are merely playing the victim card.  It’s a cop-out.  A really unfortunate way to think and so very self-destructive.  I say get over it.  Yes, the world is imperfect and it is supposed to be.  We are in the process of perfecting.  We’re supposed to dwell on the perfecting part, not the imperfect part.  Get over it.


    [. . .] a quote from Jesus prior to his baptism and the acquirement of his full knowledge of universe reality. He spoke to Ganid about his faith as a human being.

    Just curious, are you indicating that prior to “baptism” Jesus was only “a human being” and after, He became something else?  Where, if this is so, then it might appear that anything said by Him prior to “baptism” was not with “full knowledge”, and possibly in error?  Just nitpicking, but that’s how it seems to comes across.


    I think what Midi is saying is that there does exist unfriendliness, worse rebellion and lots of violent evil in the universe. Take our world for example. But your point Bradly is the greater reality, however much we are unable to not encounter all matter of personal unpleasantness from others. The universe is both, friendly and unfriendly right?

    No Enno…not right!!  I’ll explain below…but first let me quote Midi (or he who called himself Caligastia at TB – the devil made him do it – hahaha):

    “The is “unity in the cosmic universe if“, then to understand “its workings in actuality”, would indicate we may not be able to understand how the universe actually work.  Then to indicate that “The real universe”. which would imply a universe which may not be real, not to mention that not “every child” has been created by the “eternal God”, where there are sub-creations or creators to consider.”

    First Enno….hmmmmm…..not sure what you are thinking of when you use the word “violent”?  There is no physical violence in the universe Enno beyond the material worlds of animals and mortals and that ends during Mortal Epochs on each of those worlds as well.  The universe is friendly in its origin, design, creation, construction, administration, leadership, and citizenship.  The only thing that is not friendly are the temporal and local repercussions of error, evil, sin, and iniquity.  The potential for those are inherent due to the inviolate gift of free will.  So far as I know all of that has forever been contained and restrained within the Local Universes, more specifically always at the System Level or lower.

    Error, evil, sin, and iniquity are all irrelevant, temporal, and local unreality and do NOT impinge upon the nature or reality of the universes.  Our world, every young, immature world, especially those without on-planet leadership have error, evil, sin, and iniquity and their respective repercussions of all manner which are no way indicative of the larger realities.  This is the message of Jesus and the good news gospel and we must all learn to embrace it to connect to the vine and experience the fruit of the vine….God is good, God is love, God is paternal, God’s creation is one family, God’s universe is friendly to all God’s children.  This is why Jesus taught that no matter what happens materially and mortally, including the crashing and collapse of our material life, we are to FEAR NOT – for those things are temporary and irrelevant and unreal when one knows the facts and the truth about The Kingdom of Heaven.

    Jesus taught that when we, unfortunately, encounter unfriendliness that we are not to turn the other cheek but wisely demonstrate friendliness….the confident friendliness of a cosmic citizen who understands these things.  A most difficult challenge indeed!  But all error, either our own or another’s, is an opportunity to learn, to grow, to find meaning, and to provide a wise and loving response, until such thoughtful responses become automatic reflexes due to our experiential wisdom and perspective…that God’s universe is a friendly place, at least so for the true believer.

    Midi…won’t say the above is wordy….but illogical, nearly incomprehensible gobblygook – yes indeed.  Alternate universes?  Where pixies and trolls frolic in the infliction of pain and suffering in some Hades of sin and violence?  Grotesque thinking.  Sub-creations and sub-creators?  You mean the Michaels and their Local Universe creations?  You think some of those to be scary, dark, and sinful?  What book is that you’re reading again?  I look forward to that day when you sublimely bask in that peace which passes all understanding because of your certainty of God’s friendly universe.  Until then, we will continue to consult the Revelation for such teaching…it’s in there!



    As to the perfection of Midi’s so called “sub” creators and their creations (I’ll let him further define those universes “which may not be real” – rolling eyes, oh dear):

    The Paradise Creator Sons

    21:0.1 (234.1) THE Creator Sons are the makers and rulers of the local universes of time and space. These universe creators and sovereigns are of dual origin, embodying the characteristics of God the Father and God the Son. But each Creator Son is different from every other; each is unique in nature as well as in personality; each is the “only-begotten Son” of the perfect deity ideal of his origin.

    21:0.2 (234.2) In the vast work of organizing, evolving, and perfecting a local universe, these high Sons always enjoy the sustaining approval of the Universal Father. The relationship of the Creator Sons with their Paradise Father is touching and superlative. No doubt the profound affection of the Deity parents for their divine progeny is the wellspring of that beautiful and well-nigh divine love which even mortal parents bear their children.

    21:1.2 (235.1) Each Creator Son is the only-begotten and only-begettable offspring of the perfect union of the original concepts of the two infinite and eternal and perfect minds of the ever-existent Creators of the universe of universes. There never can be another such Son because each Creator Son is the unqualified, finished, and final expression and embodiment of all of every phase of every feature of every possibility of every divine reality that could, throughout all eternity, ever be found in, expressed by, or evolved from, those divine creative potentials which united to bring this Michael Son into existence. Each Creator Son is the absolute of the united deity concepts which constitute his divine origin.

    21:2.9 (236.7) When such a perfect and divine Son has taken possession of the space site of his chosen universe; when the initial problems of universe materialization and of gross equilibrium have been resolved; when he has formed an effective and co-operative working union with the complemental Daughter of the Infinite Spirit — then do this Universe Son and this Universe Spirit initiate that liaison which is designed to give origin to the innumerable hosts of their local universe children. In connection with this event the Creative Spirit focalization of the Paradise Infinite Spirit becomes changed in nature, taking on the personal qualities of the Mother Spirit of a local universe.

    21:3.24 (239.6) In settling the question of sovereignty in a local universe, the Creator Son is not only demonstrating his own fitness to rule but is also revealing the nature and portraying the sevenfold attitude of the Paradise Deities. The finite understanding and creature appreciation of the Father’s primacy is concerned in the adventure of a Creator Son when he condescends to take upon himself the form and experiences of his creatures. These primary Paradise Sons are the real revealers of the Father’s loving nature and beneficent authority, the same Father who, in association with the Son and the Spirit, is the universal head of all power, personality, and government throughout all the universal realms.

    FEAR NOT… The Kingdom of Heaven…or anything or anyone within that Kingdom!!  :good:

    MidiChlorian wrote:  Just curious, are you indicating that prior to “baptism” Jesus was only “a human being” and after, He became something else?  Where, if this is so, then it might appear that anything said by Him prior to “baptism” was not with “full knowledge”, and possibly in error?  Just nitpicking, but that’s how it seems to comes across.

    Check out this quote:

    136:2.3 Ordinarily, when a mortal of the realm attains such high levels of personality perfection, there occur those preliminary phenomena of spiritual elevation which terminate in eventual fusion of the matured soul of the mortal with its associated divine Adjuster. And such a change was apparently due to take place in the personality experience of Jesus of Nazareth on that very day when he went down into the Jordan with his two brothers to be baptized by John. This ceremony was the final act of his purely human life on Urantia, and many superhuman observers expected to witness the fusion of the Adjuster with its indwelt mind, but they were all destined to suffer disappointment. Something new and even greater occurred. As John laid his hands upon Jesus to baptize him, the indwelling Adjuster took final leave of the perfected human soul of Joshua ben Joseph. And in a few moments this divine entity returned from Divinington as a Personalized Adjuster and chief of his kind throughout the entire local universe of Nebadon. Thus did Jesus observe his own former divine spirit descending on its return to him in personalized form. And he heard this same spirit of Paradise origin now speak, saying, “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” And John, with Jesus’ two brothers, also heard these words. John’s disciples, standing by the water’s edge, did not hear these words, neither did they see the apparition of the Personalized Adjuster. Only the eyes of Jesus beheld the Personalized Adjuster.

    136:2.4 When the returned and now exalted Personalized Adjuster had thus spoken, all was silence. And while the four of them tarried in the water, Jesus, looking up to the near-by Adjuster, prayed: “My Father who reigns in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come! Your will be done on earth, even as it is in heaven.” When he had prayed, the “heavens were opened,” and the Son of Man saw the vision, presented by the now Personalized Adjuster, of himself as a Son of God as he was before he came to earth in the likeness of mortal flesh, and as he would be when the incarnated life should be finished. This heavenly vision was seen only by Jesus.

    136:3.2 After his baptism he entered upon the forty days of adjusting himself to the changed relationships of the world and the universe occasioned by the personalization of his Adjuster.

    Everything changed in the entire local universe after Jesus’ baptism.   He was always a dual origin being, but his knowledge of his spiritual origin was limited to his Thought Adjuster indwelling the soul that he and the Adjuster c0-created.  After the Adjuster left and became personalized, Jesus was given full knowledge of his pre-existence as a Creator Son of a universe.

    What was said by Jesus prior to his baptism was not in error because it was in alignment with his Adjuster.  He was able to complete all seven psychic circles and reach perfect attunement with God’s will.  But that does not mean that prior to baptism he had full knowledge of everything that had happened to him and his universe over the previous trillions of years.  That happened after his Adjuster was personalized and gave him the full complement of his knowledge.  Prior to Jesus’ baptism, the Adjuster was in possession of the full complement of knowledge which he passed on to him after baptism.  Normally when humans fuse they gain some portion of the Adjuster’s knowledge.  In Jesus’ case, he did not fuse, so the full compliment of knowledge was given to him all at once.  That should make sense since I said the same thing several different ways.



    Thanks Bonita!  I agree with the excitement of knowing that the human Jesus traversed all 7 Circles of Progress and that his personal, human faith experience delivered absolute peace of mind and confidence in the God’s friendly universe…even here and even then on Urantia!  Superb!  Sublime.

    21:3.24 (239.6) In settling the question of sovereignty in a local universe, the Creator Son is not only demonstrating his own fitness to rule but is also revealing the nature and portraying the sevenfold attitude of the Paradise Deities. The finite understanding and creature appreciation of the Father’s primacy is concerned in the adventure of a Creator Son when he condescends to take upon himself the form and experiences of his creatures. These primary Paradise Sons are the real revealers of the Father’s loving nature and beneficent authority, the same Father who, in association with the Son and the Spirit, is the universal head of all power, personality, and government throughout all the universal realms.



    Midi…won’t say the above is wordy….but illogical, nearly incomprehensible gobblygook – yes indeed. Alternate universes? Where pixies and trolls frolic in the infliction of pain and suffering in some Hades of sin and violence? Grotesque thinking. Sub-creations and sub-creators?

    On the contrary Bradly, I believe that what you have presented is true to your belief, and is your right to believe so. However, you present that you know what I believe, without asking me, therefore what you say can only be assumed as your opinion, and where everyone has an opinion, it does not mean that they are correct.  That’s okay too, as long as you follow what you mention below:

    Jesus taught that when we, unfortunately, encounter unfriendliness that we are not to turn the other cheek but wisely demonstrate friendliness …. the confident friendliness of a cosmic citizen who understands these things.

    Assuming that you think me as “unfriendly” then I still await the “friendliness”, however if you imply that the “confident friendliness of a cosmic citizen” is the only way that we can prove the friendliness of the universe, or ourselves or, to what until we die, how does this help those who live in this worlds reality today, or cosmic citizenship of tomorrow?  Is not death an alternate reality, or alternate place in the universe?

    I believe that you are sincere as to what you say but, why is it that everyone must believe as you do, in order to receive friendship?  I point out those things which I find difficult to believe because I have experience things which show me that not everything is good, but could be if we only attempt to see all viewpoints from multiple realities, as others see or live it.



    Midi…believe what you will.  I tell no one what to believe and never have….ever.  We study a book which speaks plainly and clearly for itself on these matters.  It matters not to me if you agree or believe that text….but you may not come here to misstate, misrepresent, twist, and torment the Papers….not gonna happen.  There are no “multiple realities” Midi…just one….with a few gazillion perspectives of it.  Thus, the gift of the factual reality of the universe!  Nothing could be more irrelevant than my beliefs Midi.  We do not study or discuss my beliefs but the teachings of the 5th Epochal Revelation….or a book with which you have demonstrated profound disagreement.

    In your mind and world there may be sub-creations and sub-creators and alternate universes that are not friendly places…so be it.  I do not think you unfriendly but you have certainly acted less than friendly on oh so many occasions and topics, it does take some self management sometimes….a good thing to learn for me….thanks for that.  But not the point.  It ain’t personal…it’s a matter of philosophy and perspective.  And I have turned many a cheek to you Caligastia.

    Death is not an alternate reality or place – no, Midi….

    Perhaps it is time to post some text in support of all your “alternate” theories?

    You claim the universe is not friendly and yet the Papers clearly say otherwise.  You seem to push and support this dark philosophy with purpose and commitment….do you see this as helpful and a service to others?  Does the embrace of anxiety and doubt deliver succor to you or to those you love?  Why do you seek in the shadows for what is so well illuminated?  What’s up with that?



    Everything changed in the entire local universe after Jesus’ baptism. He was always a dual origin being, but his knowledge of his spiritual origin was limited to his Thought Adjuster indwelling the soul that he and the Adjuster c0-created. After the Adjuster left and became personalized, Jesus was given full knowledge of his pre-existence as a Creator Son of a universe.

    I can agree that things changed after Jesus’ baptism but exactly how or what was changed can be debated but not argued.  If the knowledge of “pre-existence” is necessary to acquire for full knowledge of the universe then my point still stands as to the value of knowledge presented prior to baptism.  So, if He had these conversations after baptism, how might they now be different?


    In regards to a friendly universe, don’t forget that only persons can be friendly or unfriendly.  When they say that the universe is friendly, they are talking about persons.  Yes there are physical things going on in the universe that are violent, that’s called physical evolution. Yes, animals can be violent, that is also part of evolution.  Yes, humans can be violent because they are evolved from animals and in the process of perfecting.  Evolution is not supposed to be unicorns and rainbows.  I’m sorry if that sends some people to the cocoa and crayon cocoon, but that’s the way it is.

    You have to accept the fact that the mind of the person who created the universe is friendly.  The mind of the person who created evolution is friendly. The purpose and goal of evolution is friendly.  The mortal mind has difficulty reconciling the the two divergent facts of a sometimes violent evolution with the presence of a loving and friendly God.  Just because the mortal mind cannot understand that the perfecting worlds and people of time and space can be violently evolving within the framework of a friendly universe doesn’t mean it isn’t so.  Even horrific violence can actually work out for the welfare and progress of all . . . given time.

    70:1.1 War is the natural state and heritage of evolving man; peace is the social yardstick measuring civilization’s advancement. Before the partial socialization of the advancing races man was exceedingly individualistic, extremely suspicious, and unbelievably quarrelsome. Violence is the law of nature, hostility the automatic reaction of the children of nature, while war is but these same activities carried on collectively. And wherever and whenever the fabric of civilization becomes stressed by the complications of society’s advancement, there is always an immediate and ruinous reversion to these early methods of violent adjustment of the irritations of human interassociations.

    10:7.5 The mortal mind can immediately think of a thousand and one things–catastrophic physical events, appalling accidents, horrific disasters, painful illnesses, and world-wide scourges–and ask whether such visitations are correlated in the unknown maneuvering of this probable functioning of the Supreme Being. Frankly, we do not know; we are not really sure. But we do observe that, as time passes, all these difficult and more or less mysterious situations always work out for the welfare and progress of the universes. It may be that the circumstances of existence and the inexplicable vicissitudes of living are all interwoven into a meaningful pattern of high value by the function of the Supreme and the overcontrol of the Trinity.



    Midi…believe what you will. I tell no one what to believe and never have….ever. We study a book which speaks plainly and clearly for itself on these matters. It matters not to me if you agree or believe that text….but you may not come here to misstate, misrepresent, twist, and torment the Papers….not gonna happen.

    Bradly, by your statement above, you have just told me that what I might believe, as you seem to interpret, and then imply that I cannot come hear, without incurring, what seems to be the wrath of Bradly; by telling me that I am wrong in what or how I think, then inflicting how I am wrong or how it is really is, as you see it, is by default, telling me what I must believe.  Or so I think?


    Why do people whine and cry about evil in the world?  Oh boo-hoo, where’s my violin?  Don’t they know that evil has a purpose and it’s actually a good thing?  It’s sin that’s not good.  And what’s this about alternate realities?  Sounds like an acid trip to me . . . not going there.  Sorry.

    MidiChlorian wrote:  So, if He had these conversations after baptism, how might they now be different?

    I said prior to baptism he had FAITH in a friendly universe. He spoke on FAITH.  He had no first-hand knowledge concerning the entire universe.  After baptism there was no need for faith about the friendliness of the universe.  His knowledge and understanding of the friendliness of the universe became an actual fact.  He was awakened to the full realization . . .   that he created it . . . that he’s the boss of it . . .   and because the dude is friendly, so’s his universe . . .  it is what he says it is. Period.  Should be pretty easy to understand . . . right?


    Bradly, by your statement above, you have just told me that what I might believe, as you seem to interpret, and then imply that I cannot come hear, without incurring, what seems to be the wrath of Bradly; by telling me that I am wrong in what or how I think, then inflicting how I am wrong or how it is really is, as you see it, is by default, telling me what I must believe.  Or so I think?

    No one is telling you what or how to think. What is this, some kind of mind-control medium?  I’m so tired of hearing that kind of whining.  It’s so counterproductive to conversation.  None of us are complaining that you are trying to tell us what and how to think, are we?  And we would have the same right to bellyache if you have it.  So speak your peace, give your opinion and stop complaining. If you are convinced you’re right about something it shouldn’t matter one hill of beans what anyone else thinks about it.  Be proud of your ideas if you’re convinced they’re right, but don’t get your knickers in a knot if no one buys it. It’s not wrath you’re butting up against, it’s reality.   We’re not supposed to see everything the same way and there’s no need for alternate realities.  Remember what Jesus said:

    141:5.1 You do not have to see alike or feel alike or even think alike in order spiritually to be alike.


    And what’s this about alternate realities?

    It’s all over the Urantia Book, when it presents “spirit” as a reality.  You have presented text that indicates beings which cannot be seen by humans or at least certain humans, etc.  This would be considered as being different from what most of us live in and think is a material reality.  Then we are told that there is a spirit reality which we may not be able to see, and hear, so how does this not indicate some other form of reality or, another reality?

    He was awakened to the full realization . . . that he created it . . . that he’s the boss of it . . . and because the dude is friendly, so’s his universe . . . it is what he says it is. Period. Should be pretty easy to understand . . . right?

    I agree that “He was awakened to the full realization . . .” where “realization” can be associated to “realities” as in spiritual and material, but His teachings after Baptism still refereed to Father being the Boss, and I agree that Jesus was friendly, but that doesn’t mean that the universe is friendly, otherwise why would He have said that He had enemies? And, based on the teachings of Jesus as presented in the UB, and other text, I attempt to follow those teachings, and that part is easy to understand — right.

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