The Local Universe
032. The Evolution of Local Universes
033. Administration of the Local Universe
034. The Local Universe Mother Spirit
035. The Local Universe Sons of God
- 1. The Father Melchizedek
- 2. The Melchizedek Sons
- 3. The Melchizedek Worlds
- 4. Special Work of the Melchizedeks
- Melchizedek incarnations
- 5. The Vorondadek Sons
- 6. The Constellation Fathers
- 7. The Vorondadek Worlds
- 8. The Lanonandek Sons
- Primary Lanonandeks
Secondary Lanonandeks
Tertiary Lanonandeks- 9. The Lanonandek Rulers
- 10. The Lanonandek Worlds
036. The Life Carriers
- 1. Origin and Nature of Life Carriers
- 2. The Life Carrier Worlds
- 3. Life Transplantation
- 4. Melchizedek Life Carriers
- The midsoniters
Salvington Worlds of the Finaliters- 5. The Seven Adjutant Mind-Spirits
- (1) The spirit of intuition
(2) The spirit of understanding
(3) The spirit of courage
(4) The spirit of knowledge
(5) The spirit of counsel
(6) The spirit of worship
(7) The spirit of wisdom- 6. Living Forces
037. Personalities of the Local Universe
- 1. The Universe Aids
- 2. The Brilliant Evening Stars
- Created Evening Stars
Ascendant Evening Stars
The Worlds of the Evening Stars- 3. The Archangels
- The Worlds of the Archangels
- 4. Most High Assistants
- 5. High Commissioners
- Race commissioners
Nebadon Corps of Perfection
Worlds of the Spirit-Fused Mortals- 6. Celestial Overseers
- Nebadon educational system
- 7. Mansion World Teachers
- 8. Higher Spirit Orders of Assignment
- Solitary Messengers
Universe Circuit Supervisor — Andovontia
Census Director — Salsatia
Associate Inspector
Assigned Sentinels
Universal Conciliators
Technical Advisers
Celestial Recorders
Morontia Companions- 9. Permanent Citizens of the Local Universe
- (1) Susatia
(2) Univitatia
(3) Material Sons
(4) Midway Creatures
Abandonters- 10. Other Local Universe Groups
- The Spironga
The Spornagia
Courtesy colonies
038. Ministering Spirits of the Local Universe
- 1. Origin of Seraphim
- 2. Angelic Natures
- 3. Unrevealed Angels
- 4. The Seraphic Worlds
- 5. Seraphic Training
- 6. Seraphic Organization
- 7. Cherubim and Sanobim
- 8. Evolution of Cherubim and Sanobim
- (1) Ascension Candidates
(2) Mid-phase Cherubim
(3) Morontia Cherubim- 9. The Midway Creatures
- (1) Primary Midwayers
(2) Secondary Midwayers
039. The Seraphic Hosts
- 1. Supreme Seraphim
- (1) Son-Spirit Ministers
Bestowal attendants
(2) Court Advisers
(3) Universe Orientators
(4) The Teaching Counselors
(5) Directors of Assignment
(6) The Recorders
(7) Unattached Ministers- 2. Superior Seraphim
- (1) The Intelligence Corps
(2) The Voice of Mercy
(3) Spirit Co-ordinators
(4) Assistant Teachers
(5) The Transporters
Seraphic transport techniques
(6) The Recorders
(7) The Reserves- 3. Supervisor Seraphim
- (1) Supervising Assistants
(2) Law Forecasters
(3) Social Architects
(4) Ethical Sensitizers
(5) The Transporters
(6) The Recorders
(7) The Reserves- 4. Administrator Seraphim
- (1) Administrative Assistants
(2) Justice Guides
(3) Interpreters of Cosmic Citizenship
(4) Quickeners of Morality
(5) The Transporters
(6) The Recorders
(7) The Reserves- 5. Planetary Helpers
- (1) The Voices of the Garden
(2) The Spirits of Brotherhood
(3) The Souls of Peace
(4) The Spirits of Trust
(5) The Transporters
Departure of a seraphic transport
(6) The Recorders
(7) The Reserves- 6. Transition Ministers
- 7. Seraphim of the Future
- 8. Seraphic Destiny
- 9. The Corps of Seraphic Completion
040. The Ascending Sons of God
- 1. Evolutionary Seraphim
- 2. Ascending Material Sons
- 3. Translated Midwayers
- 4. Personalized Adjusters
- 5. Mortals of Time and Space
- Mortals of the transient or experiential Adjuster sojourn
Mortals of the non-Adjuster-fusion types
Mortals of Adjuster-fusion potential
The unnumbered series- 6. The Faith Sons of God
- 7. Father-Fused Mortals
- 8. Son-Fused Mortals
- 9. Spirit-Fused Mortals
- Techniques of memory reconstruction
- 10. Ascendant Destinies
041. Physical Aspects of the Local Universe
042. Energy — Mind and Matter
- 1. Paradise Forces and Energies
- 2. Universal Nonspiritual Energy Systems (Physical Energies)
- (1) Space potency
(2) Primordial force
(3) Emergent energies
a. Puissant energy
b. Gravity energy
(4) Universe power
(5) Havona energy
(6) Transcendental energy
(7) Monota- 3. Classification of Matter
- 4. Energy and Matter Transmutations
- 5. Wave-Energy Manifestations
- 6. Ultimatons, Electrons, and Atoms
- 7. Atomic Matter
- 8. Atomic Cohesion
- 9. Natural Philosophy
- 10. Universal Nonspiritual Energy Systems (Material Mind Systems)
- (1) Preadjutant-spirit minds
(2) Adjutant-spirit minds
(3) Evolving morontia minds
The cosmic mind- 11. Universe Mechanisms
- 12. Pattern and Form — Mind Dominance
043. The Constellations
044. The Celestial Artisans
045. The Local System Administration
- 1. Transitional Culture Worlds
- (1) The Finaliter World
(2) The Morontia World
(3) The Angelic World
(4) The Superangel World
(5) The World of the Sons
(6) The World of the Spirit
(7) The World of the Father- 2. The System Sovereign
- 3. The System Government
- 4. The Four and Twenty Counselors
- 5. The Material Sons
- 6. Adamic Training of Ascenders
- Parental experience
The probation nursery of Satania- 7. The Melchizedek Schools
046. The Local System Headquarters
- 1. Physical Aspects of Jerusem
- 2. Physical Features of Jerusem
- 3. The Jerusem Broadcasts
- 4. Residential and Administrative Areas
- 5. The Jerusem Circles
- (1) Circles of the Sons of God
(2) Circles of the angels
(3) Circles of the Universe Aids
(4) Circles of the Master Physical Controllers
(5) Circles of the ascending mortals
(6) Circles of the courtesy colonies
(7) Circles of the finaliters- 6. The Executive-Administrative Squares
- 7. The Rectangles — The Spornagia
- 8. The Jerusem Triangles
047. The Seven Mansion Worlds
- 1. The Finaliters’ World
- Requisite parental experience
- 2. The Probationary Nursery
- 3. The First Mansion World
- Morontia Companions
- 4. The Second Mansion World
- 5. The Third Mansion World
- 6. The Fourth Mansion World
- 7. The Fifth Mansion World
- 8. The Sixth Mansion World
- Adjuster fusion
- 9. The Seventh Mansion World
- 10. Jerusem Citizenship
048. The Morontia Life
- 1. Morontia Materials
- 2. Morontia Power Supervisors
- (1) Circuit Regulators
(2) System Co-ordinators
(3) Planetary Custodians
(4) Combined Controllers
(5) Liaison stabilizers
(6) Selective Assorters
(7) Associate Registrars- 3. Morontia Companions
- (1) Pilgrim Guardians
(2) Pilgrim Receivers and Free Associators
(3) Hosts to Celestial Visitors
(4) Co-ordinators and Liaison Directors
(5) Interpreters and Translators
(6) Excursion and Reversion Supervisors
(7) Area and Building Custodians- 4. The Reversion Directors
- Celestial humor
Mortal humor- 5. The Mansion World Teachers
- 6. Morontia World Seraphim — Transition Ministers
- (1) Seraphic Evangels
Original of Twenty-third Psalm
(2) Racial Interpreters
(3) Mind Planners
(4) Morontia Counselors
Stereoscopic effect of mota
(5) Technicians
(6) Recorder-Teachers
Truth and fact
(7) Ministering Reserves
Success, failure, and ego- 7. Morontia Mota
- 8. The Morontia Progressors
049. The Inhabited Worlds
- 1. The Planetary Life
- 2. Planetary Physical Types
- (1) The atmospheric types
(2) The elemental types
(3) The gravity types
(4) The temperature types
(5) The electric types
(6) The energizing types
(7) The unnamed types- 3. Worlds of the Nonbreathers
- 4. Evolutionary Will Creatures
- 5. The Planetary Series of Mortals
- (1) Adjustment to planetary environment
Experimental series inspected by Tabamantia
(2) Brain-type
(3) Spirit-reception series
(4) Planetary-mortal epochs
(5) Creature-kinship serials
(6) Adjuster-fusion series
(7) Techniques of terrestrial escape- 6. Terrestrial Escape
- (1) The dispensational or group order of survival
(2) The individual orders of ascension
(3) The probationary-dependent orders of ascension
(4) The secondary modified orders of ascension
(5) The primary modified order of ascension
050. The Planetary Princes
051. The Planetary Adams
052. Planetary Mortal Epochs
053. The Lucifer Rebellion
054. Problems of the Lucifer Rebellion
055. The Spheres of Light and Life
- 1. The Morontia Temple
- 2. Death and Translation
- 3. The Golden Ages
- 4. Administrative Readjustments
- The seven stages on a planet
Release of midwayers
Adamic departure- 5. The Acme of Material Development
- 6. The Individual Mortal
- 7. The First or Planetary Stage
- 8. The Second or System Stage
- 9. The Third or Constellation Stage
- 10. The Fourth or Local Universe Stage
- 11. The Minor and Major Sector Stages
- 12. The Seventh or Superuniverse Stage
- The Unqualified Supervisors of the Supreme
056. Universal Unity
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