Study Day 2015

Study Group2 2011Each year ANZURA, the Australia and New Zealand Urantia Association arranges a National Study Day to provide an opportunity for readers to participate in a study group in their region and to read the same paper on the same day as other readers across multiple regions.

We invite students of The Urantia Book from all over the world to join us on this special day to study the same paper from The Urantia Book together. It’s uplifting to know that such unifying connections are possible for readers who are spread far and wide across the entire globe. 

This year study groups will meet on Saturday 16 May 2015 and will study Papers 160 and 161 – Rodan of Alexandria and Further Discussions with Rodan. Here’s a glimpse of this highly philosophical paper:

Human life consists in three great drives – urges, desires, and lures. Strong character, commanding personality, is only acquired by converting the natural urge of life into the social art of living, by transforming present desires into those higher longings which are capable of lasting attainment, while the commonplace lure of existence must be transferred from one’s conventional and established ideas to the higher realms of unexplored ideas and undiscovered ideals. [Paper 160:1.2, page, p.1772:3]

Isolation tends to exhaust the energy charge of the soul. Association with one’s fellows is essential to the renewal of the zest for life and is indispensable to the maintenance of the courage to fight those battles consequent upon the ascent to the higher levels of human living. Friendship enhances the joys and glorifies the triumphs of life. Loving and intimate human associations tend to rob suffering of its sorrow and hardship of much of its bitterness. [Paper 160:2.7, page 1776:2] 

For Australian and New Zealanders click here to see contact details of the Study Group Hosts across our countries. By contacting the one nearest to you, you will be able to find out how the day will be structured. If you are a solitary student with no other readers nearby, please consider joining us in spirit on the day and read this paper with the knowledge that we are united and motivated in the same Spirit.

You may also wish to consider joining the online Study Day on Urantia Association’s Forum at We wish you an interesting, uplifting and enjoyable day.

Warm regards,
ANZURA Governing Board