After three whole years of intensive preparation it finally happened! The 10th International Conference of Urantia Association International has taken place.
It is up to me to report on this great conference. Actually it is an impossible task to reveal just how much it touched us—all the wonderful people who attended and who were so deeply moved, inspired, and motivated.

Because of the content of the presentations, breakout sessions and workshops, Jesus certainly left his mark—seeds were sown and plants were planted for further growth on Urantia from the “fifth epochal revelation” (i.e. the new revelations contained in The Urantia Book.)
On the basis of the many positive reactions and feedback we received, we can safely say that this conference was very successful. Many guests indicated that they were personally touched on a deep level and that during the conference—and even after several days—they felt that this is Urantia as Jesus intended… a “world in light and life.”

The quality and content of the presentations, the efficient organization of the conference and the comfortable accommodation were very much appreciated. Feeling brotherhood as God intended, meeting new friends, experiencing fine conversations, making many international “boundless” contacts, and enjoying the talented evening entertainment left us with beautiful and valuable memories to take home with us.
Michael of Nebadon needs people to be able to realize his beautiful plans for Urantia for the future. The many who contributed to this conference have managed to contribute to the success of this meeting on Urantia, despite all the work that had to be done to get there.
The Conference
Initially, we had a budget for 100 attendees. The final number was 177 from 23 countries. Because of this larger number we were able to offer our guests more, such as top quality entertainment each night! The NH Conference Center Leeuwenhorst also gave us its best—a big compliment to them!
Most activities, such as the opening night, the plenary presentations, some workshops, the evening entertainment, and the closing ceremony were broadcast via live streaming. Many Urantia Book readers in the global Urantia community received emails with links to the channel. The videos are now available for viewing on Urantia Association’s webite: http://urantia-association.org/2018/video-presentations-netherlands-conference-2018. They can also be downloaded and viewed at the conference website at: https://www.uai2018.org/program/presentations/en.
We considered it a great honor to have been invited to organize this International Conference in Europe for Urantia Association International. Thank you again to all who made this conference such a great success.
With kind regards,
Jaap Terra
President of Urantia Association of the Netherlands (UAISUN)
Email: [email protected]