The Reality of Religious Experience – Paper 103

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    Sometimes I think that the human response to the 6th Adjutant can be dangerous. Didn’t paper 99 begin by informing us about how institutional religions have migrated into social/political arena and both are in danger of failure and need reconstruction? Didn’t they use the word “crisis” to get our attention? I avoid blogs because so many people are experts at finding evil, what’s wrong with the world and very few look for the good. To me this is like being stuck with the 6th Adjutant. make any sense?

    No, I can’t make any sense out of fearing the adjutant that urges people to worship.  Can’t agree with that at all.  I don’t see a connection between worshipping and deliberate evil seeking  . . . which I think is actually called sin.  There’s something else wrong with the minds of those folks and their inability or unwillingness to utilize the spirit of worship and wisdom as a gateway to the soul where they can get some insight into reality.  It’s some kind of reality avoidance behavior, and probably due to immaturity.




    I associate zeal with the urges that are possible as result from 6th Adjutant urges we can feel. and personality don’t always choose to do worship as a result. We can choose to go with our feelings. Isn’t it true that encircuitment in the first 6 Adjutants is super animal but sub human? To me, this seems potentially unstable.

    From paper 100:6.5 Genuine religion takes nothing away from human existence, but it does add new meanings to all of life; it generates new types of enthusiasm, zeal, and courage. It may even engender the spirit of the crusader, which is more than dangerous if not controlled by spiritual insight and loyal devotion to the commonplace social obligations of human loyalties.

    isnt it a personal choice to engage the 7th Adjutant and when we do, unity or personal creativity becomes possible – As an additional urge?


    from 102:2.5  But mind can never succeed in this unification of the diversity of reality unless such mind is firmly aware of material things, intellectual meanings, and spiritual values; only in the harmony of the triunity of functional reality is there unity, and only in unity is there the personality satisfaction of the reali- zation of cosmic constancy and consistency.

    Or being engaged in the Holy Spirit and the 3 cosmic intuitions.

    its conformity with the cosmos and to me it seems we choose to go in this direction as result of 6th Adjutant urges or we can choose to be crusaders and find fault with everything.


    I associate zeal with the urges that are possible as result from 6th Adjutant urges we can feel. and personality don’t always choose to do worship as a result. We can choose to go with our feelings. Isn’t it true that encircuitment in the first 6 Adjutants is super animal but sub human? To me, this seems potentially unstable.   . . .  isnt it a personal choice to engage the 7th Adjutant and when we do, unity or personal creativity becomes possible – As an additional urge?

    The mind is much more stable when it engages all 7 adjutants, especially wisdom, but anyone with a soul does that pretty much without being fully conscious of it. You kinda have to deliberately stop it from happening, which I think is hard to do. The material adjutant mind is only vaguely conscious of the soul unless actively engaged in prayer and worship, and it just takes a little faith to do that.  TUB tells us that some folks only do that when under duress, which is why we’re living with the constant anvil and hammer thing.  But I do worry about today’s kids who are such snowflakes.  Do they pray when under stress or just throw tantrums and run to safety zones and cling to puppies and other people instead of God?  If you watch the news, it sorta seems that way, and if that’s the current moral code, then it’s a throw back to primitive tribal times in my opinion.  We’re in that dangerous transition time where the old religions have failed us and the spirits of worship and wisdom haven’t had a chance to catch up.  That’s why it seems so dangerous.  We need the spirits of worship and wisdom to evolve a little, but that requires both capacity and cooperation, so it’s gonna be a while.

    118:8.6The slowness of evolution, of human cultural progress, testifies to the effectiveness of that brake — material inertia — which so efficiently operates to retard dangerous velocities of progress. Thus does time itself cushion and distribute the otherwise lethal results of premature escape from the next-encompassing barriers to human action. For when culture advances overfast, when material achievement outruns the evolution of worship-wisdom, then does civilization contain within itself the seeds of retrogression; and unless buttressed by the swift augmentation of experiential wisdom, such human societies will recede from high but premature levels of attainment, and the “dark ages” of the interregnum of wisdom will bear witness to the inexorable restoration of the imbalance between self-liberty and self-control.

    Yeah, so I digressed, but don’t forget that the spirit of worship is also the beginning of the moral urge, the urge that separates us from the animals.  And when censored by wisdom, can actually discriminate between good and evil.  But it starts with the spirit of worship because worship is the initial outreach for good.  There are a lot of people who are confused about the difference between good and evil and that indicates a problem with their use of the spirits of worship and wisdom, a problem with the vine connection to the soul where those reality reflexes indicate to the mind what is truly good and evil, what’s real and what is not, what can be acted out and what will bring nothing but disappointment.  In this quote below notice that it all starts with intellect and philosophic consistency, both functions of the spirit of wisdom, then moral thinking goes to the soul where it’s determined to be real or not.  This is called reflective thinking.

     2:7.6 Intellectual self-consciousness can discover the beauty of truth, its spiritual quality, not only by the philosophic consistency of its concepts, but more certainly and surely by the unerring response of the ever-present Spirit of Truth. Happiness ensues from the recognition of truth because it can be acted out; it can be lived. Disappointment and sorrow attend upon error because, not being a reality, it cannot be realized in experience. Divine truth is best known by its spiritual flavor.

    Without reflective thinking and the use of those reality reflexes, a person is functioning on the animal level.  That’s not to say a person is an animal when this happens, but rather his/her mind has closed off the gateway of worship and wisdom, those superanimal/subspiritual adjutants which provide the potential material for spiritual living which is recognized in the soul, and when acted out bring happiness.

    16.7.5  When man fails to discriminate the ends of his mortal striving, he finds himself functioning on the animal level of existence. He has failed to avail himself of the superior advantages of that material acumen, moral discrimination, and spiritual insight which are an integral part of his cosmic-mind endowment as a personal being.

    It’s like the up escalator doesn’t go to the top floor.  I really think that some of this is genetic and can’t be helped, and some is due to ignorance, but some of it is just plain evil.  I’ll agree with that. They just insist on getting off before it gets to the top, or they prefer to turn the thing off altogether and live with only the options available on the ground floor – the material level of existence – humanistic ideals and cultural chaos which can only bring disappointment.

    I do not believe, like Nigel, that this retrogression is caused by unbalanced lower adjutants, but rather a refusal or inability to engage the higher ones, worship and wisdom.  The lower adjutants are not directly involved in this except to provide the mobilizing groundwork for worship and wisdom, with wisdom being the acme of intellectual performance and the goal of moral existence.  If Nigel is right, that unbalanced lower adjutants eventually lead to cultural progress, then we would all be happy, clappy and snappy on the ground floor with one big group hug – rainbows, unicorns and puppies all singing kumbaya.  And we could save a lot of energy by turning off that escalator altogether and instead use it to balance our chakras.

    36:5.12 7.The spirit of wisdom—the inherent tendency of all moral creatures towards orderly and progressive evolutionary advancement. This is the highest of the adjutants, the spirit co-ordinator and articulator of the work of all the others. This spirit is the secret of that inborn urge of mind creatures which initiates and maintains the practical and effective program of the ascending scale of existence; that gift of living things which accounts for their inexplicable ability to survive and, in survival, to utilize the co-ordination of all their past experience and present opportunities for the acquisition of all of everything that all of the other six mental ministers can mobilize in the mind of the organism concerned. Wisdom is the acme of intellectual performance. Wisdom is the goal of a purely mental and moral existence.

    its conformity with the cosmos and to me it seems we choose to go in this direction as result of 6th Adjutant urges or we can choose to be crusaders and find fault with everything.

    I think crusaders are generally lacking in wisdom.  Recall what Jesus said to his over-zealous apostles: “May your wisdom equal your zeal and your courage atone for your ignorance.” (140:7.7)



    Bonita wrote:

    ”I do not believe, like Nigel, that this retrogression is caused by unbalanced lower adjutants, but rather a refusal or inability to engage the higher ones, worship and wisdom”

    i did follow that thread and can’t contribute much other than I believe Adjutants have a specific function here and cannot see them as being unbalanced.

    minor things do confuse me like animal life- it’s interaction between life and environment, nothing at all subjective about (I think it’s completely objective) it but the Adjutants that engage them are subjective, aren’t they?

    i do believe however that what is revealed to us about any being or other entities that engage us or that we can engage, is likely taylored to our capacity of human limitations mentally and physically and spiritually and (not zeroing in on Adjutants especially) that they do considerably more and perform far more function throughout the vast universe than is of interest or use to human beings, therefore unrevealed. So I would not speculate about stuff too much and take the revelation literally.


    Appreciate the discussion about the Adjutants very much.  I am gaining a new appreciation for their function and influence to all of life and especially the mortal life forms whereby the higher Spirit ministries can down-reach effectively in their own ministries.  The transfer of our identity from our material nature to our spiritual nature is a weaning from these material mind ministers to the morontia mind ministers…which I suppose are the Big Three with whom we engage by material mind and super conscious here in this life but also directly connect to our soul.   It doesn’t appear to me that there is any form of intelligence or wisdom connection provided by the Adjutants that is not fully satisfied by the Big 3…indeed none of our celestial brethren have those connections to the Adjutants.  So they are clearly only functional with the material animal-origin evolutionary minds and all forms of life lower than those.

    It does seem to me that it is unfortunate that many of us mortals do not fully experience our own human potential by utilization of the Adjutants which certainly retards our ability to become spiritualized I think.  When we consider the importance and value of harmonization of our being and the balance and integration of life’s potentials, the more imbalanced or disconnected or distracted from any of the Adjutants (the escalator to our souls!) only delivers obstacles to our growth.  I am growing appreciation for how our very character by the nature and genetic influences can be fixed or set by a genetic difference in the varietal strengths related to each of the different Adjutants and that these differences are a very real determinant of who we each are and how we perceive and respond to the world around us.  While much of this is species specific, as opposed to other  species combinations of Adjutant connection/response, making humans generally share certain traits, still does DNA deliver a unique combination of connection and response to those certain urges of situational and circumstantial reaction we all have.

    We each have a personal uniqueness in our experience and in our expression of our experience.  Part of that is the personality we are given.  Part of that is the Adjutant connections we inherit genetically.  Part of that is situational.  And part of that is the aggregation of choices made within that combination.  And those choices come in two primary flavors or types – material or spiritual.  No matter the formula of the parts listed to the whole being….material choices deliver certain outcomes and spiritual choices deliver us into progress and eventual harmonization and integration.  The path we each trod is very personal and unique in many ways but spiritization delivers reality and pattern all the time and every time in its results.  We do not become less unique thusly but we do share more and more traits as we more and more align our perspective and motives and priorities and choices with reality.  I think in perfecting there will always be value in individualized experiential wisdom which serves the greater good and delivers new potential to reality.

    I think in this life on this world many of us become far too distracted by the material world and our material nature’s interaction with that world that we fail to engage the higher Adjutants sufficiently to truly appreciate our full human potentials to think and correlate and integrate and appreciate and then to connect to the Source and Center of that which we behold by such thoughtfulness and wonder.  Humanity exhibits such a spectrum of capabilities and incapacities.  It is rather astonishing.  But we are taught that every combination and level of the human condition still may and can and does respond to the Spirit ministries.  Even the unwise and unthoughtful and superstitious and ignorant and stupid can still experience spiritization and growth of soul – we may each and all know The Reality of Religious Experience.



    103:1.6 (1130.5) The realization of the recognition of spiritual values is an experience which is superideational. There is no word in any human language which can be employed to designate this “sense,” “feeling,” “intuition,” or “experience” which we have elected to call God-consciousness. The spirit of God that dwells in man is not personal—the Adjuster is prepersonal—but this Monitor presents a value, exudes a flavor of divinity, which is personal in the highest and infinite sense. If God were not at least personal, he could not be conscious, and if not conscious, then would he be infrahuman.

    2. Religion and the Individual

    103:2.1 (1130.6) Religion is functional in the human mind and has been realized in experience prior to its appearance in human consciousness. A child has been in existence about nine months before it experiences birth. But the “birth” of religion is not sudden; it is rather a gradual emergence. Nevertheless, sooner or later there is a “birth day.” You do not enter the kingdom of heaven unless you have been “born again”—born of the Spirit. Many spiritual births are accompanied by much anguish of spirit and marked psychological perturbations, as many physical births are characterized by a “stormy labor” and other abnormalities of “delivery.” Other spiritual births are a natural and normal growth of the recognition of supreme values with an enhancement of spiritual experience, albeit no religious development occurs without conscious effort and positive and individual determinations. Religion is never a passive experience, a negative attitude. What is termed the “birth of religion” is not directly associated with so-called conversion experiences which usually characterize religious episodes occurring later in life as a result of mental conflict, emotional repression, and temperamental upheavals.

    103:2.2 (1131.1) But those persons who were so reared by their parents that they grew up in the consciousness of being children of a loving heavenly Father, should not look askance at their fellow mortals who could only attain such consciousness of fellowship with God through a psychological crisis, an emotional upheaval.

    103:2.3 (1131.2) The evolutionary soil in the mind of man in which the seed of revealed religion germinates is the moral nature that so early gives origin to a social consciousness. The first promptings of a child’s moral nature have not to do with sex, guilt, or personal pride, but rather with impulses of justice, fairness, and urges to kindness—helpful ministry to one’s fellows. And when such early moral awakenings are nurtured, there occurs a gradual development of the religious life which is comparatively free from conflicts, upheavals, and crises.

    103:2.4 (1131.3) Every human being very early experiences something of a conflict between his self-seeking and his altruistic impulses, and many times the first experience of God-consciousness may be attained as the result of seeking for superhuman help in the task of resolving such moral conflicts.

    103:2.5 (1131.4) The psychology of a child is naturally positive, not negative. So many mortals are negative because they were so trained. When it is said that the child is positive, reference is made to his moral impulses, those powers of mind whose emergence signals the arrival of the Thought Adjuster.

    103:2.6 (1131.5) In the absence of wrong teaching, the mind of the normal child moves positively, in the emergence of religious consciousness, toward moral righteousness and social ministry, rather than negatively, away from sin and guilt. There may or may not be conflict in the development of religious experience, but there are always present the inevitable decisions, effort, and function of the human will.

    Me here:  The higher Adjutants create natural impulses in all people that are positive and altruistic – a moral nature.  And when that normal and natural moral nature and impulse is nurtured, the Reality of Religious Experience  connects our branch to the vine and delivers the bloom of the Spirit Nature and the fruits of the Spirit…naturally and inevitably.

    What a story of the human condition!!  The miraculous achievements of the Life Carriers and the Adjutants to co-create those beings and minds which can engage with the Spirits of God and fuse with God and ascend to Paradise and embrace Eternity!!  Holy Moly!!   :-)


    minor things do confuse me like animal life- it’s interaction between life and environment, nothing at all subjective about (I think it’s completely objective) it but the Adjutants that engage them are subjective, aren’t they?

    As I understand the way it works in humans is that material, adjutant level of self-consciousness is subjective until it encounters one of those reality responses in the soul, which are all objective.  Another objective reality is contact with the personality circuit of the Adjuster.  The Adjuster is the most real and objective thing a person can experience, but when the material mind tries to describe it or understand it, it becomes subjective because that’s about all the material adjutant mind is capable of.

    Some might argue that mathematical, fact-based logic is objective, but the way it works is that the meanings applied to those facts by the material adjutant mind are all subjective.  Facts are useless without meaning.  Ten people can look at the same objective facts and assign ten different meanings, or interpretations, to them (think man-made global warning as an example).

    Another thing that I don’t think many people fully comprehend is that subjective reality can seem 100% objectively real to a person, and that person might defend it until death without ever fully recognizing the fallacy.  I think it’s the source of a lot of human misery, and I have no clue how to fix the problem. I think it’s true what TUB says about mankind, that it’s realized very little of true happiness.  I don’t think true happiness is possible without that triune reality recognition perceived in the soul, and the personality satisfaction of having shared that experience with another person, both a spirit person in the soul and human person in the world.

    It’s odd to me, but I don’t think many people know that the soul is another living mind system their personalities have control over, and that at a certain point the soul knows all about the material mind. It’s watching you! It can’t act on the material level, but it knows what you’re thinking and wants you, your personality, to pay attention to it.  With a little effort, the material mind can certainly know a lot more about the soul than it suspects it can, and that’s because personality can transcend both minds.  The personality doesn’t have its own mind, it has to choose one or the other – the real objective one or the subjective imaginative one.   I think a lot of people prefer to live in their subjective imaginations, and when they’re threatened by objective reality, don’t have a clue what to do – hence the puppies, unicorns, rainbows and happy,clappy kumbaya singing.  Just because you can creatively imagine something doesn’t make it real. Also, attempts to assign mystical signs and symbols to numbers, words and events which support your imaginations won’t make them real either.   Sorry to anyone who thinks that is hate speech, just trying to make a point.

    Living within your own imagination is simply playing with your own mind.  TUB says that the Adjuster can register spiritually important ideas when the mind, ” . . . flows freely in the liberated but controlled channels of creative imagination.” (109:5.1) But the keywords are liberated and controlled.  Liberated from material constraints and prejudgment, and controlled by the personality which seeks to unify reality using a mind ministry which also seeks to unify reality. The personality must be free to discover, recognize, interpret and choose that which is objectively real in the soul where co-creation takes place between the creature who seeks reality and the Spirit who IS reality.

    Imaginative contemplation of just your physical and material-mental energies will only drag you into a physical and material self-centered cycle of fanciful self-pleasuring bliss.  Your body may love it and your material mind may quiet and be restful, but unless you control your thoughts and send them Godward through faith and prayer, there is no lasting value in it. All you’ve done is created a moment of self-satisfaction, an auto-creational experience rather than a co-creational experience, which is between two selves – creature and Creator – which has the potential to last an eternity.



    It doesn’t appear to me that there is any form of intelligence or wisdom connection provided by the Adjutants that is not fully satisfied by the Big 3…indeed none of our celestial brethren have those connections to the Adjutants.  So they are clearly only functional with the material animal-origin evolutionary minds and all forms of life lower than those.

    The only superhuman beings who have contact with the adjutants are the secondary midwayers. They are ministered to by the adjutants of worship and wisdom and the morontia mind, which would be the Holy Spirit. I’m not entirely sure, but I think that’s the reason why the secondary midwayers are used to babysit the human mind when self-acting Adjusters leave their subjects. (77:7.5; 77:8.3) And they were also used in the human mind of the sleeping subject during the development of TUB.  They are the ones most likely to make contact with humans if necessary, and to do so I think they would need to be able to communicate with adjutant mind.

    As an aside here’s a  little factoid, did you know these midwayers can control insubordinate minorities who subvert social progress?  It leaves one to wonder where they are and what they’re doing with today’s subversive and violent minorities.  Another factoid is that our current civilization is a product of both humans and midwayers, but their input won’t become evident until light and life, when worship and wisdom have a chance to further evolve in their ministry to the human mind.

    51:3.6 . . . These material but ordinarily invisible planetary ministers contribute much to the advancement of civilization and even to the subjection of insubordinate minorities who may seek to subvert social development and spiritual progress.

    77:9.8 In the larger aspect the civilization of Urantia is the joint product of the Urantia mortals and the Urantia midwayers, and this is true despite the present differential between the two levels of culture, a differential which will not be compensated prior to the ages of light and life.





    Don’t mean to distract from the points brought out from Bonita’s above response to Bradley but I find the below quotes interesting:

    I’m not really certain what the authors mean when they talk about two levels of culture in 77:9.8 as compared with the social changes that we must adjust to in 99:1.1 but just for fun let’s compare what’s stated about them:

    77:9.8 In the larger aspect the civilization of Urantia is the joint product of the Urantia mortals and the Urantia midwayers, and this is true despite the present differential between the two levels of culture, a differential which will not be compensated prior to the ages of light and life.

    91:1.1 This new and oncoming social order will not settle down complacently for a millennium. The human race must become reconciled to a procession of changes, adjustments, and readjustments. Mankind is on the march toward a new and unrevealed planetary destiny.


    now back to 77:9.8 where the difficulty expressed will not resolve until light and life.

    now to 99:1.1 where the difficulty expressed will not resolve for a millennium- if they are talking Urantia time hopefully, that’s only a thousand years for us 😦 . Hope they don’t mean Uversa time, if they do maybe they are referring to light and life? I don’t think so, something else is being revealed.

    now to the second bolded part of 99:1.1 above where we are told about our march to a new unrevealed planetary destiny. I find this very interesting because light and life is a destiny that has been revealed.

    Possibly we will be in a state of social readjustment that started early 20th century and is in high gear right now for only a thousand years  😦 but the two levels of culture will not resolve until L&L.

    Anyway, for what it’s worth I find this interesting to think about.

    Can’t find a hammer/anvil emoji.


    It does seem to me that it is unfortunate that many of us mortals do not fully experience our own human potential by utilization of the Adjutants which certainly retards our ability to become spiritualized I think.  When we consider the importance and value of harmonization of our being and the balance and integration of life’s potentials, the more imbalanced or disconnected or distracted from any of the Adjutants (the escalator to our souls!) only delivers obstacles to our growth.

    I’m just curious.  Do you, or anyone else reading this, think it’s possible, by willpower alone, to affectively alter your nervous system reflexes or your ability to automatically associate ideas?  Is that something you believe you have control over?  Do you think there’s a way to change your natural propensity for curiosity or to balance it with your natural self-preservation and social instincts?  Do you think you can willfully stop, redirect, change the focus of, or bolster the performance of any one of the adjutants over another and what would be the purpose of doing so?  Do you think you can specifically identify what each of the lower five adjutants are doing in your mind at any given time?  Another question I have is there more value in balancing your adjutant mind, or finding a balance between your dual minds? And my final question that I’m curious to get an opinion on is whether we should concentrate on balancing our minds or balancing our personalities, and what’s the difference?  What’s the difference between having a balanced mind and a coordinated or integrated mind in regards to the whole self?

    12:6.1 The universe is nonstatic. Stability is not the result of inertia but rather the product of balanced energies, co-operative minds, co-ordinated morontias, spirit overcontrol, and personality unification. Stability is wholly and always proportional to divinity.

    111:1.7    Evolutionary mind is only fully stable and dependable when manifesting itself upon the two extremes of cosmic intellectuality—the wholly mechanized and the entirely spiritualized. Between the intellectual extremes of pure mechanical control and true spirit nature there intervenes that enormous group of evolving and ascending minds whose stability and tranquillity are dependent upon personality choice and spirit identification. 

    118.8.11  An automatic universe reaction is stable and, in some form, continuing in the cosmos. A personality who knows God and desires to do his will, who has spirit insight, is divinely stable and eternally existent. Man’s great universe adventure consists in the transit of his mortal mind from the stability of mechanical statics to the divinity of spiritual dynamics, and he achieves this transformation by the force and constancy of his own personality decisions, in each of life’s situations declaring, “It is my will that your will be done.


    “I’m just curious.  Do you, or anyone else reading this, think it’s possible, by willpower alone, to affectively alter your nervous system reflexes or your ability to automatically associate ideas?”

    Me here: I’m a bit uncertain of exactly what willpower really is but let’s say it’s focusing your mental abilities on altering nervous system reflexes:

    what are our mental abilities? A normal brain, Adjutants, subjective ideals, knowledge, experience, a normal nervous system and a personality to steer the ship?? More or less, I’m just not certain.

    how about an example of affectively altering your nervous system reflexes: Siagon 1965, Buddhist monk douses himself with gasoline and lights self on fire in response to a situation that violated his sense of right and wrong. He didn’t move or cry out in pain or change his mind.

    “The ability to alter ideas that associate automatically:”

    Me here again: i think that the levels of meaning can give us a clue about that: we are borne and our existence is flesh level, totally selfish and it’s part of the master plan. As we grow and the Adjutants kick in and we receive Divine Adjuster the selfishness slowly can turn outside to brotherly love, service and even fatherly love. It’s very automatic to be simply selfish, like my dog. But to choose to be selfless, do service, live the Golden Rule or even dare to love like God loves us is something that may become automatic some day but right now it’s simply making a choice to be unselfish.

    hows that for a start, am I thinking about your question similar to what you have in mind?


    Do you, or anyone else reading this, think it’s possible, by willpower alone, to affectively alter your nervous system reflexes

    We knows willpower comes from personality bestowed.

    Nervous biological/chemestry/material system can be altered by spirit over matter and/or willpower. At least some part of it as explain below.

    Facts of science prove this.

    One of the most complex systems in the body is the nervous system. (body’s electrical wiring).

    • Automatic nervous system:

    Not under direct voluntary control. It controls automatic processes such as breathing, digestion, and the beating of the heart.

    • Somatic nervous system:

    It allows you to perform complex movements and behaviors. Is subject to voluntary control and accessible to consciousness.

    by willpower alone  … your ability to automatically associate ideas?

    At first only the spirit of intuition could function in the instinctive and reflex behavior of the primordial animal life. With the differentiation of higher types, the spirit of understanding was able to endow such creatures with the gift of spontaneous association of ideas62:6.2

    Willpower … personality could not be bestowed without Adjutans ministrie. Without this cousciousness from Third Source and Center we may be like a plant, a non-teachable mechanism, without mind, without a brain..  65:6.10



    how about an example of affectively altering your nervous system reflexes: Siagon 1965, Buddhist monk douses himself with gasoline and lights self on fire in response to a situation that violated his sense of right and wrong. He didn’t move or cry out in pain or change his mind.

    Isn’t that just a matter of controlling the emotions by putting yourself into a coma-like self-hypnotic trance?  I don’t think that’s control over the lower adjutants as much as it is control over the higher adjutants.  That guy just shut off worship and wisdom completely with self-hypnosis.  I do think we know when we’re consciously engaging worship and wisdom, but not so much with the lower adjutants. I certainly don’t think there’s a way to be wholly conscious of an individual adjutant in such a way that you can control one at a time either.

    I know that my first adjutant is functioning if I’m sitting at a red light in the middle lane and when the left hand green arrow comes on my foot reflexively begins to release the brake.  My first adjutant has learned that green means go, but my second adjutant has to process the information because not all green lights mean go, then one or more of the other adjutants makes me put pressure back on the brake and pay attention.  But that’s about the extent of it, the ability to witness the effects of the lower adjutants, but not the actual inner workings in such a way that I can consciously control their activity.  The trance state of self-hypnosis is not really a fully conscious state.  I do think that a trained hypnotist can make suggestions to the subconscious mind, but that does not constitute conscious self-willed control over the unconscious adjutant workings of the mind.

    We can train our minds to respond to certain religious stimuli but only if we engage worship and wisdom, both of which we can become aware of interacting with, but even then, not fully conscious of how they work within the mind.  When TUB mentions this in terms of developing a spiritual reflex, the author is talking about keeping the gateway open through worshipful and wise thinking, which is  Godwardly directed reflective and meditative thought.  It has nothing at all to do with the lower adjutants any more than they being merely the supportive substructure for the sixth and seventh.  The lower adjutants will perform naturally to their utmost ability.  Worship and wisdom will also function naturally, but unlike the lower five, they can be self-consciously chosen and worked with because they are the human level of adjutants built to engage personality with it’s precious power of choice.  To be honest, I don’t think here is much value in thought without engaging worship and wisdom.  Concentrating one’s thoughts on the lower adjutants is material level thinking, and in the grand scheme of things, not very serviceable.

    111:1.5 . . . Human consciousness rests gently upon the electrochemical mechanism below and delicately touches the spirit-morontia energy system above. Of neither of these two systems is the human being ever completely conscious in his mortal life; therefore must he work in mind, of which he is conscious.

    102:3.1 Religion must continually labor under a paradoxical necessity: the necessity of making effective use of thought while at the same time discounting the spiritual serviceableness of all thinking.

    As we grow and the Adjutants kick in and we receive Divine Adjuster the selfishness slowly can turn outside to brotherly love, service and even fatherly love.

    The lower adjutants have nothing to do with Adjuster guidance except to prepare the mind for the superadjutant Holy Spirit.  The presence of the Holy Spirit is the baseline signal to the Adjuster that the mind is prepared to accept him.  All of our unselfish altruistic urges come from the Adjuster, but we would not be aware of them at all without utilizing worship and wisdom in the search for such high urges.  Using the gateway adjutants to connect to the inner spiritual vine is the only way the fruits of brotherly love and fatherly love can be produced.  Spiritual fruit does not grow on material vines. Only social fruit is produced on material vines.  The Holy Spirit is an essential part of the spiritual vine because she forms the thinking mechanism which supports it.  It’s why they call it born of the spirit.  A new mind is born.

    103:5.5  Human happiness is achieved only when the ego desire of the self and the altruistic urge of the higher self (divine spirit) are co-ordinated and reconciled by the unified will of the integrating and supervising personality. The mind of evolutionary man is ever confronted with the intricate problem of refereeing the contest between the natural expansion of emotional impulses and the moral growth of unselfish urges predicated on spiritual insight — genuine religious reflection.

    103:2.10 Man tends to identify the urge to be self-serving with his ego — himself. In contrast he is inclined to identify the will to be altruistic with some influence outside himself — God. And indeed is such a judgment right, for all such nonself desires do actually have their origin in the leadings of the indwelling Thought Adjuster, and this Adjuster is a fragment of God. The impulse of the spirit Monitor is realized in human consciousness as the urge to be altruistic, fellow-creature minded. At least this is the early and fundamental experience of the child mind. When the growing child fails of personality unification, the altruistic drive may become so overdeveloped as to work serious injury to the welfare of the self. A misguided conscience can become responsible for much conflict, worry, sorrow, and no end of human unhappiness.

    102:7.4    True, many apparently religious traits can grow out of nonreligious roots. Man can, intellectually, deny God and yet be morally good, loyal, filial, honest, and even idealistic. Man may graft many purely humanistic branches onto his basic spiritual nature and thus apparently prove his contentions in behalf of a godless religion, but such an experience is devoid of survival values, God-knowingness and God-ascension. In such a mortal experience only social fruits are forthcoming, not spiritual. The graft determines the nature of the fruit, notwithstanding that the living sustenance is drawn from the roots of original divine endowment of both mind and spirit. 


    Nigel Nunn

    Hi Bonita,

    Your comments above make me wonder, are you mistaking behavioral pathways for Adjutant illumination? Are you confusing habitual responses for the gentle urgings of a level of consciousness of our Divine Minister?

    Regarding the Adjutant mediating our first taste of Intuition, as I understand it, this has nothing to do with the sort of reflexive reaction you describe (green means go!)

    For me, a better illustration of this particular circuit (Intuition) is the means by which a quarterback can KNOW the state of play from a single glance — so called “game awareness”. Of course, Knowledge and Understanding add to this picture their quick insight into potential repercussions, if that wide receiver happens successfully to receive   :-)

    Does this help to clarify the difference between our interpretations?

    What do you think?



    Your comments above make me wonder, are you mistaking behavioral pathways for Adjutant illumination? Are you confusing habitual responses for the gentle urgings of a level of consciousness of our Divine Minister?

    What’s the difference Nigel?  Are you saying that the amoeba’s ability to react to its environment for the purpose of self-preservation is not due to the gentle urgings of a level of consciousness of our Divine Minister?  She is conscious of all life, even the non-teachable mechanical life to which the first adjutant provides overlapping contact ministry, along with the Physical Controllers.  The first adjutant function is the very source of stimulus-response behavior.  In humans that stimulus-response can be conditioned by habit, since human mind is teachable as well as non-teachable. The non-teachable, mechanical level of mind functions at the cellular level, which is overlapped by the first adjutant that directs a network of cells to react to a stimulus rather than a single cell. Because humans are not single-celled like the amoeba, the first adjutant can build  more robust and complex stimulus-response behaviors, even without engaging the reasoning power of the higher adjutants.  You give the first adjutant far too much intelligence.  It’s function is very basic and primitive.

    Nigel Nunn wrote:Regarding the Adjutant mediating our first taste of Intuition, as I understand it, this has nothing to do with the sort of reflexive reaction you describe (green means go!)
    Well that’s precisely where you and I differ in our understandings of the adjutants.  If the first adjutant is the only adjutant that makes contact with the lower orders of animal life and human mental life is contingent upon the ability of each of the adjutants’ progressively functioning throughout the animal kingdom, then the first adjutant in the human functions no differently than it functions in the primitive animal, which is to provide ” . . . primitive physical and inherent reflex instincts . . .” (36:5.6)  This means that although Yehudi might be able to play the triangle in the human being, he only plays the maracas in primitive animals and the finger cymbals in higher animals.  The first adjutant will never, ever become a violin player. The evolution of the first adjutant stays within the limits of its functional constraints, and the human being is it’s highest evolution of function, but still very basic ” . . . primitive physical and inherent reflex instincts.”  The keywords in the description of the first adjutant is physical instincts, not intuition, which has different meanings on different levels.
    The word intuition has a very limited meaning in regards to the first adjutant; it means quick perception in regards to physical instincts.  Higher levels of intuition require a more complex level of reasoning and logic.  The first adjutant is incapable of complex reasoning.  That is the purview of the other adjutants which have their own type of intuition.  The second adjutant’s intuition is the spontaneous association of ideas, or reasoning, unrelated to the intuition of the first adjutant.  The third adjutant’s intuition is fidelity and constancy of thought, unrelated to the intuition of the first adjutant.  The fourth adjutant’s intuition is curiosity and determination of thought, unrelated to the intuition of the first adjutant.  The fifth adjutant’s intuition is social proclivity, the impulse to share thought, unrelated to the intuition of the first adjutant.  The sixth adjutant’s intuition is supernatural awareness and religion seeking thought , unrelated to the intuition of the first adjutant.  The seventh adjutant’s intuition is coordination and utilization of all experience for a purpose, also unrelated to the intuition of the first adjutant.  The Holy Spirit’s intuition is called spiritual intuition, or spiritual insight, a gift, and completely unrelated to the intuition of the first adjutant.

    For me, a better illustration of this particular circuit (Intuition) is the means by which a quarterback can KNOW the state of play from a single glance — so called “game awareness”. Of course, Knowledge and Understanding add to this picture their quick insight into potential repercussions, if that wide receiver happens successfully to receive

    You’re talking about the spirit wisdom there and its ability to,  ” . . .  to utilize the co-ordination of all their past experience and present opportunities for the acquisition of all of everything that all of the other six mental ministers can mobilize in the mind of the organism concerned.” 936:5.12) The “game awareness” you describe cannot happen without the spirit of wisdom which coordinates and integrates every and all input from the other six adjutants.  The first adjutant’s input would only involve primitive and conditioned physical instincts – the release of adrenaline, the shifting of blood flow to the brain, dilation of the pupil, decreased blinking, conditioned muscular responses to certain stimuli, habitual stimulus-response behaviors which allow the body to align itself for best performance without thinking, etc..

    Does this help to clarify the difference between our interpretations?

    Oh, I think I understand your interpretation, I just don’t agree with all of it.  I’m pretty sure you don’t fully understand my interpretation though or you wouldn’t give complex reasoning power to the first adjutant.  The first adjutant never climbs the ranks, but evolves to it’s maximum function within its own level and its maximum function will always involve only the ” . . . primitive physical and inherent reflex instincts . . .” (36:5.6)  “Game awareness” is a function of the spirit of wisdom, not the spirit of intuition, although the first adjutant does contribute to the formula a particular type of intuition which favors self-preservation, and the self-preservation instinct of the first adjutant is to keep the physical system alive and at peak performance so the other adjutants can function.  Your idea of what the first adjutant does is rather glorified and grandiose in my opinion, way too cinematic.  It’s just a simple adjutant with a simple but indispensable function of self-preservation, which is why it’s first.

    Nigel Nunn

    Hi Bonita,

    Thanks for the well-thought out answer! I’ll spend some time reflecting on what you wrote, and on my own interesting experience of these things   :good:


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