The Blessings of Uncertainty, Disappointment, and Failure

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    Yeah, and it’s happening 2024 years to the day after the birth of Jesus (if I did the math right).



    Thanks, Gene, for saving us from the hungry demon! I saw it, too!

    But seriously, watching the eclipse today really did give me a feeling of connection to the universe and a beautiful reminder that we are part of a vast cosmos that operates with order, structure, and mathematical precision (and is not random at all).


    I managed to get several photos and was puzzled as to why on camera only I was getting an extra two much smaller partially eclipsed bodies in the photo?? Come to realize later that I was getting either Mars, Venus or Mercury. How cool was that.

    Isnt it amazing how this loss of light seems to have such a unifying influence on us all??

    Never considered the 2024 years to the day after the birth of Jesus – now that is a coincidence, eh??


    Yes Gene…thank you for saving the sun and our world….and for all the laughter.  And far more topical than some might imagine.  Less so here, but on a couple of other UB discussion sites, the sign and wonders crowd have been a little nutty recently!  Despite the fact our world has multiple ‘monster’ eclipse events EVERY YEAR, some have chosen this one on August 21 as a herald to all forms of primitive malarkey.  Such ones are always faced with disappointment from false expectations.  I wonder do such ones suffer from fractured faith when prediction after prediction fails to deliver?  Will such disappointments bring forth stronger character…or resentment and weakness?

    People who claim to be students of the Revelation who themselves demonstrate the most primitive of behaviors.

    We are taught that uncertainty eventually will deliver anticipation and adventure in our discovery of how things workout…without the need to know or manage outcomes upon this trail of adventure.

    How can one be joyful and confident while burdened and blinded by the anxiety of looking for signs and wonders?


    Yes Gene…thank you for saving the sun and our world….and for all the laughter. And far more topical than some might imagine. Less so here, but on a couple of other UB discussion sites, the sign and wonders crowd have been a little nutty recently! Despite the fact our world has multiple ‘monster’ eclipse events EVERY YEAR, some have chosen this one on August 21 as a herald to all forms of primitive malarkey. Such ones are always faced with disappointment from false expectations. I wonder do such ones suffer from fractured faith when prediction after prediction fails to deliver? Will such disappointments bring forth stronger character…or resentment and weakness? People who claim to be students of the Revelation who themselves demonstrate the most primitive of behaviors. We are taught that uncertainty eventually will deliver anticipation and adventure in our discovery of how things workout…without the need to know or manage outcomes upon this trail of adventure. How can one be joyful and confident while burdened and blinded by the anxiety of looking for signs and wonders?

    Keryn mentioned the math precision – just the idea of predicting the event is awsome to me but its ancient history in the scientific age we live in. I don’t visit other UB forums but I do know of at least one individual that was likely taken up on one of those invisible space ships to get a angels eye view of the event – there are some very different (to say the least) students of this revelation that interpret it quite a bit different than I can let myself.

    I recorded the Science channel, they did a live coverage plus some other cool stuff like an update on the James Webb telescope to be put out in space in 2018 and lots of other stuff. Ill watch it in the middle of those sleepless nights.

    Speaking of science since it came up Iv been thinking – somewhere out there finite time and space ends and absonite reality begins. Do you think that our science will ever be able to either observe directly or indirectly or at least extrapolate from known and unknown data that interface or maybe even somewhat of an overlap between the two?? If so I dont think it will result from looking at stars and planets or galaxies or dark bodies – probably more on the smaller sub atomic level – but what do I know. Im just a follower.

    Fun to think about. Ideas for a different thread maybe. May the gods of observation be with you.


    Okay…back to uncertainty, disappointment, and failure….so how do tadpoles begin to learn to feast on uncertainty?  We’ve established that there can be no real anticipation, discovery, or adventure without uncertainty.  At its core, uncertainty simply means not knowing what’s coming next, or in what sequence, or how things/choices/events/circumstances/situations will turn out, or the solution to a problem/challenge/dilemma, or how we should respond to a situation – the unknowns in life deliver uncertainty to life….and this is a good thing and necessary thing for education and progressive experience.

    How can one grow in wisdom and skills without experiential uncertainty, disappointment, and failure?   Uncertainty can be faced with anxiety and fear by the unbeliever, or with confidence and trust by faith children.  The measure of our faith in God and the friendly universe and our destiny is what determines our confidence and trust and also our anxiety and fear.  Or so I understand.

    (437.6) 39:5.7 4. The Spirits of Trust. Suspicion is the inherent reaction of primitive men; the survival struggles of the early ages do not naturally breed trust. Trust is a new human acquisition brought about by the ministry of these planetary seraphim of the Adamic regime. It is their mission to inculcate trust into the minds of evolving men. The Gods are very trustful; the Universal Father is willing freely to trust himself — the Adjuster — to man’s association.

    (438.1) 39:5.8 This entire group of seraphim was transferred to the new regime after the Adamic miscarriage, and they have ever since continued their labors on Urantia. And they have not been wholly unsuccessful since a civilization is now evolving which embodies much of their ideals of confidence and trust.

    (438.2) 39:5.9 In the more advanced planetary ages these seraphim enhance man’s appreciation of the truth that uncertainty is the secret of contented continuity. They help the mortal philosophers to realize that, when ignorance is essential to success, it would be a colossal blunder for the creature to know the future. They heighten man’s taste for the sweetness of uncertainty, for the romance and charm of the indefinite and unknown future.

    7. The Adjuster’s Problem

    (1223.3) 111:7.1 Uncertainty with security is the essence of the Paradise adventure — uncertainty in time and in mind, uncertainty as to the events of the unfolding Paradise ascent; security in spirit and in eternity, security in the unqualified trust of the creature son in the divine compassion and infinite love of the Universal Father; uncertainty as an inexperienced citizen of the universe; security as an ascending son in the universe mansions of an all-powerful, all-wise, and all-loving Father.

    (1223.4) 111:7.2 May I admonish you to heed the distant echo of the Adjuster’s faithful call to your soul? The indwelling Adjuster cannot stop or even materially alter your career struggle of time; the Adjuster cannot lessen the hardships of life as you journey on through this world of toil. The divine indweller can only patiently forbear while you fight the battle of life as it is lived on your planet; but you could, if you only would — as you work and worry, as you fight and toil — permit the valiant Adjuster to fight with you and for you. You could be so comforted and inspired, so enthralled and intrigued, if you would only allow the Adjuster constantly to bring forth the pictures of the real motive, the final aim, and the eternal purpose of all this difficult, uphill struggle with the commonplace problems of your present material world.

    (1601.3) 142:5.3 “The Supreme Spirit shall bear witness with your spirits that you are truly the children of God. And if you are the sons of God, then have you been born of the spirit of God; and whosoever has been born of the spirit has in himself the power to overcome all doubt, and this is the victory that overcomes all uncertainty, even your faith.


    How can one grow in wisdom and skills without experiential uncertainty, disappointment, and failure?   Uncertainty can be faced with anxiety and fear by the unbeliever, or with confidence and trust by faith children.  The measure of our faith in God and the friendly universe and our destiny is what determines our confidence and trust and also our anxiety and fear.  Or so I understand.

    Uncertainty becomes fun when you realize that, not only is it okay to make mistakes, but it’s expected.  All the anxiety and fear melts away when you realize that God has no punishment for honest mistakes, that he expects you to learn something from making them  . . . (which is really supercalifragilistic, ’cause learning is cool) . . .  and that a life without mistakes is not a very useful life. People who can’t accept their mistakes are in real trouble as are those who can’t accept other people’s mistakes.  Likewise, it’s not that you go out looking for mistakes to make either . . . that’s twisted.

    130.4.11  Error (evil) is the penalty of imperfection. The qualities of imperfection or facts of misadaptation are disclosed on the material level by critical observation and by scientific analysis; on the moral level, by human experience. The presence of evil constitutes proof of the inaccuracies of mind and the immaturity of the evolving self. Evil is, therefore, also a measure of imperfection in universe interpretation. The possibility of making mistakes is inherent in the acquisition of wisdom, the scheme of progressing from the partial and temporal to the complete and eternal, from the relative and imperfect to the final and perfected. Error is the shadow of relative incompleteness which must of necessity fall across man’s ascending universe path to Paradise perfection. Error (evil) is not an actual universe quality; it is simply the observation of a relativity in the relatedness of the imperfection of the incomplete finite to the ascending levels of the Supreme and Ultimate.

    118:7.3 Error in finite choosing is time bound and time limited. It can exist only in time and within the evolving presence of the Supreme Being. Such mistaken choosing is time possible and indicates (besides the incompleteness of the Supreme) that certain range of choice with which immature creatures must be endowed in order to enjoy universe progression by making freewill contact with reality.

    156:5.8 Do not become discouraged by the discovery that you are human. Human nature may tend toward evil, but it is not inherently sinful. Be not downcast by your failure wholly to forget some of your regrettable experiences. The mistakes which you fail to forget in time will be forgotten in eternity. Lighten your burdens of soul by speedily acquiring a long-distance view of your destiny, a universe expansion of your career.


    So….is prejudice a form of the fear of the uncertainty of one’s rightness?  Prejudice as a ‘self’ defense-mechanism?  Some folks have real difficulty laying aside preconception and some refuse to acknowledge misconception too.  Quite the obstacle to the forever-learning form of universe educational experience inherent for ascenders, no?

    There are those who rant and rave at every obstacle and disappointment and failure, looking for who to blame and determining who should be doing what to relieve them of their disappointments.  Others appear paralyzed by fear of failure and disappointment – attempting to avoid uncertainty by immobility.

    It has been pointed out here that the text on feasting and fattening was related to a far distant future.  True.  And yet, fusion is the tadpole’s goal here and now.  Won’t we need to learn to embrace uncertainty and have no fear of disappointment and failure and to demonstrate that faithful trust in God to gain fusion with our TA’s?  Yes, I think so.

    It is never too early to lay aside anxiety and fear in favor of trust and confidence!!  Even tadpoles can do it!   ;-)


    Others appear paralyzed by fear of failure and disappointment – attempting to avoid uncertainty by immobility.

    Yeah, there’s a quote for that.

    101.7.4  The great difference between a religious and a nonreligious philosophy of living consists in the nature and level of recognized values and in the object of loyalties. There are four phases in the evolution of religious philosophy: Such an experience may become merely conformative, resigned to submission to tradition and authority. Or it may be satisfied with slight attainments, just enough to stabilize the daily living, and therefore becomes early arrested on such an adventitious level. Such mortals believe in letting well enough alone. A third group progress to the level of logical intellectuality but there stagnate in consequence of cultural slavery. It is equally pathetic to observe those who trade their cultural bondage for the materialistic fetters of a science, falsely so called. The fourth level of philosophy attains freedom from all conventional and traditional handicaps and dares to think, act, and live honestly, loyally, fearlessly, and truthfully.

    Won’t we need to learn to embrace uncertainty and have no fear of disappointment and failure and to demonstrate that faithful trust in God to gain fusion with our TA’s?  Yes, I think so. It is never too early to lay aside anxiety and fear in favor of trust and confidence!!  Even tadpoles can do it!

    Absolutely!  I know I’ve made great strides myself in embracing uncertainty and accepting disappointments.  If I can do it anyone can. It makes life so much more fun!


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