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    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    Page 38

    There was a shared and growing affection within the members of this meeting, one of spiritual harmony and profound mutual respect. Kala and Saro thought of the variety of beings these Evangels must surely counsel in their everyday work as Mansonian ministers. The pair was also feeling very close to each of their Adjusters at this moment of decision, as the morning’s revelatory experience resonated in their supple, expanding, morontia minds.
    “Before we go further, you should know that you may, if you so decide, extend your ten day stays on any of the Mansion worlds by ten day increments. Our goal is have your special mission group assembled and ready to train in 300 System years.”
    “That’s around three hundred Urantia years.” Saro estimated.
    “Yes…minus 19.1 percent. We believe Urantia’s next dispensational resurrection is imminent, perhaps in fewer than 1,000 planetary years. Of course Michael could return to Urantia today and trigger the next resurrection of sleeping survivors. We do not know. We do know the current dispensation will end before long. Then hundreds of millions of sleeping Urantians will resurrect here on M1, in every imaginable psychological condition, and speaking many languages, several of which you are already familiar. But each one will have at least a flicker of faith and an abiding hunger for truth. They will want to learn the facts and truths you know and have lived, even while on Urantia.
    “Before they arrive you should have time enough to ascend Mansonia, fuse, and return to establish and implement a training program that will prepare your team for the coming wave of Urantians. Your special mission group will be under the direct supervision of Andon and Fonta, and it will be headquartered with the Mansion World Teachers.
    “As we anticipate Mansonia’s future needs—that is another area of Seraphic Evangel responsibility–we have deemed it wise to establish this group composed of ex-mortals who have already transitioned up the Mansonia regime, fused with their Monitors, and returned; thereafter to lead a class of resurrected pilgrims over the same path you recently traversed. Even more importantly, you will be living proof that it can be done.
    “This means that you will forfeit the experience of passing through Mansonia and looking into its every aspect, facility, and temple—for the time being. But you will have ample time as you move up the regime as fused beings, along with your assigned class. Groups, naturally, move slower than individuals. Indeed, no class may advance en masse until its slowest members advance. Of course, after fusion, you and your team of leaders will be free to use every service on any world of the System to prepare yourselves to help lead this future class from Urantia.”
    “How many others  have you selected for this group?” Kala asked.
    “You are the first. As the founding members, you will be its leaders and spokespersons, under Andon’s and Fonta’s guidance of course. At this point I will mention that your Guardians informed me you both were certified as having achieved the second psychic circle, after your Adjuster communion this morning. This indicates your use of mota in combination with worship has already replaced the need for the scaffolding of faith.”
    They took a moment, but Saro and Kala were not in the least anxious about being confronted with this decision. Still, they both wanted to discuss each route and course option they might take, together or apart. The Evangels then proceeded to put all the possibilities and options before them.
    Kala and Saro truly loved each other with an equal and ever growing affection, and did not wish to separate. By the Evangel’s proffered plan they could remain together for the Mansion phase of their ascension. That could be a long time if they are to accompany and guide a great class through the Mansion training regime. And why not see the Mansion Worlds as fused beings? Would not then their perspective be greater, and they be better able to see what is truly meaningful, valuable, and of good purpose, and thereby know even greater ways of service?
    The meeting adjourned with the Evangels retiring, leaving the pair, their four Guardians, and two Adjusters to meditate on the Seraphic Evangels’ counsel. And that they did.
    After a short period of silent and sincere prayer, and with assurance from her Adjuster, Kala looked straight into Saro’s eyes and said, “If I know you as well as I think I do, you already know there is only one choice.”
    Saro had sensed the same assurance and answered, “If I know you as well as I think I do, then the choice is already made.”

    Richard E Warren

    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    Thank you Rick for all that you do. Your presentation of what lies ahead is quite inspirational and helps to put in focus better the value of the time we have left to live and grow while still here on Urantia. Your work is not going unnoticed and it inspires to look for ways to be of greater service to others and to the doing of the Father’s will.


    I do fully agree with DanAmadon… thank you Rick

    Please keep them coming in.

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    Thank you Rick for all that you do. Your presentation of what lies ahead is quite inspirational and helps to put in focus better the value of the time we have left to live and grow while still here on Urantia. Your work is not going unnoticed and it inspires to look for ways to be of greater service to others and to the doing of the Father’s will.

    I do fully agree with DanAmadon… thank you Rick Please keep them coming in.


    Very much appreciate the positive feedback, Van, Trev. Will ‘keep them coming in’.


    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    Page 39

    With all four Guardians and their Adjusters as witnesses, Kala and Saro then and there decided to take the Evangel’s recommended route. Their Guardians congratulated them roundly and warmly. One of Saro’s angels then asked, “Now, will you change your plans for the remainder of your stay on M1?”
    They thought a moment and Kala asked Saro, “Why don’t we spend the rest of the day thinking over our short term plans, now that we’ve agreed on the long term?”
    Saro took her arm and answered, “Let’s do.”
    At that point their Guardians embraced them and vanished. Kala and Saro left the Evangels’ circle on foot. They wandered without direction thinking over the day’s unexpected events, at the same time enjoying the sights and sounds of the beautiful living tableau that is the resurrection complex.
    When the pair walked by Banquet Hall’s garden, they decided to enter. Being so close to the luxuriant, cultivated shrubs and plants, laden with a wide variety of fruit, colorful vegetables, and aromatic herbs, induced them to sniff, sample, and share. They recognized several varieties, having enjoyed their taste at the reception feast. They tried many different items; the ripe ones were rich and incredibly delicious.
    They sat down in a tiny carved chapel at the end of a long row of tall viny, flowering plants with clusters of delectable fruit. The nook was made of a morontia material they had not seen before. Saro described it as, “soft crystal”. They relaxed there, taking in the beauty of the garden and watching the spornagia tend the plants.
    “Just one circle to go, eh?” Saro said with a tone of amazement.
    “Apparently!” exclaimed Kala. “I do feel, more or less, in constant contact ever since this morning. You too?”
    “I do. And during our experience I had the unmistakable impression my Partner wanted me to take the Evangels’ offer,” said Saro. “But I didn’t really get that until we were in the Evangel’s meeting.”
    “Same for me. We’re so alike in mind and spirit. And now I’ve realized, we’re a foursome,” Kala said, embracing the air as if hugging her Paradise Partner.
    “I know. They’re in and with us, and now we’re more conscious of them, and on a higher level. It’s like the dream of heaven coming true. It’s as if I’m floating on a river of joy, spirit joy as I’ve never known. We’re in heaven already Kala, and if we’re feeling this way on M1, what will we feel, know, and be, by the time we reach M7?!
    “Anyway, I’m sure my Partner knows I was surprised to hear we have permission to advance all the way to M7, skipping along every ten days. And I’m sure I felt his joy when we agreed to the Evangel’s plan. It made me think of that line, what was it exactly?” He located the text, “it’s from a Solitary Messenger: ‘The Adjuster, while passive regarding purely temporal welfare, is divinely active concerning all the affairs of your eternal future.’”
    Kala replied, “The Evangel said we could have an additional ten days, or more. I like that part. She didn’t say this, but it was implied that somewhere between here and M7, we’ll make the 1st psychic circle. Then do whatever else is required before fusing, on the upper Mansions, presumably…And yes, Saro. I’ve had an increased sense of shared joy since this morning. I feel so loved, and I do so love. I keep hearing in my mind, and feeling, Jesus’ simple truth: ‘God is love.’”

    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    Page 40

    The fruits they ate only piqued their appetites. After a short while Saro and Kala decided to walk to an eatery outside the Resurrection Hall complex, taking a different gate this time. As they ambled along unknown avenues, Kala said, “We have eight days left on M1. What should we do, spend them the way we originally planned; visiting the temple of Morontia Companions, the governor’s residence, tour the surface? Do you still want to certify for bird piloting?”
    “I don’t sense any indication of problems with our original plan, do you?”
    Kala replied, “No. I was wondering about how best to use our days of liberty now that we know our route and the approximate time frame. Unless we opt to extend on one or more Mansion worlds, we have sixty eight days of liberty left, total.”
    “In a way, this is a pre-honeymoon trip up the Mansion worlds. This is our final period of betrothal. I keep thinking of the finality of it, to be secure in eternity always seemed like a far, far away goal. Until now,” said Saro.
    “And those images of our destiny expanded my vision of eternity in ways I can’t verbalize. But I can see clearly, so much of the past and some of the future.”
    “We are indeed fortunate,” said Saro with profound sincerity, humility, and gratitude.
    For the remainder of their days on Mansion World number one, Kala and Saro ticked off the places to go and things to see and do, one by one. Each day’s activity was interspersed with worship, rest, and play. During this short period of liberty they spoke with scores of M1 residents and guests, and many times were able to give advice and guidance. They did much good as they passed by, just as they did on Urantia.
    While on M1 the pair gained an idea of the scope of the training the sphere offers. With regard to ascenders, it was apparent that the better part of it pertains to deficiency ministry. They attained a good sense of correctness of the text Kala recalled from the Urantia Book’s revelations about M1: ‘Survivors arriving on this first of the detention spheres present so many and such varied defects of creature character and deficiencies of mortal experience that the major activities of the realm are occupied with the correction and cure of these manifold legacies of the life in the flesh.’
    They also toured the factory where the harps of God are manufactured. Kala and Saro were astounded by techniques employed by the workers, and the efficiency of the manufacturing process. At the factory they met and talked with a variety of beings in both management and production. Almost all were interested in their stories of life on Urantia.
    On another occasion they returned to the great bird house in the sky for piloting lessons. This took all morning of one day, and that afternoon the pair made a long round-trip flight to the renowned Morontia Companions’ temple. They toured the area briefly then enjoyed a memorable worship session amid several million other beings of highly diverse orders.
    They also took an afternoon for a field study of the immense variety of lower life forms of M1, the plants and animals.  The variety, uniqueness, and fearlessness of the morontia creatures immediately impressed them. They enjoyed the easy and gentle interspecies contact with the fascinating spectrum of wildlife, and concluded without a doubt that an absence of fear between creatures is normal here. No creature has to devour another to survive.
    One day they spent travelling to and touring M1 headquarters. They took a guided tour of the governor’s residence and its magnificent hanging garden. From one of the gardens’ promenades Saro and Kala watched in complete fascination as seraphic transporters took off and landed on a far-away high point. The site where they would soon depart M1 for M2.
    Each night they returned to the Melchizedek sector, to their lodging. Each day they sampled the sights, sounds, tastes of several different locales. The connecting link to all this movement and experience was their constant and affirmative response to the worship urge. In temple after temple they strengthened bonds with their beloved Indwellers by the power and creativity of inner communion.
    The eight days passed quickly, notwithstanding that one M1 day is almost as long as three days on Urantia. But the pair did pick up much valuable experience and a new sense of belonging to life at the morontia level. Life is taking on new and unimagined meaning, value, and purpose as they ascend in spirit. Still, there was much, very much, of M1 that had to be left unexplored. Until they returned.
    The night before departure, Solonia made arrangements for seraphic transport to M2. Kala and Saro spent their last evening at Banquet Hall, dining with some of the friends they had made during their stay on M1. Solonia was with them. At the end of the meal the trio talked about the transport process; seraphic sleep, and reawakening on another world.
    “Do you self-transport, or travel like us, by seraphim?” Saro asked Solonia.

    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    Page 41

    Solonia answered, “We leave that to the specialists–Transport Seraphim. Shall we meet at your abode at dawn and take a transport to the launch?”
    They agreed and Kala said, “Solonia, we talked it over and want to request that you accompany us to M7. If you want to we would be honored by your company.” Saro nodded agreement.
    “As a matter of fact, just this morning, my request to remain with you as long as you want was approved. I was about to mention it.” They cheered and embraced. Their first solid, personal, interspecies friendship on Mansonia was with a Morontia Companion, a daughter of the Divine Minister, one who will be welcoming and escorting beings like Saro and Kala up and down the System’s worlds until Light and Life permeates all Nebadon.
    From the Banquet Hall the trio went to the Melchizedek sector, discussing their amazing day as they strolled. Solonia remarked on the pair’s equanimity, maturity, and sagacity. She also congratulated them on taking up the challenge put before them by the Evangels. She then left, after an especially warm and lingering embrace.
    The pair did not feel the need to rest. Both were energized and living in sweet and profound awareness of their Adjusters, stimulated significantly by reflections on the day’s inner and outer revelations. They decided to return to the gazebo at the center of the park where their first night on M1 was spent. They climbed to the top tier and looked out over the lighted sphere, drinking in the wonder and beauty of it.
    After a period of silence, Kala said, “Our first time to enseraphim, Saro. Tomorrow! Too bad we won’t be awake for it.”
    “We shouldn’t sleep for long. M2 is close. At three times light speed, it can’t take long.”
    They settled in for a night of quiet talks, intimate personal association, and divine communion, interspersed with occasional walks. Their Adjusters continued to flash picturizations of previous indwellings. Kala and Saro exchanged stories they had seen and the values wrought from lives that did not resurrect. Their Indwellers had many, many experiences that gave the pair undreamed-of insight into the values, lives, and failures of those other beings. Indeed, Kala and Saro felt as if they were gathering insight into cosmic existence itself.
    Solonia found them still at the gazebo the next morning. The trio discussed their departure, then returned to their lodging for freshening up and a change of wrap.
    During the ride to the site of seraphic transportation, Saro reviewed the Urantia text about their impending enseraphimation and read it at Kala’s request:
    “When enseraphimed, you go to sleep for a specified time, and you will awake at the designated moment. The length of a journey when in transit sleep is immaterial. You are not directly aware of the passing of time. It is as if you went to sleep on a transport vehicle in one city and, after resting in peaceful slumber all night, awakened in another and distant metropolis. You journeyed while you slumbered. And so you take flight through space, enseraphimed, while you rest — sleep. The transit sleep is induced by the liaison between the Adjusters and the seraphic transporters.”
    “Have you read the Urantia Book, Solonia?” asked Kala.
    “I have, more than once. We all relished reports from Urantia about its progress during the book’s inception, and finally its publishing. The Urantia Book is the most popular of all Mansonia literature. Part IV has been transformed into a day-long production. Every Mansonian eventually witnesses it many times, and in many versions. The Celestial Artisans are always working on improving their presentations of the greatest story ever to unfold in Nebadon.”
    “This is what we so longed for on Urantia! And it lasts an entire M1 day?!” Saro asked.
    Big smiles broke out on their faces. They looked at each other and Saro said, “Do we need reservations?”
    “Never. There are always multiple versions running on the seven mansions. And of course you may view a recording privately, at your lodging, via your harp. But I recommend you set aside a day on M2 to see it performed live.”
    “Let’s do that,” Kala said. They were very happy about this. Kala and Saro had often talked about the impact of the creation of a movie based on the Midwayers’ account of the Master’s life as it is portrayed in Part IV, in order that all the world might have access to it. Now they could see it, and not in three or four short Urantia hours, but over a whole mansion day. They were pleased to know another of their fondest wishes would soon be fulfilled, even if not on Urantia.
    Saro then uttered a prophesy, “Someday Urantia will have passenger birds again, and first rate depictions of Michael’s incarnation as Jesus.”

    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    Page 42

    M1’s seraphic transport point is a modest mount located not far from its headquarters, also the energy pole of the sphere. Kala and Saro had viewed this mount of angelic departure and arrival in fascination just days before from the governor’s promenade where they were touring.
    Solonia instructed the pod to approach slowly so the pair had time to watch the landing and launching of several beings at close range. She told them, “The M1 spaceport is surrounded by receiving stations for visiting beings of diverse orders.”  Pointing to a ring of structures around the top of the mount she said, “That zone is where we register. And there is the make-ready area, where seraphic sleep is induced.”
    The pair watched the center of the surface of a large glassy field on the mount’s top as seraphim in one area–along with several assistants–enshrouded their living, sleeping cargo and launched. One shot off almost immediately after another. In an adjacent area just as many were landing, opening their shields, awakening their passengers, and moving off the field. The process flows without ceasing; a stunning and beautiful two-way parade of beings and light.
    As soon as they landed, a Companion greeted them, “You are Kala and Saro Maylon, due to transport to M2 this morning?” Solonia presented their authorization for seraphic travel which the Companion certified and recorded. Solonia led them to the sleep induction station just off the launch zone where all three were prepared for seraphic slumber.
    “This is your first seraphic ride,” remarked the chief of transport in good English. “You are taking Solonia too! How fortunate for you,” she smiled at Solonia.
    “We are old, old friends,” Solonia said adding, “I will return, and with Kala and Saro.”
    “Special mission?” the transport chief asked.
    “Yes. Escorting these two prodigies to M7 and back.” Solonia answered.
    “Ready?” All three nodded.
    “See you on another world, my love,” said Kala.
    “Until then,” replied Saro.
    The Companion had them each lie on long soft tables that floated waist high off the surface. After lying on it and closing eyes, the transit sleep hit and they were awake no more.
    The night before their first enseraphiming Kala and Saro reviewed the revelations about the physical and visual aspects of an angelic launch:
    “When celestial beings are to be enseraphimed for transfer from one world to another, they are brought to the headquarters of the sphere and, after due registry, are inducted into the transit sleep. Meantime, the transport seraphim moves into a horizontal position immediately above the universe energy pole of the planet. While the energy shields are wide open, the sleeping personality is skillfully deposited, by the officiating seraphic assistants, directly on top of the transport angel. Then both the upper and lower pairs of shields are carefully closed and adjusted.
    “And now, a strange metamorphosis begins as the seraphim is made ready to swing into the energy currents of the universe circuits. To outward appearance the seraphim grows pointed at both extremities and becomes so enshrouded in an odd light of amber hue that very soon it is impossible to distinguish the enseraphimed personality.
    “When all is in readiness for departure, the chief of transport makes the proper inspection of the carriage of life, carries out the routine tests to ascertain whether or not the angel is properly encircuited, and then announces that the traveler is properly enseraphimed, that the energies are adjusted, that the angel is insulated, and that everything is in readiness for the departing flash.
    “The mechanical controllers, two of them, next take their positions. By this time the transport seraphim has become an almost transparent, vibrating, torpedo-shaped outline of glistening luminosity. Now the transport dispatcher of the realm summons the auxiliary batteries of the living energy transmitters, usually one thousand in number; as he announces the destination of the transport, he reaches out and touches the near point of the seraphic carriage, which shoots forward with lightning-like speed, leaving a trail of celestial luminosity as far as the planetary atmospheric investment extends.”
    The next thing the trio saw was each other, awakening on M2’s sea of glass, surrounded by transport personnel.

    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    Page 43

    After awakening, Solonia, Kala, and Saro were led off the ‘sea of glass’. The pair noted the design of the M2 seraphic transport hub is like M1’s, but much larger, more elaborate.
    They immediately shook off the seraphic sleep. The pair was in fact invigorated. But Solonia didn’t seem affected in the least, enseraphiming being a routine procedure for her.
    Saro said. “You must’ve done this a trillion times. Is it always the same? I don’t remember a thing. Lying down is my last memory. Then we were here.”
    Solonia replied, “Always. It’s as if no time passed for the transportee.”
    Kala looked around, “I recall reading M2 is the first mansion world with a sea of glass. It’s gigantic, isn’t it? And so busy!” As seraphic transports landed and launched one after another, the rhythm and beauty of it mesmerized them. The pair could not stop watching this captivating scene of an ordinary Mansion world spaceport in full service. They took a long moment to adjust to the fact that they were on the shores of a second world, and only sixteen days since they died on Urantia. And already, Urantia was a quickly fading reality, like old scaffolding.
    Solonia informed Kala and Saro that she had just received a request to report for the first of their eight morontia adjustments. The pair had forgotten about this procedure in the flurry of excitement and activity on M1.
    Solonia called for transportation to the temple with seventy radiating wings. It has chambers of transition similar to Resurrection Hall’s. They registered and were escorted to a chamber where the procedure is implemented.
    The technician joked with them, and in their tongue, “Greetings Urantia pilgrims. Ready to rev up your mota? Park it right here, please.” They sat in high backed seats that gently caressed them, and induced a pleasurable tingling.
    “Will this hurt?” Kala asked.
    “Are you hurting now?” the technician replied with a gentle smile. “Besides, what do Agony-donters care about hurt? You are Agony-donters, aren’t you?” They had big laugh at her malaprop. She then confessed that her last Urantian Anglophone “victim” gave her those jokes.
    Solonia introduced them. “This is a sister of mine. We share the same source, the Mother of Nebadon. But she is one I have not met before. I do recognize her as a System Co-ordinator, one of seven varieties of Morontia Power Supervisors.”
    “Odd title for a body/mind surgeon,” remarked Saro in kindly jest.
    “Who issues these names, anyway?” she retorted. “I have renamed my job. I am a ‘Morontia Body/Mind Beautification and Extenuation Technician, First Class’.”
    “Then beautify and extend me,” replied Saro.
    “Alright, coming up, one beautification and extension for the man from Urantia.” Next the technician made their chairs recline and instructed them to relax, remain still, and ignore what was about to happen. Solonia observed as the multi-faceted, morontia energy mechanism hovered around each of them and silently did its work with the System Co-ordinador in close attendance, observing and controlling the process.
    “Done. Just seven more between here and M7.”
    “That didn’t take long. Should I feel different?” asked Saro.
    “Give it seven days,” the Co-ordinator advised, “and don’t be afraid to rev up your mota.” They departed with an embrace and smiles on their new morontia faces.
    “Do I look different, Kala?”
    “No, do I?”
    Solonia said, “To me, you are as newly resurrected beings, although you have the same form, the same soul, personality, and Adjuster, your bodies and minds have been altered. And you will note, in seven days, how the mechanism of personality has been adjusted from your present state.” She then recited a line often used to instruct ascenders about the adjustments: “The progressive changes result in altered reactions to the morontia environment, such as modifications in food requirements and numerous other personal practices.”
    As they exited, Kala thought of their six relatives living and working on M2. “We should contact my parents, Joy, Will and your cousins,” said Kala.
    Saro added, “Hope they will be interested in viewing the M2 presentation of Jesus’ life. We could attend a showing together. But I should have contacted Will and my cousins before we left M1.”
    “And I should have sent word to my parents,” lamented Kala.
    “I let you down. I should apologize,” replied Solonia, almost tearfully. “A good host anticipates.”
    “You are good. You don’t need to apologize. We didn’t tell you about our family members on M2,” Kala assured her. Then they both apologized to Solonia for making thoughtless statements. The pair embraced her and all three had a laugh over the incident. They were beginning to treasure the depth of sensitivity and desire to please that Solonia had shown ever since their first meeting in back of their residence on M1.

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    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    Page 44

    Solonia recommended they take a transport to Saro’s and Kala’s assigned residence, first to settle in, then to contact their six relatives living and serving on M2. They agreed. The flight there allowed time for Solonia to give them information about the second mansion world.
    “This is what we recite to ascenders’ excursion groups coming up from M1 during their liberty:
    “It is on this sphere that you are more fully inducted into the mansonia life. The groupings of the morontia life begin to take form; working groups and social organizations start to function, communities take on formal proportions, and the advancing mortals inaugurate new social orders and governmental arrangements.
    “As you ascend the mansion worlds one by one, they become more crowded with the morontia activities of advancing survivors. As you go forward, you will recognize more and more of the Jerusem features added to the mansion worlds. The sea of glass makes its appearance on the second mansonia.
    “Mansonia number one is a very material sphere, presenting the early beginnings of the morontia regime. You are still a near human and not far removed from the limited viewpoints of mortal life, but each world discloses definite progress. From sphere to sphere you grow less material, more intellectual, and slightly more spiritual. The spiritual progress is greatest on the last three of these seven progressive worlds.
    “Mansonia number two more specifically provides for the removal of all phases of intellectual conflict and for the cure of all varieties of mental disharmony. The effort to master the significance of morontia mota, begun on the first mansion world, is here more earnestly continued. The development on mansonia number two compares with the intellectual status of the post-Magisterial Son culture of the ideal evolutionary worlds.”
    “That sounds very much like Urantia Book text,” Saro said.
    “I thought you might recognize it. In fact, we were honored when we learned the book’s editors decided to include it in their Mansion World descriptions. A staff member of the Brilliant Evening Star who authored Paper 47 heard it and asked permission to submit it to the editors for inclusion.”
    Their first aerial view confirmed there is a higher level of development on M2. It was obvious in the grander architecture and the increased scale of artistry. Even the artistic embellishments of their transport pod revealed a higher form of art. Kala and Saro could sense the change in culture. And perhaps, they thought, their recent adjustment was already taking effect.
    “Solonia, you’ve been to all the worlds in the System, haven’t you?” Saro asked.
    “On many occasions. Eternal life affords us time to explore not only the System, but all Nebadon.”
    Kala then asked, “Do you sometimes wish to go outside Nebadon, even to Paradise?”
    “Nebadon is my permanent home. I was designed for this place and this work. Stationary workers are needed to assist you ascenders. And one role is no more or less important than any other. Besides, my paradise is Salvington. That said, one can never know what the eternal ages will bring. I might be permitted to visit Paradise after light and life overtakes time and space.”
    “Have you been in the personal presence of Michael?” asked Saro.
    “I have. Many times. And so shall you, soon enough.”
    When the pair had looked around their newest abode and relaxed a bit, Solonia said, “Do you want to contact your family members while I file our authorizations? And I want also to make an appearance at my temporary residence.”
    Saro asked, “Where will you stay?”
    “With an old, old friend who is serving on M2. He is a Life Carrier’s assistant, here on assignment. We’ve been friends for millennia, but haven’t seen each other in a long while.”
    Kala said, “We’ll contact Will, my parents and the others, Solonia. Go, check in at your friend’s place. We’ll be fine, and we’ll contact you after we’ve spoken with our kinfolks.”
    Their new residence had a large pond not far from its back entrance.  After a walk around it, observing the bountiful beauty of plant and animal life, they launched themselves in a small, highly polished metal row boat that was among others moored to a pier extending out into the pond.
    It was obvious the fauna and flora of M2 had an intricacy and beauty that was a step up form M1’s. The appeal and complexity M2’s artistic embellishments took on new dimensions as did their physical senses. At the same time sensitivity to spirit leading was increasing, divine attunement was also waxing. That helped Kala and Saro better realize each step up the Mansion regime would bring unimagined, unprecedented uplift in every arena of being, from the lowest physical to the highest spiritual.
    “Why don’t we try to arrange a conference call among Will, Joy, my Mom and Dad, Joy, your cousins, and us?” asked Kala as she stopped rowing and let the boat go adrift.
    Saro used his harp in an attempt to make a connection between all parties. But only Will was available.
    “Welcome to M2, pilgrims!” said Will as his image appeared before them in full size. He appeared so real they reached out to touch him.
    “Don’t, that tickles.” They laughed.
    “What’s the matter, didn’t you like M1? Or you got the bums’ rush already? You were always in trouble,” Will joked.
    “We didn’t think we would be here so soon either. We want to tell you about it. But we’d like to tell you and the rest of the family in person and together. Can you break away for a day or two? We also want to view Jesus’ life story with you and our others stationed here,” Saro answered.
    “How long will you be on M2?” Will asked.
    “Only ten days,” Kala said.
    “Ten days only?! Yes, I can get away, especially if it is to see my favorite brother, and the beautiful mother of my nieces and nephew.”

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    After connecting with Will, and before the morning was gone, the pair had contacted each of their other relatives. By shifting schedules and mutual agreement the group chose the seventh of Kala’s and Saro’s ten day liberty on M2 to experience the Celestial Artisans’ day-long documentary presentation of the life and teachings of Jesus.
    The eighth day they planned to spend in retreat, in celebration of being a member of Michael’s universe family. The eighth day will also be a day of saying so long to their relatives, until they cross paths again as fused beings. Then Kala and Saro will be leading a class of ascending Agondonters on their way up from their world of mutual origin–tiny, remote, benighted Urantia.
    The pair then contacted Solonia to give her their seventh and eighth day plan. She was pleased they could arrange the family meeting on such short notice, and asked, “What would you like to do and see the other eight days?”
    Kala thought a moment and suggested, “Solonia, why don’t you spend the rest of today as you like, and we’ll use it to explore, discuss, and decide what all else to do while on M2? We will contact you as soon as we’ve decided.” Saro nodded agreement.
    “My friend and I have much we can do. So I will leave you to enjoy the rest of the day exploring, and wish you good night. And I will most certainly arrive at your lodging at first light tomorrow. I love you.”
    “And we you,” they said in unison.
    Kala reflected happily on the quality of their deepening friendship with Solonia, “We’re lucky to have her as a companion.”
    “Saro, what do you think we should do with our remaining days?”
    “Our pilots licenses are good all the way to M7, right?”
    She smiled. “This afternoon?”
    “Best way to see God’s Mansions!” declared Saro.
    Until the seventh day of their stay the pair used their temporary residence as a base to make treks all over M2. They traveled much farther than on M1, and consequently spent considerable time in one form of transportation or another. They used part of this time to go within, to commune with their Indwellers. Some of this time they used to view the endlessly fascinating scenery while listening to Solonia’s detailed information and historical facts about it. The pair also made time to interact with as many others as they could who were either living or sojourning on M2, of which there is a greater variety than on M1.
    They visited and worshiped at least three temples every day, and they dined at a different place every evening, following it with nightly excursions that helped them attain a feel for the material, intellectual, and spiritual culture of M2.
    Will and Saro spent one whole day together. Saro finally heard the story of Will’s last days on Urantia, his ordeal and death as a prisoner of war, and his subsequent adventures on M1 and M2. Will had volunteered and was now serving as counselor to others who had died in wars or other grievous circumstances, been resurrected, passed thru M1, but were still having trouble adjusting.
    On that same day Joy and Kala took a trip to view Joy’s current projects and visit some of her favorite haunts. As they travelled Joy told Kala about the wonderful shock she had upon awakening in a young, healthy, cancer-free body in Resurrection Hall. “I still give thanks everyday for eternal good health,” declared Joy.
    Joy and Kala talked about Joy’s first assignments on M1 embellishing its artistry, and her present work on M2 with the title, Assistant to Celestial Artisans. She was working on a team of hundreds who create gigantic morontia sculptures. Immediately on beholding morontia art forms Joy felt an affinity for celestial creativity. And she was now contemplating joining the Artisan Corps, making a 1000 year commitment. They discussed the pluses and minuses of such a commitment. Joy was soon to make her choice, her only reservation was about the length of the commitment. But Kala didn’t want to influence her one way or the other. Finally Joy said, “I know a thousand years here is like a day on Paradise. And there’s no shortage of days in eternity.”
    At the end of the sixth day, and by previous arrangement, Kala and Joy, Saro, Will, and their two cousins, met at Kala’s parents’ residence. The eight of them sat for a “homemade” meal. The art of food preparation is well refined on M2, and Kala’s parents are regarded as consummate professionals in that art. Saro raved over the taste, as did the other guests. Afterward they settled comfortably for conversation.
    They talked much about the service in which Kala’s parents were involved, engaging and assisting ascenders who were experiencing intellectual conflicts and mental disharmony, along with difficulty in grasping the significance of morontia mota. Mota is introduced on M1, and studied on M2. Her parents had an exceptional grasp of it, and a talent for teaching it. And they thoroughly enjoyed their work.
    Will’s and Saro’s cousins described their work on M2 as, “government agents.” One of them said, “We are volunteers on a commission that selects potential leaders coming up from Urantia. Ones who have shown an ability to lead, like you two. Too bad you aren’t staying on M2. We would draft you.” They laughed and then had a long discussion about the way all the Mansion worlds are managed. They also reminisced and pieced together some of their common experiences at the many family reunions that punctuated their unique lives on Urantia.
    They ended the diner party with a touching Last Supper reenactment and a short period of prayer and worship. It was well past midnight when the group broke up and returned to their abodes.

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    On the morning of the seventh day Kala, Saro, their relatives, and Solonia met at daybreak outside a large amphitheater not far from Kala’s parents’ residence. Kala and Saro were joyously anticipating this day long presentation of Jesus’ life and teachings by the Celestial Artisans. It had been their habit for five decades to read Part IV of the Urantia Book every year between Christmas and Easter. And every year they discussed the possibility and potential of taking the beautiful story out of the text and putting it onto Urantia’s movie screens, where new visions of the Master could be presented to the whole planet, and not just to a small minority of literate adults.
    Solonia remained with the group the whole day, enjoying it every bit as much as they did. By daybreak of the next morning (there were twenty-one intermissions) every theater goer was filled to capacity with love for this God who condescended to live a life in the flesh in order that he might come close to humanity and speak the truth of the reality of the God of All, to actually become one of the lowest of his ascending creatures.
    Saro and Kala were so taken up by the performance that they had to give vent to tears more than once during the presentation. It was everything they dreamed such an audacious presentation should be. Indeed, much more. And now they had a clearer idea of what went on behind the scenes, on the celestial level, as the Master’s life unfolded.
    When the presentation ended, almost the entire group betook themselves to worship in a temple adjacent to the amphitheater. Many were so moved as to weep for joy and pain after beholding the spectacle of the Master’s life in such fine detail, and as they absorbed the meaning and value of the incarnation of such a loving God as Our Father in the person of Michael, Nebadon’s sovereign.
    After the worship session Kala’s and Saro’s group took a transport to a spacious and strikingly beautiful garden home, a mansion unto itself. A friend of Solonia’s was absent and offered it as a post-presentation retreat. None needed rest, indeed they were all energized in spirit, mind, and body.  Evidently Jesus’ life presentations have a powerful effect on everyone and it is common practice to retreat after experiencing a presentation.
    Saro and Kala thoroughly enjoyed spending the day in the company of their relatives, in the afterglow of viewing the greatest of all stories. During this day the group discussed many of the details, events, and teachings of the Master’s life. They revealed to themselves and the others their deepest spiritual feelings after seeing his life depicted in such vivid terms.  They spent considerable time talking over certain aspects of his complex teachings, especially his parables.
    They also talked about personal and cosmic destiny, from their position on Mansonia all the way up to the great mother of time and space, the Supreme Being. And then, when the daylight began to fade, contemplation turned to play, as they made merry with music and dance until the next morning.
    Just after daybreak the trio said their so longs to Will, Joy, Kala’s parents and Saro’s cousins. They wished each other the greatest success and Godspeed in their respective endeavors, until they should meet again somewhere, sometime, on one of the Mansion Worlds, their homes for the immediate future.
    On day nine the pair took no excursions, and made no schedule. It was a day of rest and relaxation. The only activity was exploring their temporary lodging’s neighborhood, on foot or by boat, and between periods of worship.
    Day ten, their last day of liberty on M2, Saro and Kala spent coming to know its indigenous beings, some of whom they chanced to meet traveling between worship sessions at the three temples they had chosen to visit. And where they could make friends or minister to fellow ascenders, they did so, ‘as they passed by’.
    Solonia continued to be an invaluable aid and translator in their interactions with Mansion natives, fellow ascenders, and spirit beings of diverse orders. They very much enjoyed M2, and looked forward to visiting it again soon, but then they will be touring as fused morontians and class leaders.
    By pre-arrangement Kala’s grandparents met them on M3’s sea of glass. After the four had embraced and introduced Solonia, Kala’s grandmother invited the trio to stay at their residence, near the headquarters of the Mansion World Teachers. First the group proceeded to the sphere’s temple of seventy wings where Kala and Saro submitted themselves to their second adjustment in the System Co-ordinator’s transition chambers.
    The previous adjustment did have its effects in seven days, just as predicted. Saro and Kala both likened it to a new but gradual resurrection. In fact the pair was adjusting magnificently to rapid transition. And while they were cruising smoothly through outer reality, even assisting others as they went, they were also taking greater and greater strides in their inner lives. They and their Adjusters were working together within to remove the remaining hurdles and end their period of betrothal, to begin life eternal in reality, to fuse with their beloved Paradise Partners forever.
    In the transport pod on the way to Kala’s grandparents’ residence Solonia recited her well memorized speech to ascending pilgrims touring M3 for the first time:
    “Mansonia the third is the headquarters of the Mansion World Teachers. Though they function on all seven of the mansion spheres, they maintain their group headquarters at the center of the school circles of world number three. There are millions of these instructors on the mansion and higher morontia worlds.
    “On this sphere more positive educational work is begun. The training of the first two mansion worlds is mostly of a deficiency nature—negative—in that it has to do with supplementing the experience of the life in the flesh. On this third mansion world the survivors really begin their progressive morontia culture. The chief purpose of this training is to enhance the understanding of the correlation of morontia mota and mortal logic, the co-ordination of morontia mota and human philosophy. Surviving mortals now gain practical insight into true metaphysics. This is the real introduction to the intelligent comprehension of cosmic meanings and universe interrelationships. The culture of the third mansion world partakes of the nature of the postbestowal Son age of a normal inhabited planet.”
    “We’ll have to visit the Mansion World Teachers,” Kala said. Saro nodded whole-hearted agreement.

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    When the trio had settled in, Solonia departed to officially register at the sphere’s headquarters and meet with friends stationed on M3. Kala and Saro agreed to inform Solonia when their liberty was fully planned. The rest of their first day on M3 was spent at her grandparents’ abode preparing a meal and discussing a host of topics.
    That morning the four of them gathered a large variety of vegetables, seeds, and nuts from a garden that was created by the locals and tended by resident spornagia. Bringing their harvest in, they sat around a sculptured table made of a lustrous crystal material shaped in the form of M3’s sea of glass. They talked as Kala’s grandparents instructed them in the preparation of morontia produce. Her grandfather informed them that a casual gathering had been planned that evening in order to introduce the pair to some of their M3 friends and workmates.
    “Gram and Pop, I’m still having trouble seeing you in bodies as young as ours,” Kala confessed. “I can’t look at you as grandparents anymore.”
    “Good,” said Gram. “Sisters forever now.”
    “Guess that makes us brothers,” Saro said to Pop. They smiled and shook hands.
    Kala said, “I feel like giving you new names.”
    Gram replied, “Why don’t you use Gram and Pop until we receive our permanent names. It brings fond recollections of good times on Urantia.”
    Saro then wanted to know more about their service in the System’s probationary nurseries. The pair missed seeing and interacting with children.
    Pop said, “We maintain residence on M3, but we commute to the nursery on the Finaliters’ world. We serve with a special division of ministers. Kala, you recall that we worked in hospices on Urantia, right? It’s similar but here we attempt to help the older children–not the aged or sick–of the probationary nurseries in making their final decision about eternal life.”
    Kala thought a moment and said, “That must be rewarding. But isn’t it heart-breaking when the child chooses ending life?”
    “It is,” replied Gram. “When a young one decides to live and accept the divine path, we all rejoice. But when one chooses not to, it’s disappointing and heart wrenching for our whole group. Of course the parent, or parents, suffer the most.”
    “So, you both must really enjoy the challenges and the rewards of this kind of service,” Saro said.
    “We do,” replied Gram. “And it’s the last chance they have. On Urantia we believed there’s always another chance after resurrection. But here, if we fail to convince these young ones of the purpose, meaning, and value of the gift of eternal life, a gift from God on Paradise, a loving God who is calling on them to be daughters and sons, that choice ends life permanently. Not by divine decree, but by the person’s own choosing.
    “But if we’re successful, the young one transports to M1 and begins the ascension regime. We’re committed to this service for at least ten years, and it’s been both rewarding and a tough education so far; somewhat similar to working with the dying on Urantia. Except we know death here is irrevocable for anyone who finally and fully rejects the gift of life eternal.”
    Kala asked, “What do the wards offer as a reason for declining the eternal journey?”
    “Amazingly, some show little or no interest. They have no appetite for the myriad challenges and spiritual hurdles that face ascenders, and no affinity for the goal of achieving perfection over billions of years, and across a billion-plus worlds. Some can’t understand why they weren’t born perfect, as are Havona and Paradise citizens. Others can’t see the point of all this cosmic activity if it doesn’t really mean anything when everything is said and done. And some others object to the confinement of eternal service under a God they can’t see and sometimes, tragically, don’t want to know or love. And a sad few display outright contempt for both God and the Paradise journey.”
    Kala and Saro then thought of their grown children still on Urantia, and took comfort in the recollection of the Evangel’s statement that their children had already made the decision to accept the gift of life eternal in God’s good service.
    After dining on the luscious items the four had prepared earlier, Kala and Saro socialized with the diverse and fascinating array of guests invited by Gram and Pop. This helped them realize yet more fully that each world presents a broad variety of upward shifts, both within and without, and on the physical, intellectual, and the spiritual levels.
    When the guests had departed the pair strolled the starlit neighborhood and thought over their itinerary for the remaining nine days on M3. After a bit they sat on the ground under a massive tree with delicious fruit hanging and lying everywhere. The fruit’s richness appealed to the taste of friendly, adorable, morontian animals, and ascending pilgrims alike. It made a perfect dessert after their family meal at Gram’s and Pop’s. Saro remarked about how sensitivity to the taste of everything was improving with each step up the mansion ladder. In fact they both noted all senses were improving quickly, that their sensory arrays had added new dimensions and revealed more and finer subtleties following both adjustments.
    After researching the countless activities and venues on M3, the pair confirmed their plan to visit the headquarters of the Mansion World Teachers, and while there, audit a cherubim sponsored Melchizedek symposium on Morontia Mota. They planned to worship at all the major temples. And of course they allotted time for flying over M3 on the backs of the great passenger birds.

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    The theme of the Melchizedek symposium was Mota. The pair did very much enjoy hearing the Melchizedek speak. His words seemed always to be on the leading edge of their understanding and grasp of Mota.
    He said, in part:
    “…Reason is the understanding technique of the sciences; faith is the insight technique of religion; mota is the technique of the morontia level. Mota is a supermaterial reality sensitivity which is beginning to compensate incomplete growth, having for its substance knowledge-reason and for its essence faith-insight. Mota is a superphilosophical reconciliation of divergent reality perception which is nonattainable by material personalities; it is predicated, in part, on the experience of having survived the material life of the flesh.
    “…In the mortal state, nothing can be absolutely proved; both science and religion are predicated on assumptions. On the morontia level, the postulates of both science and religion are capable of partial proof by mota logic. On the spiritual level of maximum status, the need for finite proof gradually vanishes before the actual experience of and with reality; but even then there is much beyond the finite that remains unproved.
    “Providence becomes increasingly discernible as men reach upward from the material to the spiritual. The attainment of completed spiritual insight enables the ascending personality to detect harmony in what was theretofore chaos. Even morontia mota represents a real advance in this direction.”
    After the day at the symposium, the pair met Solonia and dined with several of the other Mota symposium attendees. That evening, they took a long flight over M3 on the backs of the adorable passenger birds.
    Saro and Kala decided to spend the rest their M3 liberty in the company of Gram and Pop, staying with them and going along on their daily ministry to children of indecision in the probationary nursery on T1, Transition World number one, the Finaliters’ world. They all four did so love children. But in this situation Kala and Saro also felt deep sorrow and a compelling urge to do something when faced with the reality of the choice of rejection of eternal life by some of the young ones. But, as observers, they did not presume to intrude or offer advice.
    They also decided to put off the visit to the System’s capital, Jerusem, until arriving on M4, agreeing that time spent observing Gram’s and Pop’s ministry on T1 would serve them better. The pair truly enjoyed their days on this remarkable transition world, one that differs markedly from the mansion worlds, and in ways they could never have imagined. At their evening dinners back on M3 with Gram and Pop, the four discussed the day’s counseling sessions with the probationary wards and other difficulties of the ascension career that face young ones if and when they choose life.
    When the morning came to enseraphim for M4, Gram and Pop flew with the trio to M3’s sea of glass. As Saro and Kala took their last look–for a while at least–they thought about how much more sophisticated, complex, and spiritually oriented each of the Mansions are. M1 and M2 now seemed somewhat quaint compared to M3 and the Finaliters’ World.
    “Do you know what you’ll do after your ten year commitment?” Kala asked Pop and Gram as they approached the spaceport.
    “Why, follow in your footsteps, of course!” exclaimed Pop. They laughed. “You two are an inspiration for us all.”
    “Thank you,” muttered Saro and Kala.
    Gram added, “We will make it to M7 and someday fuse, but there’s no rush, no hurry, no fear of failure. The Evangels recommended we remain on each Mansion as long as there is need of our services. And that’s what we’ve done. I thank God for the opportunity.”
    “Do you two plan to separate, ever?” Kala asked.
    “Do you?” Pop answered.
    Kala replied, “The Evangels didn’t indicate we should part, at least as long as we’re in Mansonia. But there really is no point in guessing what might or might not happen after we’ve fused and before we leave Mansonia, is there? That could be thousands of years.”
    Pop replied, “We came to the same conclusion. We like being together, so speculation about separating is fruitless and unnecessary. But we are taught the fewer personal plans we make, the less chance there will be for disappointment. And you know as well as anyone, no matter what happens, eternal friendships endure; cosmic relationships remain and grow. Look at Andon and Fonta. They’ve been working together as long as the human race has existed.”
    It was a joyful departure. Saro and Kala thanked their hosts for everything from delectable sustenance to comfortable lodging to the enlightening experience observing Pop’s and Gram’s unusual work at the System’s probationary nurseries.

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    After landing on M4 the three of them went to the System Co-ordinators for Saro’s and Kala’s third adjustment. They then summoned transportation to their assigned quarters in the Melchizedek sector. As they flew, the pair watched the scenery below and Solonia reeled off the Companions’ standard description of M4 for pilgrims on excursion.
    “When you arrive on the fourth mansion world, you have well entered upon the morontia career; you have progressed a long way from the initial material existence. Now are you given permission to make visits to transition world number four, there to become familiar with the headquarters and training schools of the superangels, including the Brilliant Evening Stars. Through the good offices of these superangels of the fourth transition world the morontia visitors are enabled to draw very close to the various orders of the Sons of God during the periodic visits to Jerusem, for new sectors of the system capital are gradually opening up to the advancing mortals as they make these repeated visits to the headquarters world. New grandeurs are progressively unfolding to the expanding minds of these ascenders.
    “On the fourth mansonia the individual ascender more fittingly finds his place in the group working and class functions of the morontia life. Ascenders here develop increased appreciation of the broadcasts and other phases of local universe culture and progress.
    “It is during the period of training on world number four that the ascending mortals are really first introduced to the demands and delights of the true social life of morontia creatures. And it is indeed a new experience for evolutionary creatures to participate in social activities which are predicated neither on personal aggrandizement nor on self-seeking conquest. A new social order is being introduced, one based on the understanding sympathy of mutual appreciation, the unselfish love of mutual service, and the overmastering motivation of the realization of a common and supreme destiny — the Paradise goal of worshipful and divine perfection. Ascenders are all becoming self-conscious of God-knowing, God-revealing, God-seeking, and God-finding.”
    After Solonia had escorted them to their new quarters, she once again took leave to register their arrival and contact friends stationed on M4. Before she left they arranged to meet the next morning to travel to Jerusem.
    When Kala and Saro had settled in, they roamed the immediate area to get a sense of M4’s indigenous life and morontia culture. The Mansion Worlds are not alike but certain consistencies are obvious. The living and working arrangements are always designed within circles, triangles, rectangles, and squares. And all worlds are heated and lighted the same way, they each have a host of glorious temples in which pilgrims may ascend in worship, gratitude, and thanksgiving. All have beautiful waterways, lakes, rivers, and canals. And all mansions have gardens, parks, and recreation galore; increasing in charm and allure with each ascension.
    The pair strolled silently for a long while, observing and noting the many beings of diverse kind and form they were seeing for the first time. Kala and Saro discovered yet again, and to their unending amazement, that life is considerably richer in spiritual orientation, social culture, and physical materials with each step up the mansion ladder.
    Saro broke their silence, asking Kala, “My love, before we travel to Jerusem, should we use make another use of our pilots’ permits?”
    They spent the remainder of the day soaring over, landing, and exploring, many of the nearby attractions of M4, while Solonia reconnected with her M4 relations. Saro and Kala were pleased their journey afforded Solonia personal time on each of the Mansion Worlds. Her assistance and presence was invaluable. They were continually realizing and appreciating the depth of the experience and range of skills displayed by their congenial companion. Solonia had, in the short time of their acquaintance, already earned their trust, friendship, and admiration.
    Early the next morning the pair was up and out. They worshipped at a nearby temple first. Increasingly the two were feeling their rapidly expanding inner life merging with their quickly progressing outer life. The inner and outer were becoming a harmonious flow on multiple levels; dynamic yet stable. And they were finding and exploring new arenas of thinking, feeling, and acting with each day’s passing.
    Just as they were exiting the temple, Solonia greeted them.
    “How’d you know we were here?” Saro asked with a smile.
    “I have friends,” she remarked slyly. “Are you two ready to enseraphim for Jerusem?”
    “We are!” they declared emphatically and in unison.
    Right after the trio arrived on Jerusem Kala and Saro decided to take another bird flight. Their first impression was of its vastness and level of development compared to the mansions and T1. Immediately they saw that Jerusem is the most beautiful and well developed of all the System’s spheres. The intensity of activity and concentration of structures, walls, and art, struck them deeply. Jerusem is “one hundred times the size of M1”, Saro recalled. But they noted no difference in gravity’s pull.
    Solonia was waiting on the ground when they returned. “What do you think of the System’s capital?”
    Saro answered, “It’s all right—if one likes divine magnificence, cosmic grandeur, unimaginable variety, lavish gardens, and transcendent beauty. A bit ostentatious for my refined sensibilities.” Solonia and Kala laughed at Saro’s pretended haughtiness.

    Richard E Warren

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