Home Forums Online Urantia Book Study Groups One Page a Day Study Group (OPAD) PAPER 177 – WEDNESDAY, THE REST DAY

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    Hmm, curious…why was David Z afraid to inform Jesus’ his mother had been notified and is on the way to Jerusalem?

    I think it was because David had gone behind the Master’s back to get in touch with his family.  David knew what was coming and started organizing his runners in secret.  When Jesus asked this question, he was making it obvious that he knew what David was up to.  Realizing that his secret was uncovered, David diverted his eyes in submission, realizing that nothing is hidden from God.

    177:3.3 About four o’clock, runners came to David Zebedee bringing him word from his mother at Bethsaida and from Jesus’ mother. Several days previously David had made up his mind that the chief priests and rulers were going to kill Jesus. David knew they were determined to destroy the Master, and he was about convinced that Jesus would neither exert his divine power to save himself nor permit his followers to employ force in his defense. Having reached these conclusions, he lost no time in dispatching a messenger to his mother, urging her to come at once to Jerusalem and to bring Mary the mother of Jesus and every member of his family.

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    I think it was because David had gone behind the Master’s back to get in touch with his family….

    Oh. Maybe. But where did they say he did it surreptitiously? It was a good thing he did, I thought.

    Richard E Warren


    Maybe. But where did they say he did it surreptitiously?

    177:3.4 David’s mother did as her son requested, and now the runners came back to David bringing the word that his mother and Jesus’ entire family were on the way to Jerusalem and should arrive sometime late on the following day or very early the next morning. Since David did this on his own initiative, he thought it wise to keep the matter to himself. He told no one, therefore, that Jesus’ family was on the way to Jerusalem.

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    177:3.4 David’s mother did as her son requested, and now the runners came back to David bringing the word that his mother and Jesus’ entire family were on the way to Jerusalem and should arrive sometime late on the following day or very early the next morning. Since David did this on his own initiative, he thought it wise to keep the matter to himself. He told no one, therefore, that Jesus’ family was on the way to Jerusalem.

    Thanks Bonita…but I still don’t get what he had to fear. Why should he be fearful for doing the right thing? O well, not a crucial matter.


    Richard E Warren


    Thanks Bonita…but I still don’t get what he had to fear. Why should he be fearful for doing the right thing?

    I don’t think he was being fearful.  I think he looked down at his feet out of shame for keeping secrets from the Master.  Well, maybe shame is a little severe.  It was probably more like embarrassment, realizing that Jesus knew his secret.  But I do think he was fearful of Jesus’ fate, not Jesus or his reaction.  David knew what was coming, more so than the others, and by gathering Jesus’ family, he was admitting the reality of the whole horrible thing.  And when Jesus that question, it made it even more real and humbling.  So perhaps there was more than one thing going through David’s mind.  Don’t know . . . not a mind reader.

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