Growth part 3

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    i cannot decipher the meaning of the prophet Johns vision inserted here in the paper about the Local Universe Mother Spirit just after a brief intro to the 7 Adjutants. I’m certain the author had a specific purpose to insert this here as well as what it means but i could decipher its meaning and escapes me. any ideas?

    The title of the section is Local Universe Circuits.  The author is clearing up a partial revelation concerning those circuits.  John confused the location in the universe of the home world for the adjutants, which is Life Carrier world #1 on the universe capital of Salvington, and the position of the “judgement seat” where the twenty four counselors are headquartered, which is located on the system capital of Jerusem.

    It’s just a matter of explaining where these circuits originate and how the Bible got it wrong again.


    Midi, your interpretation is indeed unique, as far as belief I can’t say one way out another.

    possibly the information about johns vision is simply a confirmation of the vision itself, opening up much potential for anyone that is on a similar quest?

    if I were John in a situational n like that , I likely would not know where I was either😊

    And it did happen inside of his MIND, it’s not like he went through Salvington in the flesh.

    the mind connection I was looking for??


    More on mind

    im taken to the “over control of life and its evolution”

    we are told that the entire universe is mind made and personality managed. We are also told that all living matter is engaged by mind. The lowest form of life is engaged by “mechanical mind” and that confuses me a bit first because it is non adjutant and second, I don’t understand where the brain functions in creatures that have brains, isn’t organ function controlled by brain?  Non teachable life systems without brains I can understand a bit easier so what then is the purpose of the brain? To engage adjutant mind??or to control the physical system?? Both??

    back to mind made personality managed: that revelation of “the most highs rule in the kingdom of men” is a challenging concept for me. Paper 175:1.8 helps me understand this:

    Can’t copy and paste it but it talks about the Most Highs overthrowing the nation of Israel and destroying the place of the scribes and Pharisees.

    But it’s the wrong kind of help. What happens to our free will choice?



    Gene wrote: . . . and second, I don’t understand where the brain functions in creatures that have brains, isn’t organ function controlled by brain?

    I don’t understand this sentence.  Would you mind rephrasing your thought?

    You do know that the heart, liver, kidney, etc. are capable of continued function in a completely brain dead individual, right?  Hearts will continue beating even outside the body if provided the necessary substrates.


    I suppose I don’t have a clear understanding of physical brain function vs mechanical mind and or adjutant mind function in a human being.

    typically when I consider mind I think Adjutants but there is more to it. The mechanical mind for one.


    I suppose I don’t have a clear understanding of physical brain function vs mechanical mind and or adjutant mind function in a human being.

    typically when I consider mind I think Adjutants but there is more to it. The mechanical mind for one.

    Gene, it would seem that your primary confusion, if you can call it that, is with the UB’s use of “mechanical mind” which might indicate that it is a part of the brain or as you indicate a brain function, where I have looked up all of the occurrences of its use in the UB and I have come to the conclusion that it is not so much a function as an ability in-bedded into a creature or human which, as mentioned is “nonteachable”.  This would lead me to one association, and that is “instinct”.  The following is what seems to be the best definition as you have laid out your narrations.

    (480.6) 42:10.3 1. Preadjutant-spirit minds. This level of mind is nonexperiencing and on the inhabited worlds is ministered by the Master Physical Controllers. This is mechanical mind, the nonteachable intellect of the most primitive forms of material life, but the nonteachable mind functions on many levels beside that of primitive planetary life.

    In psychology it was associated by Freud as the Id, but this type of instinctual, behavior or ability can be associated to talent and even spiritual insight which someone may not be able to explain.  If you take this understanding it could also be inherited abilities or even personality traits which are built in to a person and others might see similarities from other family members or even other individuals not closely associated.  But as it indicates in the UB quote above, the “Master Physical Controllers” minister to this mind level which may refer to genetic patterns, that makes up the human being.  So, one might replace “mechanical mind” with instinctive mind.


    (480.6) 42:10.3 1. Preadjutant-spirit minds. This level of mind is nonexperiencing and on the inhabited worlds is ministered by the Master Physical Controllers. This is mechanical mind, the nonteachable intellect of the most primitive forms of material life, but the nonteachable mind functions on many levels beside that of primitive planetary life.

    Great quote- thx Midi.

    but it makes me wonder exactly what my brain does control – Especially thinking about Bonitas comment about our functioning organs after  brain death and outside the body with  mechanical help.


    Copied from page 1 of this thread:

    This takes me to paper 34 on the local universe mother and the last paragraph in part 5 34:5.7 summarizes: The presence of the Holy Spirit of the Universe Daughter of the Infinite Spirit, of the Spirit of Truth of the Universe Son of the Eternal Son, and of the Adjuster-spirit of the Paradise Father in or with an evolutionary mortal, denotes symmetry of spiritual endowment and ministry and qualifies such a mortal con- sciously to realize the faith-fact of sonship with God. It appears the worship adjutant is coordinating this and deeply involved with our personalities

    and here from paper 108.2 describes it kind of sequentially.

    And prior to the bestowal of the spirit of truth it appears that the process is not so straight forward and most persons appear to need to have been third circlers in order for Adjuster i dwelling.

    Though the Adjusters volunteer for service as soon as the personality fore- casts have been relayed to Divinington, they are not actually assigned until the human subjects make their first moral personality decision. The first moral choice of the human child is automatically indicated in the seventh mind- adjutant and registers instantly, by way of the local universe Creative Spirit, over the universal mind-gravity circuit of the Conjoint Actor in the presence of the Master Spirit of superuniverse jurisdiction, who forthwith dispatches this intelligence to Divinington. Adjusters reach their human subjects on Urantia, on the average, just prior to the sixth birthday. In the present gen- eration it is running five years, ten months, and four days; that is, on the 2,134th day of terrestrial life. The Adjusters cannot invade the mortal mind until it has been duly pre- pared by the indwelling ministry of the adjutant mind-spirits and encircuited in the Holy Spirit. And it requires the co-ordinate function of all seven adjutants to thus qualify the human mind for the reception of an Adjuster. Creature mind must exhibit the worship outreach and indicate wisdom function by exhibiting the ability to choose between the emerging values of good and evil—moral choice. Thus is the stage of the human mind set for the reception of Adjusters, but as a general rule they do not immediately appear to indwell such minds except on those worlds where the Spirit of Truth is functioning as a spiritual co- ordinator of these different spirit ministries. If this spirit of the bestowal Sons is present, the Adjusters unfailingly come the instant the seventh adjutant mind-spirit begins to function and signalizes to the Universe Mother Spirit that it has achieved in potential the co-ordination of the associated six adjutants of prior ministry to such a mortal intellect. Therefore have the divine Adjusters been universally bestowed upon all normal minds of moral status on Urantia ever since the day of Pentecost. Even with a Spirit of Truth endowed mind, the Adjusters cannot arbitrarily invade the mortal intellect prior to the appearance of moral decision. But when such a moral decision has been made, this spirit helper assumes jurisdiction direct from Divinington. There are no intermediaries or other intervening authorities or powers functioning between the divine Adjusters and their human subjects; God and man are directly related. Before the times of the pouring out of the Spirit of Truth upon the inhabi- tants of an evolutionary world, the Adjusters’ bestowal appears to be deter- mined by many spirit influences and personality attitudes. We do not fully comprehend the laws governing such bestowals; we do not understand just what determines the release of the Adjusters who have volunteered to indwell such evolving minds. But we do observe numerous influences and conditions which appear to be associated with the arrival of the Adjusters in such minds prior to the bestowal of the Spirit of Truth, and they are: 1. The assignment of personal seraphic guardians. If a mortal has not been previously indwelt by an Adjuster, the assignment of a personal guardian brings the Adjuster forthwith. There exists some very definite but unknown relation between the ministry of Adjusters and the ministry of personal seraphic guardians. 2. The attainment of the third circle of intellectual achievement and spirit- ual attainment. I have observed Adjusters arrive in mortal minds upon the conquest of the third circle even before such an accomplishment could be sig- nalized to the local universe personalities concerned with such matters. 3. Upon the making of a supreme decision of unusual spiritual import. Such human behavior in a personal planetary crisis usually is attended by the immediate arrival of the waiting Adjuster. 4. The spirit of brotherhood. Regardless of the attainment of the psychic circles and the assignment of personal guardians—in the absence of anything resembling a crisis decision—when an evolving mortal becomes dominated by the love of his fellows and consecrated to unselfish ministry to his breth- ren in the flesh, the waiting Adjuster unvaryingly descends to indwell the mind of such a mortal minister. 5. Declaration of intention to do the will of God. We observe that many mortals on the worlds of space may be apparently in readiness to receive Ad- justers, and yet the Monitors do not appear. We go on watching such creatures as they live from day to day, and presently they quietly, almost unconsciously, arrive at the decision to begin the pursuit of the doing of the will of the Father in heaven. And then we observe the immediate dispatch of the Thought Ad- justers. 6. Influence of the Supreme Being. On worlds where the Adjusters do not fuse with the evolving souls of the mortal inhabitants, we observe Adjusters sometimes bestowed in response to influences which are wholly beyond our comprehension. We conjecture that such bestowals are determined by some cosmic reflex action originating in the Supreme Being. As to why these Adjusters can not or do not fuse with these certain types of evolving mortal minds we do not know. Such transactions have never been revealed to us.

    very interesting stuff.


    I suppose I don’t have a clear understanding of physical brain function vs mechanical mind and or adjutant mind function in a human being. typically when I consider mind I think Adjutants but there is more to it. The mechanical mind for one.

    The mechanical mind is non-teachable mind which exists in the most primitive forms of material life, such as plants and bacteria.  Human life is not primitive, it is highly evolved by the adjutants.  The first adjutant overlaps the mechanical mind of primitive life and the teachable mind of animal life, including humans.  There is always an overlap when it comes to mind ministry.


    but it makes me wonder exactly what my brain does control – Especially thinking about Bonitas comment about our functioning organs after  brain death and outside the body with  mechanical help.

    The brain, along with the pituitary gland within the brain, regulates some of the activities of those organs; it is not responsible for their over-control.  In life they are automatic as long as the necessary substrates are provided for their electro-chemical health.  When the brain dies, organs continue living as long as someone feeds them, which is how we get all our organ donations for transplant.  Brain dead people are put on ventilators so the lungs can provide oxygen to the blood, and chemical substrates, which would normally be consumed, are given intravenously in order to keep all the organs alive until they can be harvested.  Then, they are placed in a bath of substrate and chilled for transport.


    but it makes me wonder exactly what my brain does control – Especially thinking about Bonitas comment about our functioning organs after brain death and outside the body with mechanical help.

    The brain, along with the pituitary gland within the brain, regulates some of the activities of those organs; it is not responsible for their over-control. In life they are automatic as long as the necessary substrates are provided for their electro-chemical health. When the brain dies, organs continue living as long as someone feeds them, which is how we get all our organ donations for transplant. Brain dead people are put on ventilators so the lungs can provide oxygen to the blood, and chemical substrates, which would normally be consumed, are given intravenously in order to keep all the organs alive until they can be harvested. Then, they are placed in a bath of substrate and chilled for transport.

    seems I have overcome a roadblock in my thinking about this:

    im now thinking that this overcontrol does not discriminate based on organ type.  For me this is a very different way to think about all of this, thx.


    im now thinking that this overcontrol does not discriminate based on organ type.

    Also, each organ is made up of billions of specialized cells, each of which is functioning, more or less, on a mechanical level.


    im now thinking that this overcontrol does not discriminate based on organ type.

    Also, each organ is made up of billions of specialized cells, each of which is functioning, more or less, on a mechanical level.

    and these specialized cells receive overcontrol similar to any single cell organism

    maybe even similar to that strand of RNA that flu researchers chase annually.

    Gene wrote: . . . and these specialized cells receive overcontrol similar to any single cell organism maybe even similar to that strand of RNA that flu researchers chase annually.
    Not exactly.  Single cell organisms are more likely to be receive their “over-control” from the Physical Controllers, especially if they are considered plants.  Bacteria are vegetable organisms (65:2.3).  It’s my opinion that human cells are subject to adjutant mind control, beginning at the lowest level of the first adjutant which also ministers to mechanical mind under the control of the Physical Controllers.  The other thing pertinent to this discussion is that mind and life go together.  The energy spark of life which comes from the Creative Spirit, “enlivens the body and presages the mind” (36:3.4).  I’ve been looking, and so far, I can’t find anything in TUB which says that mind exists without life.  I know you can have mind without personality, but I think mind is always living . . . could be wrong . . .  still looking.
    Some related quotes:

    36:5.6 1. The spirit of intuition – quick perception, the primitive physical and inherent reflex instincts, the directional and other self-preservative endowments of all mind creations; the only one of the adjutants to function so largely in the lower orders of animal life and the only one to make extensive functional contact with the nonteachable levels of mechanical mind. 

    36:6.2 Things material may enjoy an independent existence, but life springs only from life. Mind can be derived only from pre-existent mind

    36:2.18 Mind such as man comprehends is an endowment of the seven adjutant mind-spirits superimposed on the nonteachable or mechanical levels of mind by the agencies of the Infinite Spirit.

    36:5.15 Living mind, prior to the appearance of capacity to learn from experience, is the ministry domain of the Master Physical Controllers.



    More mind stuff

    could not help but notice this and hope I see it clearly and can state it ok:

    here goes:

    cut this from an early post and got to thinking about it as a process.

    “The first moral choice of the human child is automatically indicated in the seventh mind- adjutant and registers instantly, by way of the local universe Creative Spirit, over the universal mind-gravity circuit of the Conjoint Actor in the presence of the Master Spirit of superuniverse jurisdiction, who forthwith dispatches this intelligence to Divinington.”

    we are told if I remember right that our creative mother is creating life or ministering mind but not both at the same time (I think I got that right)

    the bestowal of the spirit of truth comes to mind here because prior to its bestowal acquiring  an Adjuster was a slightly different process than described above and appears the mother spirit is not directly involved possibly because she is busy creating new species. and we are also told our mother spirit finished creating new species coincident with the bestowal of the comforter.

    I notice that after the bestowal of the comforter the child’s moral choice is registered with the 7th adjutant by way of our creative spirit.

    Interesting stuff I never picked up on before.

    also, wouldn’t it be interesting to know what her last life form creation was?? Only 2000 years ago???

    also I am humbled trying to fully understand and appreciate the significance and impact and meaning of the bestowal of the spirit of truth.

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