Did the Midwayers narrate Church history as "War in Heaven"?

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    If the Sefiroth has 10 emanations of creation, how does that line up with God the Sevenfold and the seven superuniverses of creation in time and space?

    The ten sefirot are divided into three and seven.


    And how do the ten Sephiroth, which are linked to 22 Nativoth, line up anywhere in the UB. Where do you see the number 22 in the cosmology presented in the UB?


    The 22 is the paths you take to move through the sefiroth. I said the ten sefiroth line up with TUB’s numerology, not the pathways.


    So wait . . . you’re comparing Atsilut to Havona? All right, it’s an extreme stretch since Atsilut is supposed to represent unity.

    Yes I am comparing the two.


    But comparing Beriah with the seven superuniverses doesn’t make any sense at all.

    I never compared Beriah with the seven superuniverses. I compared it to our superuniverse, Orvonton.


    Beriah may be a creative world, but it is a realm of non-sequential meaning. Non-sequential means timelessness. The seven super universes exist within time-space where there is definite sequentiality.


    Beriah has a beginning (time/sequence) as it is the act of creating.


    Then you compare Yesirah to a place called universe. What does that mean? What universe? There are hundreds of thousands of universes.

    Yesirah is our universe Nebadon.


    Finally, you compare Assiah with systems.What systems? Assiah is supposed to represent the world of sequential reality and spacial meaning . . . like Urantia. Planets are not systems. A system in UB cosmology consists of one thousand inhabited planets.

    Asiah is Satania.



    But what about the number four? There are four cosmic levels of experiential reality or universe reality realizations. If the Otz Chiim describes the route by which God’s divine energy, or light, finds expression in the physical world, then wouldn’t that have something to do with the number five? The qualities of universal reality expressed and manifested in the physical world are: material, mind, spirit, soul and personality.
    The number four is found as the four worlds of qabbala.
    Brooklyn_born wrote: In Qabbala, the world cut off from the whole of creation is Asaiah (material plane) but more exact, the Sefira “Malkuth.” Interestingly, our system, Satania, was cut off from the main circuits and quarantined.
    Malkuth has to do with consciousness of the sensations of the physical world. It’s banal, bestial, instinctive and reflexive. It is a level described as separated, yet the UB declares that only sin separates us from God. The physical world is not sin. That is a gnostic concept and Kabbalah is eerily similar to gnosticism in many ways. But none of this has anything whatsoever to do with spiritual quarantines.
    I think I said “celestial” sin. Please check as I am almost sure I said celestial sin.

    Da’ath is knowledge without understanding, learning without lamination. It is highly negative, it denies faith for its own sake and is a symbol of an unpurified mind. It is not a real place; it is a concept within the mind. The prison world is a real place. The Qliphoth is the dark side of reality, or the negative counterpart of the Otz Chiim. It is a purely dualistic concept (very gnostic) and is not found anywhere in the UB. The Qliphoth is the source of dark vices and evils in the world, the home of demons and monsters who cause corruption and disease. In fact, it is the “diseased” side of the Otz Chiim. Where in the UB do you see God having a dark and “diseased” side?

    Brooklyn_born wrote:I am referring to the four worlds to which we belong leading up to Paradise; (1) System , (2) universe, (3) super and (4) central universe. They line up neatly with the Qabbala’s worlds.
    What’s a system world, a universe world, a super world, and a central universe world? None of that makes sense. If you want to break it down into “worlds”, what about the seven mansion worlds? That’s seven, not four. Actually, there’s a total of fifty-six Jerusem worlds that we have to visit. Actually, the number 56 shows up a lot. And, where do we go after the seven mansion worlds one might ask? We Go to Jerusem itself, then Edentia and all its satellites, then to Salvington and the surrounding educational worlds there, onto Uversa and its worlds, finally landing in Havona, which has many worlds that must be traversed. So how does that all add up to four?
    You have made up your mind so really it is pointless for me to continue the discussion on Qabbala and TUB. If you had an open mind I would be willing to sacrifice time to study this with you but I really doubt you are interested. You are going into this topic with a close mind.


    Brooklyn_born wrote:  Epochal Revelation and scripture are the same. TUB speaks of five. One of importance is the New Testament.

    The New Testament is NOT an Epochal Revelation.  The New Testament was written by men.  Revelation does not come from humans. It is a joint venture between the material mind and the Thought Adjuster. And whenever it passes through the human material mind, it becomes fallible, partial, and distorted.  Jesus said: “Mark you well my words, Nathaniel, nothing which human nature has touched can be regarded as infallible. Through the mind of man divine truth may indeed shine forth, but always of relative purity and partial divinity. The creature may crave infallibility, but only the Creators possess it.(159:4.8)

    Brooklyn_born wrote: Here is what we are told: . 4 There have been many events of religious revelation but only five of epochal significance. These were as follows: Jesus of Nazareth. Christ Michael presented for the fourth time to Urantia the concept of God as the Universal Father, and this teaching has generally persisted ever since…” : And how did he deliver this 4th epochal revelation to mankind,  Bonita? In “scripture” format, as it has even “persisted ever since…”; the Holy Bible, New Testament SCRIPTURE is how it PERSISTS.

    Jesus never wrote down anything and his apostles were reluctant to do it because of that.  If Jesus wanted us to use scripture as revelation, then he would have written the New Testament himself.

    121:8.3  Knowing how consistently the Master refused to write out his teachings when on earth and in the flesh, Mark, like the apostles and other leading disciples, was hesitant to put them in writing.

    Scripture is not the Fourth Epochal Revelation.  Jesus of Nazareth is the Fourth Epochal Revelation.  His teachings live within the human mind as the Spirit of Truth.  Only the Creators possess divine truth and it can only be revealed by them. The New Testament is not Jesus of Nazareth.  And it is not what Jesus taught that we are supposed to pay attention to, we are supposed to study what he did.  Obviously, the New Testament only has partial information on that, so how can it be an epochal revelation.

    196:0.10 When you study the career of the Master, as concerns prayer or any other feature of the religious life, look not so much for what he taught as for what he did.

    Brooklyn_born wrote:  Bonita, it says “greatest of all the unfathomable mysteries of God….” There are MANY mysteries, revealed according to many factors; e.g., spiritual receptivity and ministration, resurrection, epochal revelation, etc… There are MANY MYSTERIES, not one.

    Yeah, but it says the MYSTERY OF MYSTERIES is the indwelling God.   That’s honing in on THE FUNDAMENTAL MYSTERY of all the infinitude of God’s MYSTERIES.

    What the quote is referring to is new concepts that are only partially understood with more or less distortion of meaning by humans with partial or distorted experience with truth.
    Bonita, it says they are CONVEYED at times partially or with distortion of meaning.  It says absolutely nothing about humans understanding the concept partially or with distortion of meaning. The celestials actually are admitting their own limits because of the handicaps inherent in language. Here is the quote  again, this time honing in on the relevant part…
    ” …when the concept to be portrayed finds no terminology in English which can be employed to convey such a new concept partially or even with more or less distortion of meaning.”
    You see, Bonita, it says : “CONVEY such new concept partially or with…. distortion of meaning.”
    I do not know how you got  humans limitation in understanding these concepts when clearly the author tells us the concept is “CONVEYED” partially and with distortion of meaning. Who do you think is engaged in “conveying” these advance concepts?


    Yeah, but it says the MYSTERY OF MYSTERIES is the indwelling God. That’s honing in on THE FUNDAMENTAL MYSTERY of all the infinitude of God’s MYSTERIES.

    It is nice to know , Bonita, but it does not negate the fact that the cosmos is filled with mysteries.



    You have made up your mind so really it is pointless for me to continue the discussion on Qabbala and TUB. If you had an open mind I would be willing to sacrifice time to study this with you but I really doubt you are interested. You are going into this topic with a close mind.

    Oh, here we go again.  When you wanted original translations you wouldn’t do any work and now you won’t do any work to discuss Kabbalah and the UB.  You accuse me of being close minded but you’re the one who just slammed the door shut . . . again.  I sacrifice enormous amount of time and energy to write posts for you.  I do hours of research  finding quotes to answer your questions and developing lengthy explanations.  And now that you feel threatened you’re suddenly uninterested in sacrificing your precious time to study with me . . .  that’s so self-centered.  I’ve studied Kabbalah.  How can my mind be closed if I bothered to study it?  And when did you become a reader of souls.  How do you know what state my mind is in? How do you know what my intentions are?   Your complaint and excuse sounds pretty lame to me.


    I do not know how you got  humans limitation in understanding these concepts when clearly the author tells us the concept is “CONVEYED” partially and with distortion of meaning. Who do you think is engaged in “conveying” these advance concepts?

    So you think the revelators deliberately distorted meanings?  I don’t think they are capable of that.  What they are admitting to is that a given word they choose to use for a new idea will be insufficient to portray it and without distortion of meaning.  It’s the human mind that will distort the meaning.  For instance, take the term, Thought Adjuster.  That’s a new term that only partially describes the God Fragment within us.  There are plenty of people who have distorted the meaning of this term, assigning all sorts of thought adjustments to the Thought Adjuster.  It’s an inadequate term, but the best they could find.  And only through revelation by the Thought Adjuster himself, can the human mind begin to grasp the meaning of his presence within the mind and the meaning of the term.


    The New Testament is NOT an Epochal Revelation. The New Testament was written by men. Revelation does not come from humans. It is a joint venture between the material mind and the Thought Adjuster.


    Are you discounting the words of Christ as they are recorded in the New Testament and reproduced by celestials in various places in  TUB? Are you saying Paul did not have a joint venture with his TA and that none of Bible scripture could be considered revelation?


    And whenever it passes through the human material mind, it becomes fallible, partial, and distorted. Jesus said: “Mark you well my words, Nathaniel, nothing which human nature has touched can be regarded as infallible.



    Do you apply this to TUB, out of curiosity?


    Through the mind of man divine truth may indeed shine forth, but always of relative purity and partial divinity. The creature may crave infallibility, but only the Creators possess it.(159:4.8)


    Do you apply this to TUB, out of curiosity?


    Jesus never wrote down anything and his apostles were reluctant to do it because of that. If Jesus wanted us to use scripture as revelation, then he would have written the New Testament himself. 121:8.3 Knowing how consistently the Master refused to write out his teachings when on earth and in the flesh, Mark, like the apostles and other leading disciples, was hesitant to put them in writing.


    Yet we find out they did write down his words; they  are recorded in the New Testament. And those SAME WORDS were REPRODUCED by the celestials for further teaching or revealing truth. Would you like to see?


    “Woman, where are your accusers? did no man remain to stone you?” And the woman, lifting up her eyes, answered, “No man, Lord.” And then said Jesus: “I know about you; neither do I condemn you. Go your way in peace.” And this woman, Hildana, forsook her wicked husband and joined herself to the disciples of the kingdom.” (162:3;.5 cf., John 8.11)


    Scripture is not the Fourth Epochal Revelation. Jesus of Nazareth is the Fourth Epochal Revelation. His teachings live within the human mind as the Spirit of Truth.


    Bonita, the 4th epochal revelation came in the form of written words (scripture), just as the 5th epochal revelation came in the form of written words. As a matter of fact, ALL EPOCHAL REVELATION is delivered in written form.

    Only the Creators possess divine truth and it can only be revealed by them.


    I agree. And they do so through “autorevalation” and “epoch revelation”:

    3 “Truth is always a revelation: autorevelation when it emerges as a result of the work of the indwelling Adjuster; epochal revelation when it is presented by the function of some other celestial agency, group, or personality.”


    The New Testament is not Jesus of Nazareth. And it is not what Jesus taught that we are supposed to pay attention to, we are supposed to study what he did. Obviously, the New Testament only has partial information on that, so how can it be an epochal revelation.


    Bonita, when did the 4th epochal revelation occur and how did this revelation survive after that period ?




    So you think the revelators deliberately distorted meanings? I don’t think they are capable of that.

    That is not what I am saying. I believe I did say they are handicapped by the limitation of the English language.

     What they are admitting to is that a given word they choose to use for a new idea will be insufficient to portray it and without distortion of meaning. It’s the human mind that will distort the meaning.

    It cannot be both. Either the message is partial or the understanding is partial. Either a) the revelators are communicating a partial revelation and we are capable of fully understand it, or b) we are unable to fully understand a complete revelation given by them. Based on the reference I provided, it is choice a).


    For instance, take the term, Thought Adjuster. That’s a new term that only partially describes the God Fragment within us.

    exactly! They communicate a partial revelation but we fully understand all that they have revealed to us about TA in 5th epochal revelation.

    There are plenty of people who have distorted the meaning of this term, assigning all sorts of thought adjustments to the Thought Adjuster.

    True, but that is not relevant to the reference I gave you. The celestials are owning up to the fact that they are handicapped by language when conveying revelation. And that some of their revelations are partial and distorts, more or less, meanings of concepts. For example they attempt to reflect revelations from eternity into time/space continuum by a technique they call “time-space reasoning.” Assuredly you will get distortion of meaning and partial revelation. Look at what we are told:

    “In attempting to portray the origin and nature of universal reality, we are forced to employ the technique of time-space reasoning in order to reach the level of the finite mind. Therefore must many of the simultaneous events of eternity be presented as sequential transactions.”

    They are admitting that sequential transactions portraying simultaneous events are inaccurate portrayals; this is an example of distortion of meaning. That revelation serves as a “beware” not to take the transaction “literally.” That transaction should be read figuratively.


    It is not so much slamming the door shut. It just that it takes considerable effort on my part to explain this stuff especially at times when it calls for detailed explanations. I feel like it is a lost battle to expend the energy because at every turn you rebuff my explanations. I cannot even get a “I will look into that” from you. I dunno :-(
    All I can say is  take a second look at Qabbala. I don’t know what else I can say on the matter. It is very exhausting the back and forths to be honest.
    Oh! by the way, I do not feel threatened. Just tired.

    You have made up your mind so really it is pointless for me to continue the discussion on Qabbala and TUB. If you had an open mind I would be willing to sacrifice time to study this with you but I really doubt you are interested. You are going into this topic with a close mind.

    Oh, here we go again. When you wanted original translations you wouldn’t do any work and now you won’t do any work to discuss Kabbalah and the UB. You accuse me of being close minded but you’re the one who just slammed the door shut . . . again. I sacrifice enormous amount of time and energy to write posts for you. I do hours of research finding quotes to answer your questions and developing lengthy explanations. And now that you feel threatened you’re suddenly uninterested in sacrificing your precious time to study with me . . . that’s so self-centered. I’ve studied Kabbalah. How can my mind be closed if I bothered to study it? And when did you become a reader of souls. How do you know what state my mind is in? How do you know what my intentions are? Your complaint and excuse sounds pretty lame to me.


    Brooklyn_born wrote:  Are you discounting the words of Christ as they are recorded in the New Testament and reproduced by celestials in various places in  TUB?

    I’m not discounting Christ’s words, I’m discounting a man’s interpretation of Christ’s words collected in a volume called the New Testament.  Most of the New Testament is written by Paul and other people who never knew Christ.

    Brooklyn_born wrote: Are you saying Paul did not have a joint venture with his TA and that none of Bible scripture could be considered revelation?

    I am saying that Paul claimed to have visions of Jesus and talks with Jesus but I put as much credence in Paul’s experience as I do the current crop of channelers who claim to have counsel with Michael.  There’s no denying that Paul had a conversion and that his personal religious experiences were revelations to him.  BUT PAUL’S EXPERIENCES ARE NOT EPOCHAL REVELATIONS, THEY ARE PERSONAL AUTO-REVELATIONS.   I don’t know how to get that point across to you without yelling.  It seems like your mind is completely closed on this. (turnabout is fair play).

    Brooklyn_born wrote: Do you apply this to TUB, out of curiosity?
    Was the UB written by humans?  Jesus said: ” . . . <em style=”color: #000000;”>nothing which human nature has touched can be regarded as infallible.”   But putting that aside, even the authors of the UB admit that it is partial, transient and practically adapted to local conditions.  So yeah, they say it’s not infallible.
    92:4.9  5. The Urantia Papers. The papers, of which this is one, constitute the most recent presentation of truth to the mortals of Urantia. These papers differ from all previous revelations, for they are not the work of a single universe personality but a composite presentation by many beings. But no revelation short of the attainment of the Universal Father can ever be complete. All other celestial ministrations are no more than partial, transient, and practically adapted to local conditions in time and space.
    Brooklyn_born wrote:  Bonita, the 4th epochal revelation came in the form of written words (scripture), just as the 5th epochal revelation came in the form of written words.
    So wait.  The Fourth Epochal Revelation was a book?  Jesus was a book?  And all this time I thought he was a man.  How stupid of me.   I’m sure he’d love to know that he’s a book.  Hmmmm.  So Jesus is a book of written words huh?  Amazing!   Really amazing.  That’s right up there with the references hormone.
    Brooklyn_born wrote: As a matter of fact, ALL EPOCHAL REVELATION is delivered in written form.
    OMG!  So Melchizedek, the third epochal revelation, was a book too!  I can’t believe this!  How did I miss this?  I must be an idiot.  Both Jesus and Melchizedek were books.  It’s like I’m in some kinda parallel universe or something.  I never knew that.  How did I live all this time and not know that?  I’m mystified.
    So wait , wait . . . . Adam and Eve, the second epochal revelation were books too?  And the first epochal revelation, the Planetary Prince was a book?  Damn!  Where are these books so I can read them?  All this time wasted and I could have just read the books.

    Brooklyn_born wrote: “Woman, where are your accusers? did no man remain to stone you?” And the woman, lifting up her eyes, answered, “No man, Lord.” And then said Jesus: “I know about you; neither do I condemn you. Go your way in peace.” And this woman, Hildana, forsook her wicked husband and joined herself to the disciples of the kingdom.” (162:3;.5 cf., John 8.11)

    Now wait just a minute.  Here’s John’s version:

      John   8   
    But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.
    At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered round him, and he sat down to teach them.
    The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery.
    They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus, Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery.
    In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?
    They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.
    But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger.
    When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.
    Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
    At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there.
    Jesus straightened up and asked her, Woman, where are they? Has no-one condemned you?
    No-one, sir, she said. Then neither do I condemn you, Jesus declared. Go now and leave your life of sin.
    As you can see, in John’s version Jesus said: “Then neither do I condemn you. Go now and leave your life of sin.”  But in actuality Jesus never said that.  He said nothing about her leaving a life of sin. He said, “Go your way in peace.”  This is where John introduced his own prejudice to corrupt Jesus’ words.  Neither is there any mention of her name or that her husband is the one who forced her into prostitution.  John’s version is completely empty of value to me.  John’s version is teaching first century values whereas Jesus was teaching timeless values.

    Bonita, when did the 4th epochal revelation occur and how did this revelation survive after that period ?

    You know when Jesus lived, why ask such a question? How did Jesus’ gospel survive 2000+ years, you ask?   Maybe you’ve heard of the Spirit of Truth?

    194:2.1 Jesus lived on earth and taught a gospel which redeemed man from the superstition that he was a child of the devil and elevated him to the dignity of a faith son of God. Jesus’ message, as he preached it and lived it in his day, was an effective solvent for man’s spiritual difficulties in that day of its statement. And now that he has personally left the world, he sends in his place his Spirit of Truth, who is designed to live in man and, for each new generation, to restate the Jesus message so that every new group of mortals to appear upon the face of the earth shall have a new and up-to-date version of the gospel, just such personal enlightenment and group guidance as will prove to be an effective solvent for man’s ever-new and varied spiritual difficulties.

    It cannot be both. Either the message is partial or the understanding is partial. Either a) the revelators are communicating a partial revelation and we are capable of fully understand it, or b) we are unable to fully understand a complete revelation given by them. Based on the reference I provided, it is choice a).

    Allow me to reproduce this quote again:

    92:4.9  5. The Urantia Papers. The papers, of which this is one, constitute the most recent presentation of truth to the mortals of Urantia. These papers differ from all previous revelations, for they are not the work of a single universe personality but a composite presentation by many beings. But no revelation short of the attainment of the Universal Father can ever be complete. All other celestial ministrations are no more than partial, transient, and practically adapted to local conditions in time and space. While such admissions as this may possibly detract from the immediate force and authority of all revelations, the time has arrived on Urantia when it is advisable to make such frank statements, even at the risk of weakening the future influence and authority of this, the most recent of the revelations of truth to the mortal races of Urantia.

    Brooklyn_born wrote:True, but that is not relevant to the reference I gave you. The celestials are owning up to the fact that they are handicapped by language when conveying revelation. And that some of their revelations are partial and distorts, more or less, meanings of concepts.

    They are not admitting that their revelations distort the meaning of concepts at all.  They admit that there may not be a word in the English language they can use so they use a new word that may become distorted because of a lack of understanding of their motives for choosing the word.  They are NOT deliberating distorting anything.  That would not be in line with the attitude of the universe to teaching.  Deliberate distortion is something your friend Lucifer did.  Don’t mix up your friend’s madness with the intention of the celestials who wrote the UB.


    It is not so much slamming the door shut. It just that it takes considerable effort on my part to explain this stuff especially at times when it calls for detailed explanations. I feel like it is a lost battle to expend the energy because at every turn you rebuff my explanations. I cannot even get a “I will look into that” from you. I dunno

    Sorry you have to expend so much energy.  I spend a lot of time, but not much energy.  It’s effortless, actually.  I believe you think I’m rebuffing your explanations when what I’m doing is trying to show you where you are going off the rails when it comes to the UB.   I think it’s a lack of understanding of the UB, not a lack of understanding of Kabbalah.   And the reason you can’t get an “I will look into that,” from me is because I’ve already looked into it, you just refuse to accept that. Door slammed again.  I wouldn’t bother posting something if I didn’t know something about it.  I’m under the impression that you think I don’t know what I’m talking about and that is sad, very sad, and I suspect a tiny bit sexist on some level, although I can’t prove that. It’s just a hunch.

    I’m not discounting Christ’s words, I’m discounting a man’s interpretation of Christ’s words collected in a volume called the New Testament.
    So then at least you accept the words of Christ as they are recorded in the New Testament as “revelation.” Yes?

    I am saying that Paul claimed to have visions of Jesus and talks with Jesus but I put as much credence in Paul’s experience as I do the current crop of channelers who claim to have counsel with Michael.

    Do you discount the following:

    “When the apostle spoke of being “caught up to the third heaven,” he referred to that experience in which his Adjuster was detached during sleep and in this unusual state made a projection to the third of the seven mansion worlds”

    If Paul is unreliable why did the Revelator source his experience to expound on the function of Thought Adjusters?


    There’s no denying that Paul had a conversion and that his personal religious experiences were revelations to him. BUT PAUL’S EXPERIENCES ARE NOT EPOCHAL REVELATIONS, THEY ARE PERSONAL AUTO-REVELATIONS.

    Yes, his experience is auto-revelatory, but it is a part of epochal revelation as an example to further elaborate on the function of TAs.


    I don’t know how to get that point across to you without yelling. It seems like your mind is completely closed on this. (turnabout is fair play).

    Remember, Bonita, you are the one contesting the ideas I am putting forth, not the other way around. It is you that needs the open mind to entertain new ideas.
    Was the UB written by humans?
    Well obviously the revelation came through a human subject. So, yes.
    Jesus said: ” nothing which human nature has touched can be regarded as infallible.” But putting that aside, even the authors of the UB admit that it is partial, transient and practically adapted to local conditions. So yeah, they say it’s not infallible.
    And that is what I have been saying all along though you opposed me on that issue.
    So wait. The Fourth Epochal Revelation was a book? Jesus was a book?
    No but they are “COMMUNICATED” through books, written words, on pages.
    And all this time I thought he was a man.
    Bonita, does Jesus live in your life time? Have you met him? How did you come to know about him? Was it not through “epochal revelation” ? Is this epochal revelation a human being?
    OMG! So Melchizedek, the third epochal revelation, was a book too! I can’t believe this! How did I miss this? I must be an idiot. Both Jesus and Melchizedek were books. It’s like I’m in some kinda parallel universe or something. I never knew that. How did I live all this time and not know that? I’m mystified.
    It is sarcastic replies like this that convince me you are close minded, Bonita. I ask myself why bother putting in the effort. Bonita, there is the scripture of Adam and Eve, there are sumerian epics, there is Gnostic scripture which speak of Melchizedek. These are the recordings of earlier epochal revelations.
    So wait , wait . . . . Adam and Eve, the second epochal revelation were books too? And the first epochal revelation, the Planetary Prince was a book?
    Damn! Where are these books so I can read them? All this time wasted and I could have just read the books.
    Sumerian creation tales are the first epochal revelation.  Here is what TUB tells us…
    10 “When archaeologists dig up the clay-tablet records of the later-day Sumerian descendants of the Nodites, they discover lists of Sumerian kings running back for several thousand years; and as these records go further back, the reigns of the individual kings lengthen from around twenty-five or thirty years up to one
    hundred and fifty years and more. This lengthening of the reigns of these older kings signifies that some of the early Nodite rulers (immediate descendants of the Prince’s staff) did live longer than their later-day successors and also indicates an effort to stretch the dynasties back to Dalamatia.”
    Now wait just a minute. Here’s John’s version: As you can see, in John’s version Jesus said: “Then neither do I condemn you. Go now and leave your life of sin.” But in actuality Jesus never said that. He said nothing about her leaving a life of sin. He said, “Go your way in peace.”
    I don’t get your point. The revelators tweaked the earlier revelation . And as  you admitted no epochal revelation that is communicated is infallible. Correct?
    This is where John introduced his own prejudice to corrupt Jesus’ words.
    That is fine and the revelators filtered out his prejudice from the revelation. They did not discount it, they tweaked the revelation.
    John’s version is completely empty of value to me.
    To you it is empty but not to the revelators who deemed it worthy enough to reproduce with revision.
    How did Jesus’ gospel survive 2000+ years, you ask? Maybe you’ve heard of the Spirit of Truth?
    ” You must cease to seek for the word of God only on the pages of the olden records of theologic authority. Those who are born of the spirit of God shall henceforth discern the word of God regardless of whence it appears to take origin. Divine truth must not be discounted because the channel of its bestowal is apparently human.
    I posted the above quote for you to ponder. please pay close attention to the boldface, especially, since you take issue with human origin revelation.



    Sorry you have to expend so much energy. I spend a lot of time, but not much energy. It’s effortless, actually. I believe you think I’m rebuffing your explanations when what I’m doing is trying to show you where you are going off the rails when it comes to the UB. I think it’s a lack of understanding of the UB, not a lack of understanding of Kabbalah. And the reason you can’t get an “I will look into that,” from me is because I’ve already looked into it, you just refuse to accept that.

    I do not think you looked into it. Your posture speaks otherwise, Bonita. Frankly speaking, I have seen you do this on every occasion with ideas put forth either foreign to you or at odds with your personal stance on TUB. This has nothing to do with lack of understanding on anyone’s part because at the end of the day, everyone brings subjectively arrived understanding. The issue I see with you  is you have a difficult time accepting  ideas  that fly in the face of your “belief” are equally as relevant. Fanaticism breeds this kind of posturing. You see, Bonita, I never outright tell people that their understanding is “off the rails” because I never take an absolutist position. This is why the world is in turmoil today. Too many religious people  deeming others’ beliefs wrong and theirs right.

    I wouldn’t bother posting something if I didn’t know something about it.


    The same here.


    I’m under the impression that you think I don’t know what I’m talking about and that is sad, very sad, and I suspect a tiny bit sexist on some level, although I can’t prove that. It’s just a hunch.


    I do not know what you know outside what you post.


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