24-Hour Urantiathon – Faith, Joy, & Peace

Saturday 30 January, 2021 (UTC time)

Only a few more days to go before our next 24-hour online Urantiathon! This event will take place starting Saturday January 30, 2021 UTC time. To help coordinate our watches, the event will begin at the following times across the globe:

New York: Friday 29th 7:00 PM to Saturday 7:00 PM
Amsterdam: Saturday 1:00 AM to Sunday 1:00 AM
Sydney: Saturday 11:00 AM to Sunday 11:00 AM
Sao Paulo: Friday 9:00 PM to Saturday 9:00 PM

As a light appears at the end of this Covid-19 tunnel, the Urantia Community is coming together once again to offer an extraordinary online event to bring people together. This event will include presentations from around the world, a peak at the program for the International Conference in Peru this April, and a special combination of the Urantiathon and UUI Cafe. 

This conference will be interactive via Zoom and will include presentations, discussions, and group studies of The Urantia Book.

This event will be livestreamed to Facebook so you may view it there. It will also be recorded, and the presentations will be available on Urantia Association’s YouTube channel for those who want to catch up outside of the scheduled times.

Scroll down to see the Program so far. It’s still a work in progress; the final copy will be sent out before the conference begins.


Sao PauloNew YorkSydneyAmsterdamPresenterTopic
Fri to SatFri to SatSat to SunSat to Sun
9:00pm7:00pm11:00am1:00amMarjorie Ray (USA)Comfort & Joy!… more than a Christmas Carol (English)
10:00pm8:00pm12:00pm2:00amDavid Kulieke (USA)Evolution (English)
11:00pm9:00pm1:00pm3:00amUUI Cafe (Global)Trinitized Sons of God (English)
12:00am10:00pm2:00pm4:00amUUI Cafe (Global)Trinitized Sons of God (English)
1:00am11:00pm3:00pm5:00amSuzanne Kelly (USA)(English)
2:00am12:00am4:00pm6:00amMarion Steward (New Zealand)The Challenges of Diversity – the Never-ending Adventure (English)
3:00am1:00am5:00pm7:00amMerindi Swadling (Australia)Imagination (English)
4:00am2:00am6:00pm8:00amAreke van Tuijl (Netherlands)Celebration of Spiritual Growth (English)
5:00am3:00am7:00pm9:00amManuela Tornow (Germany)Joy (English)
6:00am4:00am8:00pm10:00amAde Awoyinka (England)Credit Where Credit is Due: Do you dare to draw on your personality credits? (English)
7:00am5:00am9:00pm11:00amOlga LopezThe Pursuit of Happiness and the Urantia Book Teachings (English)
8:00am6:00am10:00pm12:00pmGuy Perron, Agnes Lazar  (Belgium)The Two Sides of Spiritual Progress (English)
9:00am7:00am11:00pm1:00pmBarry Culligan (Ireland)Faith, Joy, Peace, and Revelation (English)
10:00am8:00am12:00am2:00pmAnna Zevan (Netherlands)(English)
11:00am9:00am1:00am3:00pmMairam Durand (Peru)Este es el verdadero Creyente (Spanish & English)
12:00pm10:00am2:00am4:00pmLourdes Burga-Cisneros (Peru)En búsqueda del gozo del existir consciente (Spanish & English)
1:00pm11:00am3:00am5:00pmLourdes Burga-Cisneros (Peru)En búsqueda del gozo del existir consciente (Spanish & English)
2:00pm12:00pm4:00am6:00pmTapio Pulli (Estonia)(English)
3:00pm1:00pm5:00am7:00pmRamiro Jarkin (Mexico)Determinaciones en amor/Decisions of Love (Spanish & English)
4:00pm2:00pm6:00am8:00pmNemias Mol (Brasil)Cada vez mais branco (Portuguese, Spanish & English)
5:00pm3:00pm7:00am9:00pmCarlos Gil, Isabel Reinoso (Colombia)Un ideal de vida (Spanish & English)
6:00pm4:00pm8:00am10:00pmGard Jameson (USA)(English)
7:00pm5:00pm9:00am11:00pmDr James Perry (USA)The Experiential Consideration of Faith, Peace, and Joy (English)
8:00pm6:00pm10:00am12:00amPato Banton, Antoinette Rootsdawtah (USA)Celebrations & Loving Conversations with Pato & Antoinette (English)