The Finnish Summer Conference

Hosted by Urantia Association Finland

09-11 June 2017

Theme: “The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Location: Sokos Hotel, Vantaa, Finland

Scenic summer panorama of the Market Square (Kauppatori) at the Old Town pier in Helsinki, Finland


We would like to welcome you to the Summer Conference for Urantia Book Readers in Finland and which is going to be held from 9-11 June, 2017 at Sokos Hotel at only a distance of 200 meters from Tikkurila train station, in the city of Vantaa and what’s part of the inner core of the Finnish Capital Region.

Helsinki, the capital of Finland and what borders to Vantaa, is one of the few cities in the world where nature is so close, even in the heart of the city.

During our conference we will have lectures, workshops, study groups, discussions, a riverside walk, a social program and other Urantia focussed activities with good food and drinks, which we would like to share with you. Come and and discover it yourself during our 2017 Summer Conference.

For more event details look for our program further below.


To register please contact – Sini Lilja, email: no later than June 1, 2017! (exclusive for international visitors and those who visit this website!)

You can also send a text message or call by phone to Sini, Telephone +358 44 546 6657.

If you want to register then we need to know your mailing or email address. Once the registration is successful then we ask you kindly to check if you have received a registration confirmation from us via that given contact address.


Registration fee –  25 euro/day/person –  will be collected to cover the rent of the meeting rooms.


Sokos Hotel Vantaa

Hertaksentie 2
01300 Vantaa – Finland
Tel +358 20 1234 618 – Fax +358 10 7850150
Website hotel
Google Maps: click here

Original Sokos Hotel Vantaa is an oasis providing a thousand types of atmosphere for entertainment and conference activities, flanking the Tikkurila railway station and Heureka Science Centre. A unique world of restaurants totaling five centers for dining has made the hotel a popular site for meeting others.

For up to date booking options and room rates go to the Website Hotel


Both local and long-distance trains will stop in Tikkurila. If you come by airplane, then the airport is only 7 min by train to the Sokos Hotel in Tikkurila. The largest airport in Finland, and the main airport and airline hub of Greater Helsinki, the Helsinki Airport, is located in Vantaa.

If you come by car then paid parking is available on the ground floor of the hotel. The hotel offers 135 parking spaces at the Q-Park parking facility. Parking is €20 per day for our overnight customers and €2 per hour for our other customers. There is no free of charge-parking area near the hotel!


Friday 9 June
18.00 Annual meeting in the library of Tikkurila, Lummetie 4, 01300 Vantaa
Free program after meeting

Saturday 10 June
08.00 Breakfast
09.00 Opening of the summer meeting (Sini Lilja)
09.20 Destination signs to the kingdom of heaven (Bey Heng, small groups)
10:35 The Keys of the kingdom of heaven (Risto Mäntynen, small groups)
11:30 Friendship as it was in good old days. We will write letters to each other.
12.00 Lunch
13:00 We are going to write together a manuscript for a drama “The Kingdom of Heaven” and train our performance

As an alternative program you can see the Urantia Book film ”Reimagining Jesus”
(only in English, no Finnish translation)

15.00 Coffee
15.30 The Urantia Book, paragraph 174 (Raimo Kujala, small groups)
16.30 Dinner
18:00 Social Program

Sunday 11 June
08:00 Breakfast
09.00 Opening of the day
We will walk by the riverside in groups – four persons in one group –  and enjoy the nature.
We are also going to make postcards out of tree trunks using the method of bark copying
10.00 The Concept of the Father (Matti Tossavainen, small groups)
11.00 The Kingdom of heaven through the eyes of a philosopher (Eija Seppänen-Bolotinski, small groups)
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Performance: The Kingdom of Heaven
13.30 Overviews, experiences. We have time to discuss Urantia topics. The stage is yours.
14.00 Coffee and goodbye

note: Lectures are in Finnish but study groups are held in English!

Hosted by: Urantia Association Finland