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1:6.8 [Part I]
God is spirit — spirit personality; man is also a spirit — potential spirit personality. Jesus of Nazareth attained the full realization of this potential of spirit personality in human experience; therefore his life of achieving the Father's will becomes man's most real and ideal revelation of the personality of God. Even though the personality of the Universal Father can be grasped only in actual religious experience, in Jesus' earth life we are inspired by the perfect demonstration of such a realization and revelation of the personality of God in a truly human experience.
17:1.6 [Part I]
On the executive sphere of the seventh superuniverse the staff engaged in keeping straight the affairs of Orvonton runs into numbers beyond human comprehension and embraces practically every order of celestial intelligence. All superuniverse services of personality dispatch (except Inspired Trinity Spirits and Thought Adjusters) pass through one of these seven executive worlds on their universe journeys to and from Paradise, and here are maintained the central registries for all personalities created by the Third Source and Center who function in the superuniverses. The system of material, morontial, and spiritual records on one of these executive worlds of the Spirit amazes even a being of my order.
19:0.1 [Part I]
THIS Paradise group, designated the Co-ordinate Trinity-origin Beings, embraces the Trinity Teacher Sons, also classed among the Paradise Sons of God, three groups of high superuniverse administrators, and the somewhat impersonal category of the Inspired Trinity Spirits. Even the Havona natives may properly be included in this classification of Trinity personalities along with numerous groups of beings resident on Paradise. Those Trinity-origin beings to be considered in this discussion are:
19:0.6 [Part I]
5. Inspired Trinity Spirits.
19:0.9 [Part I]
Excepting the Trinity Teacher Sons and possibly the Inspired Trinity Spirits, these groups are of definite numbers; their creation is a finished and past event.
19:5.0 [Part I]
5. Inspired Trinity Spirits
19:5.1 [Part I]
I will be able to tell you very little concerning the Inspired Trinity Spirits, for they are one of the few wholly secret orders of beings in existence, secret, no doubt, because it is impossible for them fully to reveal themselves even to those of us whose origin is so near the source of their creation. They come into being by the act of the Paradise Trinity and may be utilized by any one or two of the Deities as well as by all three. We do not know whether these Spirits are of completed numbers or are constantly increasing, but we incline to the belief that their number is not fixed.
19:5.2 [Part I]
We fully understand neither the nature nor the conduct of the Inspired Spirits. They may possibly belong to the category of superpersonal spirits. They seem to operate over all known circuits and appear to act well-nigh independently of time and space. But we know little about them except as we deduce their character from the nature of their activities, the results of which we certainly observe here and there in the universes.
19:5.3 [Part I]
Under certain conditions these Inspired Spirits can individualize themselves sufficiently for recognition by beings of Trinity origin. I have seen them; but it would never be possible for the lower orders of celestial beings to recognize one of them. Certain circumstances also arise from time to time in the conduct of the evolving universes in which any being of Trinity origin may directly employ these Spirits in the furtherance of his assignments. We therefore know that they exist, and that under certain conditions we may command and receive their assistance, sometimes recognize their presence. But they are not a part of the manifest and definitely revealed organization intrusted with the conduct of the time-space universes before such material creations are settled in light and life. They have no clearly discernible place in the present economy or administration of the evolving seven superuniverses. They are a secret of the Paradise Trinity.
19:5.4 [Part I]
The Melchizedeks of Nebadon teach that Inspired Trinity Spirits are destined, sometime in the eternal future, to function in the places of the Solitary Messengers, whose ranks are slowly but certainly being depleted by their assignment as associates of certain types of trinitized sons.
19:5.5 [Part I]
The Inspired Spirits are the solitary Spirits of the universe of universes. As Spirits they are very much like the Solitary Messengers except that the latter are distinct personalities. We obtain much of our knowledge of the Inspired Spirits from the Solitary Messengers, who detect their nearness by virtue of an inherent sensitivity to the presence of the Inspired Spirits which functions just as unfailingly as a magnetic needle points to a magnetic pole. When a Solitary Messenger is near an Inspired Trinity Spirit, he is conscious of a qualitative indication of such a divine presence and also of a very definite quantitative registration which enables him actually to know the classification or number of the Spirit presence or presences.
19:5.6 [Part I]
I may relate a further interesting fact: When a Solitary Messenger is on a planet whose inhabitants are indwelt by Thought Adjusters, as on Urantia, he is aware of a qualitative excitation in his detection-sensitivity to spirit presence. In such instances there is no quantitative excitation, only a qualitative agitation. When on a planet to which Adjusters do not come, contact with the natives does not produce any such reaction. This suggests that Thought Adjusters are in some manner related to, or are connected with, the Inspired Spirits of the Paradise Trinity. In some way they may possibly be associated in certain phases of their work; but we do not really know. They both originate near the center and source of all things, but they are not the same order of being. Thought Adjusters spring from the Father alone; Inspired Spirits are the offspring of the Paradise Trinity.
19:5.7 [Part I]
The Inspired Spirits do not apparently belong to the evolutionary scheme of the individual planets or universes, and yet they seem to be almost everywhere. Even as I am engaged in the formulation of this statement, my associated Solitary Messenger's personal sensitivity to the presence of this order of Spirit indicates that there is with us at this very moment, not over twenty-five feet away, a Spirit of the Inspired order and of the third volume of power presence. The third volume of power presence suggests to us the probability that three Inspired Spirits are functioning in liaison.
19:5.9 [Part I]
We know that the Trinity Teacher Sons are devoted to the conscious enlightenment of universe creatures. I have arrived at the settled conclusion that the Inspired Trinity Spirits, by superconscious techniques, are also functioning as teachers of the realms. I am persuaded that there is a vast body of essential spiritual knowledge, truth indispensable to high spiritual attainment, which cannot be consciously received; self-consciousness would effectively jeopardize the certainty of reception. If we are right in this concept, and my entire order of being shares it, it may be the mission of these Inspired Spirits to overcome this difficulty, to bridge this gap in the universal scheme of moral enlightenment and spiritual advancement. We think that these two types of Trinity-origin teachers effect some kind of liaison in their activities, but we do not really know.
19:5.10 [Part I]
On the superuniverse training worlds and on the eternal circuits of Havona, I have fraternized with the perfecting mortals — spiritualized and ascendant souls from the evolutionary realms — but never have they been aware of the Inspired Spirits, which ever and anon the powers of detection resident in the Solitary Messengers would indicate were very near us. I have freely conversed with all orders of the Sons of God, high and low, and they likewise are unconscious of the admonitions of the Inspired Trinity Spirits. They can and do look back in their experiences and recount happenings which are difficult to explain if the action of such Spirits is not taken into account. But excepting Solitary Messengers, and sometimes Trinity-origin beings, none of the celestial family have ever been conscious of the nearness of the Inspired Spirits.
19:5.11 [Part I]
I do not believe the Inspired Trinity Spirits are playing hide and seek with me. They are probably trying just as hard to disclose themselves to me as I am to communicate with them; our difficulties and limitations must be mutual and inherent. I am satisfied that there are no arbitrary secrets in the universe; therefore will I never cease in my efforts to solve the mystery of the isolation of these Spirits belonging to my order of creation.
19:7.4 [Part I]
Trinity-origin beings possess prerogatives of transit which make them independent of transport personalities, such as seraphim. We all possess the power of moving about freely and quickly in the universe of universes. Excepting the Inspired Trinity Spirits, we cannot attain the almost unbelievable velocity of the Solitary Messengers, but we are able so to utilize the sum total of the transport facilities in space that we can reach any point in a superuniverse, from its headquarters, in less than one year of Urantia time. It required 109 days of your time for me to journey from Uversa to Urantia.
19:7.5 [Part I]
Through these same avenues we are enabled to intercommunicate instantaneously. Our entire order of creation finds itself in touch with every individual embraced within every division of the children of the Paradise Trinity save only the Inspired Spirits.
23:1.9 [Part I]
There is a technical reason why these Solitary Messengers must travel and work alone. For short periods and when stationary, they can collaborate in a group, but when thus ensembled, they are altogether cut off from the sustenance and direction of their Paradise circuit; they are wholly isolated. When in transit, or when operating in the circuits of space and the currents of time, if two or more of this order are in close proximity, both or all are thrown out of liaison with the higher circulating forces. They are "short circuited" as you might describe it in illustrative symbols. Therefore they have inherent within them a power of automatic alarm, a warning signal, which unerringly operates to apprise them of approaching conflicts and unfailingly keeps them sufficiently separated as not to interfere with their proper and effective functioning. They also possess inherent and automatic powers which detect and indicate the proximity of both the Inspired Trinity Spirits and the divine Thought Adjusters.
23:2.15 [Part I]
3. Messengers of the Superuniverses. The Ancients of Days, those personalities of Trinity origin who preside over the destinies of the seven superuniverses, those trios of divine power and administrative wisdom, are bountifully supplied with Solitary Messengers. It is only through this order of messengers that the triune rulers of one superuniverse can directly and personally communicate with the rulers of another. Solitary Messengers are the only available type of spirit intelligence — aside, possibly, from the Inspired Trinity Spirits — that can be dispatched from the headquarters of one superuniverse directly to the headquarters of another. All other personalities must make such excursions by way of Havona and the executive worlds of the Master Spirits.
23:4.4 [Part I]
Solitary Messengers are of stationary numbers, but the trinitization of the sons of destiny is apparently an unlimited technique. Since each trinitized son of destiny has assigned to him a Solitary Messenger, it appears to us that at some time in the remote future the supply of messengers will become exhausted. Who will take up their work in the grand universe? Will their service be assumed by some new development among the Inspired Trinity Spirits? Is the grand universe at some remote period going to be more nearly administered by Trinity-origin beings while the single- and dual-origin creatures move on into the realms of outer space? If the messengers return to their former service, will these sons of destiny accompany them? Will the trinitizations between finaliters and Paradise-Havoners cease when the supply of Solitary Messengers has been absorbed as guardian-companions of these sons of destiny? Are all our efficient Solitary Messengers going to be concentrated on Vicegerington? Are these extraordinary spirit personalities going to be eternally associated with these trinitized sons of unrevealed destiny? What significance should we attach to the fact that these couples forgathering on Vicegerington are under the exclusive direction of those mighty mystery beings, the Architects of the Master Universe? These and many similar questions we ask ourselves, and ask numerous other orders of celestial beings, but we do not know the answers.
29:5.7 [Part I]
The Master Force Organizers withstand temperatures and function under physical conditions which would be intolerable even to the versatile power centers and physical controllers of Orvonton. The only other types of revealed beings capable of functioning in these realms of outer space are the Solitary Messengers and the Inspired Trinity Spirits.
30:1.20 [Part I]
2. Inspired Trinity Spirits.
30:2.34 [Part I]
12. Inspired Trinity Spirits.
31:9.13 [Part I]
All beings produced by the union of the children of time and eternity, such as the trinitized offspring of the finaliters and the Paradise Citizens, become wards of the Master Architects. But of all other creatures or entities revealed as functioning in the present organized universes, only Solitary Messengers and Inspired Trinity Spirits maintain any organic association with the Transcendentalers and the Architects of the Master Universe.


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