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Search results for: Circuit in Part I

16 pages of results.
23:1.9 [Part I]
There is a technical reason why these Solitary Messengers must travel and work alone. For short periods and when stationary, they can collaborate in a group, but when thus ensembled, they are altogether cut off from the sustenance and direction of their Paradise circuit; they are wholly isolated. When in transit, or when operating in the circuits of space and the currents of time, if two or more of this order are in close proximity, both or all are thrown out of liaison with the higher circulating forces. They are "short circuited" as you might describe it in illustrative symbols. Therefore they have inherent within them a power of automatic alarm, a warning signal, which unerringly operates to apprise them of approaching conflicts and unfailingly keeps them sufficiently separated as not to interfere with their proper and effective functioning. They also possess inherent and automatic powers which detect and indicate the proximity of both the Inspired Trinity Spirits and the divine Thought Adjusters.
24:0.4 [Part I]
2. Universe Circuit Supervisors.
24:0.10 [Part I]
Solitary Messengers, Circuit Supervisors, Census Directors, and the Personal Aids are characterized by the possession of tremendous endowments of antigravity. The Solitary Messengers are without known general headquarters; they roam the universe of universes. The Universe Circuit Supervisors and the Census Directors maintain headquarters on the capitals of the superuniverses. The Personal Aids of the Infinite Spirit are stationed on the central Isle of Light. The Associate Inspectors and the Assigned Sentinels are respectively stationed on the capitals of the local universes and on the capitals of their component systems. The Graduate Guides are resident in the Havona universe and function on all its billion worlds. Most of these higher personalities have stations in the local universes, but they are not organically attached to the administrations of the evolutionary realms.
24:1.0 [Part I]
1. The Universe Circuit Supervisors
24:1.1 [Part I]
The vast power currents of space and the circuits of spirit energy may seem to operate automatically; they may appear to function without let or hindrance, but such is not the case. All these stupendous systems of energy are under control; they are subject to intelligent supervision. Universe Circuit Supervisors are concerned, not with the realms of purely physical or material energy — the domain of the Universe Power Directors — but with the circuits of relative spiritual energy and with those modified circuits which are essential to the maintenance of both the highly developed spiritual beings and the morontia or transition type of intelligent creatures. The supervisors do not give origin to circuits of energy and superessence of divinity, but in general they have to do with all higher spirit circuits of time and eternity and with all relative spirit circuits concerned in the administration of the component parts of the grand universe. They direct and manipulate all such spirit-energy circuits outside the Isle of Paradise.
24:1.2 [Part I]
Universe Circuit Supervisors are the exclusive creation of the Infinite Spirit, and they function solely as the agents of the Conjoint Actor. They are personalized for service in the following four orders:
24:1.3 [Part I]
1. Supreme Circuit Supervisors.
24:1.4 [Part I]
2. Associate Circuit Supervisors.
24:1.5 [Part I]
3. Secondary Circuit Supervisors.
24:1.6 [Part I]
4. Tertiary Circuit Supervisors.
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