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17:1.1 [Part I]
The executive headquarters of the Master Spirits occupy the seven Paradise satellites of the Infinite Spirit, which swing around the central Isle between the shining spheres of the Eternal Son and the innermost Havona circuit. These executive spheres are under the direction of the Supreme Executives, a group of seven who were trinitized by the Father, Son, and Spirit in accordance with the specifications of the Seven Master Spirits for beings of a type that could function as their universal representatives.
17:5.2 [Part I]
The Seven Spirits of the Circuits are each limited to the permeation of a single Havona circuit. They are not directly concerned with the regimes of the Eternals of Days, the rulers of the individual Havona worlds. But they are in liaison with the Seven Supreme Executives, and they synchronize with the central universe presence of the Supreme Being. Their work is wholly confined to Havona.
17:5.3 [Part I]
These Spirits of the Circuits make contact with those who sojourn in Havona through their personal offspring, the tertiary supernaphim. While the Circuit Spirits are coexistent with the Seven Master Spirits, their function in the creation of tertiary supernaphim did not attain major importance until the first pilgrims of time arrived on the outer circuit of Havona in the days of Grandfanda.
17:5.4 [Part I]
As you advance from circuit to circuit in Havona, you will learn of the Spirits of the Circuits, but you will not be able to hold personal communion with them, even though you may personally enjoy, and recognize the impersonal presence of, their spiritual influence.
17:5.5 [Part I]
The Circuit Spirits are related to the native inhabitants of Havona much as the Thought Adjusters are related to the mortal creatures inhabiting the worlds of the evolutionary universes. Like the Thought Adjusters, the Circuit Spirits are impersonal, and they consort with the perfect minds of Havona beings much as the impersonal spirits of the Universal Father indwell the finite minds of mortal men. But the Spirits of the Circuits never become a permanent part of Havona personalities.
18:1.1 [Part I]
There are seven worlds in the innermost circuit of the Paradise satellites, and each of these exalted worlds is presided over by a corps of ten Trinitized Secrets of Supremacy. They are not creators, but they are supreme and ultimate administrators. The conduct of the affairs of these seven fraternal spheres is wholly committed to this corps of seventy supreme directors. Though the offspring of the Trinity supervise these seven sacred spheres nearest Paradise, this group of worlds is universally known as the personal circuit of the Universal Father.
21:0.4 [Part I]
The original or first-born Michael has never experienced incarnation as a material being, but seven times he passed through the experience of spiritual creature ascent on the seven circuits of Havona, advancing from the outer spheres to the innermost circuit of the central creation. The order of Michael knows the grand universe from one end to the other; there is no essential experience of any of the children of time and space in which the Michaels have not personally participated; they are in fact partakers not only of the divine nature but also of your nature, meaning all natures, from the highest to the lowest.
22:1.10 [Part I]
The Trinitized Sons of Attainment — the Mighty Messengers, Those High in Authority, and Those without Name and Number — are all Adjuster-fused ascendant mortals who have attained Paradise and the Corps of the Finality. But they are not finaliters; when they have been Trinity embraced, their names are removed from the finaliter roll call. The new sons of this order pass through specific courses of training, for comparatively short periods, on the circuit headquarters planets of the Havona circuits under the direction of the Eternals of Days. Thereafter they are assigned to the services of the Ancients of Days in the seven superuniverses.
22:8.5 [Part I]
Not all creature-trinitized sons are Trinity embraced; many become the associates and ambassadors of the Seven Master Spirits of Paradise, of the Reflective Spirits of the superuniverses, and of the Mother Spirits of the local creations. Others may accept special assignments on the eternal Isle. Still others may enter the special services on the secret worlds of the Father and on the Paradise spheres of the Spirit. Eventually many find their way into the conjoint corps of the Trinitized Sons on the inner circuit of Havona.
23:1.8 [Part I]
These messengers of solitary assignment are a dependable, self-reliant, versatile, thoroughly spiritual, and broadly sympathetic group of created beings derived from the Third Source and Center; they operate by the authority of the Infinite Spirit resident on the central Isle of Paradise and as personalized on the headquarters spheres of the local universes. They are constant partakers of the direct circuit emanating from the Infinite Spirit, even when they function in the local creations under the immediate influence of the local universe Mother Spirits.
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