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22 pages of results.
14:5.9 [Part I]
Not only will you find undreamed-of changes confronting you as you advance from circuit to circuit in Havona, but your astonishment will be inexpressible as you progress from planet to planet within each circuit. Each of these billion study worlds is a veritable university of surprises. Continuing astonishment, unending wonder, is the experience of those who traverse these circuits and tour these gigantic spheres. Monotony is not a part of the Havona career.
15:3.9 [Part I]
2. The circuit of your solar system about the nucleus of the former Andronover nebula.
15:6.16 [Part I]
The laws of physical-energy behavior are basically universal, but local influences have much to do with the physical conditions which prevail on individual planets and in local systems. An almost endless variety of creature life and other living manifestations characterizes the countless worlds of space. There are, however, certain points of similarity in a group of worlds associated in a given system, while there also is a universe pattern of intelligent life. There are physical relationships among those planetary systems which belong to the same physical circuit, and which closely follow each other in the endless swing around the circle of universes.
15:9.4 [Part I]
1. The unifying intelligence circuit of one of the Seven Master Spirits of Paradise. Such a cosmic-mind circuit is limited to a single superuniverse.
15:9.5 [Part I]
2. The reflective-service circuit of the seven Reflective Spirits in each superuniverse.
15:9.7 [Part I]
4. The circuit of the intercommunion of the Eternal Son with his Paradise Sons.
15:9.13 [Part I]
2. The circuit of the Divine Ministers, the local universe Mother Spirits, the Holy Spirit of your world.
15:9.14 [Part I]
3. The intelligence-ministry circuit of a local universe, including the diversely functioning presence of the adjutant mind-spirits.
16:8.19 [Part I]
The full function of such a personality endowment is the beginning realization of Deity kinship. Such a selfhood, indwelt by a prepersonal fragment of God the Father, is in truth and in fact a spiritual son of God. Such a creature not only discloses capacity for the reception of the gift of the divine presence but also exhibits reactive response to the personality-gravity circuit of the Paradise Father of all personalities.
16:9.14 [Part I]
You become conscious of man as your creature brother because you are already conscious of God as your Creator Father. Fatherhood is the relationship out of which we reason ourselves into the recognition of brotherhood. And Fatherhood becomes, or may become, a universe reality to all moral creatures because the Father has himself bestowed personality upon all such beings and has encircuited them within the grasp of the universal personality circuit. We worship God, first, because he is, then, because he is in us, and last, because we are in him.
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