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31 pages of results.
16:9.13 [Part I]
4. The quest for personality values, the ability to recognize the reality of God as a personality and the concurrent realization of our fraternal relationship with fellow personalities.
19:3.7 [Part I]
Seven Divine Counselors in liaison with a trinitized evolutionary trio — a Mighty Messenger, One High in Authority, and One without Name and Number — represent the nearest superuniverse approach to the union of the human viewpoint and the divine attitude on near-paradisiacal levels of spiritual meanings and reality values. Such close approximation of the united cosmic attitudes of the creature and the Creator is only surpassed in the Paradise bestowal Sons, who are, in every phase of personality experience, God and man.
19:4.6 [Part I]
Most fully do I understand the operation of the mind of a Perfector of Wisdom, but I certainly do not fully comprehend the working of the adjudicating mind of a Universal Censor. It appears to me that the Censors formulate new meanings and originate new values from the association of the facts, truths, and findings presented to them in the course of an investigation of universe affairs. It seems probable that the Universal Censors are able to bring forth original interpretations of the combination of perfect Creator insight and the perfected creature experience. This association of Paradise perfection and universe experience undoubtedly eventuates a new value in ultimates.
21:6.3 [Part I]
It is highly probable that these undisclosed creator powers will remain self-contained throughout the present universe age. But sometime in the far-distant future, in the now mobilizing universes of outer space, we believe that the liaison between a sevenfold Master Son and a seventh-stage Creative Spirit may attain to absonite levels of service attended by the appearance of new things, meanings, and values on transcendental levels of ultimate universe significance.
22:4.4 [Part I]
The selection of candidates for the trinitization classes of Mighty Messengers, Those High in Authority, and Those without Name and Number is inherent and automatic. The selective techniques of Paradise are not in any sense arbitrary. Personal experience and spiritual values determine the personnel of the Trinitized Sons of Attainment. Such beings are equal in authority and uniform in administrative status, but they all possess individuality and diverse characters; they are not standardized beings. All are characteristically different, depending on the differentials of their ascendant careers.
31:9.14 [Part I]
The Master Architects contribute technical approval of the assignment of the Creator Sons to their space sites for the organization of the local universes. There is a very close association between the Master Architects and the Paradise Creator Sons, and while this relationship is unrevealed, you have been informed of the association of the Architects and the grand universe Supreme Creators in the relationship of the first experiential Trinity. These two groups, together with the evolving and experiential Supreme Being, constitute the Trinity Ultimate of transcendental values and master universe meanings.
32:5.6 [Part II]
Frankly, eternity is incomprehensible to the finite mind of time. You simply cannot grasp it; you cannot comprehend it. I do not completely visualize it, and even if I did, it would be impossible for me to convey my concept to the human mind. Nevertheless, I have done my best to portray something of our viewpoint, to tell you somewhat of our understanding of things eternal. I am endeavoring to aid you in the crystallization of your thoughts about these values which are of infinite nature and eternal import.
34:7.2 [Part II]
Evolutionary mortals inhabiting normal worlds of spiritual progress do not experience the acute conflicts between the spirit and the flesh which characterize the present-day Urantia races. But even on the most ideal planets, pre-Adamic man must put forth positive efforts to ascend from the purely animalistic plane of existence up through successive levels of increasingly intellectual meanings and higher spiritual values.
39:1.11 [Part II]
It is the task of the universe orientators to facilitate the passage of the ascending pilgrims from the attained to the unattained level of universe service, to help these pilgrims in making those kaleidoscopic adjustments in the comprehension of meanings and values inherent in the realization that a first-stage spirit being stands, not at the end and climax of the local universe morontia ascent, but rather at the very bottom of the long ladder of spiritual ascent to the Universal Father on Paradise.
43:9.5 [Part II]
And on that day when you are prepared to leave Edentia for the Salvington career, you will pause and look back on one of the most beautiful and most refreshing of all your epochs of training this side of Paradise. But the glory of it all augments as you ascend inward and achieve increased capacity for enlarged appreciation of divine meanings and spiritual values.
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