Will your thought adjuster leave you forever?

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    Will your thought adjuster leave you forever? I fell into a bad lifestyle a few years ago, then one day in 2016 I decided I wanted to dedicate my life to the spiritual battle for the betterment of humanity even if it meant death. I was already bettering myself before I decided that, and searching for the answers about God, I just couldnt get the willpower to break free till that point. Since that decision strange things started happening to me, my awareness being snapped to certain numbers and words on books and numerous things, in combination with a coinciding thought of the meaning being impressioned on my mind, (how I was led to find the Urantia Book), or being led to an internet article that related to my experience. I know your mind can play tricks on you but it was all too perfect. Work of the thought adjuster? Then even material stuff was moved a few times to give me messages along with the thought of how to decipher it. Work of a midwayer?
    Anyways, all of this got me clean and sober and acting for the good of everyone around me, I eventually fell weak and fell back into my old ways, after this time this same system of communication led me to the possibility that something I would do while under the influence was possibly considered evil. I got back right with myself and God, then a few months later I hung out with some old acquaintances, they are much more intellectual than me, along with my weak willpower and their soothsaying they talked me out of believing I had experienced anything spiritual which hurt, and I fell back into my old ways yet again for just a very small amount of time. (during that last backslide there seemed to be a great amount of effort put forth with that same system to catch my attention). This time now that im sober and clean and repenting, it seems Ive received the message that ive lost the connection forever, sorry.  Is it possible my thought adjuster left me so quickly? I wasnt purposely committing the acts to hurt God or anyone, I just didnt have the willpower to overcome the urges. Im scared, I want nothing more then to help people and though I still can it hurts deeply to think I hurt God so much that I lost my thought adjuster and chance for eternity. Im only 25…it was just thoughts of lust, I never hurt anyone..  Unfortunately I didnt start reading the book till after this last time. Would I know if I lost my thought adjuster?? Could I possibly just be on a probation? Thank you for your time


    Welcome rane13m
    My understanding is our TA is not so easy to relate to as so many other ministering spirits and so much of that ministry is mercy. It never goes away but we can most certainly turn our backs on mercy.
    I would not be concerned about your TA leaving you, that is unless you really want it to leave. I don’t precieve that is the case based on what you wrote.
    We are told that it is our ideals, what we are trying to be that is so important.
    Don’t give up on yourself.


    Im scared, I want nothing more then to help people and though I still can it hurts deeply to think I hurt God so much that I lost my thought adjuster and chance for eternity.

    The Adjuster will never leave you as long as there is a flicker of desire, even the faintest and flimsiest little flicker is enough for him to stay with you. He is hope itself and he will stay by your side to help you as much as you will allow him.  He never forces himself on you. But, the fact that you really want him, is proof that he has already found you and is holding on to you from his end.  He’s the one who puts that desire in your mind in the first place.  So stick to that desire with all your might.  Put all the love you’ve got into it and then some more because that’s what your Adjuster is doing for you.  Love him back as best you can.  Have faith and trust his love for you.


    Welcome rane13!

    You raise an important issue and one which I think most of us can relate to at some time or other in our lives.  I agree with Gene’s and Bonita’s responses and agree that our Thought Adjusters never leave us, no matter what.  The Urantia Book uses the word “constant”:


    110:4.2(1207.2)The Thought Adjuster is engaged in a constant effort so to spiritualize your mind as to evolve your morontia soul; but you yourself are mostly unconscious of this inner ministry. You are quite incapable of distinguishing the product of your own material intellect from that of the conjoint activities of your soul and the Adjuster.

    110:4.3(1207.3) Certain abrupt presentations of thoughts, conclusions, and other pictures of mind are sometimes the direct or indirect work of the Adjuster; but far more often they are the sudden emergence into consciousness of ideas which have been grouping themselves together in the submerged mental levels, natural and everyday occurrences of normal and ordinary psychic function inherent in the circuits of the evolving animal mind. (In contrast with these subconscious emanations, the revelations of the Adjuster appear through the realms of the superconscious.)

    You may also find these quotes applicable to your question.


    110:7.8(1213.3) During mortal life the material body and mind separate you from your Adjuster and prevent free communication; subsequent to death, after the eternal fusion, you and the Adjuster are one — you are not distinguishable as separate beings — and thus there exists no need for communication as you would understand it.

    110:7.9(1213.4) While the voice of the Adjuster is ever within you, most of you will hear it seldom during a lifetime. Human beings below the third and second circles of attainment rarely hear the Adjuster’s direct voice except in moments of supreme desire, in a supreme situation, and consequent upon a supreme decision.

    It sounds to me like your rocky road in life is refining you, as the fire refines metal, so that you will eventually emerge as a shining and strong person with a faith that has weathered the trials and tribulations of mortal existence.


    Dear Mods – I posted a reply to this when it was in the New Reader section…any chance of recovery?  Thanks.


    Welcome rane!!


    George Park

    Im scared, I want nothing more then to help people and though I still can it hurts deeply to think I hurt God so much that I lost my thought adjuster and chance for eternity. Im only 25…it was just thoughts of lust, I never hurt anyone.. Unfortunately I didnt start reading the book till after this last time. Would I know if I lost my thought adjuster??

    Hi Rane. You have received wise counsel here, to which I would add there is a personal proof that your Adjuster lives within you: Despite your afflictions, apparent failures and feelings of unworthiness, you still hope for eternity. It is only because you hope for eternity that you are afraid you have lost the chance for eternity. Fear not, friend, for this hope for eternity you feel is a personal revelation of the divine spirit of God who dwells within you. Trust in the supreme authority of your own spiritual experience. Doubt not that it is this eternal hope living within you which has inspired your repeated efforts to turn from your old ways and move toward God. In the midst of all confusion and every uncertainty in life’s struggles never forget that this undying hope is the absolute promise of eternal salvation which the Father makes to you personally and to you alone. And let not your heart be troubled, for no one in the whole universe of universes can ever cause the Father to break his personal promise to you.


    Oh, that’s beautiful George.  Very inspiring.  Thanks.


    I posted a reply to this when it was in the New Reader section…any chance of recovery?

    No.  The topic and its contents were removed.


    Mark Kurtz


    I believe the UB authors did not say TA’s are removed upon request of a mortal. Three types of death are described, but as others have so kindly and lovingly assured you above, TA’s are a love gift and will never abandon you if there is even a flicker of interest. They will everlastingly be loyal unless Judgement determines a mortal’s decisions are final and absolute regarding rejecting relationship with the Father. Even if a mortal asks a TA to depart, the TA knows better and will likely not honor a foolish request. The TA might know that mortals could reverse and withdraw the request indicating renewed interest. We mortals are not authorized to know the full scale of possibilities or to judge the status of another’s soul, so therefore we assume the divine personalities are saturated with the Father’s love so they and TAs will stick with a person through ordeal.


    I will never give up, my desire is no flicker but a flame<3
    Thank you all so much for the time you took  to respond, I broke out in tears of joy and relief before I could even finish all the post.
    Its time to get back up and gain so much momentum I never ever fall back again, its necessary. I hope all of your lives are filled with experiences that feed your soul and not your pockets.
    Its study time, and then time for action once I awake


    It is good to be enthused!!  Spiritization is not a race however…it is not the distance traveled but the direction taken that will see all pilgrims to the shores of Paradise!  Best wishes.

    111:1.5 (1216.6) Mortal mind is a temporary intellect system loaned to human beings for use during a material lifetime, and as they use this mind, they are either accepting or rejecting the potential of eternal existence. Mind is about all you have of universe reality that is subject to your will, and the soul — the morontia self — will faithfully portray the harvest of the temporal decisions which the mortal self is making. Human consciousness rests gently upon the electrochemical mechanism below and delicately touches the spirit-morontia energy system above. Of neither of these two systems is the human being ever completely conscious in his mortal life; therefore must he work in mind, of which he is conscious. And it is not so much what mind comprehends as what mind desires to comprehend that insures survival; it is not so much what mind is like as what mind is striving to be like that constitutes spirit identification. It is not so much that man is conscious of God as that man yearns for God that results in universe ascension. What you are today is not so important as what you are becoming day by day and in eternity.

    100:1.4 (1094.6) …… Loyal persons are growing persons, and growth is an impressive and inspiring reality. Live loyally today — grow — and tomorrow will attend to itself. The quickest way for a tadpole to become a frog is to live loyally each moment as a tadpole.


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