Where do spiritual beings live when they're on Urania?

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    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon
    We are discussing the text and what we think it means. That’s all it is.
    Yes! And the manner of the discussion has meaning too.

    I thought long and hard in considering any answer to the posts made in the arrogance which is void and no shadow of meaning, the reward is yours.


    171:7.1 Jesus spread good cheer everywhere he went. He was full of grace and truth. His associates never ceased to wonder at the gracious words that proceeded out of his mouth. You can cultivate gracefulness, but graciousness is the aroma of friendliness which emanates from a love-saturated soul.

    Calling people arrogant, ninny hammers and without a shadow of meaning doesn’t sound very gracious to me.  The aroma of friendliness emanates from a love-saturated soul.  Asking questions, trying to learn the motives of another, attempting to understand someone’s thinking is noble, in my estimation.  To have such friendly overtures rebuffed as arrogant speaks more about the one rebuffing.  At least that’s how I see it.

    100:4.6  You cannot truly love your fellows by a mere act of the will. Love is only born of thoroughgoing understanding of your neighbor’s motives and sentiments. It is not so important to love all men today as it is that each day you learn to love one more human being. If each day or each week you achieve an understanding of one more of your fellows, and if this is the limit of your ability, then you are certainly socializing and truly spiritualizing your personality. Love is infectious, and when human devotion is intelligent and wise, love is more catching than hate. But only genuine and unselfish love is truly contagious. If each mortal could only become a focus of dynamic affection, this benign virus of love would soon pervade the sentimental emotion-stream of humanity to such an extent that all civilization would be encompassed by love, and that would be the realization of the brotherhood of man.

    I’m guessing that Seumas is upset that I’m not impressed with his otherworldly sounding missives.  I’d like to know more about the human Seumas, what he thinks and how he arrived at those thoughts . . . his motives and sentiments.  I don’t think it’s going to go well if he flings ad hominem though.  Same for you Rip.

    Nelsong, I think your estimation of these things is spot on . . . just sayin’.


    George Park



    Where do spiritual beings live when they’re on Urania?

    Would spiritual beings need to “live” anywhere?  I mean, they are not made of physical matter.  They do not need to be sheltered from the rain or extreme weather conditions.  They do not require material food.  I would imagine they would have no use for an ‘abode’ in the sense of a geographic, physical structure.  I have no TUB reference or scientific basis for this, but I tend to always imagine them as being on Urantia on some other dimension or plane.  A part of the non-visible spectrum that may be all around us but outside of our sensory abilities to detect.


    Where do spiritual beings live when they’re on Urania?

    Would spiritual beings need to “live” anywhere? I mean, they are not made of physical matter. They do not need to be sheltered from the rain or extreme weather conditions. They do not require material food. I would imagine they would have no use for an ‘abode’ in the sense of a geographic, physical structure. I have no TUB reference or scientific basis for this, but I tend to always imagine them as being on Urantia on some other dimension or plane. A part of the non-visible spectrum that may be all around us but outside of our sensory abilities to detect.

    It would seem that these spiritual beings live next to us, where they share our physical space, like being in “subspace” or a sub-dimensional plane.  The UB refers to a mid-space type or form as being “morontia form” and also closely with a “morontia body”.  The reality of this is indicated in the following UB verse, however requires adjustments, but whether these adjustments can be made by our Thought Adjusters is questionable.

    (107.1) 9:8.13 Even you will be able to see your spiritual associates of the lower orders as soon as you are delivered from the limited vision of your present material eyes and have been endowed with a morontia form with its enlarged sensitivity to the reality of spiritual things.

    The other UB narration which closely associates the existence of a sub- space or dimensional level seems to be implied in the following narrations, but one would need to stretch the grammar being used, specifically when words are used like, “space diminution”, “inter- and intraspirit”, where these and others may be in reference to different dimensions of gravity.

    (82.1) 7:1.2 This gravity control of spiritual things operates independently of time and space; therefore is spirit energy undiminished in transmission. Spirit gravity never suffers time delays, nor does it undergo space diminution. It does not decrease in accordance with the square of the distance of its transmission; the circuits of pure spirit power are not retarded by the mass of the material creation. And this transcendence of time and space by pure spirit energies is inherent in the absoluteness of the Son; it is not due to the interposition of the antigravity forces of the Third Source and Center.

    (82.2) 7:1.3 Spirit realities respond to the drawing power of the center of spiritual gravity in accordance with their qualitative value, their actual degree of spirit nature. Spirit substance (quality) is just as responsive to spirit gravity as the organized energy of physical matter (quantity) is responsive to physical gravity. Spiritual values and spirit forces are real. From the viewpoint of personality, spirit is the soul of creation; matter is the shadowy physical body.

    (82.3) 7:1.4 The reactions and fluctuations of spirit gravity are ever true to the content of spiritual values, the qualitative spiritual status of an individual or a world. This drawing power is instantly responsive to the inter- and intraspirit values of any universe situation or planetary condition. Every time a spiritual reality actualizes in the universes, this change necessitates the immediate and instantaneous readjustment of spirit gravity. Such a new spirit is actually a part of the Second Source and Center; and just as certainly as mortal man becomes a spiritized being, he will attain the spiritual Son, the center and source of spirit gravity.

    So when in the UB it mentions that these spiritual being know of us and what we are doing, it is because they reside next to us, or within a sub-reality where they can see us but we cannot see them until we are adjusted to their presents.

    When it is mentioned above “spirit is the soul of creation;” it is in reference to where the raw formation of ultimaton’s reside prior to material formation.  This is why it is difficult for science to be able to discover or see the ultimatonic process.

    In the definition of “diminution” from “space diminution”, it is most likely in reference to a musical tone, from the performed key, which also refers to a musical “fugue” where by definition, “a polyphonic composition based upon one, two, or more themes, which are enunciated by several voices or parts in turn, subjected to contrapuntal treatment, and gradually built up into a complex form having somewhat distinct divisions or stages of development and a marked climax at the end.”; which also can be an inference to ” Psychiatry. a period during which a person suffers from loss of memory, often begins a new life, and, upon recovery, remembers nothing of the amnesic phase.”  Where, in music, “contrapuntal”, by definition, refers to “of or relating to counterpoint”, and “composed of two or more relatively independent melodies sounded together.”  Where when applied to the UB narrative presented above, may be calculated differently, as a harmonic treatment or adjustment.

    However, for “interspirit”, (inspirit) “to infuse spirit or life into; enliven”, it refers to fusion; and “intraspirit”, (introspect or introspective) “to practice introspection; consider one’s own internal state or feelings”, or “to look into or examine (one’s own mind, feelings, etc.)”, where feelings can be associated to act or affect of the action, or transformation from adjustments.




    Would spiritual beings need to “live” anywhere?

    I’ve been thinking the same thing.  It’s not like they need a bed to sleep in or a bathroom to freshen up; and like you said, they don’t need a microwave or fridge.   I guess what the question is really asking is if there is a headquarters or meeting place.  But in all honesty, I really don’t care where they are.  I just care that they’re here.  Good enough for me.  I mean, none of us really know where our souls and Adjusters are if they’re not in the physical brain.  Where the heck is the mind anyway?  They say that mind has the capacity to transcend material reality.  That’s cool stuff if you think about it.

    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    Here’s some food for thought:

    (42:12.10) Even spirit beings have form, and these spirit forms (patterns) are real. Even the highest type of spirit personalities have forms—personality presences in every sense analogous to Urantia mortal bodies. Nearly all beings encountered in the seven superuniverses are possessed of forms. But there are a few exceptions to this general rule: Thought Adjusters appear to be without form until after fusion with the surviving souls of their mortal associates. Solitary Messengers, Inspired Trinity Spirits, Personal Aids of the Infinite Spirit, Gravity Messengers, Transcendental Recorders, and certain others are also without discoverable form. But these are typical of the exceptional few; the great majority have bona fide personality forms, forms which are individually characteristic, and which are recognizable and personally distinguishable.



    Sure they have forms.  Clouds have forms, too.  Viruses have forms but we can’t see them without special help that enables better sight than our physical eyes provide.


    The Adjutants could not be too far away, we work with them 24/7.

    we also respond to the sons spirit gravity and his presence can’t be located in time or space but we are told his presence is the central isle

    what is it in us that makes it intriguing to want to know their location when it makes no difference in our ability to respond to them

    does the Adjuster occupy a place in time and space


    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    does the Adjuster occupy a place in time and space

    Now that’s a good question.


    Sure they have forms. Clouds have forms, too. Viruses have forms but we can’t see them without special help that enables better sight than our physical eyes provide.

    Exactly.  And just because a spirit being has a spirit form doesn’t mean it needs a spirit holiday inn.


    does the Adjuster occupy a place in time and space

    Since the Adjusters are the absolute essence of an infinite and eternal being (107:0.6; 107:4.1), they transcend both time and space.  The absolute level of reality is beginningless, endless, timeless and spaceless (0:1.13).



    The Adjutants could not be too far away, we work with them 24/7. we also respond to the sons spirit gravity and his presence can’t be located in time or space but we are told his presence is the central isle what is it in us that makes it intriguing to want to know their location when it makes no difference in our ability to respond to them does the Adjuster occupy a place in time and space

    Gene, I have edited my previous post to include my understanding of specific words used, and they seem to apply to music notations which might indicate that the connection or as you state “occupy a place” between “time and space” may refer to the interaction of light and sound waves, when segregated, and analyzed individually through “augmentation” – “[Music] modification of a theme by increasing the time value of all its notes.”

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