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  • #10964
    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    October 28
    …The fruits of the spirit, your sincere and loving service, are the mighty social lever to uplift the races of darkness, and this Spirit of Truth will become your power-multiplying fulcrum…. (1930:3) 178:1.6
    Truth, Beauty, Goodness
      Complementary Quote:

    “…If professed believers bear not these fruits of the divine spirit in their lives, they are dead; the Spirit of Truth is not in them….” (2054:3) 193:2.2



    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    October 29

    …You must not seek to promulgate truth nor to establish righteousness by the power of civil governments or by the enaction of secular laws. You may always labor to persuade men’s minds, but you must never dare to compel them…. (1931:3) 178:1.12

    Truth, Beauty, Goodness In The URANTIA BOOK

      Complementary Quote:

    …In the kingdom of heaven true believers will not resort to the employment of physical force. The kingdom of heaven, being a spiritual brotherhood of the spirit-born sons of God, may be promulgated only by the power of the spirit…. (1929:3) 178:1.2


    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    October 30

    “…You should know that in my Father’s universe and in mine are many abodes, and that there awaits the children of light the revelation of cities whose builder is God and worlds whose habit of life is righteousness and joy in the truth….” (1934:6) 178:3.4

    Truth, Beauty, Goodness

      Complementary Quote:

    “…The Lord is near all who call upon him in sincerity and in truth. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. A merry heart does good like a medicine. No good thing will God withhold from those who walk uprightly….” (1445:3) 131:2.9



    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    October 31

    “…I have brought the kingdom of heaven to you here on earth, but I declare that all of you who by faith enter therein and remain therein by the living service of truth, shall surely ascend to the worlds on high and sit with me in the spirit kingdom of our Father….” (1934:6) 178:3.4

    Truth, Beauty, Goodness

      Complementary Quote:

    “…I have revealed God as your Father in heaven; I have revealed you as the sons of God on earth. It is a fact that God loves you, his sons. By faith in my word this fact becomes an eternal and living truth in your hearts….” (2052:3) 193:0.3



    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    November 1

    “…And when the Father shall approve, I will pour out the Spirit of Truth upon all flesh. Already is my Father’s spirit in your hearts, and when this day shall come, you will also have me with you even as you now have the Father. This new gift is the spirit of living truth….” (1948:2) 180:4.1 

    Truth, Beauty, Goodness

      Complementary Quote:

    …Jesus was a truth giver; he was the truth for that generation on Urantia. When a great truth seeker and a great truth giver meet, the result is a great and liberating enlightenment born of the experience of new truth…. (1428:1) 130:1.1



    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    November 2
    “…As my Father has given me of his spirit, so will I give you of my spirit. And this Spirit of Truth which I will bestow upon you shall guide and comfort you and shall eventually lead you into all truth….” (1948:3) 180:4.2
    Truth, Beauty, Goodness
      Complementary Quote:
    …This bestowed Comforter is the spiritual force which ever draws all truth seekers towards Him who is the personification of truth in the local universe…. (377:9) 34:4.5


    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    November 3

    …The new helper which Jesus promised to send into the hearts of believers, to pour out upon all flesh, is the Spirit of Truth. This divine endowment is not the letter or law of truth, neither is it to function as the form or expression of truth. The new teacher is the conviction of truth, the consciousness and assurance of true meanings on real spirit levels…. (1949:3) 180:5.1

    Truth, Beauty, Goodness
      Complementary Quote:
    …Many queer and strange teachings became associated with the early narratives of the day of Pentecost. In subsequent times the events of this day, on which the Spirit of Truth, the new teacher, came to dwell with mankind, have become confused with the foolish outbreaks of rampant emotionalism…. (2062:10) 194:3.1


    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    November 4
    …When you undertake the human formulation of divine truth, it speedily dies. The post-mortem salvage of imprisoned truth, even at best, can eventuate only in the realization of a peculiar form of intellectualized glorified wisdom…. (1949:4) 180:5.2
    Truth, Beauty, Goodness
      Complementary Quote:

    ...Ever bear in mind that these profound truths pertaining to Deity will increasingly clarify as your minds become progressively spiritualized during the successive epochs of the long mortal ascent to Paradise…. (31:8) 1:7.8



    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    November 5
    …Truth is a spiritual reality value experienced only by spirit-endowed beings who function upon supermaterial levels of universe consciousness, and who, after the realization of truth, permit its spirit of activation to live and reign within their souls…. (1949:5) 180:5.3
    Truth, Beauty, Goodness
      Complementary Quote:
    …Reason alone can never validate the values and goodnesses of religious experience. But it will always remain true: Whosoever wills to do the will of God shall comprehend the validity of spiritual values…. (1116:7) 101:10.6



    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    November 6
    …The God-knowing individual is constantly elevating wisdom to the living-truth levels of divine attainment; the spiritually unprogressive soul is all the while dragging the living truth down to the dead levels of wisdom and to the domain of mere exalted knowledge…. (1949:6) 180:5.4
    Truth, Beauty, Goodness
      Complementary Quote:
    …Knowledge pertains to things observed, but truth transcends such purely material levels in that it consorts with wisdom and embraces such imponderables as human experience, even spiritual and living realities…. (1459:2) 132:3.2


    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    November 7
    …But the highest realization and the truest interpretation of the golden rule consists in the consciousness of the spirit of the truth of the enduring and living reality of such a divine declaration. The true cosmic meaning of this rule of universal relationship is revealed only in its spiritual realization.… (1950:3) 180:5.8
    Truth, Beauty, Goodness
      Complementary Quote:
    …The golden rule, when divested of the superhuman insight of the Spirit of Truth, becomes nothing more than a rule of high ethical conduct. The golden rule, when literally interpreted, may become the instrument of great offense to one’s fellows…. (1949:7) 180:5.5


    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    November 8

     …This same philosophy of the living flexibility and cosmic adaptability of divine truth to the individual requirements and capacity of every son of God, must be perceived before you can hope adequately to understand the Master’s teaching and practice of nonresistance to evil. The Master’s teaching is basically a spiritual pronouncement…. (1950:4) 180:5.9

    Truth, Beauty, Goodness
      Complementary Quote:

    …Truth is inconcussible–forever exempt from all transient vicissitudes, albeit never dead and formal, always vibrant and adaptable–radiantly alive…. (1297:4) 118:3.3



    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    November 9

    …The spirit of the Master’s injunction consists in the nonresistance of all selfish reaction to the universe, coupled with the aggressive and progressive attainment of righteous levels of true spirit values: divine beauty, infinite goodness, and eternal truth–to know God and to become increasingly like him…. (1950:4) 180:5.9


    Truth, Beauty, Goodness
    Complementary Quote:

    Truth hunger. The thirst for righteousness, a change of mind, the acquirement of the motive to be like God and to find God…. (1861:4) 170:2.22



    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    November 10

    …And so must we clearly recognize that neither the golden rule nor the teaching of nonresistance can ever be properly understood as dogmas or precepts. They can only be comprehended by living them, by realizing their meanings in the living interpretation of the Spirit of Truth, who directs the loving contact of one human being with another…. (1950:6) 180:5.11

    Truth, Beauty, Goodness
      Complementary Quote:
    And when such spirit-led mortals realize the true meaning of this golden rule, they are filled to overflowing with the assurance of citizenship in a friendly universe, and their ideals of spirit reality are satisfied only when they love their fellows as Jesus loved us all…. (1950:3) 180:5.8



    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    November 11

    “…Life in the Father’s eternal creation is not an endless rest of idleness and selfish ease but rather a ceaseless progression in grace, truth, and glory.  Each of the many, many stations in my Father’s house is a stopping place, a life designed to prepare you for the next one ahead….” (1953:4) 181:1.2

    Truth, Beauty, Goodness
      Complementary Quote:
    “…It is forever true, `the just shall live by faith.’ Entrance into the Father’s kingdom is wholly free, but progress–growth in grace–is essential to continuance therein….” (1682:4) 150:5.2


    Richard E Warren

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