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  • #10467
    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    September 28

    …As the days pass, every true believer becomes more skillful in alluring his fellows into the love of eternal truth. Are you more resourceful in revealing goodness to humanity today than you were yesterday? (1740:2) 156:5.15

    Truth, Beauty, Goodness
           Complementary Quote:

    …And it behooves the Master’s followers in all ages to learn to minister as “they pass by”–to do unselfish good as they go about their daily duties…. (1875:5) 171:7.10


    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    September 29

    …The true believer does not grow weary in well-doing just because he is thwarted. Difficulty whets the ardor of the truth lover, while obstacles only challenge the exertions of the undaunted kingdom builder…. (1740:8) 156:5.21

    Truth, Beauty, Goodness
           Complementary Quote:

    …You cannot perceive spiritual truth until you feelingly experience it, and many truths are not really felt except in adversity…. (557:2) 48:7.18



    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    September 30

    “…It is not the purpose of true religion merely to bring peace but rather to insure progress. And there can be no peace in the heart or progress in the mind unless you fall wholeheartedly in love with truth, the ideals of eternal realities….” (1745:1) 157:2.2

    Truth, Beauty, Goodness

           Complementary Quote:

    …True religion must ever be, at one and the same time, the eternal foundation and the guiding star of all enduring civilizations…. (1013:10) 92:7.15


    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    October 1


    …In entering the kingdom, you cannot escape its responsibilities or avoid its obligations, but remember: The gospel yoke is easy and the burden of truth is light…. (1766:3) 159:3.7


    Truth, Beauty, Goodness
       Complementary Quote:


    “…Are you fearful, soft, and ease-seeking? Are you afraid to trust your future in the hands of the God of truth, whose sons you are?” (1730:1) 155:5.13




    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    October 2
    “…These writings are the work of men, some of them holy men, others not so holy. The teachings of these books represent the views and extent of enlightenment of the times in which they had their origin. As a revelation of truth, the last are more dependable than the first….” (1767:5) 159:4.3

    Truth, Beauty, Goodness
      Complementary Quote:
    “…Many earnest seekers after the truth have been, and will continue to be, confused and disheartened by these doctrines of the perfection of the Scriptures….” (1768:2) 159:4.6


    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    October 3
    “…Mark you well my words, Nathaniel, nothing which human nature has touched can be regarded as infallible. Through the mind of man divine truth may indeed shine forth, but always of relative purity and partial divinity. The creature may crave infallibility, but only the Creators possess it….” (1768:4) 159:4.8
    Truth, Beauty, Goodness
           Complementary Quote:
    “…To attain the perfection of Heaven is the goal of man. The superior man is given to self-adjustment, and he is free from anxiety and fear. God is with you; have no doubt in your heart. Every good deed has its recompense….” (1453.2) 131:9.4


    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    October 4
    …Jesus did not advocate the practice of negative submission to the indignities of those who might purposely seek to impose upon the practitioners of nonresistance to evil, but rather that his followers should be wise and alert in the quick and positive reaction of good to evil to the end that they might effectively overcome evil with good…. (1770:2) 159:5.10
    Truth, Beauty, Goodness


      Complementary Quote:
    “…Why not assert your mastery of evil by virtue of the power of goodness and thus become the master of all relations between the two of you? I predict that the good in you could overcome the evil in him if you gave it a fair and living chance….” (1430:2) 130:2.4



    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    October 5
    ...Prejudice blinds the soul to the recognition of truth, and prejudice can be removed only by the sincere devotion of the soul to the adoration of a cause that is all-embracing and all-inclusive of one’s fellow men. Prejudice is inseparably linked to selfishness…. (1774:5) 160:1.13

    Truth, Beauty, Goodness
      Complementary Quote:
    “…The revelations of divine truth are not sealed except by human ignorance, bigotry, and narrow-minded intolerance. The light of the Scriptures is only dimmed by prejudice and darkened by superstition….” (1768:5) 159:4.9


    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    October 6
    …Friendship enhances the joys and glorifies the triumphs of life. Loving and intimate human associations tend to rob suffering of its sorrow and hardship of much of its bitterness. The presence of a friend enhances all beauty and exalts every goodness…. (1776:2) 160:2.8
    Truth, Beauty, Goodness
      Complementary Quote:
    “…Have you not read in the Scripture where it is written: ‘It is not good for man to be alone. No man lives to himself’? And also where it says: `He who would have friends must show himself friendly’?” (2055:2) 193:3.2

    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    October 7
    …Only a glimpse of the circle of eternity can inspire man to do his best and can challenge the best in him to do its utmost. And when man is thus at his best, he lives most unselfishly for the good of others, his fellow sojourners in time and eternity…. (1776:3) 160:2.9

    Truth, Beauty, Goodness
      Complementary Quote:
    …In all such spirit personalities, goodness is no longer partial, contrastive, and comparative; it has become divinely complete and spiritually replete; it approaches the purity and perfection of the Supreme…. (1458:6) 132:2.9


    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    October 8
    …Train your memory to hold in sacred trust the strength-giving and worth-while episodes of life, which you can recall at will for your pleasure and edification. Thus build up for yourself and in yourself reserve galleries of beauty, goodness, and artistic grandeur. But the noblest of all memories are the treasured recollections of the great moments of a superb friendship…. (1779:4) 160:4.12
    Truth, Beauty, Goodness
      Complementary Quote:
    …Every true relationship of mortal man with other persons–human or divine–is an end in itself…. (1228:3) 112:2.8

    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    October 9

    …True religion has reference to destiny and reality of attainment as well as to the reality and idealism of that which is wholeheartedly faith-accepted. And all of this must be made personal to us by the revelation of the Spirit of Truth…. (1782:4) 160:5.13

    Truth, Beauty, Goodness
      Complementary Quote:

    …And so did the bestowal of the Spirit of Truth bring to the world and its peoples the last of the spirit endowment designed to aid in the ascending search for God…. (2062:9) 194:2.20



    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    October 10

    …We grow in grace and in the knowledge of the truth, but our Master exhibits maturity of righteousness to start with. All men, good and evil, recognize these elements of goodness in Jesus…. (1785:4) 161:2.4

    Truth, Beauty, Goodness

      Complementary Quote:

    …Jesus loves men so much that his love awakens the response of love in the human heart. Love is truly contagious and eternally creative…. (2018:1) 188:5.2



    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    October 11

    …He is so just and fair and at the same time so merciful and considerate. He grieves over the spiritual obstinacy of the people and rejoices when they consent to see the light of truth…. (1785:5) 161:2.5
    Truth, Beauty, Goodness


    Complementary Quote:

    …He boldly proclaimed man’s spiritual freedom and dared to teach that mortals of the flesh are indeed and in truth sons of the living God…. (1671:5) 149:2.10


    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    October 12

    “…When the Son of Man has finished his work on earth, there shall be poured out upon all flesh the living Spirit of Truth. Those who receive this spirit shall never know spiritual thirst….” (1795:5) 162:6.1

    Truth, Beauty, Goodness

      Complementary Quote:

    “…But as many as do receive him shall be enlightened, cleansed, and comforted. And this Spirit of Truth will become in them a well of living water springing up into eternal life….” (1954:1) 181:1.4



    Richard E Warren

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 632 total)

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