The Grand Illusion of the Microscopic Human Animal Brain…

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    The Grand Illusion of the Microscopic Human Animal Brain…

    (Written December 27th, 2014)

    If you could only hold your brain in your hands…you might far more deeply understand the…fragility…how the spirit’s gift of mind must so delicately rest upon the electro-chemical mechanism…below…  And, subsequently, proceed to do everything within your power to keep your brain and body as healthy as you can possibly maintain them.  –Tim R Walls

    If you could see your human animal brain for what it…really is…
    you would know it is an electrical, magnetic and chemical
    microscopic organism…achieving so much…beyond human faces…
    with spiritual gift of mind…and by the largely mechanical
    ego-driven intellect of the “I” conscious personality…

    And as yet…achieving so very little in material reality…
    ever slowly…tiny brain…passes out of an imaginary
    world of ghosts and spirits…once world-wide…still powerful mentality…
    into illusion, ignorance and mortal fear…brain has packed very
    nearly every superstition…so-called primitive religion…

    When the microscopic brain opens its tiny mouth…a contagion…
    a…corruption…of firsthand, genuine, inner spiritual experience…
    living spirit contact…takes place…replaces divine invasion…
    and spreads like…disease…from tiny brain to tiny brain… thus man invents…
    every imaginable religious falsehood, -ism, schism…divide…

    It is when tiny human brain comes out of its cave…no longer hides…
    the evolving morontial soul begins to…emerge…and soon becomes
    permeated by…saturated with…truth, beauty and goodness…from… spirit light…
    these mind-acquired values-realization of God-consciousness…begun…
    now provide the raw semi-spiritual energies…wrought in pain…

    with which the spirit recreates you as you sometime are meant to reign
    victorious over the “mark of the beast” and every vestigial
    trace of what was once tiny human animal brain that once remained…
    when you are resurrected in your fully completed morontial
    soul body…evolved from microscopic brain…in the mind…the spirit saves…

    The grand illusion of the microscopic human animal brain
    without the acquisition of experiential values…which are “felt..”
    knows only quantity, reality and meanings… tiny brain feels pain…
    also may love and be loved…feeling creation of mind-feels the well
    spring of truth, beauty and goodness… these spirit-values reality-ize…

    From grand illusion in the child-like brain…to the reality of life
    everlasting…mortal personality-experience magnifies…
    glorifies and worships you, my Paradise Father, when it strives
    and achieves the eternal fusion of the soul with your divine
    indwelling spirit… in unity…the grand reality…realized…

    Grand Illusion…microscopic brain denied… Grand Reality…realized…

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    Tim R Walls

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