The Exodus

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    I was watching a Christian TV documentary last night. The show was attempting to prove that the Exodus DID occur. I recalled from the murky past that the existence or non-existence of this event has been an issue.

    Apparently, the Exodus is nowhere mentioned in the chronicles of Egyptian history nor is it inscribed on any of the many monuments. But…the UB says it DID happen.

    Biblical scholars (?) seem to believe that it occurred at sometime during a span of time covering the 13th to 15th Centuries BC, chiefly based on Biblically-derived timelines and indirect references therein (which we know are problematic). 1446 BC seems to be the most-accepted date but sometime during the reign of Rameses II (1279-1213 BC) is also often mentioned. See

    Anyhow, I am always interested in referencing the UB when possible to further evaluate historical mysteries. Unfortunately, the Book typically does not date many events of relatively recent history and this important event is no exception (on the other hand, the writers of Section 4 were quite good about such).

    But the Book does say this:

    96:3.5 [Part III]   But Moses was not discouraged; he bided his time, and in less than a year, when the Egyptian military forces were fully occupied in resisting the simultaneous onslaughts of a strong Libyan thrust from the south and a Greek naval invasion from the north, this intrepid organizer led his compatriots out of Egypt in a spectacular night flight. This dash for liberty was carefully planned and skillfully executed. And they were successful, notwithstanding that they were hotly pursued by Pharaoh and a small body of Egyptians, who all fell before the fugitives’ defense, yielding much booty, all of which was augmented by the loot of the advancing host of escaping slaves as they marched on toward their ancestral desert home.

    The only reference I can find to such a combined Libyan-Greek naval and land assault seems to be in 1209 BC during the reign of Merenptah, immediately following Rameses II…, i.e,  (1213-1203 BC):  – so it appears that the UB dates this event from his reign.

    Has anyone on the list ever researched this?  Thoughts?

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