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  • #28075

    That’s a really good question.  It’s a little off topic, but that tends to happen within a good discussion.  I’d have to say that in reading the very next paragraph it explains how fear and anxiety gave birth to religion. And we know that evolutionary religion is the mother of science, art and philosophy (5:5.5), and the forerunner of civilization.

    52:1.7  But this early fear religion serves a very valuable purpose in subduing the fiery tempers of these primitive creatures. It is the forerunner of civilization and the soil for the subsequent planting of the seeds of revealed religion by the Planetary Prince and his ministers.

    We also know that the driver of mortal biologic evolution is mind.

    36:2.18 The life patterns are variously responsive to these adjutants and to the different spirit ministries operating throughout the universes of time and space. The capacity of material creatures to effect spirit response is entirely dependent on the associated mind endowment, which, in turn, has directionized the course of the biologic evolution of these same mortal creatures.

    65:2.1 The story of man’s ascent from seaweed to the lordship of earthly creation is indeed a romance of biologic struggle and mind survival.

    It is interesting to note that once biologic evolution has attained its highest level, new biological material is brought to the planet by the Material Sons and Daughters. I believe one of the purposes of this is to give mind new and higher biologic material to directionize in an evolutionary manner.  How this happens is complex but probably includes an interaction between the basic biologic cell and its associated electrochemical energies which can be affected by mind. Biologic uplifting might include less electrochemical resistance and/or increased receptivity to certain universe energies.  I also suspect free-will has a hand in choosing biological priorities.  If something physical is fearful, or produces anxieties, I suspect it will be avoided, rehabilitated or adapted by those with normal minds.

    Just a few ideas.  There must be more.


    Mark Kurtz

    OK, thank you. I noticed the present tense expression—“are”, “become”, etc in the quote. With that came the wonderment if the present and future ages would be effected. Yes, of course. But how does suffering cause biologic adaption in the present age?

    If suffering is beneficial, then those who have not suffered would be a bit deficient moving on to the Mansion Worlds? It seems we are tested in the nativity life in many ways.


    Thanks for all you do!


    What could be the evolutionary changesand the “biologic adaptions” mentioned in 86:2.1 shown above. Mark

    65:6.10  The physical brain with its associated nervous system possesses innate capacity for response to mind ministry .

    Is this could be refered to biologic adaptations?

    65:7.2  physical evolution, the domain of the Life Carriers

    just as the developing mind of a personality possesses a certain innate capacity for spirit receptivity and therefore contains the potentials of spiritual progress and attainment. Intellectual, social, moral, and spiritual evolution are dependent on the mind ministry of the seven adjutant spirits and their superphysical associates.

    …. and here “evolutionary changes

    65:7.2  mind ministers; the domain of the seven adjutant spirits.



    But how does suffering cause biologic adaption in the present age?

    Suffering or anxiety?  I thought we were talking about fear and anxiety.  Doesn’t matter. There are so many types of suffering, both mental and physical. We know that at any given moment there are upwards of 15 million possible chemical reactions in the human body.  Suffering in the form of physical pain triggers a certain cascade of chemical reactions.  Suffering in the form of psychic pain also triggers a cascade of chemical reactions of its own.  Those chemical reactions are designed to mobilize, adapt and heal.  Similar reactions occur from  the absence of stimuli, a lack of suffering. Dental evolution is still occurring, presumably due to the decline in production stimulation caused by tooth loss. The body is designed to not only heal itself, but also adapt itself, even in this present age, and dental evolution is one example TUB gives us.

    (737.5) 65:6.5 The continuation of such biologic adjustments is illustrated by the evolution of teeth in the higher Urantia mammals; these attained to thirty-six in man’s remote ancestors, and then began an adaptative readjustment toward thirty-two in the dawn man and his near relatives. Now the human species is slowly gravitating toward twenty-eight. The process of evolution is still active and adaptatively in progress on this planet.

    Biologic adaptation is a dynamic process and it’s not 100% physical.  Adjutant mind ministry plays a part in physical evolution even in this current era.  The first five adjutants are involved in pre-human evolution, the next two are initiate human evolution which leads to superhuman evolution – when humans begin to utilize the supermind endowment of their souls propelling them toward light and life.

    I believe suffering affects biological evolution via mind ministry.  Those adjutants are the drivers, the prodders and stimulators.  Presumably a positive reaction to such stimulation drives physical electrochemical activity turning on certain chemical cascades and turning off others thereby affecting the physical substrate in an adaptive mode.

    We know that happy people generally live longer and more productive lives.  We know that the mind can heal the body in peculiar ways that science cannot seem to find yet.  There are plenty of mysteries here, but I can say that suffering can be a motivator.  People are generally lazy, they often don’t make moves to fix a problem, until it hurts them badly.  I know I won’t go to a doctor until I can’t stand whatever is bothering me another minute and I’ve exhausted all my own ways of relieving it.  I’m a procrastinator in that way and I think a lot of people are.  Real pain, real suffering, is pain that can no longer be ignored. It forces people to do something, if nothing else, to think about ways to get rid of it.  That’s where mind comes in.

    How many times have I waited until I reach the point where I can’t tolerate a physical problem one more second to make a doctor’s appointment.  The second the phone is hung up, I usually start getting better . . . go figure. Sometimes the problem goes away before I can even get to the appointment, which is a little embarrassing to say the least.  But it’s happened so many times now I think there’s something to it.  I made the decision to do something and that little mental decision somehow stimulates a neuro-hormonal-electrical-chemical cascade to kick-start the healing process. Mind over matter. I wish I could bottle whatever it is and sell it.

    Anyway, I’m not sure I answered your question.  I think I got side-tracked. Not sure.


    Mark Kurtz

    Thank you Bonita. I’m thinking more of your good shares here. The thread topic title is Suffering.



    Thanks for participating Mark.

    I just thought of another impetus for physical evolution caused by suffering in our current society.  Right now many suffering people are migrating to new countries and cultures.  Those that assimilate are contributing to genetic diversity, which has potential for evolution.  Still trying to come up with other ideas though.  Evolution is so slow . . . some things may be happening in our generation caused by suffering in previous generations, but we’re not really aware of it.



    I copied the three sentences below from paper 100 thinking or better yet assuming that the context being used could be altered from their focus on pleasurable activities to suffering.

    I think it is reasonable to take the belief that suffering has meaning and value so I just mentally inserted suffering idea below in key phrases omitting pleasurable activities for example and to me the teaching could easily be applied to suffering.

    What do you think – too much of a stretch??

    (1096.7) 100:3.2 To the religionist the word God becomes a symbol signifying the approach to supreme reality and the recognition of divine value. Human likes and dislikes do not determine good and evil; moral values do not grow out of wish fulfillment or emotional frustration.

    (1096.8) 100:3.3 In the contemplation of values you must distinguish between that which is value and that which has value. You must recognize the relation between pleasurable activities and their meaningful integration and enhanced realization on ever progressively higher and higher levels of human experience.

    (1097.1) 100:3.4 Meaning is something which experience adds to value; it is the appreciative consciousness of values. An isolated and purely selfish pleasure may connote a virtual devaluation of meanings, a meaningless enjoyment bordering on relative evil. Values are experiential when realities are meaningful and mentally associated, when such relationships are recognized and appreciated by mind.


    I think it is reasonable to take the belief that suffering has meaning and value . . .

    Oh for sure, it is useful to look for meaning in suffering, but not like Job did initially.  Job finally got it right when he decided to embrace suffering and thereby was able to transcend it.  I’ve adopted the attitude where in the face of suffering it’s best to give thanks for it.  Someone taught me that years ago and it works.  As soon as you give thanks to God you’re inviting him to be a partner in it.  That’s what Job finally did.  Instead of looking for scapegoats or cursing God for his ill fortune, he embraced it and discovered the living presence of God in the process.  I think that’s because of the mental shift he made from coveting that which has value to appreciating help from He who is value.  It puts a whole new meaning on things.

    148:6.3 While Job did not, through suffering, find the resolution of his intellectual troubles or the solution of his philosophical difficulties, he did achieve great victories; even in the very face of the breakdown of his theological defenses he ascended to those spiritual heights where he could sincerely say, ‘I abhor myself’; then was there granted him the salvation of a vision of God. So even through misunderstood suffering, Job ascended to the superhuman plane of moral understanding and spiritual insight. When the suffering servant obtains a vision of God, there follows a soul peace which passes all human understanding.



    Bradley, thank you for initiating this wonderful topic and, Bonita, for your much appreciated added insight, as well as the various input by all who have participated so far in this discussion on Suffering.

    I have lately come to brood a lot about the meaning of suffering in general as well as on personal level (recently diagnosed with stage 3 colonic cancer,) and tried to make sense of it all within the context of us living in a friendly universe. I’ve got hold of my UB and started at the Topical Index at the back with suffering

    From having become a reader/believer just more than a decade ago, I just couldn’t get a grip on the whole experience. Sure, certain insights penetrated my mind, but overall I just couldn’t put the puzzle together … until yesterday when I was checking my inbox and noticed this incredible insightful discussion. Your discussion on Suffering has just underscored again the old axiom of in the number of councillors there’s great WISDOM.

    I so much appreciate all of Your input — I’ve gained greater understanding 👊



    Apology: Bradley should read Bradly


    I’m sorry to hear about your suffering Arno, yet glad you’ve found a little solace.  Not to minimize your story, but yesterday I was thinking about this very thing.  I was wondering how I would react if my world got rocked by news like you got.  I have to say that it would give me great sorrow at first.  I think it would take a long while to overcome the shock and readjust my outlook.  It’s easy to talk about this stuff, but when the rubber actually meets the road, I think most of us do a very long skid.  I know I would both skid and spin before gaining any composure or hope of insight.  Suffering is real, and if it doesn’t knock you for a loop, then maybe it’s not suffering, but rather a temporary misfortune. So when real suffering happens to me, which it will, I’ll come back here to get inspired by all of you.


    For what it’s worth:

    My wife had stage 4 colon cancer 7 years ago

    she is here and ok today

    there was suffering for both of us

    and probably some personal  growth as well



    Friend Arno….I am very moved by your sharing here and wish you all the best in your fight to tarry here to further serve a little longer!

    I have faced my own mortality these past few years…more than once.  And while I was not particularly distressed by such probabilities and inevitabilities for my own sake, still…..I love this life and so many people in it….and the world of sky and wind and rain and snow and mountain and surf.  But I spent much time considering how those I love and serve now would or might suffer by my departure.  A view derived from self importance perhaps?  Ultimately such concerns led me to a closer walk and lots of prayer to better trust our Lord with ALL his children in His Love.  I know all must suffer their own repercussions, all lovingly provided and/or attended by our faithful guides into love, truth, beauty, and goodness.

    I have survived long enough to see my grandchildren’s TA’s arrive and mutually discover angels, heaven, God, love, generosity, and hope together in inspiring ways.  I’m glad for such a gift….it has helped me to know how strong the chain of my clan remains, generation after generation….and even the lost who suffer most are in God’s good hands….may all black sheep like me find their way home as I did on this side of graduation.  What a wonderful thing family can be.  Embrace those you love and love you with all the love you got Arno…and God bless you and all of them!


    I don’t think… I know.  I don’t think I know either :)


    When going into a subject like suffering I like to start with a joke.  Suffering is something I see but purposely don’t highlight in my day to day life.  When at times the spirit within reminds me of my place, I try to understand for a moment how incredibly bad that must be.  I only feel grateful that my life in this moment is great.  I’m guessing that when you lay down to sleep and it’s just you, that you talk to God.  At that moment you are breaking the gate and asking for truth.  That truth becomes your moment to live beyond mortality.  We all do it, but purposeful prayer skips across the boundaries and ends in the arms of God.  It is your moment to become and endure the outcome.  Not to be so poetic or artistic but every moment you are aware of yourself is a moment you exist as one with God.


    Suffering. I am not too acquainted with that reality in my life.  However, I always feel bad every other moment.  Why is that?  That would be sufferings question.  One might suffer a bad pizza.  One might suffer a bad job.  One might suffer the loss of a leg.  I suffer guilt of not suffering.


    When feeling bad… try your best to put yourself in God’s arms.


    This is a perfect opening for the raffle.  Your soul rings true.  The shadow of respect knows it’s place.  ::I kneel to the Father:: Your place is deserved among those that sing the hidden songs of the trinity.  Now, I will be serious.

    Those moments where you wonder what you are, are moments of soul discovery.  Oh, how they were not expected and were brought as of a dream.  As when you were young and now are brought against it.  You need not vanquish fear, it will leave of it’s own volition.  The love that you have has become your place.  Rest.



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