Revised Video: Progress; Personal, Planetary

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  • #32018
    Mark Kurtz

    The video, “Progress; Personal, Planetary” was revised to be more suitable for international uses because of the growing number of language translations from Urantia Foundation. The video is available online at Vimeo

    and on YouTube at

    This video is offered to Urantia Book reader-students as a tool to introduce friends and acquaintances to the book.


    This video is offered to Urantia Book reader-students as a tool to introduce friends and acquaintances to the book.

    Thanks for your revised interpretations!

    I was especially warmed to read this on screen near the end of your presentation:

    (365.3) 32:5.7 There is in the mind of God a plan which embraces every creature of all his vast domains, and this plan is an eternal purpose of boundless opportunity, unlimited progress, and endless life. And the infinite treasures of such a matchless career are yours for the striving!

    And when I read this, it dawned on me the importance of seeing the actual text of the book and wished you had put more text references in it.  The quotes provide complete sentences to read on the screen, rather than seeing your abbreviated notes.  I think they are more pleasing to view on screen and would be a good complement to the narrator.  Keeping the viewer’s attention is always a challenge in this medium!

    Mark Kurtz

    Thank you Mara. The video purpose is to introduce a resource. This tool can be put into reader-students’ tool box to pull out and use for a person thought to possibly have interest. I wanted it to be less than 15 minutes; it is a bit over 13 minutes. The main emphasis is movement–personal progress which will aid planetary movement, progress. So, with that I couldn’t include too many quotes for a potential new reader without danger of getting “preachy” or implying finality of authority for the book.  The main focus is on the individual and we know peoples’ Thought Adjuster will lead each willing person.

    And yes, I could use more experience at PowerPoint videos. But amateurs start somewhere! Its humbling!

    With that said, I suggest anyone could issue a video with different emphasis and style. I would welcome your piece you might wish to give to the public. You have such a great breadth of experience that could help us all. Would you consider?

    I do hope the video will benefit many people. After all is said, the Revelation belongs to Michael and it is His plan and team we all want to advance. We know he is working our Father’s Plan.


    . . . and we know peoples’ Thought Adjuster will lead each willing person.

    So true Mark!

     101:1.3 [….] “Without holiness no man may see the Lord.” All such inner and spiritual communion is termed spiritual insight. Such religious experiences result from the impress made upon the mind of man by the combined operations of the Adjuster and the Spirit of Truth as they function amid and upon the ideas, ideals, insights, and spirit strivings of the evolving sons of God.



    Good Job Mark! I watched the youtube version and liked it.


    Hi Mark,

    Hi everyone,

    What a great piece of creation Mark !

    Let me express a blending of impressions aroused looking at your video.

    Gems such as “each soul is Divinely valued”, “updated”,   “What is true?”, “modeling God”, nicely, progressive verbalizing.

    The Foreword “diapo” is briefly presented with a economy of words tickleling people’s curiosity.

    Pictures’ choices are clear,unambiguously.

    Not a single perrenial picture of Jesus or angels. Whom easily associated with preachifying tone.

    Hihihi … the pic of Urantia book, did you use yours ? Never, ever saw so much tabs.

    Sorry but after 18 topics + 178 replys + this personnal creative power-point, you must seriously consider to be well positioned yourself as expressing the inner unique personnality bestowall. “Amateur” who are you talking about ?

    That is why I shout from this platform … Find yourself / Express WHO you are. Unwrap, unfold this God’s attribution.

    Hats off,


    p.s. … how many hours are you “suggesting” Mara for 13 mntes of creation ?

    Mark Kurtz

    Hello André, thank you for your kind remarks.

    I preferred no image of Christ because no one captured an image of him when he was alive. White people have played with that, but people of other races might object. It is his personality and life modeling we seek to know better.

    The book that was so well studied pictured with tabs and highlighting in the video belonged a now deceased Ohio reader. The picture was provided by the narrator. We thought this was a marvelous depiction of value of the teachings.

    The center motive for the video is  couched in the question: ‘How can we establish thousands of study groups if people are not aware of the book?’ The question relates to comments from the Publication Mandate the revelators provided early before the book was published.

    More of this short, topical videos can be done. This one promotes progress, which the authors say is the “watchword” of the universes. Check your dictionary for its definition to understand one reason why the Revelation is such a great gift.

    There is interest in translating the piece. It can be used as a tool for readers for many languages.

    Many hours were required to get this done—by the writer, narrator, and production to merge audio and PowerPoint to create the final video.

    Kind regards.


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