problem with email digest

Home Forums Support & Suggestions problem with email digest

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  • #35934

    I tried to open a forum digest and none of the links would work. This started a few days ago when the topic at first sight posted. Ever sence then I’ve had to go directly to the website to open any forum topics. To recap, I open up my forum digest as usual. I click on a link… and nothing happens. Help? Thanks. I use Gmail. The only thing I have been doing differently is going to the gmail site itself instead of clicking on the gmail link from the google homepage, but I don’t see what that could have to do with it as other links from other emails work just fine. Thanks again.

    Mark Kurtz

    Let me tag onto Chuck’s piece above here about links in emails:

    Clicking on the latest date listed in a forum, for example in the general discussions, does not take me to that latest post. Clicking on refresh in the browser does pop up the latest. I  tried to see Chuck’s latest post, which for me was just 17 minutes old, the display did not show his post. A refresh resulted in showing his, the latest in this forum.

    This is a new issue in the past couple of days.


    It’s been happening to me off and on for a week or two.  It’s happened in the past too.


    Mark Kurtz

    Update: The latest post for each forum now requires a browser refresh after clicking on the latest showing in the topic, each and every time attempting to log in; not intermittently. The latest only shows after a refresh. Is this a browser issue or perhaps a website issue?

    Not sure, but I think this started after Safari updated to log on by clicking on ID and password window that pops up when loading a site (one which requires a log in). For the forum I need to click on the name window and then the ID and password encrypted pops up; clicking on that gets me into the gate! There is no longer a need to click on an ENTER button.


    The latest only shows after a refresh. Is this a browser issue or perhaps a website issue?

    Same happening here.  Missing posts on account of it.


    I’m not having any problems. The only digest I signed up for is the end-of-the-day digest.  All hot buttons work fine.

    Mark Kurtz

    Please check with the webmaster for an opinion on why clicking on the latest date does not bring up the latest post. In Mac Safari I have to do a refresh, then I see the time change to the latest or the date changes to show OLDER, if there is no later one.



    . . . on why clicking on the latest date does not bring up the latest post.

    I just clicked on the latest post in this sub-forum “the thing I would most like the world to know from the Urantia Book” and the latest (which is to say the most recent post) came up.

    Do you have time to write a list in detail what you are doing, step-by-step?  Maybe Kathleen can help.  But then, maybe she can’t. Not sure.  She contacts the webmaster, and she will need a very detailed description of the problem – more than what you have provided.


    Hi Friends,

    I have been testing this email digest as well and have had no problems with it. (I use Chrome.) Mara’s right, unless it’s something very simple I need to bring it to the attention of the webmaster which I have done.

    I know in the past some of the Forum problems that only happen to certain people ended up being their browsers. May I suggest to those of you having problems that you try testing it out on other browsers.

    I’ll let you know when I hear back from the webmaster.



    From Sydney, Australia


    Dear Friends,

    I’ve heard back from the webmaster. Below is a message from her explaining what she has done to address this issue, but we can’t be certain it worked unless we get your feedback. So all of you who have been having trouble, could you please tell us if there have been any improvements over the last day or so.

    From the Webmaster:

    I think there could be a couple different issues here:

    • I did find that gmail was incorrectly interpreting the occasional link, though most links were fine
    • I think there’s probably some caching of the topic pages happening that is preventing people from seeing the latest reply sometimes, instead they are being given an old version of the page.

    I’ve done a couple things to work on a fix, but I’ll need to continue monitoring it and probably make some tweaks:

    • I made edits to the email digest feature so that emails would be html-enabled instead of just plain text. Gmail was ignoring line breaks in identifying urls. Having html breaks in there should fix that. However, I just want to note that while I would normally test this on staging before rolling out to live, it’s difficult to do that for digest emails that depend on forum activity. Instead I went ahead and just made the edits to the live site, so the email that next comes out might look really funny. I’m just going to see how it looks and continue to make corrections as necessary. So your forum users might have to put up with a few weird emails for the next couple of days.

    • I changed the cache setting for forum topics in Cloudflare, but I don’t know if it will be enough. I might have to turn off caching entirely for the forums, but first I’d like to see if a shorter caching period work.

    They’re still working fine for me. Here’s hoping things have improved for you. Let me know.


    From Sydney, Australia


    Hi Kathleen.

    It’s working today, but I have to say that I haven’t been able to get email notifications for years now, so I don’t know how that feature is doing.  I think my problem might have been solved by tweaking the “caching of topic pages” problem.  Don’t know because I’m technologically illiterate.  Thanks.


    Hi Bonita,

    I’ve checked your email digest settings and everything looks fine. I changed the hour you’re supposed to receive the daily email digest from 00 to 03 just in case that makes a difference. Are you still using the same email as when you signed up?

    Let me know if you start getting them or are still not getting them.


    From Sydney, Australia


    Thank you Kathleen.  I still have the same email.  I’ll watch to see if there is anything forthcoming and let you know.


    I was out of touch for a while. I just checked todays’ topics via email and it worked. Thanks!



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