Edit our DNA?

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  • #18240
    Mark Kurtz

    The idea of disfellowshiping anyone and of altering our gene pool in any way to achieve a higher quality human being, no matter what language or terminology may be utilized, cannot be considered without a thorough understanding of human rights.  I am not proposing any actions or projects on this topic, not being qualified to do so.

    I suggest a word search in the book on “rights” with the intent to review the Revelators’ discussions regarding how rights developed and hold societies in maintenance.  How rights have been earned and accepted is important for consideration of any changes.  Read all the passages discussing rights.  No one can propose any real changes without a wise understanding and respect for how rights became reality.  This could be true for most any progressive planetary changes.

    A question could apply here:  Are rights actually privileges granted by higher authority?  Higher authorities for a child are first his parents, grandparents,  aunts or uncles, babysitters or an older child siblings, then social such as school progressing to community local, state, national and international law.

    Mark Kurtz wrote: The idea of disfellowshiping anyone and of altering our gene pool in any way to achieve a higher quality human being, no matter what language or terminology may be utilized, cannot be considered without a thorough understanding of human rights.
    Well Mark, the police and the law courts are already kept busy attempting to deal with the anti-social elements of society. Dealing with those in society “who bite the hand that feeds them.” It’s common knowledge that rights are suspended by criminal behaviour.
    Much can be done in improving what already exists. Consider minimising the punitive aspects of dealing with crime and invest more in the rehabilitative potential. Not all wrongdoers are irredeemable. Failure is the way humans learn. Locking people away and throwing away the key is no way to redeem the penitent sinner. For true justice to function it must do so in combination with mercy.
    On the “Neighboring Planet,” prisoners are assessed as to fitness to rejoin normal society. They are also productively employed during their time of incarceration. An idle population of inmates is a recipe for trouble.
    Such ideas as keeping the “disfellowshipped” in regions doing tasks that are socially productive, like agriculture, are not too difficult of implementation here, under our current regulatory systems. Of course, in China with its centralized government, such programs can be quickly put in place without too much social disruption as they tend to respond more co-operatively to government rulings. More willingly than western cultures, which are characteristically independently minded and questioning of authority. Interesting to note there is a large percentage of the yellow race in that nation state, on the “Neighboring Planet.”
    In western society the rule of law must extend all the way to the principles underpinning those laws. Governments have to be seen as instruments of service of the people, for the people, by the people. Representative Governments must earn the trust of the people if they desire to implement worthy reforms. No reform will progress unless it is clearly and openly communicated.
     In an educated society you simply must carry the people with you.
    In the West it will take time and effort to modify the attitude from, “what’s in it for me?” to, “what’s in it for us?”
    President John F Kennedy, bless his soul, put it well; “My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”


    It is dishonest to approach this topic – over and over and over and over again on Ubite forums – without addressing all the ways that races and cultures were “disfellowshipping” each other for millenia, isn’t it? We are way past anything working out on Urantia the way it works on a Neighboring Planet (1934 suggestion) since the ecomomic genocide of 2008 – THIS is what we have:


    @Mark, “…..The idea of disfellowshiping anyone and of altering our gene pool in any way to achieve a higher quality human being, no matter what language or terminology may be utilized, cannot be considered without a thorough understanding of human rights….”

    Good point. I think I made a muscular case against the “right” a creature may presume to have to alter “supermortal” designs (DNA) for power and $$$$ (for profit health care system in USA). No CREATURE has earned that right through Urantian acquired experiential wisdom endowing them with “supermortal” insight nor through any “normal” evolutionary path. Rick Warren mentioned the “rights” inherent in the Father’s Will for His children of time and space – HIS supermortal design – a healthy skin suit for soul inception and growth.

    The truth is, THIS is what we got, even more virulent under das boot of the Shamans of Gizmology:

    54:1.9 (614.4) How dare the self-willed creature encroach upon the rights of his fellows in the name of personal liberty when the Supreme Rulers of the universe stand back in merciful respect for these prerogatives of will and potentials of personality! No being, in the exercise of his supposed personal liberty, has a right to deprive any other being of those privileges of existence conferred by the Creators and duly respected by all their loyal associates, subordinates, and subjects.

    And since we have been protected for about 2000 years

    77:7.7 (863.8) Even prior to Pentecost no rebel spirit could dominate a normal human mind, and since that day even the weak minds of inferior mortals are free from such possibilities. The supposed casting out of devils since the arrival of the Spirit of Truth has been a matter of confounding a belief in demoniacal possession with hysteria, insanity, and feeble-mindedness. But just because Michael’s bestowal has forever liberated all human minds on Urantia from the possibility of demoniacal possession, do not imagine that such was not a reality in former ages.

    here we go with “rights” the Shamans of Gizmology give themselves to take out those mind protections that Michael of Nebadon left behind:


    So, yeah, Mark – there sure are a lot of NWO “rights” out there that are “revolutionary” because of the predominant philosophy for living of Nihilists, Hedonists and Anarchists. But the “wrong” done by the recent economic genocide of “labor” provides the clearest contrast between evil and good and the delusion of mixing them together for “progress”…

    Every human being has the right to make their life less miserable through honest work – so who had the “rights” in USA to ship that God-given right to races/cultures that never evolved that “right” for themselves and never will because they are not “god-knowing” even with TAs and Spirit of Truth hovering all over them, also, for 2000 years….

    132:5.24 (1465.3) “10. That part of your fortune which represents the earnings of your own mental and physical efforts — if your work has been done in fairness and equity — is truly your own. No man can gainsay your right to hold and use such wealth as you may see fit provided your exercise of this right does not work harm upon your fellows.”

    So the real question is, once again, why the Schmodites always give themselves “rights”? And who of normal mind is going to trust THAT group of self-proclaimed “smartest people in the world” with “supermortal” tinkering of DNA chains and shutting off the part of the brain that “believes” in God with magnets and/or other gizmos still all “secret-y”?

    Lock and load. Need to have that kind of “war” that really does go after the OBVIOUS evil….since we are definitely back to the situation Adam and Eve had with law and order…I am pretty sure that bending my knee to the Global War Drug and Slave Lords who succeeded in demolishing the financial power of a “middle class” ala the Shamans of Gizmology is not showing “patience” or Jesus-like “forgiveness, mercy, tolerance, or (what a cynical JOKE) “love”” that will bring Urantia to Light and Life.

    1. The Urantia Problem

    75:1.1 (839.2) The Adamic mission on experimental, rebellion-seared, and isolated Urantia was a formidable undertaking. And the Material Son and Daughter early became aware of the difficulty and complexity of their planetary assignment. Nevertheless, they courageously set about the task of solving their manifold problems. But when they addressed themselves to the all-important work of eliminating the defectives and degenerates from among the human strains, they were quite dismayed. They could see no way out of the dilemma, and they could not take counsel with their superiors on either Jerusem or Edentia. Here they were, isolated and day by day confronted with some new and complicated tangle, some problem that seemed to be unsolvable.

    75:1.2 (839.3) Under normal conditions the first work of a Planetary Adam and Eve would be the co-ordination and blending of the races. But on Urantia such a project seemed just about hopeless, for the races, while biologically fit, had never been purged of their retarded and defective strains.

    75:1.3 (839.4) Adam and Eve found themselves on a sphere wholly unprepared for the proclamation of the brotherhood of man, a world groping about in abject spiritual darkness and cursed with confusion worse confounded by the miscarriage of the mission of the preceding administration. Mind and morals were at a low level, and instead of beginning the task of effecting religious unity, they must begin all anew the work of converting the inhabitants to the most simple forms of religious belief. Instead of finding one language ready for adoption, they were confronted by the world-wide confusion of hundreds upon hundreds of local dialects. No Adam of the planetary service was ever set down on a more difficult world; the obstacles seemed insuperable and the problems beyond creature solution.

    75:1.4 (839.5) They were isolated, and the tremendous sense of loneliness which bore down upon them was all the more heightened by the early departure of the Melchizedek receivers. Only indirectly, by means of the angelic orders, could they communicate with any being off the planet. Slowly their courage weakened, their spirits drooped, and sometimes their faith almost faltered.

    75:1.5 (840.1) And this is the true picture of the consternation of these two noble souls as they pondered the tasks which confronted them. They were both keenly aware of the enormous undertaking involved in the execution of their planetary assignment.

    75:1.6 (840.2) Probably no Material Sons of Nebadon were ever faced with such a difficult and seemingly hopeless task as confronted Adam and Eve in the sorry plight of Urantia. But they would have sometime met with success had they been more farseeing and patient. Both of them, especially Eve, were altogether too impatient; they were not willing to settle down to the long, long endurance test. They wanted to see some immediate results, and they did, but the results thus secured proved most disastrous both to themselves and to their world.”

    So, Mark, do YOU wanna give “rights” to fellow creatures to mechanically manipulate your DNA or shut off the part of your biologic brain that knows God – with magnets, surgery, drugs or some secret drone-delivered weapon? DO you want to ship your God-Given right to enjoy the fruits of honest labor to races/cultures that have never found “God”?

    Mark Kurtz

    I am reluctant to advocate for any action or development.  I posted this topic because of what is in TUB and the TED talk that addressed directly related aspects.

    TUB revelators want us to know of such things.  One or more personalities decided to include a hint of future plans for Urantia by informing us of an attainment they call settled in light and life (SILAL).  Reaching that goal involves major adjustments over time. Note 52:5.10, 55:3.1 and 55:3.22.  Achieving SILAL involves many, many details of biology, government, spiritual, material management and lots of love.  Rights likely will be redefined, perhaps many times.

    We’d all be wise to read the book with a high degree of honesty with God, self and others because information from super mortals, as this book informs us, is superior to our present knowledge and it serves to encourage us with hints of progressive objection.  What I get from reading all the book, is that divine plans intend for planets to achieve a materially and spiritually devout humanity—-rugged, brave, loving, enduring, disease-free and self governing planetary evolutionary crowning achievement of service and devotion to one another.  More could be said, but brevity is nice.


    @Mark, “…I am reluctant to advocate for any action or development.  I posted this topic because of what is in TUB and the TED talk that addressed directly related aspects….”

    So why did you start this topic?  The TED talk and TUB have NOTHING IN COMMON.  TUB clearly states that the (God’s Plan) qualified Life Carrier MECHANICAL intervention STOPPED when Andon and Fonta lit up the 6th and 7th Mind Adjutant circuit.

    And did you NOT agree that the CREATURE is not qualified to tinker with the Creator’s “supermortal” design, especially that unplanned 8th race’s creatures with cosmically insane bloodlines who would be doing it for the most egregious of reasons – “greed is good”?

    And did you NOT ask for a discussion about “rights”?  Who’s “rights”?!  The delusional scientists who gave themselves rights to “supermortal” designing without getting an Informed Consent from HUMANITY?

    There is a GLOBAL circle jerk of TRILLIONS of dollars, yuans, schekles, bitcoins, wha’ever, seized by the War, Drug and Slave Lords over centuries of barbarism against any “middle class” civilization, getting laundered through USA “for-profit” health care in the guise of DNA “research”.  You have to be cosmically insane to ignore the social ills – healthy normal humans being stripped of all the fruit of their honest labor over the past 40 years – as you jam ill-gotten spiral derivative e-wealth into DNA “research” that is claiming its goal to be the betterment of the gene pool of humanity.  Completely insane bs, imho.  Heck, good thing Cal et al arrived AFTER Andon and Fonta evolved, and good thing Amadon was evenly matched with the 100 – because in today’s world, the cosmically insane take their “right” to kill any and all who can stop their insanity – Jesus, Czars and on to the Kennedy’s…I say it is high time to put up a stronger defense…

    Any “revolutionary” advance by “vicious minorities” crashes and burns.  No normal mind in any race/culture on this planet is “trusting” this modern vicious minority (Shamans of Gizmology) to – HA! – put the USA on a leadership path to “Light and Life”.  Delusional at best….

    My potato launcher worked well enough in knocking out the gizmo drone…LOL

    In general, I agree that USA is most definitely not a good place for “submerged violet blood” to advance to Light and Life for the next 1000 years and that – like Life on a Neighboring Planet – GOOD people need to come together in a place that can be defended.  So there might be a lot more people wandering about for a while looking to resettle in a place DIVORCED of the vainglorious machinations of a vicious minority and with a strong enough defense to LIVE according to God’s Plan.

    @midi – double-edged sword with DNA sampling – corps would continue to bury the data that PROVES what environmental toxins do to the DNA of workers and communities in the immediate area…and right now USA hospitals are taking advantage of the “grey zone” in patient’s rights and snagging blood and spinal fluid and body parts for the needs of the 1%ers…have not come across anyone in th epast couple of years who trusts, much less respects, the people operating in, and for, the “health care” system of USA – look at the raging heroin addiction as TED talks continue….

    Sabinatu wrote:  …GOOD people need to come together…
    Yes, the organic spiritual brotherhood has potential to get organised and actually do something good.
    The religion of Jesus will not fail. It will take time, yes.
    A mountain is just what every mountain climber enjoys to experience the sheer thrill of scaling it.
    To experience to the full, the joys of living such a life on such a planet.

    Jesus said: “…be assured that the Father in heaven will not fail to visit you with an enlarged revelation of truth and an enhanced demonstration of righteousness, even as he has already bestowed upon this world him who became the prince of darkness, and then Adam, who was followed by Melchizedek, and in these days, the Son of Man. And so will my Father continue to manifest his mercy and show forth his love, even to this dark and evil world. So also will I, after my Father has invested me with all power and authority, continue to follow your fortunes and to guide in the affairs of the kingdom by the presence of my spirit, who shall shortly be poured out upon all flesh. Even though I shall thus be present with you in spirit, I also promise that I will sometime return to this world, where I have lived this life in the flesh and achieved the experience of simultaneously revealing God to man and leading man to God.…”   [Paper 176:2.3, page 1914.4]

    Therefore, from this statement, we can all take comfort that if we live our lives with the consciousness uppermost, that, despite present appearances, we are contributing to the guaranteed success of the inevitable planetary destiny as determined by Michael, in accordance with the will of his father and our father, the Father in heaven.

    For all things there is a time of action, at present we are throwing ideas about regarding some of the articles which our midwayer brothers have been given the opportunity to share with us. For the time has arrived to speak frankly about these things.

    Thinking things through is a worthy exercise, all kinds of unexpected ideas can be forthcoming when shared in the spirit of collective brotherhood………..a family council so to speak.

    Jesus also encourages us not to be overly distracted by worldly events.

    “…be not discouraged by the enmity of the world. Be not downcast even when fainthearted believers turn against you and join hands with the enemies of the kingdom. If the world shall hate you, you should recall that it hated me even before it hated you. If you were of this world, then would the world love its own, but because you are not, the world refuses to love you. You are in this world, but your lives are not to be worldlike.…”  [Paper 180:3.1, page 1946:6]



    Vern opined and lectured, “Jesus also encourages us not to be overly distracted by worldly events.

    “…be not discouraged by the enmity of the world. Be not downcast even when fainthearted believers turn against you and join hands with the enemies of the kingdom. If the world shall hate you, you should recall that it hated me even before it hated you. If you were of this world, then would the world love its own, but because you are not, the world refuses to love you. You are in this world, but your lives are not to be worldlike.…”  [Paper180:3.1, page 1946:6]”

    I believe I was the only one being un-worldlike long enough to clearly read in TUB that CREATURES are not qualified to monkey around with the “supermortal” design parts of the human body….

    I can walk and chew gum at the same time, there is a Rusted Root song with the verse, “I will tie my shoes to heaven and walk back down to earth.”

    Psychology is a mediocre, at best, substitute for understanding motivations:

    77:3.8 (859.2) The religious group were promptly voted down. The majority rejected the teaching that their ancestors had been guilty of rebellion; they resented such a racial stigma. Having disposed of one of the three angles to the dispute and failing to settle the other two by debate, they fell to fighting. The religionists, the noncombatants, fled to their homes in the south, while their fellows fought until well-nigh obliterated.

    78:8.6 (876.3) And the invaders from the north soon learned to trust and prize these peace-loving Sumerians as able teachers and administrators. They were greatly respected and sought after as teachers of art and industry, as directors of commerce, and as civil rulers by all peoples to the north and from Egypt in the west to India in the east.

    Shamans of Gizmology are back stabbers of “teachers” and rapists of the dreams of children to get a decent education.  For the past 2000 years it is one repeated story of invading a civilization AFTER the hard work is done of building it and then creating “panics” to destroy it.  Yes, they “resent” being revealed for the murderous thieves that they are – racial superiority my a….

    Psychology, as a “science”, is also not part of the history of the Just War doctrine, so of what use is “religion” in the twisted relationship USA maintains with peoples who NEVER HAD AND DO NOT HAVE ANY WAR RULES OR PEACE PLANS, but have godless “psychology” and “religion” and isms and cut and paste jobs from TUB, a book which 99.9% of the world’s population never heard about and which CENSORS and commits economic genocide against the “readers”?:

    From Just War wiki info:

    “…..The first work dedicated specifically to it was De bellis justis of Stanisław of Skarbimierz (1360-1431), who justified war by the Kingdom of Poland with Teutonic Knights.<sup class=”noprint Inline-Template Template-Fact”>[citation needed] Francisco de Vitoria criticized the conquest of America by the Kingdom of Spain on the basis of just war theory.<sup class=”noprint Inline-Template Template-Fact”>[citation needed] With Alberico Gentili and Hugo Grotius just war theory was replaced by international law theory, codified as a set of rules, which today still encompass the points commonly debated, with some modifications.<sup id=”cite_ref-20″ class=”reference”>[20]The importance of the theory of just war faded with the revival of classical republicanism beginning with works of Thomas Hobbes….”

    The “race” itself has to clean out its own gene pool and so my focus remains on the “white”….the constant perfidy and outright lying about the causes and conducts of war since Jesus sent The Spirit of Truth is being done by people who are surprised to find out that THIS set of Just War rules were in play among Catholics – how long ago….?  Just another sign of RAPID degeneracy, GLOBALLY, in the “communication” age”:

    wiki info for “Just War” – “….The just war doctrine of the Catholic Church – sometimes mistaken as a “just war theory”<sup id=”cite_ref-16″ class=”reference”>[16]<sup id=”cite_ref-17″ class=”reference”>[17] – found in the 1992 Catechism of the Catholic Church, in paragraph 2309, lists four strict conditions for “legitimate defense by military force”:<sup id=”cite_ref-18″ class=”reference”>[18]

    • the damage inflicted by the aggressor on the nation or community of nations must be lasting, grave, and certain;
    • all other means of putting an end to it must have been shown to be impractical or ineffective;
    • there must be serious prospects of success;
    • the use of arms must not produce evils and disorders graver than the evil to be eliminated (the power of modern means of destruction weighs very heavily in evaluating this condition).”

    Check, check, check, and check – better people like me going after the murderous thieves who committed economic genocide against the middle class in USA since I “get” all that mercy stuff ala Jesus….for me, it is as simple and clear, morally and ethically, as taking out a rabid raccoon before it bites another “innocent”.

    The Shamans of Gizmology are the worst “religious authorities” yet and the PROOF is in the fact that USA citizens were beaten unconscious by internet censors and the ILLEGAL “Patriot Act” agents when they started to discuss the sanity of the invasion of Iraq on internet forums.  That is why the internet revolution will crash and burn. Humanity DEFINITELY not anywhere near ready for the responsibility. Plus, it is all as fragile as tissue paper in a fire with the right kind of solar flare…

    the zio-plutocrat ponders, ….hmmm, maybe DNA research can be done cheaper in India and then more STOLEN $$$$ for ME ME ME can go to protecting my ABSOLUTE control over the “virtual” world….ahahahaha….”

    Cosmic insanity.

    Sabinatu wrote:  …trust and prize these peace-loving Sumerians as able teachers and administrators.
    I seek the pearls of wisdom in what you write Sabinatu, for I know they are in there.
    The peacemakers are the sons of God and the peace-loving members of a nation, region, community are to be treasured.
    The family is the original peace group. I mentioned in an earlier post, we would do well to consider the teachings of those papers about evolution of marriage and consequent family life. Our very survival depends on it.
    If the family is good, the society is, likewise, good.
    BTW nice quote from the story of the tower of Babel you found.

    So there you go, a typical world-wide paradox when it comes to “disfellowshipping”as an eugenics tool – peacekeepers are not living long enough, nor do they have the economic power to “procreate”….

    Is there a corresponding DNA marker that identifies a treasured “peacekeeper”?  Is “psychology”, as a mind-control “science”, at all interested in “disfellowshipping” anyone OTHER than the people displaying”peacekeepers” behaviour?

    I am not willing to go back to tribal and klan-ing epochs of humanity as a form of “government”….TUB clearly says to go FORWARD, don’t reach for discarded methods because those methods were discarded due to hard-earned experiential wisdom which produced BETTER social systems than rulership by vicious minorities…TUB notes that modern families are a mess because of all the self-gratification (philosophic hedonism).  Not the best philosophic soil for “love”, is it?  Nihilism, hedonism and anarchy….help me out here, Vern – where on TUB sponsored forums do you have a “philosophy” for living evolving among “readership”, such as it is…?  Code-talking for spiral derivatives, or wha’ever,  of money laundering their stolen inheritance of centuries of labour!

    And whatever the made-up, self-proclaimed judeo-christian “religion” is seems to be one big clown show of fortune telling when Jesus is going to come down to fix it – how?  Between the lines you read that it is time to kill him again as the sacrificial lamb…scheesh.

    The ONLY role of “government” is to protect the INDIVIDUAL against force and fraud.  I am adverse to believe that even casual TUB readers have failed to have enough “personal religion” to realize true “leadership” after the cosmically insane 20th century….

    Who has the “right” to declare war in my name?  Someone with “schmodite” DNA markers?

    Puhleeze.  You guys are lucky to have me snap some sense back into you, even though it is too little, too late for USA….another country devoured by “greed is good”…

    Iceland is doing great, so the proof is out there….divorce is always the final answer to “irreconcilable differences”….

    A peace plan should include “divorce” and a restraining order….not war and economic sanctions….

    Very disappointing that NONE of the challenges wrought about by “globalization” in the hands of vicious minorities is met with anything other than the psycho-management of “christians” – “you are not being Jesus-like….”



    Sabinatu wrote:  …a restraining order….not war and economic sanctions….
    While many pray for Jesus to return, if he did, they would not have the capacity to recognise him, they would consider him a threat, in that his values are not their values, they would do their utmost to re-crucify him.
    Here is a quote from the book “Christ Recrucified:”

    “Toward midnight the bell began ringing, calling the Christians to the church to see Christ born. One by one the doors opened and the Christians hastened toward the church, shivering with cold. The night was calm, icy, starless.”

    “Priest Fotis listened to the bell pealing gaily, announcing that Christ was coming down on earth to save the world. He shook his head and heaved a sigh: In vain, my Christ, in vain, he muttered; two thousand years have gone by and men crucify You still. When will You be born, my Christ, and not be crucified any more, but live among us for eternity?”

    Take heart though—our limited viewpoint prevents us from knowing the full outworking of spiritual intelligence on a world where Adjusters have flocked to indwell all mortals with the capacity to make the moral decisions requisite to their coming. And prosecute their purpose, the securing of the “personality” of the fortunate mortal by moral quickening which results in soul growth.

    You well know, just as certainly as we have a birth day which initiates our human life, there comes a spiritual birth day which ensures continuation of that life beyond the mortal experience. How better it would be for everyone, if this was common knowledge?

    Sabinatu you speak of a spiritual quickening that is sorely needed, a move to non-violent means of resolving differences. There is a pitiless element in “competition” which requires addressing, I agree. For to resort to barbarism of “might over the vulnerable” to gain advantage, is without moral substantiation. It is failure of spirit to gain ascendancy over the animal nature. You find it lacking, as you observe the world as it presently is. So do I.

    What can we do about it?

    Personally—return good for evil, be patient, consistent and resolute in doing right.

    Collectively—support groups that are attempting to do likewise.  All any of us can do, is act upon our “highest light of truth.”

    Blind and unforeseen accidents do not occur in the cosmos. Neither do the celestial beings assist the lower being who refuses to act upon his light of truth[Paper 48:7.9, page  556:9]


    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    Here you go, Mark Kurtz….join the “minority” controlled boards at Truthbook with “Larry” setting the “law” about how to talk about eugenics with the latest sycophant sent in to battle FOR the devil, so to speak, the “christian” calling himself “M.D.”….

    This missive was so transparently “Slick Willy” that I found it entertaining, and have a whole other set of “ideas” for IMMEDIATE results regarding the “jealous guarding” of superior life strains than the author “M.D.” had, but you gotta read his first – LOL…he does admit to not having read the whole book, but is looking to the “minority” controlled brainiacs who SPEEDILY committed economic genocide against USA middle class and are still code-talking financial derivatives:

    cut and pasted from Larry, Mo and Curly’s Site:

    “….Thank you for approving my membership on these forums. What you all are doing is so important, to talk critically about this most essential of historical documents, T.U.B.

    As a Christian and philosopher, I’ve benefited personally a great deal from reading the first 1/3rd of the book (that’s about as far as I’ve gotten) and have reviewed some of the later papers as well. I’m thoroughly impressed with both the philosophy and the theology, because it doesn’t smack of fraud, as many “divinely inspired” writings do. Moreover, it’s philosophically operating at a very high level, one that someone could’ve made a great living on if they’d wanted to. Original philosophical thinking is rare. Even rarer is productive philosophical thinking, that integrates, rather than disintegrates. Indeed, even the theology unites many disparate areas of theology which Christians yet fight over today. These things all make it compelling.

    Whether one believes the particular words of the book or not, there’s no dispute that the systemic organization of various beliefs, both philosophical and theological, are not the ramblings of a depraved mind or a self-aggrandizing lunatic. This was not written by a Charles Manson to deceive people; that much is abundantly clear. Even if every particular fact in the book were a lie, the totality of the organizational structure coheres within itself almost perfectly, which is a miracle in itself. It stands head-and-shoulders above any other philosophical belief to rigorous cross-examination on its points.

    However, the cavalier commendation of eugenics in T.U.B. is necessarily worthy of critical consideration.

    Eugenics is the purposive removal of undesired genetic information from human strains of DNA by selective breeding processes.

    The reason that selective breeding is necessary is that besides natural (or unnatural) selection, we have no way of going into someone’s DNA, (their genetic information,) and non-intrusively modifying it to remove undesired characteristics. Thus, we are stuck with the DNA we are born with, and that’s about all we can hope to pass on to our progeny.

    Therefore, The Urantia Book upbraids irresponsible humanity for causing its own problems through negligence in this area. We learn that:

    The process of planetary evolution is orderly
    and controlled. The development of
    higher organisms from lower groupings of life
    is not accidental. Sometimes evolutionary
    progress is temporarily delayed by the destruction
    of certain favorable lines of life plasm carried
    in a selected species. It often requires ages
    upon ages to recoup the damage occasioned
    by the loss of a single superior strain of human
    heredity. These selected and superior strains
    of living protoplasm should be jealously and
    intelligently guarded when once they make
    their appearance. And on most of the inhabited
    worlds these superior potentials of life are valued
    much more highly than on Urantia.


    These six evolutionary races are destined
    to be blended and exalted by amalgamation
    with the progeny of the Adamic uplifters. But
    before these peoples are blended, the inferior
    and unfit are largely eliminated. The Planetary
    Prince and the Material Son, with other
    suitable planetary authorities, pass upon the
    fitness of the reproducing strains. The difficulty
    of executing such a radical program on
    Urantia consists in the absence of competent
    judges to pass upon the biologic fitness or
    unfitness of the individuals of your world
    races. Notwithstanding this obstacle, it seems
    that you ought to be able to agree upon the
    biologic disfellowshiping of your more markedly
    unfit, defective, degenerate, and antisocial stocks.

    In summary:

    1) On planets with beings superior to our own, the actually care about their superior strains of DNA, and protect them, while we Earthlings tend to be relatively indifferent towards our own superior strains of DNA-

    2) -even though we don’t have advanced processes for determining biological unfitness to reproduce, as the beings on superior planets do, yet in all seriousness, it’s not that difficult to notice the defective strains and we should be diligently taking efforts to stay away from them (disfellowship ourselves.)

    Many other similar statements are made in this paper, and other Urantia papers, corroborating this approach to human reproduction.

    In reflection on these statements of T.U.B., many questions come to mind.

    • How are we to determine the defective genetic strains of humans?
    • Once we’ve determined the defective strains, how are we to go about enacting our plan to keep them from propagating their faulty DNA?
    • Once the most defective strains are removed, then we must remove the next up from the bottom. Where does it end?
    • Are the defective humans “full-human” or are they less than human, not worthy of the same natural rights as the rest of us, just like dogs, who also don’t have a right to life?
    • What is the plan, in God’s plan of salvation, for the defective people. Is their only purpose to be wiped out and obliterated?
    • Is not unmitigated reproduction the prime mover of natural selection? In what stage of evolution does humanity gain the moral prerogative to force others not to reproduce?

    These are provocative questions, but I knew when I came on here this was a forum with intelligent, thoughtful, and caring people who are not afraid to face the tough questions of life. That’s why I decided to post it, to let your superior brains take a stab at these problems, that I honestly can’t find an answer to, because I know you’ll do it with integrity and excellence. I’m looking forward to chatting with you all!

    Thank you,


    – End of cut and paste –
    Anyone kind enough to hand him a e-hanky after all that a-kissing? LOL
    1.  Modern warfare is killing off superior strains.
    2. Bacteria and viral born illnesses flourish in the conditions left behind by war.
    3. YOU HAVE TO PRACTICE QUARANTINE (of communicable diseases)
    4. Stop knocking up your sex slaves and other AI slaves, if you carefully pre-selected the traits of your slave class so that they don’t rise up and kill you (combo of too stupid and too nice), then you can’t add your superior strain to their strain because the progeny is going to be just smart enough to kill you.
    5. A “middle class” civilization – BUILT WITHOUT SLAVES – was the flowering of millenia of struggle against darkness and confusion and came into being thanks to the teachings of Jesus – the spiritual liberation.  Your Shamans of Gizmology, the worst  priest class yet to harass humanity, targeted all Occidental civilization with economic genocide via virtual reality as revenge for “Hitler”.  You took out your own buffer class against the hordes wandering around as fodder for Global War, Drug and Slave Lords, so how smart are you to talk “eugenics” now to anyone?
    6. The solution to pollution is NOT dilution.  Why do the cafeterias at Monsanto labs serve “organic” food in their cafeterias and not the “genetically modified organism” – their own food stuff?
    The rest of my suggestion would go zing over the head of anyone who did not read the whole book at least twice when it comes to “eugenics”…and good luck with Larry, Mo and Curly educating you (oh, the irony….).
    Now, since Vern and many others reading along no doubt fancy themselves to be part Nodite, there is this tidbit in Paper 50:
    50:6.1 (578.1) “The isolation of Urantia renders it impossible to undertake the presentation of many details of the life and environment of your Satania neighbors. In these presentations we are limited by the planetary quarantine and by the system isolation. We must be guided by these restrictions in all our efforts to enlighten Urantia mortals, but in so far as is permissible, you have been instructed in the progress of an average evolutionary world, and you are able to compare such a world’s career with the present state of Urantia.”
    So I am starting a new thread – cutting and pasting Paper 50 – because the whole Paper is INSTRUCTIONS!  Go figure….



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