Deity Connections

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    1286.5) 117:5.7 The great circuits of energy, mind, and spirit are never the permanent possessions of ascending personality; these ministries remain forever a part of Supremacy. In the mortal experience the human intellect resides in the rhythmic pulsations of the adjutant mind-spirits and effects its decisions within the arena produced by encircuitment within this ministry. Upon mortal death the human self is everlastingly divorced from the adjutant circuit. While these adjutants never seem to transmit experience from one personality to another, they can and do transmit the impersonal repercussions of decision-action through God the Sevenfold to God the Supreme. (At least this is true of the adjutants of worship and wisdom.)

    (1286.6) 117:5.8 And so it is with the spiritual circuits: Man utilizes these in his ascent through the universes, but he never possesses them as a part of his eternal personality. But these circuits of spiritual ministry, whether Spirit of Truth, Holy Spirit, or superuniverse spirit presences, are receptive and reactive to the emerging values in ascending personality, and these values are faithfully transmitted through the Sevenfold to the Supreme.

    (1286.7) 117:5.9 While such spiritual influences as the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Truth are local universe ministrations, their guidance is not wholly confined to the geographic limitations of a given local creation. As the ascending mortal passes beyond the boundaries of his local universe of origin, he is not entirely deprived of the ministry of the Spirit of Truth which has so constantly taught and guided him through the philosophic mazes of the material and morontial worlds, in every crisis of ascension unfailingly directing the Paradise pilgrim, ever saying: “This is the way.” When you leave the domains of the local universe, through the ministry of the spirit of the emerging Supreme Being and through the provisions of superuniverse reflectivity, you will still be guided in your Paradise ascent by the comforting directive spirit of the Paradise bestowal Sons of God.

    (1287.1) 117:5.10 How do these manifold circuits of cosmic ministry register the meanings, values, and facts of evolutionary experience in the Supreme? We are not exactly certain, but we believe that this registry takes place through the persons of the Supreme Creators of Paradise origin who are the immediate bestowers of these circuits of time and space. The mind-experience accumulations of the seven adjutant mind-spirits, in their ministry to the physical level of intellect, are a part of the local universe experience of the Divine Minister, and through this Creative Spirit they probably find registry in the mind of Supremacy. Likewise are mortal experiences with the Spirit of Truth and the Holy Spirit probably registered by similar techniques in the person of Supremacy.

    (1287.2) 117:5.11 Even the experience of man and Adjuster must find echo in the divinity of God the Supreme, for, as the Adjusters experience, they are like the Supreme, and the evolving soul of mortal man is created out of the pre-existent possibility for such experience within the Supreme.

    (1287.3) 117:5.12 In this manner do the manifold experiences of all creation become a part of the evolution of Supremacy. Creatures merely utilize the qualities and quantities of the finite as they ascend to the Father; the impersonal consequences of such utilization remain forever a part of the living cosmos, the Supreme person.

    (1287.4) 117:5.13 What man himself takes with him as a personality possession are the character consequences of the experience of having used the mind and spirit circuits of the grand universe in his Paradise ascent. When man decides, and when he consummates this decision in action, man experiences, and the meanings and the values of this experience are forever a part of his eternal character on all levels, from the finite to the final. Cosmically moral and divinely spiritual character represents the creature’s capital accumulation of personal decisions which have been illuminated by sincere worship, glorified by intelligent love, and consummated in brotherly service.

    (1287.5) 117:5.14 The evolving Supreme will eventually compensate finite creatures for their inability ever to achieve more than limited experience contact with the universe of universes. Creatures can attain the Paradise Father, but their evolutionary minds, being finite, are incapable of really understanding the infinite and absolute Father. But since all creature experiencing registers in, and is a part of, the Supreme, when all creatures attain the final level of finite existence, and after total universe development makes possible their attainment of God the Supreme as an actual divinity presence, then, inherent in the fact of such contact, is contact with total experience. The finite of time contains within itself the seeds of eternity; and we are taught that, when the fullness of evolution witnesses the exhaustion of the capacity for cosmic growth, the total finite will embark upon the absonite phases of the eternal career in quest of the Father as Ultimate.


    Our Deity Connections are unified in purpose and source and effect by their circuitry of connectivity to each individual personality. Personality integrates and unifies all the circuits of connectivity into the selfhood of individualized experience and expressions of reality-response and freewill choices.

    The realization of personality potentials in time are experiential and progressive. The personalized experience and expressions of our shared universal Deity Connections and our individualized freewill choices are a function of selfhood. Or… selfhood is our relationship with the Deity Connections and Deity Gravity Circuits of spirit, mind, and personality.

    While all of reality (energy and matter included) is connected to Deity, only personalities possess selfhood and freewill and progressive potential-realization by the choices we make and by the relationships we have with Deity and with one another.

    9:4.5 (102.5) Cosmic force responds to mind even as cosmic mind responds to spirit. Spirit is divine purpose, and spirit mind is divine purpose in action. Energy is thing, mind is meaning, spirit is value. Even in time and space, mind establishes those relative relationships between energy and spirit which are suggestive of mutual kinship in eternity.

    9:4.6 (102.6) Mind transmutes the values of spirit into the meanings of intellect; volition has power to bring the meanings of mind to fruit in both the material and spiritual domains. The Paradise ascent involves a relative and differential growth in spirit, mind, and energy. The personality is the unifier of these components of experiential individuality.


    Our personal and individual Deity Connections means that God is thereby also and likewise connected to all personalities. This is the functional and factual family relationship called the Brotherhood/Sisterhood of creation.

    We are each connected to Deity and we are all so connected thusly to each other too. Our relationship to God creates relationships to each other – even to all others everywhere forevermore.


    12:7.8 (138.3) The Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man present the paradox of the part and the whole on the level of personality. God loves each individual as an individual child in the heavenly family. Yet God thus loves every individual; he is no respecter of persons, and the universality of his love brings into being a relationship of the whole, the universal brotherhood.

    12:7.9 (138.4) The love of the Father absolutely individualizes each personality as a unique child of the Universal Father, a child without duplicate in infinity, a will creature irreplaceable in all eternity. The Father’s love glorifies each child of God, illuminating each member of the celestial family, sharply silhouetting the unique nature of each personal being against the impersonal levels that lie outside the fraternal circuit of the Father of all. The love of God strikingly portrays the transcendent value of each will creature, unmistakably reveals the high value which the Universal Father has placed upon each and every one of his children from the highest creator personality of Paradise status to the lowest personality of will dignity among the savage tribes of men in the dawn of the human species on some evolutionary world of time and space.

    12:7.10 (138.5) This very love of God for the individual brings into being the divine family of all individuals, the universal brotherhood of the freewill children of the Paradise Father. And this brotherhood, being universal, is a relationship of the whole. Brotherhood, when universal, discloses not the each relationship, but the all relationship. Brotherhood is a reality of the total and therefore discloses qualities of the whole in contradistinction to qualities of the part.

    12:7.11 (138.6) Brotherhood constitutes a fact of relationship between every personality in universal existence. No person can escape the benefits or the penalties that may come as a result of relationship to other persons. The part profits or suffers in measure with the whole. The good effort of each man benefits all men; the error or evil of each man augments the tribulation of all men. As moves the part, so moves the whole. As the progress of the whole, so the progress of the part. The relative velocities of part and whole determine whether the part is retarded by the inertia of the whole or is carried forward by the momentum of the cosmic brotherhood.

    12:7.12 (139.1) It is a mystery that God is a highly personal self-conscious being with residential headquarters, and at the same time personally present in such a vast universe and personally in contact with such a well-nigh infinite number of beings. That such a phenomenon is a mystery beyond human comprehension should not in the least lessen your faith. Do not allow the magnitude of the infinity, the immensity of the eternity, and the grandeur and glory of the matchless character of God to overawe, stagger, or discourage you; for the Father is not very far from any one of you; he dwells within you, and in him do we all literally move, actually live, and veritably have our being.

    12:7.13 (139.2) Even though the Paradise Father functions through his divine creators and his creature children, he also enjoys the most intimate inner contact with you, so sublime, so highly personal, that it is even beyond my comprehension—that mysterious communion of the Father fragment with the human soul and with the mortal mind of its actual indwelling. Knowing what you do of these gifts of God, you therefore know that the Father is in intimate touch, not only with his divine associates, but also with his evolutionary mortal children of time. The Father indeed abides on Paradise, but his divine presence also dwells in the minds of men.

    12:7.14 (139.3) Even though the spirit of a Son be poured out upon all flesh, even though a Son once dwelt with you in the likeness of mortal flesh, even though the seraphim personally guard and guide you, how can any of these divine beings of the Second and Third Centers ever hope to come as near to you or to understand you as fully as the Father, who has given a part of himself to be in you, to be your real and divine, even your eternal, self?

    Nigel Nunn

    Bradly wrote:

    “Our personal and individual Deity Connections means that God is thereby also and likewise connected to all personalities. This is the functional and factual family relationship called the Brotherhood/Sisterhood of creation.

    We are each connected to Deity and we are all so connected thusly to each other too. Our relationship to God creates relationships to each other — even to all others everywhere forevermore.”

    The fourth PLUS fifth epochal revelations in a nutshell?

    Nice one, Bradly!


    Hey Nigel!


    So much of the Fifth was implied by the Jesusonian Gospel of the Fourth.  The relationship of family has certain inevitabilities I think:


    The circuitry and connectivity between Deity, and both each and all personalities throughout the universe of universes, also binds eternity to time and perfection to the imperfect and perfecting and the complete and replete to the not yet completed evolutionary progress and potential.

    Experiential Wisdom is not limited in its effects, or acquisition, to time and the beings born or created in time. The progressive spiritualization experience of reality-in-time has eternal and universal impacts and implications beyond time. Realized potentials are actualized in reality…the future reality of all beings …and all Deity.

    Deity Connections are a dynamic feedback circuitry that gains voltage and amperage in time and from time bound beings by the near eternal mechanism of potentials realization creating evermore potentials for further realization and eternalization by the reality actualization of prior potentials by freewill experiential and evolutionary beings in time.

    The Deity Connections are also one-way filters which trap all evil/error and sin and iniquity, confined locally and temporally to prevent the poisoning pollution of imperfection to survive in eternity. This same filtration allows for the free flow of all truth, beauty, goodness, and love experienced or expressed as a progressive realization of potential into the eternal circuits of our Deity Connections.

    This is one of the most powerful and important reality revelations presented in the Urantia Papers. The co-creative partnership between Deity and all other personalities. Tadpoles are given the power of self determination by freewill selfhood. But our choices and progress in realizing our own personal potentials also affects all other beings everywhere and forevermore, including Deity.

    Or so I understand the UB to teach us.

    Fascinating. Incredible. Wonderful.


    The Deity Connections are the never ending circuitry of creativity by all personalities in time:

    118:0.10 (1294.10) Creative growth is unending but ever satisfying, endless in extent but always punctuated by those personality-satisfying moments of transient goal attainment which serve so effectively as the mobilization preludes to new adventures in cosmic growth, universe exploration, and Deity attainment.

    118:0.11 (1294.11) While the domain of mathematics is beset with qualitative limitations, it does provide the finite mind with a conceptual basis of contemplating infinity. There is no quantitative limitation to numbers, even in the comprehension of the finite mind. No matter how large the number conceived, you can always envisage one more being added. And also, you can comprehend that that is short of infinity, for no matter how many times you repeat this addition to number, still always one more can be added.

    118:0.12 (1294.12) At the same time, the infinite series can be totaled at any given point, and this total (more properly, a subtotal) provides the fullness of the sweetness of goal attainment for a given person at a given time and status. But sooner or later, this same person begins to hunger and yearn for new and greater goals, and such adventures in growth will be forever forthcoming in the fullness of time and the cycles of eternity.

    118:0.13 (1294.13) Each successive universe age is the antechamber of the following era of cosmic growth, and each universe epoch provides immediate destiny for all preceding stages. Havona, in and of itself, is a perfect, but perfection-limited, creation; Havona perfection, expanding out into the evolutionary superuniverses, finds not only cosmic destiny but also liberation from the limitations of pre-evolutionary existence.


    118:0.13 (1294.13) Each successive universe age is the antechamber of the following era of cosmic growth, and each universe epoch provides immediate destiny for all preceding stages. Havona, in and of itself, is a perfect, but perfection-limited, creation; Havona perfection, expanding out into the evolutionary superuniverses, finds not only cosmic destiny but also liberation from the limitations of pre-evolutionary existence.

    “perfection limited”….??????

    What an original and exciting and quite perplexing concept!

    Perfection limited.

    The “limitations of pre-evolutionary existence”, or limits of perfection, appears to indicate that our Deity Connections act to reap a harvest of evolutionary contributions to original, existential and eternal perfection somehow.

    As perfecting becomes experientially perfected by the progressive evolutionary results of freewill personalities in time, the collective totality of creation is less and less perfection-limited. All beings throughout the universes of time and eternity benefit by the Deity Connections which unite us all into a singular Divine plan and purpose.

    Such a paradox presents so much to ponder…


    So….Deity Connections….

    According to the Papers everything which is created is connected to Deity. Nothing is not connected by and to and within the circuitry of energy, mind, spirit, and personality. Not everything is connected to everything else exactly…but every being and everything is connected to the First Source and Center of creation.

    Stars and planets don’t have mind or spirit or personality. Plants and animals do not have spirit or personality. But God is the First Source and Center of all reality/creation. Everything is connected to Deity in many ways. Nothing that is real is not thusly so connected to Deity.

    But there is existential and perfect Deity and there are the Divine Circuits and creative agents of existential Deity and then there is Experiential Deity and then too, the Children of Time, all connected one to another, and all to their original First Source and Center, in myriad ways. Deity Connections are endless in both form and function and also in the potentials of time and experiential wisdom.

    Study more about “Experiential Wisdom” here:

    Paper 4 offers an introduction to reality’s Deity Connections.

    Paper 4

    God’s Relation to the Universe

    4:0.1 (54.1) THE Universal Father has an eternal purpose pertaining to the material, intellectual, and spiritual phenomena of the universe of universes, which he is executing throughout all time. God created the universes of his own free and sovereign will, and he created them in accordance with his all-wise and eternal purpose. It is doubtful whether anyone except the Paradise Deities and their highest associates really knows very much about the eternal purpose of God. Even the exalted citizens of Paradise hold very diverse opinions about the nature of the eternal purpose of the Deities.

    4:0.2 (54.2) It is easy to deduce that the purpose in creating the perfect central universe of Havona was purely the satisfaction of the divine nature. Havona may serve as the pattern creation for all other universes and as the finishing school for the pilgrims of time on their way to Paradise; however, such a supernal creation must exist primarily for the pleasure and satisfaction of the perfect and infinite Creators.

    4:0.3 (54.3) The amazing plan for perfecting evolutionary mortals and, after their attainment of Paradise and the Corps of the Finality, providing further training for some undisclosed future work, does seem to be, at present, one of the chief concerns of the seven superuniverses and their many subdivisions; but this ascension scheme for spiritualizing and training the mortals of time and space is by no means the exclusive occupation of the universe intelligences. There are, indeed, many other fascinating pursuits which occupy the time and enlist the energies of the celestial hosts.


    195:10.3 (2084.3) Ever bear in mind—God and men need each other. They are mutually necessary to the full and final attainment of eternal personality experience in the divine destiny of universe finality.


    Existential wisdom and eternal perfection benefit from evolutionary experiential wisdom of the perfecting children of time. Deity Connections are circuitry through which flows truth, beauty, goodness, and love between all personalities in time and not in time.

    Every experience or expression of or response to truth, beauty, goodness, and love are new realizations of eternal realities, each unleashing new potentials for ever more reality realization.

    All beings, high and low (Deities, divinities, celestials, mortals, and midwayers), benefit by and from the relationships of all personalities to one another by our Deity Connections. This universal economy of love and wisdom has an endless capacity for more and more love and ever greater wisdom by the evolutionary progress of the children of time.


    1:5.13 (29.3) Personality is not simply an attribute of God; it rather stands for the totality of the co-ordinated infinite nature and the unified divine will which is exhibited in eternity and universality of perfect expression. Personality, in the supreme sense, is the revelation of God to the universe of universes.

    1:5.14 (29.4) God, being eternal, universal, absolute, and infinite, does not grow in knowledge nor increase in wisdom. God does not acquire experience, as finite man might conjecture or comprehend, but he does, within the realms of his own eternal personality, enjoy those continuous expansions of self-realization which are in certain ways comparable to, and analogous with, the acquirement of new experience by the finite creatures of the evolutionary worlds.

    1:5.15 (29.5) The absolute perfection of the infinite God would cause him to suffer the awful limitations of unqualified finality of perfectness were it not a fact that the Universal Father directly participates in the personality struggle of every imperfect soul in the wide universe who seeks, by divine aid, to ascend to the spiritually perfect worlds on high. This progressive experience of every spirit being and every mortal creature throughout the universe of universes is a part of the Father’s ever-expanding Deity-consciousness of the never-ending divine circle of ceaseless self-realization.

    1:5.16 (29.6) It is literally true: “In all your afflictions he is afflicted.” “In all your triumphs he triumphs in and with you.” His prepersonal divine spirit is a real part of you. The Isle of Paradise responds to all the physical metamorphoses of the universe of universes; the Eternal Son includes all the spirit impulses of all creation; the Conjoint Actor encompasses all the mind expression of the expanding cosmos. The Universal Father realizes in the fullness of the divine consciousness all the individual experience of the progressive struggles of the expanding minds and the ascending spirits of every entity, being, and personality of the whole evolutionary creation of time and space. And all this is literally true, for “in Him we all live and move and have our being.”

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