a course in miracles and tub

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    In order to better understand the phenomena behind the ACIM, one should look at the primary individuals behind this endeavor; where I say endeavor, because it would seem that the focal point behind its progress was William Thetford, medical psychologist, who promoted Psychosomatic Medicine, and upon finding Helen Schucman, could see the possibilities in furthering his profession by collaborating to create a self medicating physiological system that would further his beliefs.     After reading the 50 so called definitions for the use of the word “Miracles”, in the title, and then reading the information listed to “Helen Schucman“, it would seem apparent that what and whom she had experienced in her youth, and  also while working with her husband, owning several book stores, than later getting a degree as a psychologist, would justify my understanding that, it was developed primarily for therapy and to sell books for revenue.  Although ACIM, would not really be harmful to a reader, and may even have a therapeutic effect, as was its original intention, having been edited several times, and added to in order to have a more physiological affect, upon the reader, it has no relative baring on Jesus’ teachings, and especially would not have come from Jesus Himself, although is more likely due to Helen Schumann’s psychic experience while visiting France, and from this experience.  Individuals who have had such an experience often find them self more qualified in the profession of Psychology and Psychiatry, where they feel they have insider experience with others who have some psychological issues.  The other problem might be that it seems a religious cult has arisen around this book and its alternate purpose, which may expand outward into, who knows what?


    So the suggestion is to take big blue and beat ACIM followers over the head?

    Thank you for your story. In reviewing what has been posted to this point, I do not read that anyone has suggested “to take big blue and beat ACIM followers over the head”.  I see no evidence of it. Aren’t all of us on a journey? Yes.

     Jesus said:

    “Overpowering arguments and mental superiority are not to be employed to coerce men and women into the kingdom. Man’s mind is not to be crushed by the mere weight of logic or overawed by shrewd eloquence. While emotion as a factor in human decisions cannot be wholly eliminated, it should not be directly appealed to in the teachings of those who would advance the cause of the kingdom. Make your appeals directly to the divine spirit that dwells within the minds of men. Do not appeal to fear, pity, or mere sentiment. In appealing to men, be fair; exercise self-control and exhibit due restraint; show proper respect for the personalities of your pupils. Remember that I have said: ‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock, and if any man will open, I will come in.'” (159:3.2)

    Here’s one of my favorites:

    141:5.1[Part IV]
    One of the most eventful of all the evening conferences at Amathus was the session having to do with the discussion of spiritual unity. James Zebedee had asked, “Master, how shall we learn to see alike and thereby enjoy more harmony among ourselves?” When Jesus heard this question, he was stirred within his spirit, so much so that he replied: “James, James, when did I teach you that you should all see alike? I have come into the world to proclaim spiritual liberty to the end that mortals may be empowered to live individual lives of originality and freedom before God. I do not desire that social harmony and fraternal peace shall be purchased by the sacrifice of free personality and spiritual originality. What I require of you, my apostles, is spirit unity — and that you can experience in the joy of your united dedication to the wholehearted doing of the will of my Father in heaven. You do not have to see alike or feel alike or even think alike in order spiritually to be alike. Spiritual unity is derived from the consciousness that each of you is indwelt, and increasingly dominated, by the spirit gift of the heavenly Father. Your apostolic harmony must grow out of the fact that the spirit hope of each of you is identical in origin, nature, and destiny.
    However, your topic “a course in miracles and tub” invites readers textually to compare the written material of one book (tub)to the other/s (acim).  I don’t think anyone has disparaged you.  Correct me if I’m wrong.  I’m glad you get something out of acim.  The proof of the pudding is in the tasting.



    Mara, I’m the one who started this topic, not the one that you ascribe… Can’t recall his name…

    Anyway, Based on the snippits of the comparesons between acim and tub, I’m inclined to stop reading acim. I was leaning towards that anyway because, even taken on its’ own, it doesn’t make sence. I was considering trying to do some of the lessons, but if the text itself doesn’t make sence, I shudder to think what the effects of completing the workbook would be.

    To those who ascribe to asim who may find this thread, if you are going to take a book or books as your religious documents, then at least make sure that it/they make sense and do not contradict as pointed out above.

    As for me, as I’ve stated before, TUB is my only religious document. I may study other religions from time to time. I may focus on Christianity because that is the dominant religion where I live. But as for me, its’ The Urantia Book!


    Mara, I’m the one who started this topic

    Oops. My boo boo. Sorry about that.   :-)


    That’s okay.



    Perhaps today’s best explainer of ACIM is Gary Renard (with his 3 or more books on the subject)

    His stuff certainly helped me understand what ACIIM was about

    but I can’t say I’ve really ‘done’ the ACIM workbook (its 365 lessons to be done one-per-day)

    Its not like Urantia, its more like Buddhism or western Vedanta (so “non-dualism”)

    I think it has value but I also like stuff like The Seth Books and the Toltec stuff.

    And of course I still think The Urantia Book has much value and should be read by all,

    but my reading of it is now informed by all the other stuff that came after, which has certainly enhanced my understanding.



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