Format of Urantia Papers

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    While perusing the Urantia Book, you shall notice one crucial difference between it and the Bible: the structure of passages are denominated by paragraphs instead of verses.

    This distinction is not without precedent; I found that same structure in the works of Pliny and Hephaestus.  It is found in the fragments of Roman history.  And the Romans endured a dark period of their history whence many an emperor had been slain.  They came out stronger and dedicated themselves to act as fathers rather than kings or lords.

    Why is this crucial distinction between history and biblical lore so important?  Because of the story in the Bible of Jesus’ death upon the cross especially the final day of his life.  Judas had sold Jesus to the Sanhedrin for thirty pieces of silver (30, a highly significant number to the Romans, where a rebellious territory was not allowed self rule but rather was under the supervision of thirty).  The judgment of Jesus was first offered to the governor of Judah, who passed this opportunity on to Pontius Pilate.

    What was of purport in those transactions, was that the authority of the church, Jesus’ church was conferred to a greater body.  It was done governmentally rather than religiously, and shall remain the unbroken tradition until Jesus or Machiventa come to dwell with us.

    The format of the paper, section, and paragraph is found ubiquitously throughout the Western legal discourse; it is our format of discourse, both ancient and modern.  So then we might find a more prosaic entry into the reality of truth, rather than a mysterious and mystical version of the hermetic Jesus found in the Bible.


    According to Encyclopedia Britanica:

    “The Hebrew Bible was written in Hebrew. Its Greek translation, the Septuagint, made it accessible in the Hellenistic period (c. 300 BCE–c. 300 CE) and provided a language for the New Testament and for the Christian liturgy and theology of the first three centuries CE. The Bible in Latin, the Vulgate, shaped the thought and life of Western people for a thousand years. Bible translation led to the study and literary development of many languages.”


    I was fortunate to visit a special presentation of the historical and actual manuscripts of both the Latin text and the ancient Greek texts of the Bible. I was amazed to see the teeny tiny handwritten script of these original manuscripts. All the words looked run together – word after word after word, no paragraphs, no punctuations.   The presentation was a retrospective of historical biblical texts from then to now, as they displayed many translations of the Bible in various formats.  Even now translations and formats are taking place, because people think they can improve  upon previous versions.

    I don’t know what the big deal is about the format of the UB. Do you not marvel at the content of this fascinating book?

    144:8.8    “It would appear that the Father in heaven has hidden some of these truths from the wise and haughty, while he has revealed them to babes. But the Father does all things well; the Father reveals himself to the universe by the methods of his own choosing. Come, therefore, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and you shall find rest for your souls. Take upon you the divine yoke, and you will experience the peace of God, which passes all understanding.”

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