is the urantia book a counterfeit gospel?

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    Hello all: i post this in the Name of Jesus Christ.

    My testimony is that I read this book from cover to cover in approximately 1996. When I read it, I loved it and I believed it.

    After many years of living a very sinful life, I started to get an inkling that something was wrong.  My life was not heading in the right direction spiritually.  I was not growing as a person, I was going backwards.  On Thanksgiving Day, I prayed to The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, The God of Jacob, to show me the truth about the urantia book.

    It was revealed to me that this book is demonic.  Its a counterfeit gospel that twists the truth about Jesus Christ.  I promise every one here that this is the truth.

    This is the truth about the real Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, who is God Himself.

    He was born of a virgin. He lived a sinless life. He died on the cross to pay for our sins.  God rose Him from the dead on the 3rd day after His death, and He ascended to the right hand of The Father (who is The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, The God of Jacob).

    We need saving because we were born in sin and because our nature is such that we sin.  We sin because of who we are.

    God, on the other hand, is Perfect in every way imaginable.  He is Holy, Perfect, and completely without sin of any kind.  Jesus lived a totally sinless life, never making even one mistake despite having to contend with human flesh (Jesus Christ has come in the flesh), and He reconciles those that believe through His death on the cross.  He has overcome all things, including death, the enemy, and sin.

    I pray that at least one of you accepts the truth and becomes converted.

    All Glory to the one true God, who is The God of Abraham, the God of Jacob, The God of Isaac.
















    Hello there and welcome to the forum!! I don’t know what your real name is but I appreciate the sincerity of your faith and conviction regarding the Lord Jesus Christ. Faith is a personal experience and each of us has to be true to the gift that has been bestowed upon us individually by God.

    You tell us that you “prayed to The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, The God of Jacob, to show me the truth about the urantia book.” You then declare that it was revealed to you that The Urantia Book is “demonic” and a “counterfeit gospel that twists the truth about Jesus Christ”. Could you provide more details as to what convinced you that this is the case?

    I too spent many nights and days praying to the same God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob concerning the validity and truthfulness of the book. I wrestled with many ideas and concepts but in time I came to see that this amazing publication contains the true gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ that has set me free from fear, confusion, and sin. My life has been transformed….I have been truly blessed by Jesus and the Universal Father of us all.

    Blessings to you brother!


    Hello all: i post this in the Name of Jesus Christ. My testimony is that I read this book from cover to cover in approximately 1996. When I read it, I loved it and I believed it. After many years of living a very sinful life, I started to get an inkling that something was wrong. My life was not heading in the right direction spiritually. I was not growing as a person, I was going backwards. On Thanksgiving Day, I prayed to The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, The God of Jacob, to show me the truth about the urantia book. It was revealed to me that this book is demonic. Its a counterfeit gospel that twists the truth about Jesus Christ. I promise every one here that this is the truth. This is the truth about the real Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, who is God Himself. He was born of a virgin. He lived a sinless life. He died on the cross to pay for our sins. God rose Him from the dead on the 3rd day after His death, and He ascended to the right hand of The Father (who is The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, The God of Jacob). We need saving because we were born in sin and because our nature is such that we sin. We sin because of who we are. God, on the other hand, is Perfect in every way imaginable. He is Holy, Perfect, and completely without sin of any kind. Jesus lived a totally sinless life, never making even one mistake despite having to contend with human flesh (Jesus Christ has come in the flesh), and He reconciles those that believe through His death on the cross. He has overcome all things, including death, the enemy, and sin. I pray that at least one of you accepts the truth and becomes converted. All Glory to the one true God, who is The God of Abraham, the God of Jacob, The God of Isaac.

    it is amazing where our search for truth may take us.

    with all due respect I cannot help but be curious as to why you would take the time to post your testimony here??


    It was revealed to me that this book is demonic.

    Maybe it was a demon who revealed that to you?  Your own inner demon, perhaps?

    Mark Kurtz

    The Spirit of Truth, sent to us on Pentecost Day, has helped people to recognize truth. I don’t get the same result as inkling when reading this marvelously clarifying document known as the Fifth Epochal Revelation. For me the book has given new insight, resulting in new understanding about the God of all time and all persons. There is no inkling in me that the FER is false, but rather there is strong inkling the book offers new forward and positive spiritual growth for people who want to think and have a living relationship with Jesus and his Father, our Father too.

    To ascribe a new work to demonic sources is to miss marvelous affirmations coming from new understanding, enlightening clarity and new confidence in Jesus and God. To miss these, perhaps after reading the book, even studying, suggests a person doesn’t desire spiritual movement toward God and wants to hold fast onto old resources. We are not to be static; we are to progress and that could certainly be conflict.

    The book is full of kindness; we see many of the 11 Fruits of the Divine Spirit in the writing tone from its authors. They model for us an inspiring urgency of importance to seek truth and accept the the Father’s invitation-command to be perfect.  How can we become perfect without progress?

    I can’t support any concept the book is demon inspired.  Our creator parents and their loyal celestial Sons know what we need here for personal and planetary growth and progress. One could easily conclude Michael of Nebadon came here to Urantia and also taught for his universe children because he has progress in mind for us all. We are told by the Revelators the watchword of the universe is progress.

    Each of us would be welcomed to participate wholly in seeking progress in spiritual realities. Consider: what would a planet or universe be without movement—progress?


    I wonder why “inkling” would provide such testimony anonymously?  And why he would do so here at all as well, as Gene asks?  And I wonder if inkling knows how many UB students were raised in the-church and with the bible?  And still attend the church and study/read the bible today?  And as there is but one God over all what is the import of listing 3 individuals who taught this truth?  Is not God my God and your God as well?  The student body of the Papers may contain some, but by and large, it is not a group of neophytes or gullible believers….nor easily swayed by the religious fervor and spiritual pride and prejudice of others.

    I would suggest a reading of the Red Letter editions of the Gospels and a comparison of the Jesusonian Gospel – the good news delivered by the Master – with the primitive teachings before the Good News… and after.  The differences between the words attributed to Jesus in red and the black letters of man were apparent enough to me by age 13 to know God is not angry or vengeful and would certainly never kill anyone, perhaps most especially his Son, and that such a primitive notion is precisely what Jesus came to correct….and the simple reason of a child can determine that the killing of anyone, especially an innocent one, does nothing at all to eradicate the sins of all time and all others….nonsensical and Jesus never believed or taught a word of it!!!!!

    One of the more peculiar and tragic results of such primitivism is the obligation to “save” others from the eternal damnation and hell fire believed as the fate of all who disagree with such “testimony”…and such a belief reveals a deep fear and anxiety about the nature of God and His universe and our destiny…personal and planetary.  Such fears are hard to shed and so often prevent the joy and peace the Master came to offer all people of all time everywhere.  I am sad for this one’s state of mind and hope he finds the redemption he/she craves that the voice of the Spirit of Truth might speak comfort and truth and teach such minds about forgiveness and love and the family of all creation…as the words in Red so eloquently present.  Go in peace and best wishes.  See you up the pilgrim’s path.  Faith based on primitive beliefs is better than none and may see you find your way to heaven…such is my hope.

    Well….quite a puzzle for the mods here.  Just what will be tolerated at this site where students and believers of the Revelation gather to learn from one another.  What levels of community assault and the fearful pleas of lost sheep for our “conversion” will we abide?  A curious conundrum.  Good luck!


    Well….quite a puzzle for the mods here.

    Agreed, especially since I’m sure we’ve seen this dude before.  Or was it over at TB?  Can’t remember.  But anyway, what kind of craziness turns TUB into a gospel?  Totally erroneous premise to start with.  It’s sad to see a mind warped by such nonsense.

    I think inkling gave us a clue as to how he came by his distorted thinking.  He said that after reading TUB and believing it, he started to live a very sinful life.  Of course, rather than take personal responsibility for living a “very sinful life,” he blames it on a book.  Now that’s a sign of immaturity, in my opinion.  Man-up Mr. inkling.  TUB didn’t make you do it; the devil didn’t make you do it.  You made your life sinful all by  your little ole self.  Take responsibility for it.

    And blaming your sinfulness on your birth is another big cop-out.  No one is born a sinner.  Sin comes from conscious choosing.  A newborn baby is not conscious of his or her choosing. Newborns act on instinct, which is not conscious.  So that’s another losing argument, a scapegoat to avoid having to deal with your own behavior and character.  Jesus is not a scapegoat.  Jesus’ death was not to provide us with a scapegoat for sin.  You alone are culpable for your sin.  There is no magic in the cross that can erase what you knowingly do, or did.  So fix it.

    I’ll pray for you inkling.  I’ll pray that you atone for your self-inflicted sins and realize that our Father is a loving Father who would never slaughter his own son, Jesus or you, for that matter.  You are one of his sons too, doncha know?



    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    On Thanksgiving Day, I prayed to The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, The God of Jacob, to show me the truth about the urantia book.

    It was revealed to me that this book is demonic. Its a counterfeit gospel that twists the truth about Jesus Christ. I promise every one here that this is the truth.

    This is the truth about the real Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, who is God Himself.

    He was born of a virgin. He lived a sinless life. He died on the cross to pay for our sins. God rose Him from the dead on the 3rd day after His death, and He ascended to the right hand of The Father (who is The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, The God of Jacob).

    We need saving because we were born in sin and because our nature is such that we sin. We sin because of who we are.

    God, on the other hand, is Perfect in every way imaginable. He is Holy, Perfect, and completely without sin of any kind. Jesus lived a totally sinless life, never making even one mistake despite having to contend with human flesh (Jesus Christ has come in the flesh), and He reconciles those that believe through His death on the cross. He has overcome all things, including death, the enemy, and sin.

    I pray that at least one of you accepts the truth and becomes converted.

    It would seem “inkling” that by the majority of the responses posted here to your opening post (OP) that they did not truly understand your statement made plain to sight, and in its mention that “this book is demonic” set off the natural inclinations of the sinful nature inherent to all who inhabit what would be considered by name “demonic” if only by the namesake of this universe “Satania”.  However, having stated within your OP, that you “prayed to The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, The God of Jacob,” and later mentioned that the “truth about the real Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, who is God Himself” would indicates that your prayer went to “the real Jesus Christ,” “who is God Himself.”  Where if one would really read what has been presented in the UB regarding the life of Jesus, would have been an abridgment to He who called Himself “The Son of Man”, who has been with us from what could be considered the beginning, so to speak.  Where by your mention of “The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, The God of Jacob,” is an indirect reference to Moses, and that at that time, Moses could also have played the part of “The Son of Man” incarnate, who lead His people out of bondage, thereby conjointly linked to “the Son of the living God,” who the UB mentions as the Original Son, yet based on other narrations about Jesus, would have freed those souls at the time of His death and Resurrection, those souls from the time of Adam, who could also be considered “The Son of Man”, etc., etc.  Even as the UB concurs to this, it would seem that those freed souls, where held in captivity, where some would say, in a place held secure by the “demonic” beings that have also been verified to exist but, neutered from their abilities after Pentecost, unless invited to reside with those who will their conjoint existence.

    Being converted to truth, merely requires an open mind, to many possibilities.  So it does not surprise me that some here wish this new contributor misfortune and fair well, which is part of our nature to do, unless properly educated though the teachings of Jesus, who has returned like a thief in the night, where much of the UB’s narration about Jesus, were taken from His current sojourn here on Urantia.





    53:8.9 In general, when weak and dissolute mortals are supposed to be under the influence of devils and demons, they are merely being dominated by their own inherent and debased tendencies, being led away by their own natural propensities. The devil has been given a great deal of credit for evil which does not belong to him. Caligastia has been comparatively impotent since the cross of Christ.

    There are no demons.  There are only debased natural tendencies which scramble the minds of men and women who allow them to dominate their thinking.


    Midi says above: “So it does not surprise me that some here wish this new contributor misfortune and fair well, which is part of our nature to do, unless properly educated though the teachings of Jesus, who has returned like a thief in the night, where much of the UB’s narration about Jesus, were taken from His current sojourn here on Urantia.”


    Pray tell…who among us do you accuse of such behavior?  I’ve read only compassion, pity, good wishes, and hope for progress in the spirit.  What are you reading?

    Your so-called support sounds mighty gibberish to me…so far.  We are all “Sons”…but only Michael is the Creator/Master Son of Nebadon.  I think the use of the term “demonic” is straightforward enough and does not require your interpretive skills or tormenting of meaning.

    inkling is here to warn us of the falseness and dangers of the UB and its untruthfulness about Jesus and to declare to us the “truth” of atonement and blood sacrifice and the angry God tales of yore, and his/her hope for our individual, if not group, repentance and conversion….what are you talking about?  You always seem to find a way to insult others and make yourself so superior in de-coding plainly written words while losing the topic at hand into the ether.  Troublesome.

    MidiChlorian wrote: . . . set off the natural inclinations of the sinful nature inherent to all who inhabit what would be considered by name “demonic” if only by the namesake of this universe “Satania”.


    Our natural inclinations are not sinful, they’re evil.  HUGE difference.  Evil simply means imperfect.  Our natural inclinations are imperfect, which is why we embark on the adventure of the seven psychic circles, to become perfected in nature, like God, or Godlike.

    148:4.6  By nature, before the rebirth of the spirit, mortal man is subject to inherent evil tendencies, but such natural imperfections of behavior are neither sin nor iniquity. Mortal man is just beginning his long ascent to the perfection of the Father in Paradise. To be imperfect or partial in natural endowment is not sinful. Man is indeed subject to evil, but he is in no sense the child of the evilone unless he has knowingly and deliberately chosen the paths of sin and the life of iniquity. Evil is inherent in the natural order of this world, but sin is an attitude of conscious rebellion which was brought to this world by those who fell from spiritual light into gross darkness.
    Satania is not the name of our local universe.  Our local universe is called Nebadon.  Satania is the name of our local system, to which our planet Uranita, number 606, belongs.  The system of Satania is in the constellation of Norlatiadek, of which there are 100 in the local universe of Nebadon.  The system of Satania and its worlds were created before Satan existed, and as far as I can tell, all the names translated into in English are arbitrary.
    15:14.6  Satania has a headquarters world called Jerusem, and it is system number twenty-four in the constellation of Norlatiadek. Your constellation, Norlatiadek, consists of one hundred local systems and has a headquarters world called Edentia. Norlatiadek is number seventy in the universe of Nebadon. The local universe of Nebadon consists of one hundred constellations and has a capital known as Salvington. The universe of Nebadon is number eighty-four in the minor sector of Ensa.
    MidiChlorian wrote: Moses could also have played the part of “The Son of Man” incarnate, who lead His people out of bondage, thereby conjointly linked to “the Son of the living God,” who the UB mentions as the Original Son


    Nowhere in TUB does it say that the Original Son is “the Son of the living God”.  The Original Son is the Eternal Son, the Second Person of the Trinity, the Second Source and Center.  The Original Son is an existential being who does not participate in the worlds of time and space as a “Son of the living God”.  That job is given to the Creator Sons, the Michaels, who are Sons of the Original Son.  Jesus was known as a “Son of the living God” (Big S) and we all are sons of the living God (little s), while the Adjusters are the actual living God, the Father of all the Sons and sons.  The adjective “living” has to do with the revelation of the personality of God to the universes of time and space.

    6:1.5-6  The Eternal Son is known by different names in various universes. In the central universe he is known as the Co-ordinate Source, the Cocreator, and the Associate Absolute. On Uversa, the headquarters of the superuniverse, we designate the Son as the Co-ordinate Spirit Center and as the Eternal Spirit Administrator. On Salvington, the headquarters of your local universe, this Son is of record as the Second Eternal Source and Center. The Melchizedeks speak of him as the Son of Sons. On your world, but not in your system of inhabited spheres, this Original Son has been confused with a co-ordinate Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon, who bestowed himself upon the mortal races of Urantia. Although any of the Paradise Sons may fittingly be called Sons of God, we are in the habit of reserving the designation “the Eternal Son” for this Original Son, the Second Source and Center, cocreator with the Universal Father of the central universe of power and perfection and cocreator of all other divine Sons who spring from the infinite Deities.

    148:4.10 “Thomas, have you not read about this in the Scriptures, where it is written: ‘You are the children of the Lord your God.’ ‘I will be his Father and he shall be my son.’ ‘I have chosen him to be my son – I will be his Father.’ ‘Bring my sons from far and my daughters from the ends of the earth; even every one who is called by my name, for I have created them for my glory.’ ‘You are the sons of the living God.’ ‘They who have the spirit of God are indeed the sons of God.’ While there is a material part of the human father in the natural child, there is a spiritual part of the heavenly Father in every faith son of the kingdom.”

    5:0.1 If the finite mind of man is unable to comprehend how so great and so majestic a God as the Universal Father can descend from his eternal abode in infinite perfection to fraternize with the individual human creature, then must such a finite intellect rest assurance of divine fellowship upon the truth of the fact that an actual fragment of the living God resides within the intellect of every normal-minded and morally conscious Urantia mortal. The indwelling Thought Adjusters are a part of the eternal Deity of the Paradise Father. Man does not have to go farther than his own inner experience of the soul’s contemplation of this spiritual-reality presence to find God and attempt communion with him.

    186:2.9 Jesus said little during these trials, but he said enough to show all mortals the kind of human character man can perfect in partnership with God and to reveal to all the universe the manner in which God can become manifest in the life of the creature when such a creature truly chooses to do the will of the Father, thus becoming an active son of the living God.

    157:4.4 After they had partaken of their meal and were engaged in discussing plans for the forthcoming tour of the Decapolis, Jesus suddenly looked up into their faces and said: “Now that a full day has passed since you assented to Simon Peter’s declaration regarding the identity of the Son of Man, I would ask if you still hold to your decision?” On hearing this, the twelve stood upon their feet, and Simon Peter, stepping a few paces forward toward Jesus, said: “Yes, Master, we do. We believe that you are the Son of the living God.” And Peter sat down with his brethren.




    MidiChlorian wrote: . . . yet based on other narrations about Jesus, would have freed those souls at the time of His death and Resurrection, those souls from the time of Adam, who could also be considered “The Son of Man”, etc., etc.  Even as the UB concurs to this, it would seem that those freed souls, where held in captivity, where some would say, in a place held secure by the “demonic” beings that have also been verified to exist but, neutered from their abilities after Pentecost, unless invited to reside with those who will their conjoint existence.

    POPPYCOCK ALERT:  What the hell are freed souls held in captivity?  Isn’t that an oxymoron? How can you be free and captive at the same time?  Egads.

    Okay, here’s how it really goes according to TUB.  Sleeping survivors are free souls, they are just asleep until a periodic millennial resurrection roll call, or a roll call at the end of a dispensation.  Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses were all sleeping survivors because none of them fused with their Adjusters, which they presumably had.  During this sleep their souls were in the safe keeping of the guardian angels and their identities safeguarded in their Adjusters.   They were not held captive by anyone, but simply slept the sleep of unconsciousness until resurrection.  If resurrection on Mansion World One is what  is referring to as being a freed soul, then it also makes no sense since there are no midwayers on the mansion worlds.  Midwayers are planet bound, and it was the rebel midwayers who were referred to as “demons” by people who didn’t know better.

    77:7.4 These disloyal midwayers were able to reveal themselves to mortal eyes under certain circumstances, and especially was this true of the associates of Beelzebub, the leader of the apostate secondary midwayers. But these unique creatures must not be confused with certain of the rebel cherubim and seraphim who also were on earth up to the time of Christ’s death and resurrection. Some of the older writers designated these rebellious midway creatures as evil spirits and demons, and the apostate seraphim as evil angels.





    So it does not surprise me that some here wish this new contributor misfortune and fair well, which is part of our nature to do, unless properly educated though the teachings of Jesus, who has returned like a thief in the night, where much of the UB’s narration about Jesus, were taken from His current sojourn here on Urantia.

    JIMINY CRICKETS!  Jesus’ second coming’s gone down?  Why didn’t anyone tell me?  But wait!! That’s not how it goes in TUB . . . He doesn’t return as a thief in the night, but big and bright and full of light for everyone to see and recognize as the Sovereign of our Universe.  The whole world can’t know about his coming if he comes as a thief in the night, and that’s the one thing the TUB authors are absolutely sure about, that everyone will know without a doubt he’s here.  The thief in the night was about Jesus’ departure from this world, not his return.

    176:4.5 We most positively believe that Michael will again come in person to Urantia, but we have not the slightest idea as to when or in what manner he may choose to come. Will his second advent on earth be timed to occur in connection with the terminal judgment of this present age, either with or without the associated appearance of a Magisterial Son? Will he come in connection with the termination of some subsequent Urantian age? Will he come unannounced and as an isolated event? We do not know. Only one thing we are certain of, that is, when he does return, all the world will likely know about it, for he must come as the supreme ruler of a universe and not as the obscure babe of Bethlehem. But if every eye is to behold him, and if only spiritual eyes are to discern his presence, then must his advent be long deferred.

    165:5.6 “You well understand that no man would suffer his house to be broken into if he knew what hour the thief was to come. Be you also on watch for yourselves, for in an hour that you least suspect and in a manner you think not, shall the Son of Man depart.”




    Inkling, I thought I’d give my testimony. I was raised a ultra-conservative ultra-fundamentalist Christian. I ended up a pinacostal  (complete with the falling out and speaking in tonges) after trying the more conservative denominations.

    I however, have always had an interest in other religions. I discovered TUB at first about a decade ago when I was researching Mulchisidek. I was trying to remember the references in the Bible and could not, so I used Google. Besides the references, I found TUB. I was still in college so didn’t think much about it… at the time. Skip forward several years. Though I’d never read TUB in its’ entirety, it still held my interest. I finally read all of it and my reaction was anger… anger that this book would challenge my most cherished beliefs. I still was interested though. I wanted to go deeper in this religion purely for the sake of interest.

    However, before I did so, I thought I’d better explore my own faith first.  I was raised, as I said, a fundamentalist conservative Christian. I, like most of those who profess that faith, had never read the whole Bible. To that end, I downloaded a chronological year long Bible schedule. This puts the biblical events in time sequence. For example, you are reading the life of david where ever it occurs in the Bible and reading the psalms that they think he wrote at the appropreiate places in his life. Another example is when you are reading the history sections, you stop at the right places and read the prophetic books where they should be read. Am I making sence? Hope so. One last example. You also read the events of Jesus’ life as recorded in the gospels where appropreiat.

    Anyway, the long and the short of it is that I did a lot of jumping around in the bible, but in the end I read all of it, in sequence at least, like a novel. By the time I got through with it I was more disturbed by the Bible than the UB. If I had not had the ub to fall back on, I would have completely given up my belief in God. I felt angry and perhaps a little betrayed by the end. I had a better moral code than the people in both testaments, I don’t condone slavery for example, and I don’t believe in an angry god. If you take both testaments, it is is as if you are reading the stories of two different gods. You have the angry one in the ot and the loving one in the nt.

    As a result of me being willing to explore my Christian faith, I turned my back on Christianity and the god of the Bible. I have found a truer “more real” god in the pages of the UB than in the pages of the Bible.

    Do I still have questions? Yes, I do. That is what places like this forum and my study group are for though.

    As for me ggoing to church, I still go.  (though to a United Methodist church now) I go to be around spiritually minded people. I go for the fellowship. I go to worship God with others. I am usually carefull about what I say and who I say it to though as concerning my beliefs. So far I have had a few instances where I had to “retreat” from a subject due the the other person being ultra conservative, but those have been few. For the most part what I have had to say has been well received. At one time, the pastor wanted me to take ministry classes and become a minister. I declined after giving it much prayer and thought though. I could not in good conchance take the vows of a Christian minister when I do not hold Christian beliefs.

    So, I prayed about it. I thought about it. And I came to the exact oppisote conclusion that you did. I could argue that God revealed to me that The Urantia Book is true just as you argue that God revealed to you that the Bible is true. I hope this helps.

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