Where do spiritual beings live when they're on Urania?

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    Where do spiritual beings live when they’re on Urania?


    Greetings ilungaadell…and welcome.

    Sorry to say I have been unable to find an answer to your question.  Spiritual beings do appear to have “abodes” and other forms of meeting places, etc., on architectural spheres but I’ve found no description of  such places being on evolutionary spheres.  Without text on the topic to consider, we are left with speculation.  A related question is where do morontia beings reside….like midwayers especially – our permanent residents.


    Thanks for the interesting question!  I looked up the word ABODES, because that word comes up from time to time in the book.  Here is a link to all the references in the book to the word REST.  Otherwise, as far as I know, our unseen friends are busy all the time and do not have abodes, as such, on our world.  That’s just my opinion.   :-)


    Here is a link to all the references containing the word RESIDENCE and RESIDENTIAL.  Happy reading!


    I had forgotten about the midways. Where do they live on Urantia? Where are their abodes?

    ilungaadell wrote:  . . . I had forgotten about the midways. Where do they live on Urantia? Where are their abodes?

    That has not been revealed, as far as I know.  The morontia level of reality is near us though.  But think of it, if we knew where the midwayers were headquartered, people would be making pilgrimages and shrines.  Best not to know, I think.  Likewise, we have no idea where the planetary pole of space communication is located.

    62:7.2 It was an eventful day on Urantia when our small group gathered about the planetary pole of space communication and received the first message from Salvington over the newly established mind circuit of the planet.


    George Park

    Where do spiritual beings live when they’re on Urania?

    This is a very intriguing question. The planetary headquarters of both the Planetary Prince and Adam and Eve are no longer visibly present. However, numerous celestial beings are stationed here and the transport seraphim are constantly leaving Urantia from the current headquarters located at the energy pole of our planet.

    When celestial beings are to be enseraphimed for transfer from one world to another, they are brought to the headquarters of the sphere and, after due registry, are inducted into the transit sleep. Meantime, the transport seraphim moves into a horizontal position immediately above the universe energy pole of the planet. (39:5.13)

    While planetary space reports are received at noon at the meridian of the designated spiritual headquarters, the transporters are dispatched from this same place at midnight. That is the most favorable time for departure and is the standard hour when not otherwise specified. (39:5.15)

    This headquarters at the “energy pole of the planet” is also the “designated spiritual headquarters.” So there is an actual place where the planetary government is located and where it convenes to address world concerns and affairs and promulgate its decisions. However, I don’t know of any statements in the Book which clearly indicate where this spiritual headquarters is located. If the “universe energy pole” of our planet has a stable location over time, perhaps it is somewhere near the location of the original city of the Planetary Prince.

    For centuries the city headquarters schools of the Planetary Prince and the garden schools of Adam and Eve are contemporary. They are usually not very far apart, and they work together in harmonious co-operation. (51:6.2)

    If this holds true for our world, this spiritual headquarters would be somewhere near the location of the first Garden of Eden. While the first garden became submerged, I don’t recall anything which suggests that the original location of the city of the Planetary Prince is not still above sea level.



    Ilungaadell wrote:


    Where do spiritual beings live when they’re on Urania?


    George Park wrote: This is a very intriguing question. The planetary headquarters of both the Planetary Prince and Adam and Eve are no longer visibly present. However, numerous celestial beings are stationed here and the transport seraphim are constantly leaving Urantia from the current headquarters located at the energy pole of our planet.

    When celestial beings are to be enseraphimed for transfer from one world to another, they are brought to the headquarters of the sphere and, after due registry, are inducted into the transit sleep. Meantime, the transport seraphim moves into a horizontal position <strong style=”font-style: inherit;”>immediately above the universe energy pole of the planet. (39:5.13)

    While planetary space reports are received at noon at the meridian of the designated spiritual headquarters, <strong style=”font-style: inherit;”>the transporters are dispatched from this same place at midnight. That is the most favorable time for departure and is the standard hour when not otherwise specified. (39:5.15)

    This headquarters at the “energy pole of the planet” is also the “designated spiritual headquarters.” So there is an actual place where the planetary government is located and where it convenes to address world concerns and affairs and promulgate its decisions. However, I don’t know of any statements in the Book which clearly indicate where this spiritual headquarters is located. If the “universe energy pole” of our planet has a stable location over time, perhaps it is somewhere near the location of the original city of the Planetary Prince.

    For centuries the city headquarters schools of the Planetary Prince and the garden schools of Adam and Eve are contemporary. They are usually not very far apart, and they work together in harmonious co-operation. (51:6.2)




    {In the Father and the Son and Infinite I bid you greetings llungadell and George,


    I would like to propose some additional information which might be of interest. We; are but sojourners simple “pass-er-bys” not building a place here, but I would present that both the secondary and primary Midwayers are citizens of this planet in the realm next in our voyage in Time and Space into the Absolute and Absonite in this Universe and on toward the Infinite.

    George outlined in his response in relationship to seraphic transports at the energy pole on this planet. This is also the realm of a place but having two entries in the Urantia Material called “Borderland”. A misunderstanding of ‘Dispensational Time’ also is a fleeting concept for èn-mass transportation to the Mansion World one and even that is also misconstrued that all are transported as such.

    George is correct when he wrote “numerous celestial beings are stationed here” but they too are just passer-bys as well, not true citizens of this planet even in that realm. Our graduation enables our experience in this place before moving on to the Mansion World one, when the ‘time’ is correct to do so; we have all the time we need.

    If I may, let me present the entire planet in this realm is available to our type of being in the place outlined as “Borderland. We may find it peculiar that little is discussed in the formal Urantia ‘papers’, but if we were given too much it could have a deleterious effect upon the progressive soul’s journey.

    What we learn here in this accelerated environment of the flesh enables the momentum to seek the Father. The Contact Commissioners understood this well when the Epochal Revelation was presented and they were so informed.

    We all knew that this material IS for this generation and the few ahead and all could not be presented within the pages published in 1955.

    We are always aware that the almost fifty years prior to the culmination of the material (book being published) was the time to bring the concepts back into the human group consciousness.


    Nothing is certain but your graduation into that place llungadell.


    The Father shall bless your striving I hope I’ve helped in some small way.




    Here is a quote from paper 8.4.5 where we are told the location of some ministering angels-being right next to us.

    As the Sons of God are engaged in the gigantic task of revealing the Father’s personality of love to a universe, so is the Infinite Spirit dedicated to the unending ministry of revealing the combined love of the Father and the Son to the in- dividual minds of all the children of each universe. In these local creations the Spirit does not come down to the material races in the likeness of mortal flesh as do certain of the Sons of God, but the Infinite Spirit and his co-ordinate Spirits do downstep themselves, do joyfully undergo an amazing series of divinity at- tenuations, until they appear as angels to stand by your side and guide you through the lowly paths of earthly existence.


    If I may, let me present the entire planet in this realm is available to our type of being in the place outlined as “Borderland.

    And just what kind of being are you Seumas?




    Seumas wrote:

    If I may, let me present the entire planet in this realm is available to our type of being in the place outlined as “Borderland.

    And just what kind of being are you Seumas?


    {Like Bonita; I too am a composite being, Spirit (Mystery monitor), Soul augmented by mind, character, individuality and tine.

    I sojourn here as you and seek the Father’s presence and the Son’s partnership and Infinite Spirit influence.

    Like Bonita, strive to envelope all in loving and caring relationships where possible and available.

    Like Bonita; my compulsion to know the Father propelled me to seek that which is; and understand as much as possible and en-wait graduation to realms and existence yet hereto unknown.

    Why do you ask?




    Why do I ask?  Many of the words you use are not very clear.  For instance, I don’t consider myself to be a composite being, but rather a dual-natured being.  I have, just as you have, many levels of reality that contribute to my selfhood, and TUB describes them as: body, mind, spirit, soul and personality.  In your post you say you are composed of the following: ” Spirit (Mystery monitor), Soul augmented by mind, character, individuality and tine.” [I’m not sure what you mean by tine, but I think you meant time . . . could be wrong.]  You did not mention personality, and you also left out the word body . . . which makes me wonder about what sort of being you are claiming to be.

    0:5.6-10  These qualities of universal reality are manifest in Urantian human experience on the following levels:

    1. Body. The material or physical organism of man. The living electrochemical mechanism of animal nature and origin.

    2. Mind. The thinking, perceiving, and feeling mechanism of the human organism. The total conscious and unconscious experience. The intelligence associated with the emotional life reaching upward through worship and wisdom to the spirit level.

    3. Spirit. The divine spirit that indwells the mind of man — the Thought Adjuster. This immortal spirit is prepersonal — not a personality, though destined to become a part of the personality of the surviving mortal creature.

    4. Soul. The soul of man is an experiential acquirement. As a mortal creature chooses to “do the will of the Father in heaven,” so the indwelling spirit becomes the father of a new reality in human experience. The mortal and material mind is the mother of this same emerging reality. The substance of this new reality is neither material nor spiritual — it is morontial. This is the emerging and immortal soul which is destined to survive mortal death and begin the Paradise ascension.

    0:5.11 Personality. The personality of mortal man is neither body, mind, nor spirit; neither is it the soul. Personality is the one changeless reality in an otherwise ever-changing creature experience; and it unifies all other associated factors of individuality. The personality is the unique bestowal which the Universal Father makes upon the living and associated energies of matter, mind, and spirit, and which survives with the survival of the morontial soul.





    Bontia wrote: Why do I ask?  Many of the words you use are not very clear.  For instance, I don’t consider myself to be a composite being, but rather a dual-natured being.  I have, just as you have, many levels of reality that contribute to my selfhood, and TUB describes them as: body, mind, spirit, soul and personality.  In your post you say you are composed of the following: ” Spirit (Mystery monitor), Soul augmented by mind, character, individuality and tine.” [I’m not sure what you mean by tine, but I think you meant time . . . could be wrong.]  You did not mention <em style=”font-weight: inherit;”>personality, and you also left out the word <em style=”font-weight: inherit;”>body . . . which makes me wonder about what sort of being you are claiming to be.

    {Hello Bontia,

    My apologies for not ‘digging down’ into the minutiae in regards to things like personality sorry did not mention that; and neglecting to define “tine” and yes you read correctly, not time but “tine”.

    Tine is the potential within the soul itself.

    As a composite being these and many other factors are involved in our existence. I am gratified that your evaluation of being is a dual-natured being and you do well in this evaluation. Many do not get to even that awareness. Recognizing the Mystery Monitor as Father Fragment Spirit is a maturing ‘composite’ of my being but that is only this being.

    As we work in ‘time’ and attempt to cultivate this Mystery Monitory into an Adjuster and hopefully into a Thought Controller enables the ‘tine’ of the Soul to mature which culminates with Personality of character to bring ourselves into the presence of the Father and the Son.

    I am gratified that your proficiency in the Urantia material is such a high level of understanding. Surely this material is indeed geared to your generation as it is presented.

    Much realization that we have a tendency to focus our attention on the immediate and the ‘humaness’ for that is the bases of our current reality and most preceptions. Yet, as we continue relationships both here, but also preparation for the next phase of our existence this guide; Urantia is, without a doubt the best concepts made to the majority of the human minds.

    This reality here is but fleeting, the sustaining of Spirit reality is the methods and means we move and have our being.

    Be of good cheer Bontia your communiqué is very good and all the respect due for your position is given.

    Not to offend Bontia, but ‘Body’, ‘Mind’, ‘Spirit’ ‘Soul’ and ‘Personality’ does make a composite being isn’t it?

    The ‘morontial soul’ is developed from the embryonic ‘soul’ within the human experience. The human does not contain a ‘morontial soul’ it is matured from the embryonic ‘soul’ what are your thoughts?

    Thank you for the exchange Bontia well thought out.



    Seumas wrote:  Tine is the potential within the soul itself.

    Oh really?  Where did you learn to use the word tine like that?  As far as I understand it, a tine is a prong or sharp point, like the tines of a fork.  How does that relate to soul potential?

    Seumas wrote: I am gratified that your evaluation of being is a dual-natured being and you do well in this evaluation. Many do not get to even that awareness.
    Well . . . you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to echo what’s written in TUB:

    34:6.9  In every mortal there exists a dual nature: the inheritance of animal tendencies and the high urge of spirit endowment.

    Seumas wrote: As we work in ‘time’ and attempt to cultivate this Mystery Monitory into an Adjuster and hopefully into a Thought Controller enables the ‘tine’ of the Soul to mature which culminates with Personality of character to bring ourselves into the presence of the Father and the Son.
    I’m not sure I agree.  I think humans supply the soil for growth and God does the rest, for best results, that is.  I think this is what Jesus was talking about in this parable:

    151:3.15 Before he dismissed the group for the night, Jesus said: “Now will I tell you the last of the parable of the sower. I would test you to know how you will receive this: The kingdom of heaven is also like a man who cast good seed upon the earth; and while he slept by night and went about his business by day, the seed sprang up and grew, and although he knew not how it came about, the plant came to fruit. First there was the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. And then when the grain was ripe, he put forth the sickle, and the harvest was finished. He who has an ear to hear, let him hear.” 151:3.16 Many times did the apostles turn this saying over in their minds, but the Master never made further mention of this addition to the parable of the sower.

    Then there’s also this quote which further explains that the Monitor or Adjuster does all the work provided the personality cooperates.

    111:1.1 Though the work of Adjusters is spiritual in nature, they must, perforce, do all their work upon an intellectual foundation. Mind is the human soil from which the spirit Monitor must evolve the morontia soul with the co-operation of the indwelt personality.

    Seumas wrote: I am gratified that your proficiency in the Urantia material is such a high level of understanding. Surely this material is indeed geared to your generation as it is presented.

    Why are you gratified?  And isn’t TUB written for your generation too?  Very odd.

    Seumas wrote:Yet, as we continue relationships both here, but also preparation for the next phase of our existence this guide; Urantia is, without a doubt the best concepts made to the majority of the human minds.
    I’m sorry, but I’m having trouble making sense of this sentence.  Are you talking about the Urantia Book?
    Seumas wrote: Be of good cheer Bontia your communiqué is very good and all the respect due for your position is given.

    I’m always of good cheer Seumas.  But what position are you talking about?  I don’t have a position.

    Seumas wrote:  . . . the human does not contain a ‘morontial soul’ it is matured from the embryonic ‘soul’ what are your thoughts?

    I can’t agree with that.  TUB clearly explains that our souls are morontia in substance from the moment of their conception.  The soul is born upon entering the seventh psychic circle, usually between 5 and 6 years old on this planet.  What do you think the soul is made of? Do you think the embryonic soul is something different from the morontia soul?  They are not . . . just like the Mystery Monitor is not different from the Thought Adjuster.  They are one and the same entity.  Here’s the quote again that describes the soul:

    0:5.10 4. Soul. The soul of man is an experiential acquirement. As a mortal creature chooses to “do the will of the Father in heaven,” so the indwelling spirit becomes the father of a new reality in human experience. The mortal and material mind is the mother of this same emerging reality. The substance of this new reality is neither material nor spiritual — it is morontial. This is the emerging and immortal soul which is destined to survive mortal death and begin the Paradise ascension.
    Here’s another quote that explains the true longings of the inner man come from the evolving morontia soul of the material mortal.  This means that the soul, while we live and walk on this earth, is morontia.

    39:3.3 Even mortal man may contribute to the evolution of universe law, for these very seraphim do faithfully and fully portray, not necessarily man’s transient and conscious desires, but rather the true longings of the inner man, the evolving morontia soul of the material mortal on the worlds of space.

    Here’s yet another quote which explains that the morontia life begins right here on earth with the conception of the soul, which is morontial; it has supermortal, or supermaterial functionality.

    48:6.2 You should understand that the morontia life of an ascending mortal is really initiated on the inhabited worlds at the conception of the soul, at that moment when the creature mind of moral status is indwelt by the spirit Adjuster. And from that moment on, the mortal soul has potential capacity for supermortal function, even for recognition on the higher levels of the morontia spheres of the local universe.

    The soul is morontia and not material.  This next quote explains that because the soul is morontia, it cannot function in the material level of reality.  That is why it is called the mid-mind and also why having a relationship with the Adjuster in the soul can only be proven by spiritual fruit. Although the soul does not function on the material level, it can influence the personality to produce fruit within the material world by doing God’s will.  God’s will is only discovered and recognized within the soul. When the human will permits God’s will to be done, fruit is produced.

    111.3.2  During the life in the flesh the evolving soul is enabled to reinforce the supermaterial decisions of the mortal mind. The soul, being supermaterial, does not of itself function on the material level of human experience. Neither can this subspiritual soul, without the collaboration of some spirit of Deity, such as the Adjuster, function above the morontia level. Neither does the soul make final decisions until death or translation divorces it from material association with the mortal mind except when and as this material mind delegates such authority freely and willingly to such a morontia soul of associated function. During life the mortal will, the personality power of decision-choice, is resident in the material mind circuits; as terrestrial mortal growth proceeds, this self, with its priceless powers of choice, becomes increasingly identified with the emerging morontia-soul entity; after death and following the mansion world resurrection, the human personality is completely identified with the morontia self. The soul is thus the embryo of the future morontia vehicle of personality identity.


    {In the Father and the Son and Infinite I bid you greetings llungadell and George,

    Greetings to you Seumas.  Forgive me for chortling about the audacity of your greeting!  I am confident you are a finite mortal being just like the rest of us.  I hope you enjoy studying the UB with us!  That’s what we do here.

    Where did you learn to use the word tine like that?  As far as I understand it, a tine is a prong or sharp point, like the tines of a fork.

    Giggles!  :-)

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