Three questions

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    I have several questions, so I thought I’d post them in my first ever topic. They are as follows.
    1. What Christian denominations more or less are open to concepts in TUB? Or barring that, are open to TUB itself? I ask because I’m considering leaving the church that I currently go to for personal reasons and if I am going to join another church, then I would like it to be one that is open to TUB if possible. Feel free to answer the question using any and all possible answers. I’m not the only one to have this one I’m sure. I just hope that one of them is here.
    I’m from Talladega Alabama. I’m using to help me find a church. The site isn’t regularly updated, so I’ll have to call before I go to make sure that the church still exists. I learned that the hard way…
    2. My second question is, perhaps, more complicated. Sence I can’t openly profess my belief in TUB at church, I’ll have to basically live two lives, one that the church sees and one in the Urantia community. What problems will I encounter and how can I overcome them? Am I making a mountain out of a mole hill here? How can I keep the two lives seperate? Especially when most of my friends will most likely come from said church?
    3. Finally, even though I am single at the moment, I do not plan to remain that way for the rest of my life. When I meet that someone, how can I introduce her to the UB? And if she is not willing to believe it, how difficult will our life together be? Especially sense we will essentially be of two different faiths? Thanks for any insight that you have.



    Greetings Chuck,

    I have found that churches are mainly social institutions.  But, in answer to your question about resistance to TUB information, I have found that Friends churches (formerly Quaker) where “ waiting in silence” is a portion of their ministry have been more open to an acquaintance with the Spirit of Truth.  Not all Friends churches continue to practice this waiting; some have a portion of quiet time during their services while others spend whole services (~+or- 60 minutes) waiting.  Following the waiting time is conversation about personal experience in learning and growing in Truth.   Recall though, add information to uplift, but not to correct.

    I have had both positive and negative experiences in these churches.  There are no Friends’ churches where I live now.  I have never joined a church, but you can attend them anyway.  There is a common TUB and biblical thought of the importance of living as a witness to your beliefs, and, being able to give an answer as to why you live as you do.  So when you are asked, you may gently share the truths that are relevant to your questioner.





    1. What Christian denominations more or less are open to concepts in TUB?

    I have friends, longtime UB readers, who attend Unity Church (you can Google it for your area) and they are very satisfied with the people there being open minded and very loving.  They invited a bunch of us UB readers to join them there for Easter services on Sunday.

    2. My second question is, perhaps, more complicated. Sence I can’t openly profess my belief in TUB at church, I’ll have to basically live two lives, one that the church sees and one in the Urantia community.

    I ask myself, what can I say to you that would be most helpful?  Would it be helpful for me to tell you not to worry about it?  Profess your belief in our Jesus and our heavenly Father.  Have faith.  Enjoy the satisfactions of fellowship with others wherever you find them – those who also love Jesus and who love and worship our heavenly Father.  Try to avoid attempting to change someone by saying too much to them about the endlessly fascinating UB material, since it is way more than what the Bible offers.  I imagine you would love to have someone you could personally talk to about the book and what you are discovering. There might be UB readers in your area.  Maybe even a study group if you ask around.

    3. Finally, even though I am single at the moment, I do not plan to remain that way for the rest of my life. When I meet that someone, how can I introduce her to the UB?

    I do not think there is a recipe to follow regarding this question.  It’s so personal and individual and unique.  You can be assured that God has a plan and you are a part of it.  Stick with Him and you will find the way that’s right for you.  I wish you every blessing as you go forward dedicating your life to doing the will of God and with His help in finding your special partner.





























    Thanks for the responses so far. As for the denominations mentioned, there aren’t any of those particular churches in my area. I find the responses encouraging all the same though. As I said, thank you.




    Hi Chuck,

    Just a quick thought regarding your second question. You can talk about the key concepts of the UB with out mentioning the book by name. The gospel of Jesus…..the loving Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of the human race….. is a very appealing message to people of many different faiths. Just let your light shine before men, be loving and friendly, and I’m sure you will be very welcome wherever you go.

    Let us know how it turns out for you Chuck!


    Julian    :-)

    chucksmith1982 wrote:   . . . How can I keep the two lives seperate?
    Absolutely do not live two separate lives.  It will make you crazy and become the source of all manner of confusion. The goal is supposed to be to strive for a unified personality living a unified life.  How can you do that if you’re divided up?

     p1124:3  102:6.1  To isolate part of life and call it religion is to disintegrate life and to distort religion. And this is just why the God of worship claims all allegiance or none.


    I realize you said you don’t have any of the suggested denominations in your area, but if you ever do learn of a Friends (Quaker) group, I suggest that. I attended an ‘unprogrammed’ Friends meeting for many years.  “Unprogrammed” just means there is no scheduled speaker who leads the discussion – the group simply sits in silence for an hour and if the spirit moves anyone to speak, they stand and share a short thought or query that they have been pondering.  No one responds to it directly, everyone just takes it in and thinks on it or goes on to whatever they were thinking about before.  It can be a powerful feeling of community and oneness with the Spirit.

    As to how to believe in TUB while also attending a Christian church, there are many, many things in common.  You can focus on those things while associating with other members of your Church community.  You do  not have to proselytize about TUB.  Focus on faith in God, trust in Jesus (Michael of Nebadon), brotherhood and love of others; service.

    The TUB itself pretty much says that there will be no church that completely espouses its teachings.  The TUB tells us that religion is an individual experience and that attending Church is beneficial in that it is a socialization of spiritual beliefs.  No man is an island, so we need to allow ourselves to experience religious concepts in a variety of environments, while remaining true to the leadings of our own Thought Adjuster.

    Keryn wrote:  No man is an island, so we need to allow ourselves to experience religious concepts in a variety of environments, while remaining true to the leadings of our own Thought Adjuster.

    I agree with that.  It’s pretty much summed up in the following quote:

    p1101:04 The characteristic difference between evolved and revealed religion is a new quality of divine wisdom which is added to purely experiential human wisdom. But it is experience in and with the human religions that develops the capacity for subsequent reception of increased bestowals of divine wisdom and cosmic insight.


    I remember an amazing experience few years back.  I was in the lunchroom eating a sandwich and found something to read.  It was a weekly throw-away magazine chock full of  things for sale and services for sale.  (For some quirky reason I love to read these throw-aways.)  I read an ad that said, “Are there any Urantia Book readers out there?”  I was quivering with excitement and anticipation that very moment, until I could phone and tell the person yes!  He lived in the next town up the highway and we met for the first time when he attended our study group.  And we had the pleasure of his company until he moved to another area.  He went to work for Urantia  Foundation for a while and now does the Symmetry of Soul study.  Reading his advertisement was a huge surprise to me.  But it was fruitful, both for him and for us!

    You never know in advance what amazing experiences you’ll encounter in your daily life.  Opportunities abound wherever you are.


    Eventually, we are going to feast upon uncertainty.  26:5:3

    39:5:9   In the more advanced planetary ages these seraphim enhance man’s appreciation of the truth that uncertainty is the secret of contented continuity. They help the mortal philosophers to realize that, when ignorance is essential to success, it would be a colossal blunder for the creature to know the future. They heighten man’s taste for the sweetness of uncertainty, for the romance and charm of the indefinite and unknown future.



    Thanks for all of the responses. you have all given me much to ponder. Elsewhere on the forum, I was told in response to another question that the UB readers could help me with rellivant quotes. Thanks to the ones who helped me with this one.



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