The Importance of Organizational Unity

Many students of the revelation, as well as our members, may wonder why the unification of Urantia Association International and the Urantia Book Fellowship is important. A recent survey conducted by Urantia Association revealed that an overwhelming majority—92.3% of respondents—favor unity. While many of us pray for unity within the Urantia movement, we may not fully understand what this unity will require from each of us, and from the two organizations involved in this unification process.

Unity is not merely a matter of concern for the welfare of the organizations involved; it significantly impacts the mission of the revelation to the world. Why is this the case? To answer this, we must ask ourselves the right questions. Consider what the young Jesus pondered when faced with important decisions: “As the years passed, this young carpenter of Nazareth increasingly measured every institution of society and every usage of religion by the unvarying test: What does it do for the human soul? Does it bring God to man? Does it bring man to God?”

In the context of the fourth and fifth epochal revelations, the welfare of the mission of the revelation should take precedence over the welfare of the organizations. Our questions should be: Does being united better serve the revelation, or does it hinder its mission to the world? Does unity reduce confusion and create more harmony? What is my primary objective—the mission of the revelation or the welfare of the organizations? These are critical questions we must ask ourselves when considering the unity of our two organizations.

When it comes to the spiritual appeal of our organizations, what image do we project to the world? Are we seen as a cohesive and united family, or are we perceived as divided and fragmented? As stated in The Urantia Book, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” It is crucial that we embody the teachings of this revelation if we are truly committed to the success of our organizations in spreading light to the world.

The greatest challenge we face is living in accordance with the teachings we are eager to share with the world. Are we prepared to embrace our roles as true children of God, working harmoniously as spiritual siblings? Does our dedication to our organizations and our personal beliefs take precedence over the greater good of the revelation? Are we prepared to present a united front to the world, ready to face the spiritual challenges that lie ahead?

Aren’t we supposed to be the light of the world—have we lost our ability to influence and inspire? It is imperative that we set aside our differences and stand united in our mission to bring the gospel of Jesus to all corners of the world. Division will only hinder our ability to fulfill this vital mission and share the abundance of spiritual gifts the revelation offers. Let us strive to be beacons of unity and strength, ready to face the spiritual battles ahead with unwavering resolve.

The division has resulted in significant harm, leading to confusion among students and driving some away from organized service. It has fostered unhealthy competition to attract human and financial resources, depleting essential assets through redundant projects. However, there is hope for improvement by acknowledging past mistakes and learning from history.

We should also consider who truly benefits from our division into multiple organizations.

I encourage us to reflect and pray on how we can most effectively serve the revelation and Michael. We are not alone in this effort; the angels of the churches and the angels of progress are undoubtedly seeking unity among us and collaborating with us to share this revelation with the world.

Are we ready to embrace the challenge of living in accordance with the teachings of Jesus, the Fatherhood of God, and the Brotherhood of all people?

In the future, history will tell who we really are.