Announcing Two New Programs

SerphiMail for Big Kids and Teens

Your big kids and teens can receive activity pages through the post office mail. Each SeraphiMail page contains a single, simple lesson. With a quote, some commentary, and an activity (like a crossword or a prompt to draw a picture), your kids will get exposure to the simple truths of The Urantia Book on a regular basis.

You may have already heard of CherubiMail, the subscription pages for little kids. SeraphiMail functions in a similar manner. Every two weeks your big kids and teens will receive a page. They can read it, do the activity, and having it sit out on the table might spark conversation about other topics related to The Urantia Book. You may even learn something from the pages, too.

Subscriptions are free for anyone under the age of 25 in the US and Canada. Mailings will start in September.

Want to subscribe your little kids to CherubiMail? Click here and navigate to “Little Kids.”

Family Week

The vision for family week is simple: Urantia families, on vacation together. We will find a site that is centered around family fun—a place that has things like a beach, trails for hiking and biking, and hopefully an ice cream shop—and all you have to do is bring the kids.

There would be a children’s program in the mornings and special activities for the teens, and you can either volunteer or take a well-deserved break. In the afternoons, we would simply be on vacation together, and your family would be free to spend your time however you choose.

This program is in the early stages of development, but you can help us with our planning by taking a survey.