Urantia Association
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Tidings – September 2023

In This Issue

President’s Message – September 2023

Enrique Traver, Brazil

The First Source and Center. First Person of Deity and primal nondeity pattern, God, the Universal Father, creator, controller, and upholder; universal love, eternal spirit, and infinite energy; potential of all potentials and source of all actuals; stability of all statics and dynamism of all change; source of pattern and Father of persons. 105:3.2 (1155.6)

When we delve into The Urantia Book, it is not difficult to perceive the colossal and magnificent creation of our Heavenly Father. The numbers are impressive, from the countless quantity of planets, galaxies, and inhabited worlds to the vastness of descendant children created. The most impactful aspect is realizing that all of this was created for us, with the purpose of elevating our cosmic consciousness and spiritual progression, an evolutionary career from imperfection to perfection. Everything and everyone is at our service, including our celestial Father, the creator, controller, and sustainer of all things and beings. He serves us in countless ways, some by sharing in all of our experiences, such as with the Thought Adjusters, always seeking to guide us towards perfection. At other times, for example, he simply provides all forms of energy that sustain the Universe of Universes, endlessly and inexhaustibly. Sometimes, we fail to realize simple things like seeing and having the sun, rain, air, and all the natural resources that serve us. Everything comes from the same source.

Later, we learn about the countless orders of created beings, with infinite resources and abilities, always serving us in various ways. To serve and serve, to the Father and to all of us.

They support us, enlighten us, provide for us, grandly serving with love, patience, tolerance, with astonishing determination and persistence, and above all, always respecting our free will. We may not realize it, but they are there.

Even we mortals, after reaching our destiny and purpose, serve tirelessly:

During the present universe age the finaliters return to serve in the universes of time. They are assigned to labor successively in the different superuniverses and never in their native superuniverses until after they have served in all the other six supercreations. 31:0.10 (345.4)

Loving and selfless service to the Father and the kingdom is the path to the elevation of all living beings of any order. It could not be different for us mortals. Those who have found God and long for the establishment of the Kingdom of God among men play a fundamental role in the construction of this kingdom, which is precisely to serve as a link, complementary, helping their peers to connect, to find God.

This is a complementary work because naturally we do not have the power to make a connection that can only be made by the Spirit and the individual. However, we can be the living, perceptible, real tool capable of revealing to the individual the wonder of living in the kingdom of God.

The great question that challenges our minds is how to serve? What to do? We are alarmed by the number of problems to be solved in the world and, of course, individually we would not be able to solve all these problems, but the fact is that we are an important part of the solution. The feeling of powerlessness takes hold of our being and frustration brings with it inaction.

The mistake is precisely to bring this challenge to our minds, there lies the error. We must allow the Spirit to guide us, to flow with its love, light, and guidance through us, to coordinate our mind. Our task is not to take the burden of material disappointments off the shoulders of the afflicted, although that may be desirable in many situations. Nor do we have immediate solutions to all the diseases and misfortunes that surround us.

Our task is to bring to all these afflicted ones the faith, hope, and comfort of a strong, loving, and consoling Father. The material challenges, our misfortunes, will not disappear. They will continue to exist. What will change is the way we deal with them, without losing our hopes of a better eternal future, with the understanding that afflictions are temporary experiences.

I admonish you ever to remember that your mission among men is to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom—the reality of the fatherhood of God and the truth of the sonship of man. Proclaim the whole truth of the good news, not just a part of the saving gospel.” 193:0.4 (2052.4)

We should not blame ourselves for all the problems we cannot solve. But it is a pity when we omit ourselves in those challenges that are within our jurisdiction, among our family, friends, in our work, in all the opportunities of our daily lives.

We have the opportunity to engage in this task in countless ways, but the central point is always love and service. We need to form study groups, be a leader or participant in one of them. We need translators, be one of them. Our list for volunteer work is almost endless. Certainly, some of these tasks can count on your loving dedication.

Let our Father guide and illuminate us always.

Latin American Continental Conference — Mexico

Antonio Schefer, Netherlands

The Fifth Revelation in the 21st Century

October 26—29, 2023

Come on and join us in Mexico!

Register now for the next Latin American Urantia Continental Conference! This will be the 3rd Latin American Conference and it is being organized by Asociación Urantia de Mexico (AUM).

We are inviting Urantia Book students from all over Latin America. The program will focus on the major themes of revelation, to inspire us to grow in our knowledge and understanding of the teachings. More information on the program of activities and presentations on the overall theme "The Fifth Revelation in the 21st Century" will be available soon.

This Urantia Conference will be held in Mexico, at the Hotel Quinto Sol, close to the interesting and historical pyramids of Teotihuacán.

Hotel Quinto Sol, just 45 minutes from Mexico City, is a refuge of tranquility, harmony, magic and mysticism, nestled in the Magical Town of San Juan Teotihuacán, where comfort, rest and hospitality are mixed, offering unique experiences, outdoor adventure activities, culinary delights, temazcal and holistic spa.

The language spoken during the conference will be Spanish, and presentations will be simultaneously translated into English and Portuguese.

See the promotional video.

What a joy it will be to see you all in-person together, after so many years of absence during the pandemic, and to study the theme the fifth epochal revelation in the 21st Century at this amazing place in Mexico.

2024 Urantia Association International Conference

Michael Zehr, USA

The Nature and Nurture of the Soul

28 to 31 March 2024
Maritime Conference Center, Baltimore, Maryland USA

Faith is to religion what sails are to a ship; it is an addition of power, not an added burden of life. (159:3.8)

The Urantia Association of the United States would like to invite you to attend the 12th Urantia Association International 2024 Conference, to be held from the afternoon of March 28th, until noon on March 31 in Baltimore, MD, USA. Full details can be found at: 2024 International Conference. Don't delay - early discount ends soon!

The program includes eight topics—four related to the nature of the soul and four related to nurturing our soul. Topics will be introduced by plenary speakers; group discussion and study will be facilitated by breakout leaders. In addition, there will be evening music, entertainment, and worship.

Attendees can stay afterwards at the conference center to enjoy the culture and attractions of Baltimore or visit nearby Washington DC during the Cherry Blossom festival.

Come set sail with us on March 28, 2024!

Global Study Group Survey

Phillip Marriott, AUS

Urantia book image Dear Urantia Book Students, 

To better serve study groups all over the world we are launching the latest global study group survey. It will enable us to feel the pulse of students’ needs and expectations. The results will also help us gauge the current status of study groups. 

Another benefit is that your responses can help us to find you a study group that suits your needs or help you in starting your own. We will share our report with you in the next issue of Tidings.  

If you have not already done so, please use this link to access and fill out the survey: 

Study Group Survey

Once we finish our survey, we will publish the results in Tidings.

Thank you for your cooperation and assistance! 

Urantia Association International 
Study Group Committee 

Urantia Book Study Group at Oregon State Penitentiary

PIRT Volunteer, USA

In 2002, the Urantia Foundation received a letter from Konrad G., an Oregon State Penitentiary (OSP) inmate requesting assistance from a Urantia Book reader to facilitate a study group within the prison.  Oregon Department of Corrections requires that a volunteer come in from outside the prison to facilitate classes such as a religious study group. The Foundation passed the request on to the Oregon Urantia Association president, Pat Murnin.  He and Joy Brandt, the initial volunteers, underwent accreditation, including security clearance and training, to serve as religious volunteers at OSP, and thus the Urantia Book Study Group was born in the Oregon State Penitentiary.

The OSP Urantia Book study group has run for 18 years, excluding a three-year pause during COVID. Over the years, a dozen Urantia Book enthusiasts have served as religious volunteers from the Oregon Urantia reader community. Those who served the longest are Joy Brandt, Pat Murnin, Andrew Rux, Roger Newton, Liz Engstrom-Cratty, Doug Parker, Nancy Votrain, and Dennis Sword.

 The meetings eventually increased from monthly to weekly, but since COVID they are now twice a month.  Numerous inmates have passed through the group, some for only a short season due to being transferred to other facilities, released from prison, or for personal reasons.  However there have been longstanding students as well, including Mike S. who has been with us since the group’s inception, and others who studied with us for many years until finally being released. Currently two others have been studying with us for almost a decade.

New participants are attracted to the group via word of mouth or by announcements we place in the prison's weekly newsletter, the "Walled Street Bulletin.” Over time, we've distributed hundreds of books within OSP, funded by donations from local Urantia groups and volunteers.

If you’re wondering what it’s like to volunteer at a prison, the first time is an unforgettable experience: We soon learned the most efficient way to get through the security checks is to comply with the dress code and follow the many regulations. In addition, every Oregon Department of Corrections volunteer is required to pass State and Federal training twice a year.

The study group convenes around a table in a classroom; inmates must sign up two weeks in advance and be in good standing with the prison. The vast majority of incarcerated attendees are truth-seekers, and the group closely resembles typical Urantia study meetings that are held outside of prison, marked by friendly and polite behavior. We’ve never been concerned about our safety, although a prison guard is nearby if ever needed.

One of the most fulfilling aspects of this ministry is the people we've had the privilege of knowing over the years. Witnessing the challenges faced by these incarcerated individuals has been a humbling experience. We've observed their struggles and seen the human spirit as it triumphs in adversity or, at times, falls short. The remarkable optimism inmates maintain amid trying circumstances never ceases to amaze us.

The monotony of prison life is real. Faced with long sentences, some men take to numbing themselves with illegal drugs, which are easy to obtain in prison. Aggressive guards, dangerous inmates, long lock-downs, small cells, hundreds of rules, as well as the prisoner’s own emotions of anger, fear, and guilt all add to the stress of their situation. Certain individuals have even expressed feelings that their crimes are too severe for God's forgiveness. These are some of the aspects encountered in this prison ministry. But The Urantia Book's affirmation of God's love and mercy serves as a powerful response to such difficulties. We most certainly also witness courage and faith by those who seek God while living behind prison walls. It is awesome to see.

Study Group Members Past and Present

In addition to founding our study group, Konrad G. made another significant contribution during his time at OSP. Being a talented artist and metal worker in the prison’s metal workshop, he collaborated with a fellow inmate to design and build the Oregon Department of Corrections emblem (shown above) which is displayed as you walk up the entrance to the penitentiary and this image is a credit of their work. Konrad participated in our study group for many years before being transferred to another facility. He has since been released and is living near Portland, OR.

I will always treasure these words from Konrad, “Do you realize that what the study group brings to us and imparts upon us – we get nowhere else? With the right nourishment, lilies can grow up from the mire….”

Brian H. has been reading the book for over 50 years, having discovered it prior to his incarceration.  Brian expects to be released in the near future after serving 34 years. A devoted student of the revelation, Brian has brought many souls to the study group and has generously given of his time and financial resources to be about the Father’s business. Brian finds the study group invaluable and is forever grateful to the volunteers for bringing God’s love to a place it is most needed.

Mike S. was introduced to The Urantia Book through Konrad and has been an advocate for the revelation ever since. Mike offers the wisdom he has gained over the years to his fellow inmates. He recently wrote: “The Urantia Book came to me when I most needed it. The downward spiral my life was going through was reversed and somehow it got me on track to live with purpose and hope that my life could change. Instead of being a taker, I slowly became a giver and brought smiles and laughter to my kin and the brothers and sisters in my little part of the world. This revelation dispelled fear and led me to have contact with my Adjuster who helped remove the cloud of doubt I felt for far too long. A Godsend is how I best describe the time I’ve had with the book and I look forward to the many truths I believe will be revealed to me in the days to come. Most of all, I want to thank our volunteers who give their time to come to OSP to help guide us in our study group. Another Godsend.”

Matthew B. received his Urantia Book from a county jail chaplain prior to arriving at OSP. There he read it morning to night and completed his first reading in just three weeks. By the time he got to OSP, he was already on his second reading. During his 17-year sentence, he remained a devoted student of the revelation and was considered the intellectual in the group, having attained a grasp of the teachings well beyond the average reader. Matthew was a model prisoner and dedicated his time while incarcerated to turning his life around. Matthew now lives in Southern Oregon.

Andrew W. is another of our seasoned readers who knows the book well, having joined the group years before the COVID shutdown. He writes, “I had read and heard about The Urantia Book years ago and had desired to read it. This group made the book readily available to me and gave me a forum in which to discuss it.”

Patrick A. came to the group a few months ago. He wrote to say, “I read in my cell every chance I get, especially in the evenings and in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep. I am very happy that I started going to the meetings, it has helped me in so many ways. Every prison should have a study group.”

We pray that The Urantia Book study group continues to foster personal spiritual growth among our brothers at OSP. May minds be illuminated, souls uplifted, and spirits dominant in all who seek truth amidst the challenges of prison life.

The PIRT team would be glad to hear from you to answer any questions that you may have, be it for general advice in your country, conducting in person study, or other insights we might offer for this worthy service. You may contact PIRT by emailing Myra Hight at prt@urantia-association.org.

And remember that, inasmuch as you minister to one of the least of my brethren, you have done this service to me. (176:3.5)

Focus on the Mother

James Woodward, USA

Two thousand years ago on a mountain in the Middle East an event happened that never occurred before and will never again happen in this universe. It was a momentous occasion known to us as the Mount of Transfiguration, but this term is only semi-accurate. The activities did take place on Mount Hermon, and three humans witnessed their Master, Jesus of Nazareth, in a form never seen; they awoke to see their human friend “transfigured” into a shining being of heavenly light. But Jesus did not really transfigure. In the cosmic sense he allowed his Apostles to see him in superhuman form—though not in his full glory as a Creator Son, as that divine energy would likely consume his friends and probably the rocks of the mountain as well. “No man can see God and live.”

The most unique aspect of the gathering, one that cannot be repeated, was the participation of three humans, along with one divine human, one divine Creative Daughter, and two of their highest-ranking spiritual children. The conference was necessary for several reasons: for Jesus / Michael to receive a briefing on universe affairs from Gabriel and Father Melchizedek, including his bestowal success, and to plan the final human chapter of Jesus’ mission; to dramatically reveal his divinity (via the physical controllers at “Jesus’ request”) to his closest human associates; and also to allow Michael and his mate to exchange words of love and support (not revealed but that’s what I’m saying).   

Meaning of the Transfiguration

That which Peter, James, and John witnessed on the mount of transfiguration was a fleeting glimpse of a celestial pageant which transpired that eventful day on Mount Hermon. The transfiguration was the occasion of:

                  1. The acceptance of the fullness of the bestowal of the incarnated life of Michael on Urantia by the Eternal Mother-Son of Paradise. As far as concerned the requirements of the Eternal Son, Jesus had now received assurance of their fulfillment. And Gabriel brought Jesus that assurance.

            2. The testimony of the satisfaction of the Infinite Spirit as to the fullness of the Urantia bestowal in the likeness of mortal flesh. The universe representative of the Infinite Spirit, the immediate associate of Michael on Salvington and his ever-present coworker, on this occasion spoke through the Father Melchizedek. 158:3.3 (1755.3)

The inclusion of the Divine Minister in this family reunion goes unnoticed, usually. A careful reading, however, leaves no doubt that Michael’s consort was made present. Why the midwayers phrased the passage this way, alluding to the Mother Spirit of Nedadon, is an interesting question. It may also be related to the non-reported content of their celestial chat (hint: it was a very personal conversation). Of course, we note the fact that our Divine Mother is always stationed on Salvington, upholding the life currents and mind circuits of our universe, and spoke through an intermediary. We seldom discuss the love of our two universe Creator Parents for each other. Maybe because it’s such a blazingly high and holy affection, it strains the mortal mind to conceive. It is, however, the pattern that is installed in us, shared when we summon the courage to love others at the limit of our capacity, whatever that is. It’s what we are called to do: explore that limit of loving without regard for the perceived value of who we love. Like our Creator Father and Mother do.  

Everyone on the mountain that night knew that Jesus was destined to be martyred, even if his human friends were in denial. It was too much for them to consider. It may have been a lot for our Divine Minister to consider. Her mate had been away on a perilous mission, had already suffered serious human sorrows, and what was coming would test Jesus in the most unfair and barbaric “passion drama” in history. If I were writing the story of their final incarnation separation, in obedience to the Father’s plan of creator education, this is what the most beautiful person in Nebadon would say to her most beautiful companion, “Oh, honey, you have done so well. Now be strong; we will be together again soon. I love you with the heart of our universe.”     

Reflections on the Parliament of the World’s Religions, Chicago 2023

Mark Blackham et al, Canada

The Parliament of the World’s Religions (PoWR) convened in Chicago (August 14-18, 2023) at McCormick Place, a massive conference center situated on the sandy shores of Lake Michigan. The general theme for this gathering was, “A Call to Conscience: Defending Freedom & Human Rights.” Over 7,000 people from 95 countries attended this event.  

The first Parliament was held in Chicago on September 11th 1893, in conjunction with the World’s Columbian Exposition, which introduced the first Ferris Wheel as America’s answer to the Eiffel Tower. The next PoWR did not occur until 100 years later, in 1993, but since then, it has been a triennial event held in different cities around the globe.    

The Parliament is an interfaith movement that seeks to unite over 200 diverse traditions and beliefs by highlighting the common ground between them. And indeed, whether religious or secular, we were delighted to see how many enlightened beliefs and lofty goals we all mutually share.

The opening ceremony was a grand event that set the tone for the next five days. Attendees from all corners of the globe were greeted with a vibrant display of music, dance, and ritual to celebrate the diversity, unity, and sacredness of this interfaith gathering. 

As the theme suggests, there was a particular emphasis on ethics, morality, and human rights, subjects also underscored in The Urantia Book, albeit in more depth. Students of the book know that ethics and morality are never the whole of religious experience (5 :5.4), but they also know that both are essential to the growth of this experience:

Morality is the essential pre-existent soil of personal God-consciousness, the personal realization of the Adjuster’s inner presence, but such morality is not the source of religious experience and the resultant spiritual insight. 196:3.2 (2096.1)

Overall, there were more than 860 sessions with workshops, panels, performances, and religious observances on a myriad of subjects. On each of the five days, a plenary convened in the 4200-seat Crown Theater to raise participants' awareness of the work done by faith leaders and inter-spiritual communities as they join together in the pursuit of truth, justice, freedom, human rights, and democracy for the entire world.

One of the major sub-themes of this conference was social cooperation; a moral call to help each other in our daily struggles, to learn to understand each other, to sympathize, and to stand up as one voice against injustice, prejudice, ignorance, and bigotry. But just as important, this was a positive appeal to the better side of humanity, one furthered through the socialization of religion.

There is a real purpose in the socialization of religion. It is the purpose of group religious activities to dramatize the loyalties of religion; to magnify the lures of truth, beauty, and goodness; to foster the attractions of supreme values; to enhance the service of unselfish fellowship; to glorify the potentials of family life; to promote religious education; to provide wise counsel and spiritual guidance; and to encourage group worship. And all live religions encourage human friendship, conserve morality, promote neighborhood welfare, and facilitate the spread of the essential gospel of their respective messages of eternal salvation. 99:6.2 (1092.2)

While there is no consensus over what constitutes a religion, one definition in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is that it is a set or system of spiritual attitudes, beliefs, and practices.

Religion implies that the superworld of spirit nature is cognizant of, and responsive to, the fundamental needs of the human world. 2:6.2 (40.6)

The Urantia Book is not a religion in the sense that the book itself is an object of worship. Nonetheless, the greater portion of the book is about religion. The Urantia Book is overwhelmingly dedicated to a discussion of God, Deities, spirituality, and religion, including 34 direct references to the “religion of Jesus.” The importance of this religion is emphasized in the last two sections of the book, which are: “The Religion of Jesus” and “The Supremacy of Religion.” In light of this, we can safely say that one main objective of The Urantia Book is to elaborate and promulgate a new personal religion—the newly revealed religion of Jesus.

Despite all the religions represented at the conference, the Urantia booth was quite popular, especially in the late mornings and early afternoons. Usually, there were two to four of us staffing the booth at any one time. Most of us had several opportunities to interact with the many interested people who passed by. At times, we had some challenging questions but nearly all inquiries were engaging and fruitful. Overall, it was a tremendous success.

There were two books for sale: The Urantia Book and The Untold Story of Jesus. And while sales were good for both books, many more people were content to walk away with a web link from printed handouts where they could either read or listen to The Urantia Book on their laptops or phones.

People from all Urantia organizations as well as some who were unaffiliated participated as volunteers at the booth. Four people from Canada worked the Urantia booth every day on behalf of Urantia Association International: Nathen Jansen, Marc Belleau, Brian Sikorski, and myself. It was indeed fulfilling to see the tact, tolerance, and intelligence that all participants exercised on behalf of the teachings.

We want to thank the Urantia Foundation, The Urantia Book Fellowship, Urantia Association International, and Truth Book for their careful planning to make the Urantia Booth possible. And special thanks to executive director, Tamara Strumfeld, for facilitating our visit. We would also like to thank Jerry and Carrie Prentice, who were at the booth every day, all day, helping out wherever and whenever needed.

We were also grateful for the hard-working crew who set up the booth. They did a wonderful job. And at the closing of the this Parliament, while keeping the Urantia booth open until the last minute, the same crew of amazing volunteers worked together to take down and remove the booth with practiced efficiency. 

Other Urantia Book related booths or events were:

“The Center for Unity” booth was situated two sections down from the Urantia Booth. It displayed a creative “Cinematic Jesus” film bringing to life the untold stories of Jesus, in Part IV of The Urantia Book.  Additionally, the new “Discover Jesus” app was presented at this booth, “Discover Jesus at your own pace, learn by asking questions.”  There was considerable interest in this interactive AI application.

Gard Jameson presented “The Circle of Trust,” in which cocreative teams learn how to come together around the major issues of our time, globally and locally, to collectively solve those issues in a spirit of partnership, collaboration, and cooperation. Gard was also instrumental in setting up a number of yurts in which people could rest, meditate, pray, and worship. These events were well attended.

Pato and Antoinette held a lively concert entitled, “Peace and Justice.” A Pato Banton concert is an experience not to be forgotten. He conversed with the crowd on a range of topics including current-day events and spiritual freedom while keeping the musical vibes upbeat and fun! Antoinette featured “The Rootsdawtah Collective” which is a collaboration of her music on the Feminine Divine and Social Justice.

Women’s Dignity. While not directly related to The Urantia Book, this project takes aim at social equality by putting women at decision-making tables for religion, governments, and funding organizations with the intent of bringing balanced feminine leadership and a greater vision for humanity.  Women’s unique gifts of nurturing, intuition, creativity, as well as emotional and spiritual intelligence are essential in co-creating sacred relationships. These vital conversations encourage women and girls to fully participate in leadership roles in order to increase the human potential for finding solutions and getting help in times of poverty, conflict, and climate crises.  

Sikh Langar. We all had the benefit of free lunches, compliments of the Sikh community. Langar, short for Guru Ka Langar, is a community meal served free to all – regardless of an individual’s gender, caste, creed, social status, or religion. Sikhs have served Langar at all in-person Parliament convenings. In these events, vegetarian food is prepared and served by a multitude of volunteers. Anyone who wishes to partake in Langar is asked no questions. Instead, they are merely welcomed as they arrive and thanked when they leave.

There were many praises sung to this event. This one came from Dr. Myriam Renaud, Principal Investigator and Director of the Global Ethic Project:

“It was impressive to see how, thirty years on, the Parliament’s 1993 document, 'Towards a Global Ethic,' generated a lot of buzz during this year’s convening. Whether in casual conversations or on social media, a lot of people talked about how, although most of us don’t share the same beliefs, we agree on the basic values and principles expressed in the document. They appreciated how this clear statement can serve as a conversation-starter and help people connect, whether they come from different religions or the same religion, or are not religious at all.”


Communications Team

Jesus lived a religion of service. (5:4:7)

We searched The Urantia Book for the word ‘service’. As we know, The Urantia Book consists of 2097 pages, and in these pages the word service appears 644 times, an average of once every 3.25 pages. And in almost every context, it is a loving service.

Teamwork, the joy of working with our God-conscious friends, in tandem with our spirit friends, is the reason we serve. The motive for serving is uniform but calls us in diverse ways and to different tasks.

Does your soul crave service? Opportunities to serve the revelation are abundant. They are all around us; in that chance encounter, by being bold in individualistic social settings (like posting up a table at the farmers market), by signing up on the Study Group search site to make yourself available to host a study group, by volunteering to help the hosts of a conference or special event, by committing your talents or position to a local, regional or international association, by participating in online discussions like the Forum or Facebook, and by offering insights on how to connect with young readers.

The Association benefits from active participation by “older” and “younger" readers. Our web presences are intended to connect students from across the Urantia movement. And while many of us are getting older, those who currently serve in leadership roles are very interested in mentoring those who are being nudged by their angels, called to share the most inspiring Good News ever shared: "God is our loving Father, we are all one family." We have faith that this mission, serving a unique epochal revelation to a unique world, will always attract true religionists, young and old. We have made much progress in expanding our Association worldwide; as a global team of leaders, we are laying the foundation to continue spreading the Good News to future generations. Don’t bury your talents!

What we’ve learned about service is that we are led by the spirit, but it is up to us to act, and in this act we experience love, truth, beauty and goodness, as well as a better understanding of the teachings of Jesus. We experience that divine privilege, the gift of serving God.

In what ways are you led to serve? Please, reach out, act, and receive abundant blessings.

Ways to Donate to Urantia Association International

Artist: Carlos Rubinsky
The world is changing fast and Urantia Association International is in a unique position to foster the Urantia revelation in so many ways. With localized teams in the form of associations springing up across the globe, we are ready to help anyone, anywhere, to study and spread the teachings that we all hold so dear.  

The Association has only one paid staff member to manage and coordinate our worldwide activities. All other services are rendered by devoted students who donate their time (and often their treasure) to the projects that help bring us closer to our heavenly Father. Thank you to our faithful volunteers and donors!  

Here is a selection of ways to donate to Urantia Association: 

Online by Credit Card 

Visit our website to access our secure online donation form at: https://urantia-association.org/donate 

Unrestricted Giving: Choose General Fund on the online donation form for unrestricted donations that can be used for any purpose, including all administrative costs.  

Restricted Giving: Choose one of the Program Funds on the online donation form for restricted donations. Your contribution will be used only for the purpose of that fund. (More details on the Program funds can be found at: https://urantia-association.org/program-funds.) 

Check or Money Order 

Send your contribution through the mail service to: 
Urantia Association International 
4000 W. Montrose Ave. #606 
Chicago, IL 60641    USA 

By Telephone or Email: 

Phone: +1-773-572-1180  
Email: centraloffice@urantia-association.org 

Planned Giving 

Many different forms of donations and gifts are possible. Urantia Association’s IRS 501(c) (3) tax exempt status allows us to accept gifts that can also serve the financial interests of generous supporters.  All direct contributions in all forms may be claimed as tax-deductible charitable contributions on United States Tax Returns. Certain gift forms, such as highly appreciated properties, stocks, or taxable IRAs can also help the donor reduce tax liability while also providing an income tax deduction. 

Click here to read more about Planned Giving and to view our Gift Maker’s Guide. The gift forms and strategies described in this guide are well documented and have been used for many years by millions of donors to support thousands of charities, institutions, and non-profit organizations.   

In November of 2019 Bradly Tharp, Urantia Association’s Chief Financial Officer (who is also a Certified Financial Planning Practitioner and Chartered Financial Accountant) presented an online seminar on Planned Giving Strategies. Click this link to view the seminar: Planned Giving Strategies Seminar 

About Tidings Newsletter

The Tidings newsletter is a quarterly on-line publication that serves as Urantia Association International’s primary communication tool for reaching out to the Association’s membership, supporters, donors, volunteers, and general readership friends. It provides news and information on the many activities and events of the National or Affiliate Urantia Associations around the globe as well as information and announcements from Central Office, the International Service Board (ISB), and the International Representative Council (IRC). It serves to keep members in touch with one another and gives readers a sense of belonging—of being an integral part of a truly international movement that is designed to promote the Urantia revelation to all corners of the world.

Note: Tidings also occasionally provides news of other Urantia-related activities and events that may be of interest to our supporters and friends. Please note that any interpretations, opinions, conclusions, or artistic representations, whether stated or implied, are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Urantia Association International, the National or Affiliate Urantia Associations, or the editorial team of the Association’s Tidings.

Grass Roots Level

The number of National or Affiliate Urantia Associations scattered throughout the world is steadily growing and collectively they undertake service activities that have the ability to inspire and motivate others; activities such as study conferences, regional gatherings, study groups, dissemination programs, educational programs, outreach projects, and the development of study aids and newsletters. These Associations are the lifeblood of Urantia Association International—they function at the grass roots level where effective service and dissemination of the revelation takes place.

Share Your Stories

There are thousands of readers with unique personal stories about how they found The Urantia Book and how it has changed their lives. There are hundreds of study groups all over the world that can share stories and encourage readers to either create a study group of their own or participate in one. These stories need to be told and Tidings provides an effective platform for the sharing of such activities.

If you would like to share your stories please submit your material to the Chief Editor. Topics may include:

  • How you found The Urantia Book
  • Special projects such as Book Fairs, Library Placement, Outreach
  • New or established study groups—how you got started—what keeps you going?
  • Your annual meetings, picnics, or other social gatherings
  • Send pictures

Tidings Team

  • Chief Editor: Myra Hight
  • Co-editors: Mark Blackham, James Woodward, Richard Jernigan
  • Online and hard-copy English newsletters: Mark Blackham
  • Spanish translator an online Spanish newsletter: Olga Lopez 
  • French translator: Alain Cyr and collaborators 
  • French online newsletter: Alain Cyr


Submit articles to the Chief Editor and please understand that they may be subject to revision. Please limit them to approximately 1 to 1½ pages (700 to 1400 words) plus one or two photos.