Urantia Association
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Tidings – June 2024

In This Issue

President’s Message

Enrique Traver, Brazil

Dear Brothers and Sisters

Reading about Jesus' journey back from Rome with Gonod and Ganid, papers 133:4.1 up to 133:4.12, Jesus meets several people, professionals in different areas of human activity or work and advises them on how they should carry out their daily work to reveal God and do his will. Perhaps, in these papers what Jesus is telling us is that always, in whatever activity or occupation we have, we can minister God to the people around us, revealing truth, goodness, beauty, justice and righteousness.

One passage caught my attention and caused me deep reflection, and that was precisely Jesus' conversation with the owner of a Greek inn to whom he said:

To the mistress of the Greek inn he said: “Minister your hospitality as one who entertains the children of the Most High. Elevate the drudgery of your daily toil to the high levels of a fine art through the increasing realization that you minister to God in the persons whom he indwells by his spirit which has descended to live within the hearts of men, thereby seeking to transform their minds and lead their souls to the knowledge of the Paradise Father of all these bestowed gifts of the divine spirit. 133:4.8 (1475.1) [emphasis added]

Each one of us is an inn. We host God himself within us. Could we have a more illustrious or important guest? Some Most High guest?

He is a permanent guest in our inn and while being there, we are constantly receiving the spiritual nourishment we need to ensure our survival. Imagine if you had an inn and didn't receive guests. How long would your business survive? We must serve this guest with all honor, with all love, with the desire to always do his will, in the certainty that by doing so we will keep him with us infinitely.

On the other hand, how do we welcome our fellow human beings into our hearts? The Father, just as he inhabits me, does so with each of my fellow human beings, my brothers and sisters. Should we be selective in how we treat and welcome each of them? How does the Father who inhabits me welcome my brothers and sisters, his children? Does the Father who inhabits me fraternize with the Father who inhabits each of my brothers and sisters, perhaps sharing their experiences? How would my Father like me to receive each of these brothers of mine?

It seems obvious that the way we welcome our brothers should be as high as the way we welcome the Most High. After all, in one way or another, the Father who inhabits my brother accompanies him on his visit. That's why we should welcome him with contentment, joy, acceptance, love and a desire to serve.

This desire to welcome and serve is what inspires us to spread the Gospel of Jesus to all our brothers and sisters. We are living through an important moment in the history of human civilization, perhaps approaching the moment when atheistic materialism and the secularism movement are close to being defeated, as our revelators say. Today a multitude of hungry and spiritually thirsty people surround us, deluded by the domination and slavery of the material and futile things of our transitory life in this physical world. Perhaps we are not far away from the moment when people will rid themselves of ancient errors and pagan superstitions about the nature of the Universal Father.

That will be the day when men will be willing to seek truth and righteousness. When the chaos of the current confusion has passed, it will be easier to formulate the cosmos of a new and improved era of human relations. And it is for this better order of things on Earth that this book has been prepared. — The Publication Mandate

These brothers and sisters, who are now lost, need to find a safe harbor that will help them to connect to God. They need welcome, guidance, love and service, and only those who have found our Father can provide this welcome. Are we prepared for this endeavor?

We need to organize, gather and coordinate our efforts to transmit security and confidence to all seekers. All individual spirit-led efforts are of fundamental importance, after all, who but each one of us can share our lives daily with the people who surround us and are closest to us? However, when we expand our activities beyond our surroundings, it is important to have unity of effort and resources, coordinated actions that can be unifying and not competing, to offer confidence and security to all seekers.

What we're saying is that no one can take better care of their own inn but you yourself, but when your inn becomes too small to accommodate so many guests, we may have to find other inns that are willing and able to do so. But these inns can't and shouldn't be competitors, because in the spiritual realm, competition isn't desirable, it's not unifying, it doesn't bring peace. Lack of peace generates insecurity, fear and mistrust.

The appearance, design, color and model of each inn may be different, including its food, furniture and other things, but the way of welcoming, caring for, loving and serving all guests must always be similar. In this case, teamwork makes all the difference. Come and join us.

The Importance of Organizational Unity

Gaétan Charland, Canada

Many students of the revelation, as well as our members, may wonder why the unification of Urantia Association International and the Urantia Book Fellowship is important. A recent survey conducted by Urantia Association revealed that an overwhelming majority—92.3% of respondents—favor unity. While many of us pray for unity within the Urantia movement, we may not fully understand what this unity will require from each of us, and from the two organizations involved in this unification process.

Unity is not merely a matter of concern for the welfare of the organizations involved; it significantly impacts the mission of the revelation to the world. Why is this the case? To answer this, we must ask ourselves the right questions. Consider what the young Jesus pondered when faced with important decisions: “As the years passed, this young carpenter of Nazareth increasingly measured every institution of society and every usage of religion by the unvarying test: What does it do for the human soul? Does it bring God to man? Does it bring man to God?”

In the context of the fourth and fifth epochal revelations, the welfare of the mission of the revelation should take precedence over the welfare of the organizations. Our questions should be: Does being united better serve the revelation, or does it hinder its mission to the world? Does unity reduce confusion and create more harmony? What is my primary objective—the mission of the revelation or the welfare of the organizations? These are critical questions we must ask ourselves when considering the unity of our two organizations.

When it comes to the spiritual appeal of our organizations, what image do we project to the world? Are we seen as a cohesive and united family, or are we perceived as divided and fragmented? As stated in The Urantia Book, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." It is crucial that we embody the teachings of this revelation if we are truly committed to the success of our organizations in spreading light to the world.

The greatest challenge we face is living in accordance with the teachings we are eager to share with the world. Are we prepared to embrace our roles as true children of God, working harmoniously as spiritual siblings? Does our dedication to our organizations and our personal beliefs take precedence over the greater good of the revelation? Are we prepared to present a united front to the world, ready to face the spiritual challenges that lie ahead?

Aren’t we supposed to be the light of the world—have we lost our ability to influence and inspire? It is imperative that we set aside our differences and stand united in our mission to bring the gospel of Jesus to all corners of the world. Division will only hinder our ability to fulfill this vital mission and share the abundance of spiritual gifts the revelation offers. Let us strive to be beacons of unity and strength, ready to face the spiritual battles ahead with unwavering resolve.

The division has resulted in significant harm, leading to confusion among students and driving some away from organized service. It has fostered unhealthy competition to attract human and financial resources, depleting essential assets through redundant projects. However, there is hope for improvement by acknowledging past mistakes and learning from history.

We should also consider who truly benefits from our division into multiple organizations.

I encourage us to reflect and pray on how we can most effectively serve the revelation and Michael. We are not alone in this effort; the angels of the churches and the angels of progress are undoubtedly seeking unity among us and collaborating with us to share this revelation with the world.

Are we ready to embrace the challenge of living in accordance with the teachings of Jesus, the Fatherhood of God, and the Brotherhood of all people?

In the future, history will tell who we really are.

Update on Unity Initiative

Governance Committee

For several years, Sue Seccombe, President of the Fellowship, has been in discussion with our President, Enrique Traver, about ways the Association and Fellowship could collaborate. In October 2023, the Fellowship General Council approved a resolution establishing a "Unity Committee" to explore and make recommendations regarding “details and options … of steps toward unity between [our] two organizations.”  The Fellowship selected their Unity Committee members which were approved at their February 2024 General Council meeting.

In February, the Association approved the chartering of a Special Unity Committee granting authority to pursue discussions with the Fellowship towards unifying our two organizations. Our Unity Committee members are Gaétan Charland (Canada), Committee Chair, Michael Zehr (USA), Andrés Rodriquez (Colombia), Chris Moseley (UK), Susan Owen (USA). This committee met on April 29th to get to know each other and discuss the benefits and challenges of unity with the Fellowship. A second meeting was held May 15th to get acquainted further and discuss expectations for this endeavor.


The purpose of the Association’s Unity Survey was to obtain input from our leaders and members to guide the Association’s Unity Committee in conversations with the Fellowship regarding unification of our two organizations. Here are the results of responses to the three main issues:

1.      I am in favor of Urantia Association working with the Fellowship to eliminate competition. 

  • 76.9% strongly agree
  • 15.4% agree
  •   1.9% neither agree or disagree
  •   1.9% disagree
  •   1.9% strongly disagree

2.      I am in favor of Urantia Association working with the Fellowship to find steps to unify the two organizations.

  • 78.8% strongly agree
  • 13.5% agree
  •   1.9% neither agree nor disagree
  •   1.9% disagree
  •   3.8% strongly disagree

3.     The Fellowship must stop printing their copy of The Urantia Book before the Association agrees to any recommendations concerning eliminating competition or defining steps to unity.

  • 37.5% strongly agree
  • 19.2% agree
  • 28.8% neither agree nor disagree
  • 10.6% disagree
  •   3.8% strongly disagree

Retrospective on the 2024 International Conference

Francine Fortin

Come with me, I'll take you to Urantia Association's 12th International Conference 2024 Nature and Nurture of the Soul held from Friday, March 29 to Sunday, March 31, 2024, at the Maritime Conference Center in Baltimore City, USA.

A superb, comfortably appointed center, with indoor pool, 232 rooms, 55 meeting rooms and an auditorium that can accommodate over 350 people.

The name Maritime, referring to all that is nautical, has inspired more than one reader on the following quote from The Urantia Book:

The mind is your ship, the Adjuster is your pilot, the human will is the captain. The master of the mortal vessel should have the wisdom to trust the divine pilot to lead the ascending soul into the morontia havens of eternal survival. 111:1.9 (1217.4)

The two days were occupied by a very well-orchestrated program. I liked the format adopted. In the auditorium, there were four presentations a day lasting a maximum of 20 minutes, so there was no time to fall asleep. Although there were some technical glitches, a link was provided for simultaneous translation into French, English, Spanish and Portuguese.

At the end of the presentations, people headed off to discuss them in small groups (maximum of 15 people) in a room they had been designated when they registered. The exchanges and sharing, led by a facilitator, lasted around 40 minutes.

This was the second international conference I'd attended, the first having taken place in 2015 in Sherbrooke, Quebec Canada.

There were over 180 participants from 29 countries, and as it was spring break, there were 15 children/adolescents who benefited from a lovely vacation organized by readers.

I had the great privilege of being able to travel and attend this magnificent conference, thanks to my two generous benefactors, Joyce and David Anderson, who covered all my expenses. They also offered a very interesting presentation on The Destination of the Soul.

What I experienced there is hard to describe if you've never had the privilege of being surrounded by wonderful, beautiful, good people, with whom every conversation was simply enriching and meaningful.

Nevertheless, I'm going to try and inspire you to attend this kind of event by sharing with you the memories embedded in my mind, in my heart, and in my soul.

Having arrived a day early, I offered to help where I could. What a joy it was to work as a team with all those wonderful people who had the firm intention and a common goal: to make the conference a real success and meaningful to all participants.

My most touching moments came on Thursday, the day before the conference, when I was working at the reception desk and taking care of registrations.

When people arrived and recognized me, unaware that I'd be there, they literally threw themselves at me to give me a hug. It must be said that through my active participation in the Association, study groups, and Urantia University Institute, I have developed a whole string of virtual friendships, each as precious as the next.

It was then that I realized how much I was loved by so many people. Just thinking about it now fills my eyes with tears of gratitude.

Another memory, which I'll call a divine synchronicity, occurred in this way:

Each time we returned to the auditorium, a reader from a different country would come to say a prayer in his or her native language. So, on the first day, Friday March 29, before the first presentation, Mamadou Doudou Diagne, my Progressive Divine Wisdom educator, was called upon to pray in his Senegalese language, Wolof.

That morning, having consulted my diary, I noted that 6 years earlier, on March 29, 2019, Moussa N'diaye had passed away.

The coincidence comes from the fact that Doudou was Moussa's first student and spent over 50 years with him. Now Doudou continues to teach Moussa's work on Sagesse Divine Progressive, for me and for many students around the world. Doudou was accompanied by another educator and student of Moussa's: Amsata. I was very moved to meet them both in person.

I was delighted to see my Canadian friends Line St-Pierre, Gaetan Charland and Robert Cadieux again, who were driven by Alain Cyr, a journey lasting approximately 12 hours by car.

Throughout the conference, images of our magnificent planet Urantia scrolled across the auditorium's giant screen, along with a few videos by talented readers. Here's one of my favorites, created by Dipti Bhakti, a young reader who impressed me greatly, who presented it at the conference entitled The Light of the Universe.

The buffet meals were succulent and varied to suit all tastes. Our evenings were pleasantly enriched by two talented artists of international renown: Rebecca Oswald, who rapidly become my new friend and spiritual sister, and Bob Solone, who played a special request by Robert Cadieux, Smile, a song I knew but not the author: Charlie Chaplin!

All these outpourings of love, these communions of souls, brought out of the virtual to express themselves in my reality, will remain anchored in my heart for the rest of my life.

Cut off from the outside world, we lived inside an enormous globe of Divine Love. I liked to make people aware of the fact that we were probably living a foretaste of life on the mansion worlds.

Back home, I can't help but feel grateful for the beautiful new flowers in my friendship garden and for my spiritual family, which has been renewed and expanded.

I came back with my heart at peace and my soul refreshed and anchored in the love experienced in sisterhood and brotherhood at Urantia Association's 2024 International Conference.

Bravo to all the organizers and volunteers—it was a great success. I hope I've inspired you to attend the next international conference.

With all God and my love,
Francine Fortin

Baltimore Children and Teen Program

Alice Wood, USA

The Children and Teen Program at Urantia Association’s Baltimore Conference provided kids with a space to play, make friends, and learn about Urantia teachings. Sixteen kids were put into two different mixed-age groups and moved through activities in the Hometown Nazareth curriculum, a Vacation Bible School curriculum made by Group (group.com). This curriculum was adapted by Urantia Book readers for Urantia kids, and it helped pave the way for the volunteers to talk about Jesus as our earthly brother, and as Michael our Creator Son. It provided fun music videos, Nazareth-themed activities and crafts, stimulating decor, and verbal prompts that the volunteers used for starting conversations. The volunteers thoroughly adopted the spirit of the program. They very often dressed as residents of Nazareth. They could be heard talking about the times that Jesus lived in, Jesus’ childhood, and when opportunities presented themselves, volunteers segued from talking about Jesus to things like Michael and the Mother Spirit, the meaning of “morontia,” and the spirit of service.

Adapting the Program for Urantia Kids

Each day there was a morning and afternoon session, and each session had a different theme: Jesus had a family; Jesus had a name; Jesus had a home; and Jesus served others. Think for a moment about how you might talk about these topics with kids, and how they could initiate conversations about content from other parts of The Urantia Book. As an example, during the theme “Jesus had a home,” the kids were given this coloring page:

The conversation moved from talking about Jesus to talking about Michael and the Mother Spirit, and their home on Salvington. During this activity, the kids asked one question after another—their curiosity had been piqued and they wanted to know more about these personalities and how they relate to us.

Of course, the Children and Teen Program had playful times as well. Each session began with singing and dancing along with music videos, during which time a dinosaur regularly joined in. As skits with the dinosaur unfolded, the kids learned that he was lost. After he eventually found his way home, the dinosaur returned to the kids and revealed that he is the Eastesaur, an assistant to the Easter Bunny (and yes, there was an Easter egg hunt).

Engaging the Middle Schoolers

The oldest kids in the program were ages 11-13 and they spent part of their time working directly with the kids. Among other things, our middle school-helpers led kids from one station to another, helped prepare for activities, cleaned up after activities, and sat with kids who needed a little extra attention.

They were also given time apart where they did service activities just with each other. On Friday they set up a special reading space where the younger kids could do “Campfire Storytime.” This involved setting up Christmas lights, glow stars, blankets on the floor, and a pretend fire pit. On Saturday they stuffed Easter eggs for the kids, and on Sunday they hid the Easter eggs.

The middle schoolers helped in a way that was reliable and cheerful. Afterward, they reported that they enjoyed being entrusted with responsibility. But, it wasn’t all work for the middle schoolers. They also enjoyed a level of freedom that was appropriate for their age. When done with their tasks, they were able to hang out in the game room with a ping pong table and a pool table, and they went on two field trips: to the aquarium, and to the Maryland Science Center to see an IMAX documentary about the Webb telescope.

Wonderfully Successful Fundraiser

Service was a recurring theme for all of the kids. One way that we emphasized the value of service was by asking the kids to do a fundraiser for FreeSchools, a charity that runs 20 schools in some of the poorest parts of India.

On the first full day, the group talked about the importance of helping others. The kids were shown a video about FreeSchools and were told about the need for money to support those schools. Then, the kids made bookmarks to be sold in the conference bookstore the next day. The bookmarks did not have a set price and instead were sold for an amount of the buyer’s choosing.

The bookmarks sold out very quickly and they raised $530 for FreeSchools. Everyone in the Children’s Program is amazed and grateful for the generosity of the Urantia Community for helping to make this fundraiser a success.

Thank you to CosmicCreations for managing the logistics of selling the bookmarks. And thank you to everyone who made a donation. I was thrilled to tell the kids how generous you were with your donations. Alice Wood, director of Children and Teen Program

Announcing Two New Programs

Alice Wood, USA

SerphiMail for Big Kids and Teens

Your big kids and teens can receive activity pages through the post office mail. Each SeraphiMail page contains a single, simple lesson. With a quote, some commentary, and an activity (like a crossword or a prompt to draw a picture), your kids will get exposure to the simple truths of The Urantia Book on a regular basis.

You may have already heard of CherubiMail, the subscription pages for little kids. SeraphiMail functions in a similar manner. Every two weeks your big kids and teens will receive a page. They can read it, do the activity, and having it sit out on the table might spark conversation about other topics related to The Urantia Book. You may even learn something from the pages, too.

Subscriptions are free for anyone under the age of 25 in the US and Canada. Mailings will start in September.

Want to subscribe your little kids to CherubiMail? Click here and navigate to “Little Kids.”

Family Week

The vision for family week is simple: Urantia families, on vacation together. We will find a site that is centered around family fun—a place that has things like a beach, trails for hiking and biking, and hopefully an ice cream shop—and all you have to do is bring the kids.

There would be a children’s program in the mornings and special activities for the teens, and you can either volunteer or take a well-deserved break. In the afternoons, we would simply be on vacation together, and your family would be free to spend your time however you choose.

This program is in the early stages of development, but you can help us with our planning by taking a survey.

Urantia Association International Conference, 2027

Eduardo Franco, Brazil

During the Baltimore conference the location for the next international conference was announced – BRAZIL! Thanks go out to the Urantia Association of Brazil for hosting our fifteenth conference.

The exact location and details will be released in the coming months. Please visit the country website to learn if you need a visa as they may take time to obtain. Click to watch the promotional video and whet your appetite for congregating with fellow readers in this lush location. We look forward to seeing you in Brazil!

Fourth European Conference, Paris

European Conference Committee

June 6 to June 9, 2025

In Paris, from Friday June 6 to Monday June 9, 2025, (Pentecost), the French invite you to a European Conference.

Our team: 1 Ivan, 2 Sophie, 5 Georges, 7 Gilles, 12 Robert, 13 Jean

The Theme

The Distributivity of God: Man as God's Heir

It's good to tell people, "You are formidable, unique and both the world and the Universe need you!" But can you really explain why? Through three or four short presentations, followed by research workshops, we propose to answer these questions so that we can enlighten mankind.

There will also be time for socializing and getting to know each other.

The Location

It is in the center of Paris, in a verdant setting, in the CIS-PARIS-RAVEL hotel, which you can see on their website.  The estimated cost of the stay per person is around €500 for a single room and €425 for a double room (not definitive before September 2024), to which we will add some services not yet evaluated, such as translation, printing, etc.


As this is not a French event, but a European one, we are seeking people to lead presentations and workshops, depending on the wide-ranging theme. We can have a music evening. There will be an Association leadership meeting. And we'll finish with presentations from Europe's Associations.

Contact the team at: « evenement_2025@urantia.fr »

Where to find information? On the website (French, English): Europe2025.urantia.fr

Information will evolve until the end of 2024, when everything will be planned.

ANZURA Conference 2024 – Melbourne

Anzura Conference Committee

4 –7 October 2024

This year’s ANZURA Annual Conference will be held 4 –7 October at the Edmund Rice Centre in Lower Plenty, Melbourne. It is a retreat and conference venue situated on the Yarra River in Lower Plenty. Nestled on 20 acres of native bushland, we will be surrounded by the peace and tranquility that only the natural bush setting can provide. It’s approximately 20 kilometres from the heart of Melbourne and 40 minutes from Melbourne’s International Airport.


Urantia Stock-Take – Past, Present and Future. How are we traveling? “Are we there yet”? If not, what do we need to do?

“Are we there yet”? Well, we’re working on it aren’t we? “How are we traveling?” and “What do we need to do to get there”? These are the big questions we will attempt to tease out at this year’s conference. The information revealed in The Urantia Book is a treasure-trove of spiritual insight, cosmic revelation, and historical knowledge. The answers to these questions are all in there just waiting to be discovered. The importance and seriousness of this storehouse of priceless gems is almost beyond description. The unveiling of the true teachings of Jesus and who he actually was and where he came from, gives power to those compelling teachings on Faith, Worship, Service, and Love. We need to be passionate about the entire Urantia revelation—from the Paradise Trinity down to the material worlds—to understand the significance of the big picture we are given of the past, present, and future of ourselves and the cosmos.

The world’s problem is the individual problem. Reality is made up of an accumulation of our decisions—the consequences of which fan out to the broader community. Each one of us can make a big difference when we embrace a true and living faith and when we are wholeheartedly dedicated to the doing of the Father’s will. This national gathering will give us the opportunity to enjoy the process of idealizing our future.

Click here for more information and how to register.

About Tidings Newsletter

The Tidings newsletter is a quarterly on-line publication that serves as Urantia Association International’s primary communication tool for reaching out to the Association’s membership, supporters, donors, volunteers, and general readership friends. It provides news and information on the many activities and events of the National or Affiliate Urantia Associations around the globe as well as information and announcements from Central Office, the International Service Board (ISB), and the International Representative Council (IRC). It serves to keep members in touch with one another and gives readers a sense of belonging—of being an integral part of a truly international movement that is designed to promote the Urantia revelation to all corners of the world.

Note: Tidings also occasionally provides news of other Urantia-related activities and events that may be of interest to our supporters and friends. Please note that any interpretations, opinions, conclusions, or artistic representations, whether stated or implied, are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Urantia Association International, the National or Affiliate Urantia Associations, or the editorial team of the Association’s Tidings.

Grass Roots Level

The number of National or Affiliate Urantia Associations scattered throughout the world is steadily growing and collectively they undertake service activities that have the ability to inspire and motivate others; activities such as study conferences, regional gatherings, study groups, dissemination programs, educational programs, outreach projects, and the development of study aids and newsletters. These Associations are the lifeblood of Urantia Association International—they function at the grass roots level where effective service and dissemination of the revelation takes place.

Share Your Stories

There are thousands of readers with unique personal stories about how they found The Urantia Book and how it has changed their lives. There are hundreds of study groups all over the world that can share stories and encourage readers to either create a study group of their own or participate in one. These stories need to be told and Tidings provides an effective platform for the sharing of such activities.

If you would like to share your stories please submit your material to the Chief Editor. Topics may include:

  • How you found The Urantia Book
  • Special projects such as Book Fairs, Library Placement, Outreach
  • New or established study groups—how you got started—what keeps you going?
  • Your annual meetings, picnics, or other social gatherings
  • Send pictures

Tidings Team

  • Chief Editor: Myra Hight
  • Co-editors: Mark Blackham, James Woodward, Richard Jernigan
  • Online and hard-copy English newsletters: Mark Blackham
  • Spanish translator an online Spanish newsletter: Olga Lopez 
  • French translator: Alain Cyr and collaborators 
  • French online newsletter: Alain Cyr


Submit articles to the Chief Editor and please understand that they may be subject to revision. Please limit them to approximately 1 to 1½ pages (700 to 1400 words) plus one or two photos.