Urantia Association
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Tidings – December 2023

In This Issue

President’s Message – December 2023

Enrique Traver, Brazil

Our Long-Range Plan

Students of The Urantia Book, and especially the people at Urantia Association International, have a mission clearly defined by the teachings of the fifth epochal revelation, as well as in our first Bylaws amendment, which was recently approved by our International Representative Council (IRC). 

"The mission of Urantia Association and its Constituent Associations is to foster study of The Urantia Book and to disseminate its teachings."

All those who find God can embrace this mission by recognizing our affiliation to the Universal Father and, consequently, by accepting the brotherhood of all mortals on the planet. Although it is a mission that can be carried out individually, we can also come together as a group of students who are passionate about the revelation. Together, we can coordinate our efforts to fulfill this mission. This is how the Urantia Association came into being, beginning with the challenge of formulating a plan that can unite its members as a team in order to work objectively and harmoniously in this direction. 

Having a Long-Range Plan (LRP) to guide our work serves multiple purposes, such as helping us to stay focused on where we want to go, what we need to do, and how we should do it: 

  • Where We Want to Go - The LRP gives direction; it places the entire team on the same page moving to a known and clear target, allowing us to identify deviations and to apply corrections when and where needed. 
  • What We Need to Do - The LRP requires team integration to define a plan and execute the strategies to achieve a specific objective. 
  • How We Should Do It - The LRP requires planning and resources, a clear identification of who, how, where, when and how much.  

Over the last 18 months, we have worked actively to define the Long-Range Plan to guide our efforts so that we have common goals and work together to fulfill this important role of service and love for our Father and our brothers and sisters. 

Creating a long-range plan involves several steps, including understanding our organization's current position and defining our VISION and our MISSION, as well as asking WHY, HOW and WHAT we should do, which has been summarized as follows: 

  • OUR VISION - The establishment of the era of "light and life" on Urantia (Paper 55)  
  • OUR MISSION - To foster study of The Urantia Book and to disseminate its teachings.  
  •  WHY WE DO IT – – We believe the teachings of The Urantia Book have the potential to rejuvenate spirituality in the world and enhance the comfort, happiness, and well-being of every person.  
  • HOW WE DO IT - We help others to connect to God by sharing the teachings of The Urantia Book. And we build a network of people with the same desire to disseminate these teachings. 
  • WHAT WE DO - We help Urantia Book students around the world to study, to apply the teachings in daily life, and to share these lessons with truth seekers in countries where no association exists. 

The LRP was evolved by a team of eight volunteers who are either members of the IRC, the International Service Board (ISB), or a Continental Coordinator (CC). We thank them all for their effort and dedication to complete this important task. These volunteers are Fernando Maldonado - Mexico (ISB), Gabriel Rymberg - Israel (ISB), Jeannie Vazquez - Uruguay (ISB), Karmo Kalda - Estonia (Europe CC), Katrina Glavan-Heise - USA (UAUS president - IRC), Phillip Marriot - Australia (AZURA President - IRC), Willem Jeths – Brazil (ISB), and Enrique Traver - Brazil (ISB). This group formed a special committee, which established and approved the resolution on November 16, 2022. 

The LRP defines our objectives on two fronts: 

  1. Serving new truth seekers in new countries – Here, the objective of Urantia Association International is to serve areas, countries, and regions where we do not have a National Association. The idea is that the Association will operate in every corner of the planet by playing the role of a National Association. 

  1. Serving a global audience of Urantia Book students in existing countries – The objectives are to identify the needs of our National, or Local Associations, and to provide the necessary support to help them fulfill their mission. 

Having been approved by the IRC, the LRP now goes to the ISB to define the strategies to achieve each of the established objectives. In this step, we will identify what is needed as per our guidelines above. These strategies will then be put to the IRC for approval and implementation. 

Implementing these strategies will depend on the education and training of new leaders to fulfill specific roles in order to build up the required teams to serve the revelation. Soon, we will be calling volunteers for this purpose, and we will certainly need your participation. 

I am looking forward to seeing this plan duly and fully implemented. I am convinced it will be an opportunity to spread the revelation in a more effective and efficient way. 

Your generous support as either a volunteer or a donor is more important than ever if we are to reach our goals. 

2024 Urantia Association International Conference Update

Marian Hughes, USA

Nurture Your Soul with Study, Worship, and Camaraderie! 

The Urantia Book reminds us that we mortals are a gregarious lot. A Melchizedek states in Paper 49, "Human beings are all gregarious." In Paper 99 another writes, "The fact of man’s gregariousness perforce determines that religious groups will come into existence." It is wonderful to attend a Urantia conference to attain a deeper understanding of the revelation, but let us also heed the words of our Estonian brother, Kamo Kalda, from a Urantia Foundation conference report: 

“Whenever I speak with someone who has attended a conference, they usually don’t remember the topics of the presentations, but they do remember the people, the emotions, and the joy." 

It will be six years since the last, in-person international conference, due to Covid canceling the Peru conference of 2021. Time (and Zoom) breeds complacency, so let us not forget the value of gathering in numbers, the force of our Adjusters when we come together in a large group, the strength that we garner from the Spirit of Truth that shines so brightly when we study and pray in-mass. Let us come together to meet and hug our global brothers and sisters, joyfully embrace our geographically distant friends, and to laugh, learn, worship, and live in our mortal, gregarious fashion. 

Delving into a deeper understanding of the revelation will be at the forefront, with this conference themed The Nature and Nurture of the Soul. Here is a beautiful video to inspire, and we hope, move you to come and be nourished by the amazing event that has been planned. It is from studying such an important topic with our brethren that a deeper understanding of the soul and its ensuing interpersonal experiences can take deep hold and endure. 

There will be eight plenaries on the Nature and Nurture of the Soul presented and introduced by kindred spirits. There will be breakout sessions, social gatherings, and kids and teens programs throughout the conference, with everything intended to nourish us all, and culminating with a beautiful Easter Sunday celebration of Jesus. 

Located on the beautiful campus of the Maritime Institute of Technology and Graduate Studies, the Maritime Conference Center offers an inspiring maritime setting, where you will pass through hallways adorned with seven-foot models of seafaring vessels and centuries of Merchant Marine history. 

What are the activities planned? 

After check-in and dinner on Thursday, the Hawaii Urantia Local Association (HULA) will host a Hawaiian-themed reception. The festivities will include live music, hula dancers, and lots of Macadamia nuts! You can grab a drink at the bar and join in the aloha spirit with old and new friends. 

On Friday and Saturday nights, you will be entertained by talented musicians and a grand piano in the beautiful auditorium. On Easter Sunday morning we will conclude the conference with a special worship and remembrance of Jesus. 

Important face-to-face meetings of the elected officers of Urantia Association will be held during the event. Such sessions are a great opportunity for all who are curious about how we serve and govern to observe, be inspired, and be mentored. Urantia Association leads the world in revelation service, and new leaders always emerge from our international conferences. Join us in Baltimore and help us serve the world into the future. 

Bring the whole family! Check out the bustling children’s and teen’s programs, organized by Alice Wood. 

Little Kids (9 and under) – Bring your kids for a fun-filled weekend. The children’s program will feature activities from the Hometown Nazareth curriculum (adapted for Urantia kids) in which kids will be introduced to the childhood of Jesus in a way that makes him relatable. 
Big Kids (10 -12) – In the mornings, big kids will move through the Hometown Nazareth activities with the little kids, but they can choose to be helpers or regular participants. In the afternoons they will go on field trips with the teens. 
Easter – Of course, we couldn’t do Easter without an Easter egg hunt. Part of the program will be spent preparing Easter baskets which they will collect eggs in on Easter. 
Under age 3 – We’ll watch over the babies, too. If your child has a hard time with separation, we may ask you or your partner to come join us in the children’s room. 

Teens (13 and up) – In the mornings, teens will have a lesson from The Urantia Book through the SeraphiMail activity pages. They will also engage in two service projects: they will create a "night under the stars" space so the little kids can be cozy during their story time, and they will make preparations for the little kids’ Easter egg hunt.  
In the afternoons there will be two field trips for the Big Kids and Teens. Locations are subject to change, but likely to the arboretum and to Terrapin Adventures for a ropes course. 

Everyone - For all ages, time is set aside for outdoor play and swimming. 

If you are already registered for the conference, be sure to tell us that your kids are coming. Email us at uausconference2024@gmail.com with any questions. 

Mind is your ship, the Adjuster is your pilot, the human will is captain. The master of the mortal vessel should have the wisdom to trust the divine pilot to guide the ascending soul into the morontia harbors of eternal survival. 111:1.9 

Come and set sail with us! 

For those who wish to extend their trip to gaze upon the wonders of our planet, the cherry trees will be in full bloom, the US Capitol is a 45-minute train ride from the Conference Center, and the Maryland Office of Tourism provides information on several other nearby places of interest. 

Use this link to register and learn more: Conference Registration Page. The discount conference rate expires 1/15/2024. Room rates are guaranteed until our reserved block is fully booked, after which rates could increase to the current market rate. 

This conference is promoted and hosted by Urantia Association International and Urantia Association of the United States, and sponsored by Urantia Foundation and Truthbook.

2023 ANZURA Annual Conference Report 

Daniel Swadling, Australia

Talkin' 'Bout A Revelation 

It has been an honor and a privilege to be involved in bringing this conference to Urantia Book readers of Australia and New Zealand. It was well attended with people coming from across Sydney, Newcastle, Central Coast, Melbourne, Canberra, Hobart, Adelaide, Western Australia, New Zealand and the USA. Thank you all for coming! We had a great time catching up with old friends and making new ones, engaging with each other and exploring much about our favorite topics! 

The problem we wanted to try to address at this conference was how we, as a readership, talk about The Urantia Book revelation with people less familiar with it. And despite being avid followers of its teachings, we seem to lack some basic principles and adequate tools or experience to attractively convey its concepts to new readers. It is hoped that the conversations started at this conference have been helpful and that the topic will continue to be addressed.  

We were treated to the following presentations: 

- Introduction and Keynote: Talkin' 'Bout A Revelation – Daniel Swadling 

- Has Your Time Come? – Rex Merrett & Christine Bannigan 

- Do Your Discovery Before Pitching the Gospel – Julian Martin 

- The Ministry of Mind – Trevor Swadling 

- Evolution & Revelation: A Method of Seed-planting and Expansion – Rita Schaad 

- Spiritual Meditation and Remembrance – Robert Coenraads 

- The Revelation Tone – Chris Wood, USA 

- Understanding People – Andrew Swadling 

- Finding and Attracting New Readers – Phillip Marriott 

- How Can We Adorn Our Message With Truth, Beauty, and Goodness? – Julian McGarry 

- A Guided Musical Meditation from the Piano – Gordon Tayler, Western Australia

Chris Wood from the United States, and Gordon Tayler kindly presented via Zoom. Gabriel Rymberg from Israel had intended to Zoom with an update on The Center for Unity project, but unfortunately had to cancel due to travel disruptions.  

While one weekend was never going to be enough time to completely cover every angle of the problem of how we talk about the revelation, some of the main conclusions we can draw from the presentations and discussions are: 

1. In the first instance, be attractive. We who have embraced the teachings are ambassadors of The Urantia Book. Have things right in our own selves first before trying to teach others, embody what we have learned, demonstrate what the “good news” looks like in practice. Probably the best way to teach the values we’ve gained from the book is in how we live our own lives, that is, be attractive in how we act, think, and behave in the world. Truth is a lived, genuine spiritual experience. 

2. We have all been deeply moved, and our lives greatly improved by what we’ve learned from The Urantia Book, and we naturally want to share it with others whenever we can. But we would be wise to avoid the kinds of approaches that are likely to turn people off such as, being over-zealous, forceful, preachy, or proselytizing, or using Urantia Book jargon and unfamiliar terms. Even simply handing someone the book isn’t necessarily very effective. The approach demonstrated by Jesus in his life, such as connecting with and teaching, is a better one to emulate.  

3. People we meet will of course have vastly different personalities as well as individual, religious and cultural backgrounds. Often, it’s when people are in a crisis or have lost self-respect that they look for deeper meanings and answers to very fundamental questions about their lives, and we should be sensitive to their circumstances and vulnerabilities, and careful not to diminish their self-respect.  

4. If we see someone who seems to be in need, or someone asks us about the “big questions” or indeed directly about the book, then have a strategy in mind that you can use to determine what their needs are and their receptivity to any answers The Urantia Book may provide. Such as:  

  • Before attempting to offer them answers and truths from the book, find out a bit about them first. Be genuinely curious about the person and ask open-ended questions to discover their background and their personality. Find out what they’re thinking, what their problems are, what their questions are, what they are looking for, what’s missing in their lives, and their needs and requirements. 
  • Build rapport by showing empathy, respect and understanding. Show them they’re valued and build a trusting environment, make a genuine caring connection with them.  
  • Have a broad understanding of the book and present the features and advantages of the book’s teachings in a way that matches their needs and shows their value to them
  • Tailor our approach and the kind of solutions we’re offering to meet the person’s needs. Not everyone will be ready to accept the entire Urantia Book or indeed even the gospel of Jesus. However, we could also refer to the earlier revelations that may still provide the help they need to meet their challenges. 
  • Be mindful of the language we use, try to express concepts and truths in everyday language that is easy to understand and not off-putting. Keep to simple points and don’t trail off onto long-winded tangents that may overwhelm. 
  • Build on truths they already hold. Add what is positive, rather than dwell on the negative. 
  • Ask questions to confirm you’ve understood them correctly, and that what you’ve presented provides the solutions and answers they’re looking for. If there’s any misunderstanding or objection then ask more open questions to discover what you might have missed, there may be further insights from the book to provide.  
  • Adopt a tone of casual and gentle certainty in your own convictions, but don’t force your views on them. Allow them to make their own decisions about what you have presented. Remember that we may be only providing a step in someone’s spiritual journey, and the degree of spiritual need within them will determine their level of receptivity. 

5. Keeping abreast of new developments and discoveries in history, archaeology, cosmology, science, health, religion, etc. can provide opportunities to discuss and share the insights we’ve gained from The Urantia Book

Further to this, we were reminded that our personal study of the book can take various forms, such as creating art and musical works, writing books, essays, talks and podcasts—endeavors that can reveal insights to us that can be shared with others. And reviewing such works by others can greatly increase our own understanding of the book.  

Thank you to all who presented and contributed to the running of this excellent conference. Special thanks must go to Julian Martin for running the Urantia Trivia night under difficult circumstances and still making it fun! And to Robert Coenraads for his sublime meditative interlude which helped us to shift our focus to higher mind and allow spiritual elements to dominate. And of course, to Nigel Nunn for his generosity and knowledge in the evening Q&A session—it’s always satisfying to hear his clear and entertaining insights into astrophysics, Urantia Book cosmology, and the worlds to come! And special thanks also to Kathleen Swadling and Rita Schaad for their tireless efforts. We know how much work you do and we’re very grateful for keeping all the essential things running at the office. 

We look forward to seeing you all again and joining the Melbourne mob at next year’s conference! 

I leave you with these comforting words encouraging us all to maintain that living spiritual connection with Jesus, our friend, brother, and teacher: 

You must abide in me, and I in you; the branch will die if it is separated from the vine. As the branch cannot bear fruit except it abides in the vine, so neither can you yield the fruits of loving service except you abide in me. Remember: I am the real vine, and you are the living branches. He who lives in me, and I in him, will bear much fruit of the spirit and experience the supreme joy of yielding this spiritual harvest. If you will maintain this living spiritual connection with me, you will bear abundant fruit…Herein is the Father glorified: that the vine has many living branches, and that every branch bears much fruit. And when the world sees these fruit-bearing branches — my friends who love one another, even as I have loved them — all men will know that you are truly my disciples. 180:2.1 (1945.4) 

Third Latin American Conference Report

Fernando Maldonaldo, Mexico

The Fifth Revelation in the XXI Century 

This past October, the third Latin American conference of readers of The Urantia Book was held in the historic area of the ancient Teotihuacan. Amidst this backdrop over 1500 years old and later reclaimed by the Aztecs, the Third Latin American Urantia Book Conference centered on the theme of the Fifth Revelation in the 21st Century.    

Urantia Association International organized the conference with the support of Urantia Foundation and the local Urantia Association Mexico. Each of these entities cooperated for months planning, developing objectives, making decisions and obtaining the necessary funds for a successful event. 

Forty-three participants traveled to the ancient site of Teotihuacán located outside Mexico City. Additionally, almost 300 readers joined the online broadcast––a Latin American Conference first. Urantia Book readers from 11 countries participated, including 15 young adult readers. 

The conference began on Thursday, October 26th with the reception of guests from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, the United States and Mexico. After a delicious Mexican dinner both live and virtual attendees were welcomed by Urantia Association International president Enrique Traver of Brazil, who delivered a greeting to everyone with his distinctive warmth and good humor. 

Friday morning began with an exceptional presentation by Enrique Traver on "The Fifth Revelation in the 21st Century,” followed by multiple topics presented by different speakers.  

His talk on “Mission and Importance of the Urantia Revelation" explored how the book’s emphasis of love and service is essential to counteract the materialism and secularism prevailing in this century.  The book’s thoughts on evangelism was discussed: how we bring the new and good news to the world so that our brothers and sisters understand that we are not alone or abandoned; that a perfect Father has us in his hands every day; and how we can give the second mile of service, following in the footsteps of the Master. A speech by Urantia Foundation Executive Director, Tamara Strumfeld, laid out the Foundation’s role and vision for the twenty-first century. 

Speakers from Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Colombia and the United States, spoke on various topics including; “The Universal Father,” presented by Hector Landin, "The Seraphic Ministry," by Ramiro Ramirez, “The Will of the Father,” by Andres Ramirez, "The True Nature of Religion,” by Felipe Arrigorriaga, and concluding with a presentation by the Urantia Youth Group. Participants shared ideas and experiences on these topics in workshops.  

After another delicious dinner attendees enjoyed a Mexican-style welcome by a mariachi group who brought the guests to their feet, followed by a guitar and voice recital by Ramiro and Mariana Jarkyn. 

On Saturday, after meditation time and breakfast, Alfredo Esquivel presented “Cosmic Citizenship,” after which participants took a three-hour expedition to the famous pyramids of Teotihuacán.  The afternoon plenary titled, “The Foundations of Religious Faith,” was given by Daliela and Jacobo Dudo, followed by more in-depth workshops. The evening concluded with another concert by Ramiro and Mariana. 

On Sunday, the last day of the conference, Fabiola Domínguez of Bolivia delivered an inspired presentation on the topic “The Reality of the Religious Experience.” After a brief introduction to the Urantiapedia website, a project funded with the assistance of Urantia Foundation’s Mustard Seed initiative, Enrique Traver closed this enjoyable, memorable event. 

Special thanks goes to Urantia Foundation, the Truthbook organization (The Jesusonian Foundation) Urantia Association International for their financial support including sponsorships for the youth; Antonio Schefer for his management of the conference committee, Enrique Traver for his unconditional support, Ramiro and Mariana Jarkyn for managing the multimedia and live broadcast production (and their wonderful music), Alejandro Aran for hosting the event, Arturo Garcia and his diligence as transportation captain to and from the airport, and Sara Espinoza for her work as a videographer. 

Focus on the Father – Spiritual Gifts 

James Woodward, USA

“True faith is faith only if the actions of your life are in harmony with it and never contradict it.”  — Leo Tolstoy  

The concept of faith—a gift we may give ourselves—is in some ways misunderstood, as are other fundamentals of evolutionary religion. Urantia Book students have more clarity on the concept, as careful study sweeps away confused definitions. It becomes a problem for humanity when true religious ideals are minimized or limited by the avoidance of spiritual meanings and values in a quest for an easy existence. The consecration of faith does require effort; there is a wide gulf between the human and divine, but we have an inner bridge.  

When it comes to the bestowal of spiritual gifts, the Father is limited by man’s capacity for receiving these divine endowments. Although the Father is no respecter of persons, in the bestowal of spiritual gifts he is limited by man’s faith and by his willingness always to abide by the Father’s will. 166:4.11 (1831.2) emphasis added

Jesus brought to God, as a man of the realm, the greatest of all offerings: the consecration and dedication of his own will to the majestic service of doing the divine will. 196:0.10 (2088.5) emphasis added

The affectionate dedication of the human will to the doing of the Father’s will is man’s choicest gift to God; in fact, such a consecration of creature will constitutes man’s only possible gift of true value to the Paradise Father. 1:1.2 (22.5) emphasis added    

Faith and worship are two key examples of the conceptual confusion prevalent today; faith can be complicated for those whose beliefs are materially circumscribed. For instance, one doesn’t have to believe in life to keep breathing—a natural axiom wrapped within an intellectual activity: thinking. Yet one must be faithful to ascend Godward—a spiritual axiom wrapped within a soul activity: faithing. Worship also requires serious study of the revelation to dispel misconceptions. Like faith, it is highly personal, though group worship is grand!   

Faith-insight, or spiritual intuition, is the endowment of the cosmic mind in association with the Thought Adjuster, which is the Father’s gift to man. Spiritual reason, soul intelligence, is the endowment of the Holy Spirit, the Creative Spirit’s gift to man. Spiritual philosophy, the wisdom of spirit realities, is the endowment of the Spirit of Truth, the combined gift of the bestowal Sons to the children of men. 101:3.2 (1108.1) emphasis added

All these spiritual gifts are endowed, and yet it remains true that we cannot make a gift of our faith to any other person. Faith can certainly motivate and activate our gifting, but faith is personal and must be sought and nurtured within the heart and mind of each person. “Let the term ‘faith’ stand for the individual’s relation to God... Have you faith? Then have it to yourself.” (99:5:7)

Our teachers make it very clear that mortals are not ascending, not growing, not discovering divinity without faith and hope, living faith, true faith: “Mortal man earns even his status as an ascension candidate by his own faith and hope” (3:5.16). “Man's sole contribution to growth is the mobilization of the total powers of his personality—living faith” (100:3.7). “Mankind can never discover divinity except through the avenue of religious experience and by the exercise of true faith” (101:10.4 emphasis added).

Gift giving is associated with our celebration of the birth of Jesus, never mind the factual date. It is a generous custom that now graces the celebrations of everyone’s birthday. It’s implicit that giving a gift to someone means you care for them, respect them, even love them.  

We gift for good reason; we gift for God reason. 

The custom reminds us deeply about value. We spend something of value (money), or we create something of value with our hands to show people they are valuable to us. Christmas is a celebration of divine value; it could be said that we imitate God because he gifted Michael to our cosmic neighborhood of the friendly creation. It could be said that we imitate Jesus Christ because he gifted his life and teachings to us as a present of tender yet massive fatherly love.   

To see God—by faith—means to acquire true spiritual insight. And spiritual insight enhances Adjuster guidance, and these in the end augment God-consciousness. And when you know the Father, you are confirmed in the assurance of divine sonship, and you can increasingly love each of your brothers in the flesh, not only as a brother—with brotherly love—but also as a father—with fatherly affection. 140:5.13 (1574.6) 

Cradled in the mighty ideal of giving—whatever gifts are given—is LOVE. Jesus gave us love in his words, his friendship, his ministry, and his suffering. “Greater love has no man than to lay down his life for his friends” (140:5.21). “Jesus revealed and exemplified a religion of love: security in the Father's love, with joy and satisfaction consequent upon sharing this love in the service of the human brotherhood” (196:3.19). 

We know his Father did not send him to die for us, but Jesus’ death becomes an indelible example of how deeply he loves us. And, to dramatically demonstrate the divine value of his holy axioms:  

Love your enemies. Return good for evil. Supreme values, indeed. 

Religion is designed to find those values in the universe which call forth faith, trust, and assurance; religion culminates in worship. Religion discovers for the soul those supreme values which are in contrast with the relative values discovered by the mind. Such superhuman insight can be had only through genuine religious experience. 195:5.8 (2075.11)  

Truly, the universes are a miraculous gift that keeps giving—the heavenly Father and his associate Deities in Paradise are the infinite and eternal gift givers. If they stopped giving, all the lights of the far-flung cosmos would go out, including our joyful Christmas lights.  

These gifts of Supreme, Ultimate, and Absolute love are showered upon all the persons and places that exist; love comes down, we receive it in our hearts, and we share it with those whom we value. It always bears reminding that the best way to show our gratitude for the gift of all that love coming down is to gift ours back up.  

Circulate the love. Send it now. 

The Mission of the Prisoner Inquiry Response Team 


The Urantia Book is the Truth I Have Been Looking for My Whole Life”                         

“After reading some of your book, The Urantia Book, I have become highly intrigued. I am writing to you to request a copy of this outstanding literary work so I can know more about God the Father of ALL, and every aspect of Him and his heavenly host.”  

These enthusiastic words dictated by a prison inmate are an excerpt from a letter written to me as a member of the Prison Inquiry Response Team (PIRT), a ministry sponsored by the Urantia International Association. Another inmate wrote, “I am an avid truth seeker, and recently a friend shared The Urantia Book with me. I have been amazed, edified, and overjoyed. It ties together so many loose ends and confirms certain ideals of mine while also expanding upon them.”  

These excerpts are just a sample from the many letters sent by inmates who are genuinely seeking to learn more about God and grow their souls by studying the The Urantia Book. Serving as a member on the PIRT team I receive letters every month from inmates seeking to know God in deeper ways. Prisoners invariably request that we send them their own copy of The Urantia Book as they have usually borrowed the book from fellow inmates. Some have eagerly expressed a desire to start their own study group within the prison. They may request study materials that will aid them in grasping the expansive truths they are reading about. Prisoners also make requests for correspondence courses that will help enlighten their grasp of revelatory truth.  A few have asked that we contribute copies of The Urantia Book to their respective prison libraries to make the book more accessible to their fellow inmates who are truth seekers.  

While some inmates are simply writing to request their own personal copy of The Urantia Book, others have sincere spiritual questions and are interested in connecting with a PIRT volunteer as someone whom they may correspond and study The Urantia Book with.  One inmate wrote the following appreciative words, “I received your letter and as always it lifted my spirit knowing that I would learn something new. I never thought I had two angels assigned to me, standing by my side guiding us through the lowly path of our earthly existence. I am just sorry that I have disappointed them for the majority of my life. I just pray one day I will see the blessings from these disappointments.” Another inmate wrote, “After reading the pages that you pointed out I realized we should not judge anyone. I used to be very judgmental, pointing out the wrong in everybody else. We need to be humble. This can contribute to your spiritual growth, and the marks of religious living will shine so everyone can see. Love thy neighbor as God loves you is the very context of doing God’s will.”  

Clearly the transformative truths revealed within The Urantia Book are infiltrating and reaching those hungry souls living behind the walls of correctional facilities. 

Please consider joining us as we seek to minister to the least of our brethren on Urantia. The PIRT team is in need of additional volunteers and would be glad to hear from you and answer any questions that you may have. You may contact PIRT by emailing: prt@urantia-association.org 

And remember that, inasmuch as you minister to one of the least of my brethren, you have done this service to me. 176:3.5                                                

And this kingdom shall include the worshiping souls of Jew and gentile, rich and poor, free and bond, for my Father is no respecter of persons; his love and his mercy are over all. 137:8.6. 

Because of this highestimate which Jesus placed upon men, he was willing to spend himself in the unremitting service of humankind. 196:2:10 

Update to the Urantia Association Bylaws

Gaétan Charland, Canada

Dear Urantia Association Members, Presidents, and Vice-Presidents, 

I trust that you're aware of the revised version of the Bylaws of Urantia Association International, a document that has received an extensive update. These Bylaws represent the culmination of years of Urantia Association’s experiences, growth, and dedication to promoting The Urantia Book and its invaluable teachings worldwide.  Delving into a legal text might seem tedious; some may even question its relevance to our spiritual mission and work. 

However, it's crucial to recognize that these Bylaws form the bedrock of our existence as a legal entity. They not only provide the framework for our service operations but are also indispensable for navigating the complexities of the diverse languages and cultures within our organization. Compliance with the laws of various countries necessitates having governing documents that regulate our affairs and define our societal role. These guidelines prevent confusion as to the duties and interactions of all our dedicated volunteers. Clarity on governance provides assurance that our elected leaders can focus on our mission to promote an epochal revelation. 

Having previously served as the Association’s president, I've encountered numerous challenging situations involving constituent associations. The application of our Bylaws has often been the linchpin in resolving issues that could have otherwise jeopardized the existence of these constituent associations. Beyond conflict resolution, the Bylaws offer a compass, guiding us on how to structure and effectively function as an association. They facilitate our focus on essential aspects, enabling us to pursue our collective mission in an organized and dynamic manner. 

Reflecting on my tenure as president of my local association in 1999, I initially lacked the knowledge needed to lead such an organization. A fortuitous encounter with a concise booklet entitled Charter and Bylaws1 became my guiding light. This document provided invaluable insights into how to fulfill my responsibilities effectively. It emphasized key directives, such as fostering study groups and promoting teachers, pivotal elements that shaped our association's progress. 

In 2003, upon assuming the presidency of the Association, we were introduced to provisional Bylaws, allowing a three-year trial period before their official democratic ratification. Subsequent adjustments were made to these provisional Bylaws to align them with the Association’s evolving landscape. An issue we encountered post-adoption, was the interpretation of certain legal terms during translation. I urge you to review the new Bylaws; should any terms or directives seem unclear, please voice your concerns to prevent misunderstandings that might lead to confusion or conflicts. Urantia Association Amended Bylaws 

Let's approach these new these Bylaws with diligence and a commitment to uphold our shared objectives. Together, we can ensure clarity and coherence in our governance, fostering a unified and purposeful path forward for Urantia Association International. 

Warm regards, 
Gaétan Charland 
Chair of Urantia Association Governance Committee  

1 The Charter has since been deemed unnecessary and is not incorporated in our updated governing documentation. 

About Tidings Newsletter

The Tidings newsletter is a quarterly on-line publication that serves as Urantia Association International’s primary communication tool for reaching out to the Association’s membership, supporters, donors, volunteers, and general readership friends. It provides news and information on the many activities and events of the National or Affiliate Urantia Associations around the globe as well as information and announcements from Central Office, the International Service Board (ISB), and the International Representative Council (IRC). It serves to keep members in touch with one another and gives readers a sense of belonging—of being an integral part of a truly international movement that is designed to promote the Urantia revelation to all corners of the world.

Note: Tidings also occasionally provides news of other Urantia-related activities and events that may be of interest to our supporters and friends. Please note that any interpretations, opinions, conclusions, or artistic representations, whether stated or implied, are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Urantia Association International, the National or Affiliate Urantia Associations, or the editorial team of the Association’s Tidings.

Grass Roots Level

The number of National or Affiliate Urantia Associations scattered throughout the world is steadily growing and collectively they undertake service activities that have the ability to inspire and motivate others; activities such as study conferences, regional gatherings, study groups, dissemination programs, educational programs, outreach projects, and the development of study aids and newsletters. These Associations are the lifeblood of Urantia Association International—they function at the grass roots level where effective service and dissemination of the revelation takes place.

Share Your Stories

There are thousands of readers with unique personal stories about how they found The Urantia Book and how it has changed their lives. There are hundreds of study groups all over the world that can share stories and encourage readers to either create a study group of their own or participate in one. These stories need to be told and Tidings provides an effective platform for the sharing of such activities.

If you would like to share your stories please submit your material to the Chief Editor. Topics may include:

  • How you found The Urantia Book
  • Special projects such as Book Fairs, Library Placement, Outreach
  • New or established study groups—how you got started—what keeps you going?
  • Your annual meetings, picnics, or other social gatherings
  • Send pictures

Tidings Team

  • Chief Editor: Myra Hight
  • Co-editors: Mark Blackham, James Woodward, Richard Jernigan
  • Online and hard-copy English newsletters: Mark Blackham
  • Spanish translator an online Spanish newsletter: Olga Lopez 
  • French translator: Alain Cyr and collaborators 
  • French online newsletter: Alain Cyr


Submit articles to the Chief Editor and please understand that they may be subject to revision. Please limit them to approximately 1 to 1½ pages (700 to 1400 words) plus one or two photos.