Urantia Association
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Tidings Nov-Dec 2014

Welcome to this first edition of Tidings in an online format. While this format has been simplified for ease of online reading, you can still view it in a PDF format if you click here. (Choose issue No. 69)

Sunray graphic

In This Issue

Chris Wood – President’s Message
James Perry, MD – Virginia-Carolina Readers 12th Annual Conference
Editor – Good Tidings Conference and Meeting Announcements
Editor – 2015 Easter Spirit Renewal and Sacred Art Retreat
Editor – Portland Urantia Study Group
Abegunde Julius Taiwo – Urantia Book Readers in Nigeria
James Woodward – Young Reader Study Group in Boulder
Marta and Dave Elders – Teaching and Facilitating in the UBIS
Editor – Mini-Study Guide
Line St. Pierre – International Conference 2015 Update

In This Issue

President’s December 2014 Message

Chris Wood

There is excitement in the air! There is no definitive way to measure excitement, to say that there is more excitement than last week or last month or last year – excitement is an experiential reality. But this buzz in the air about the Association and the projects we are accomplishing together has manifested in two ways: first, people are talking! In their recent letter to their entire mailing list, the Urantia Foundation chose to highlight two of the Association’s national projects. In Colombia the Association has been importing books and selling them to individuals and bookstores hoping to reduce the cost of El Libro de Urantia in their country. In Ukraine, the National Association has taken a similar step, and together with the International Association we have embarked on a plan to pierce the tough wall of the Ukrainian bookstore market. The success of the National Associations in Colombia and Ukraine will serve as models for other nations to follow paths to make the teaching of The Urantia Book more available and more affordable than ever before. The story of these Associations is so inspiring that the entire Urantia Community wants to spread the word and sing their praises!

The second measure of excitement is felt in the increased number of people stepping forward to volunteer to serve these projects. Individual students from across the world are offering their support.

The International Service Board has just completed an election cycle. The eleven members of the next Board now represent eight countries, four continents, and seven languages. The Revelation knows neither national nor cultural boundaries.

We must not pause for too long to take stock of the current conditions. Momentum is carrying us forward as our projects continue to branch out into the world. In 2015, the International Association will turn our attention to Africa and the specific challenges that are present. There is a growing need for books, study groups, and resources to bring together students in each country. Each country is unique and requires their own approach how to organize themselves as a Urantia community. We will lean heavily on the wisdom and guidance of the Associations in Senegal, Malawi, and Zambia to share their experiences.

If you would like to experience the excitement first hand, I highly recommend you attend the upcoming International Conference in beautiful Quebec, Canada. Returning to North America for the first time since 2004, this conference will be conducted in English, French, and Spanish. On Thursday July 29, 2015, before the official conference begins, there will be a special meeting of the International Representative Council, with leaders from each country in the Association meeting to share knowledge and experience and discuss the priorities for the coming years.

It’s a wonderful experience not to be missed. If you are able I recommend you arrive early to attend this event. And if you can, stay after the conference to experience the culture of Quebec with your fellow Urantians. Extra nights can be arranged at the conference campus or throughout the region. If you are interested then you should contact the conference leaders for more information.

There is excitement in the air! Can you feel it?

In service,
Chris Wood

Virginia Carolina Readers’ 12th Annual Conference

James Perry MD

James Perry PhotoWe have assembled here for the 12th Annual Virginia Carolina Readers Mini Conference. We are a small group, and the question naturally arises about why we do this. Why spend so much of our time relatively speaking on one endeavor. We have been studying these intriguing revelations for years, and on face value, it would appear that we have not made much progress in bringing these revelations to the world. But I would ask you to consider these thoughts as you ponder in your mind whether or not it is worth the effort.

We who have embraced these revelations have accepted by faith that these revelations were given to our planet by spiritual beings. And as we view the authors of the various “papers,” we come to understand that a great deal of effort and preparation went into preparing these revelations, and that they was authorized by the highest time-space authority, the Ancients of Days, our Superuniverse Rulers. These revelations reveal truth from Paradise on down to the lowly planet where Christ Michael himself incarnated in the human form of Jesus of Nazareth. The purpose of these revelations is to transform the world and prepare our planet to be ushered into the era of light and life, the goal of all evolutionary progress.

We are the beginning of a long list of trainees/leaders who are preparing the soil for those who come after us, to advance these revelations in the world until that distant day when the world is prepared to enter the era of light and life. And though it is only natural that we would like to see some transformation of our world during our stay here, we are not likely to see that happen on any grand scale. But what we are preparing to do for the future of mankind, we can do in our individual lives right here and now. We can wholeheartedly embrace these truths and the accompanying instructions to enter the era of light and life now.

Consider this:

 In some of the older universes we find worlds settled in the fifth and the sixth stages of light and life —even far extended into the seventh epoch —whose local systems are not yet settled in light. Younger planets may delay system unification, but this does not in the least handicap the progress of an older and advanced world. Neither can environmental limitations, even on an isolated world, thwart the personal attainment of the individual mortal; Jesus of Nazareth, as a man among men, personally achieved the status of light and life over nineteen hundred years ago on Urantia. [Paper 55:11.7, page 635:9]

My take on this is that even though our world as large may be retarded, we as individuals who chose to do the Father’s will are not penalized by the mass of humanity who choose not to do the Father’s will.

Like our elder brother Jesus, we can influence those within our social range by living these truths. And those who are truth seekers, will embrace those truths that they see displayed in our lives. And we should not be dismayed that it may take some time for them to receive, grasp, and incorporate these truths in their lives even as it took time for us to do the same thing. Even when the soil is fertile, it takes time for a seed to come up. Remember, every sincere contact with another changes the contacting parties in some way, even though it may not be discernable. A ship passing through the ocean changes the relationship of the water molecules the one to the other, even though those changes are not apparent to the observer.

In meeting here today, as in all other meetings, we have come to know each other better, to know something of the reactions to the life we are living, to learn to understand each other better, and ultimately learn to accept each other and love each other as Jesus does. This is the spiritual purpose of all socialization. So whether our gathering be small or large, the positive effect is still the same.

When we study together and present our understanding of the topics, we all benefit. The group potential far exceeds the potential of the sum of individuals. Some new meaning that may have escaped us may become crystal clear during such gatherings. Besides, individual study, while a good thing, can often become derailed unless a definite time is set aside to do so. It requires a discipline that may be lacking by the individual that is fostered and compensated by the group. When we participate in study groups, we overcome the limitations of solitary study. Since some of the material is difficult to comprehend, two heads are better than one. And finally we study to prepare ourselves for the next life.

James Perry MD

Good Tidings Conference Announcements

Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Local Universe

March 20-22, 2015
Briarwood Retreat Center
Argyle, TX
For more information, email urantia.randall@yahoo.com

Easter Spirit Renewal and Sacred Heart Retreat

March 27-30, 2015
Los Gatos, CA

2015 Urantia Association International Conference—Quebec (CANADA)

July 30–August 2, 2015
Bishops University in Lennoxville, Quebec, Canada.
The conference theme is, “Progressing from Human to Divine—Revealing Ourselves to God.” To learn more about the conference site, visit http://www.ubishops.ca

 2015 ANZURA Annual Conference for Readers of The Urantia Book

October 9-12, 2015
Sydney Academy of Sport & Recreation
Narrabeen, NSW, Australia. For more information, email anzura@urantia-anzura.org

2015 Easter Spirit Renewal and Sacred Art Retreat

The United Urantia Family & Urantia Sacred Arts

Are you looking for ways to deepen the experience of your relationship to God and spirit? Are you yearning to enjoy greater harmony in your life and your relationships with others? Are you interested in nurturing your soul by developing your innate artistic abilities?

Then don’t miss out on this momentous occasion—March 27th-30th, 2015—as we dedicate ourselves to the joy of renewing our spirit with the Creator Son while expressing the Creative Spirit through the arts during the 2015 Easter Spirit Renewal and Sacred Art Retreat.

GOOD NEWS!!! We have extended our early bird discount for one more week through Friday, December 12th, in order to allow everyone who would like to attend the Retreat one more chance to register early and save! You can sign up now and reserve your space today by visiting our RegOnline Event Registration Page.

For more information, please visit our website: http://tuuff.com/Easter%20Retreats/LosGatos_2015/home.html

The United Urantia Family & Urantia Sacred Arts

Portland Urantia Study Group

We are readers of The Urantia Book and are sincere seekers for improving our relationship with God. We all come from a diverse religious background of all faiths searching for God and desiring to have a personal relationship. We have regular meetings in the Portland area where we read sections from The Urantia Book as well as conduct topical religious studies centered on The Urantia Book. We value diversity of opinion and welcome your participation on our journey in finding God in ourselves and others. Above all, we aspire to live lives of faith and service to mankind.  http://www.meetup.com/Portland-Urantia-Book-Readers/

Urantia Book Readers in Nigeria

Abegunde Julius Taiwo

Nigeria Readers PhotoMy dearly beloved brother Rick Lyon, and our international family of students of The Urantia Book in the USA and around the world. Good day and happy greetings from Africa to you all. I am writing to you in order for you to view and share my family photo, our home study group here in Lagos.

May this coming year be one that brings more gratitude, more peace, and more love into the world through people such as you. Eternally grateful.

Abegunde Julius Taiwo, abejutai@yahoo.com

Nigeria Readers Photo

Young Reader Study Group in Boulder

James Woodward

(Adapted from an interview conducted by Susan Owen)

Ten years ago Jennifer Siegel started a study group for children at their home in Boulder, Colorado. The young folks meet at the same time as the adults but in a different room. All the children in the group come from families where parents or grandparents are readers. The children, however, must be able to read well and they have to able to sit still and pay attention. According to Jennifer, “There is nothing worse than religious instruction that is forced by parents. So over the years I’ve had a few instances where kids didn’t want to be there, it didn’t fit and so they didn’t come back. But generally they really look forward to class. And in fact when I have to be in Chicago they really miss the experience.”

Young Readers graphicIt requires different methods to teach children and Siegel has to keep them engaged. In a recent meeting she asked the kids, “According to Dale Carnegie, what do you think, is the most favorite word of people?”  The answers were love, thank you, and please. But, according to Dale Carnegie, the word is your name. So each week she talks about how they are and it seems to have made a difference. “I start with: ‘How was your week?’ If they answer, ‘Good,’ I ask, ‘Why was it good?’ Or if they say ‘bad,’ I ask, ‘Why was it bad?’ We go around the room and they share a lot or a little, depending on what’s going on in their lives. Over time I really get to know these kids and they feel validated and heard by an adult they trust—who’s not their parent.”

After the social bonding time the group reads the Jesus Papers. They started at the beginning and continue to work their way through. When they come to a difficult word Jennifer will read it so there is no embarrassment or trying to sound out the word.  That keeps it interesting even though there are seven-year-old and seventeen year old readers. Occasionally Jennifer will stop and ask questions: “What do they mean by that?” “What’s happening here?” “How does this relate to your life?” “Remember that story you just told us? Is this similar in some way to what Jesus is experiencing?” So the young folk’s study group features a lot of conversation about what is being read, which, according to Siegel, the kids really love. At the same time she is also a strong disciplinarian, so if a child isn’t ready she has no qualms about asking them not to return unless they really want to follow the rules.

The youngest child in the group is currently seven years old and attends regularly. There are two students right now who are third generation; one is nine and the other is seven. The youngest wanted to come to class since five, but wasn’t ready. Now seven, he was theoretically ready, but he wants to be there so badly he sometimes has to sit on his hands to stay still. But they both are engaged and bright. “They get it,” says Jennifer. “You never know what is going to come out of their mouth. They have an appreciation for spirituality and learning about the history of Jesus and the significance of that. Next week we are starting on the world’s religions section. I told them this might be a little difficult for them. It’s a lot of information and we might choose to skip it and come back to it in a year.” But Jennifer believes some of the most important information in the revelation comes in the Jesus Papers, and though she does not require that her students be Christian, she does try to instill some form of faith, and some understanding about the nature of religion. Her philosophy combines the best of a mother and teacher: “If you end up being a Urantia Book believer, that is great, or a Buddhist—I am still going to love you. But this will be your first introduction to other faiths and other cultures.” The kids voted and they decided they were ready, and this was the first time they tried the voting system. “I think it made them feel like they were part of the planning,” said Siegel.

The most recent kids who graduated to the adult study group were all girls who started when they were little. Once a year the group goes on a retreat to the mountains or hot springs, where they read the book, do mediations, and some kind of an art project. “I’m going to dance at these girl’s wedding,” says a proud “study group mom.”

When asked what makes these children want to join your group, Siegel responded, “One common denominator is these kids have really good parents who are engaged and involved in reading the book, attending study group, and other social activities. Some might argue that religion is genetic and an interest in having faith is something handed down through the genes. And perhaps these kids all just have that gene because they are truly interested. If they aren’t, they don’t come back to the group. Children also respond the loyalties of their parents. Some parents are afraid to push religion on their kids because it can backfire.  But doing nothing is the worst thing you can do, in my opinion. Look at how successful the Mormons have been in introducing their children to their faith and having it stick. They are not shy about their faith. And I would say this is what my students’ parents have; they are not shy or embarrassed by their faith. So they are comfortable sharing their faith with their children. When they attend study group, Jesus’ Birthday celebrations, or a worship service, they take their kids with them. Their attitude is ‘This is what we do as a family.’ Today I think too many parents are afraid to be assertive on the subject of their faith for fear of looking like a religious fanatic. But if you don’t let them have these experiences they won’t have a faith foundation from which to explore.”

Living in Boulder is an advantage since there is a large Urantia community there. Even still, everyone agrees there is no magic formula for raising children with The Urantia Book. “I just happen to live in a town where lots of parents are students of the teachings and they come to study group every week,” Siegel says, adding, “It’s them, not me. But, if you live in a community where it’s you and a couple others that read the book, chances are you could become that kid with the ‘weird religion’ and find yourself an outsider. If you go to a church with all your friends from your school, that’s normal, that’s comfortable.”

Continuing this theme of the social implications that revolve around being among the first to discover an epochal revelation, Jennifer tells a story of a conversation she had to have with a young student about sharing her faith in the Urantia teachings. “She a little more outspoken than her parents are comfortable with. We had a talk about how Jesus never took away from anyone’s belief, even though he might disagree. He just built on the good beliefs. She needed to be careful and of course, nobody likes to be corrected. She has the blessing of this book that has given her more information than most people have. And if she starts preaching in elementary school she’s going to become the weird kid. And that’s not good for her or the book.”

Jennifer also uses a reward system: sugar. She always has a bowl of something their parents would not feed them at home. Lately it was Halloween candy. They get one when they arrive and she believes it’s OK because these days kids are up at dawn with school, then soccer practice or other activities, so maybe a little sugar treat isn’t a bad thing. After they read they get another one. According to Siegel, “This encourages the shy ones to read. It usually takes about three weeks to get over the shy thing. Another example of the reward system is a young student who I took to task. I said to him, ‘Now I know you like to get this candy, but if you continue to disrupt the class, interrupt, make funny faces, and wiggle around in your chair, then when every other student gets their candy reward after they arrive and after they read, you will have to watch them eat it, because you’re not getting any.’ Sometimes it takes withholding to get their attention,” she allows, “but bribing works. I think it helps to mean what you say, act with authority, be willing to remove those who are not interested. Speak softly and carry a big book.”

The young person study group only reads the Jesus Papers, unless someone requests another topic, like if a relative just died and they are interested in life after death. Discussion about Thought adjusters is also popular.  “But mostly,” says Siegel, “we stay in the Jesus Papers because it is easy to understand and has such great stories. On occasion we do an unexpected field trip to get frozen yogurt or some other fun activity. I also do weekend retreats, in the past they have been with the older girls, but my current mixed group should be old enough to be away from home next year.”

Jennifer’s advice to new parents about bringing children up with The Urantia Book is: “Don’t be shy. You love your faith, why wouldn’t your kids? Presbyterians aren’t embarrassed about taking their kids to church or nervous about sharing their faith with their children. Catholics are really comfortable about their children having their catechism and first Holy Communion. Why don’t we do more of that? We can’t expect our children to learn by osmosis; we have to teach them. Your child is not going to learn math unless he does math equations. Your child is not going to know Jesus unless you introduce them.”

The Boulder Urantia community hosts a quarterly worship service at a local church where they rent space.  Sometimes the program is music based, sometimes readings with music, but they always have prayer and meditation and a remembrance supper. The Siegels also periodically have a remembrance supper in the adult study group and include the children when they are ready. “Kids love ceremony,” and Jennifer knows how to foster that in a gentle way: “They love it to be all about them, so a celebration of the arrival of the Thought Adjuster would be a great addition.”


Teaching and Facilitating in the UBIS

Marta & Dave Elders

The Urantia Book is a revelation of living truth. UBIS graphicUnlike human education, which makes information and knowledge accessible to the thinking mind, in the encounter with The Urantia Book teachings, The Urantia Book Internet School (UBIS) has to provide students with the opportunity to realize truth in their own experience. As mota 16 declares: “You cannot perceive truth until you feelingly experience it…” That begs several questions: How do we provide for that experience in the online UBIS classroom comprised of students who are not physically present to one another? What role (if any) does the soul play in both the experience of truth and in its consequent perception? As we read and study together the words which embody the fifth epochal revelation, can the Teacher-Facilitator and students together create an enhanced awareness of the possibility of, and the necessity for, the personal experience of truth which will lead to its subsequent perception?

The Teacher-Facilitators have the dual responsibility identified in their functional name. The Teacher aspect comes into play early on in the design of the course. Each Teacher-Facilitator must, with the guidance of the Curriculum Committee and the Course Review Committee, develop a design which will be of interest to the students, encourage depth of study in response to carefully worded questions, and open the invisible doorway to the experience of new truth.

The Facilitator role is key to implementing the course over ten weeks as the process moves during four periods from reading the text, responding to questions, and sharing insights in interactive group discussion.

There are related dynamics which are important to consider in this process. One of these is the natural human tendency, which we have all likely experienced, to project our existing level of understanding onto newly revealed truth. This can have the unfortunate effect of obscuring or diluting the new illumination offered by the revelation. For example, the reality of a finite God, the Supreme, is not comprehensible through a projection of existing human understanding because such truth has never been revealed to the human mind until now. The Teacher-Facilitator must remain vigilant to model a non-interpretive approach in facilitating his or her course, choosing instead to encourage the students to explore for themselves the new truths revealed and to build their comprehension together as they share the fruits of their exploration with their fellow students.

Based loosely on an actual class experience, here is an example of how a discussion week might begin. One student post offered that the Supreme was like a symphony orchestra made up of all time-space will creatures, each playing a unique instrument. Another student noted that the musicians play their music wherever in grand universe space and whenever in grand universe time they choose. A third student noted that somehow the Supreme was able to blend this unique music into a unified reality symphony that bathed the universes in finite harmony all the way to Paradise. And these were just the first shared insights—of nearly 150 posts in all—in a week filled with student observations, questions, and interactions on the UBIS website.

(Excerpted from the UBIS Newsletter. For the full article, visit ubis.urantia.org. In 2014, over 540 students from 27 different countries took a course from UBIS.)

Mini-Study Guide

Mini Study Guide ImageAlthough The Urantia Book does not offer any official interpretations of its teachings, your study group may benefit from using the following selected text and questions to foster an in-depth approach to your reading and study experience. These questions, then, are designed to stimulate thought in reference to a highlighted section from The Urantia Book.

This issue’s selected section is from Paper 130, Section 6: The Young Man Who Was Afraid 

Questions to Consider

  1. What to you is the one central truth of this section? Are there other truths contained herein? If so, what are they?
  2. What meanings/ideas do you extract from this passage?
  3. If you were to describe the spiritual values/ideas of this passage, how would you?

While they were up in the mountains, Jesus had a long talk with a young man who was fearful and downcast. Failing to derive comfort and courage from association with his fellows, this youth had sought the solitude of the hills; he had grown up with a feeling of helplessness and inferiority. These natural tendencies had been augmented by numerous difficult circumstances which the lad had encountered as he grew up, notably, the loss of his father when he was twelve years of age. As they met, Jesus said: “Greetings, my friend! why so downcast on such a beautiful day? If something has happened to distress you, perhaps I can in some manner assist you. At any rate it affords me real pleasure to proffer my services.”

The young man was disinclined to talk, and so Jesus made a second approach to his soul, saying: “I understand you come up in these hills to get away from folks; so, of course, you do not want to talk with me, but I would like to know whether you are familiar with these hills; do you know the direction of the trails? and, perchance, could you inform me as to the best route to Phenix?” Now this youth was very familiar with these mountains, and he really became much interested in telling Jesus the way to Phenix, so much so that he marked out all the trails on the ground and fully explained every detail. But he was startled and made curious when Jesus, after saying good-bye and making as if he were taking leave, suddenly turned to him, saying: “I well know you wish to be left alone with your disconsolation; but it would be neither kind nor fair for me to receive such generous help from you as to how best to find my way to Phenix and then unthinkingly to go away from you without making the least effort to answer your appealing request for help and guidance regarding the best route to the goal of destiny which you seek in your heart while you tarry here on the mountainside. As you so well know the trails to Phenix, having traversed them many times, so do I well know the way to the city of your disappointed hopes and thwarted ambitions. And since you have asked me for help, I will not disappoint you.” The youth was almost overcome, but he managed to stammer out, “But — I did not ask you for anything — ” And Jesus, laying a gentle hand on his shoulder, said: “No, son, not with words but with longing looks did you appeal to my heart. My boy, to one who loves his fellows there is an eloquent appeal for help in your countenance of discouragement and despair. Sit down with me while I tell you of the service trails and happiness highways which lead from the sorrows of self to the joys of loving activities in the brotherhood of men and in the service of the God of heaven.”

By this time the young man very much desired to talk with Jesus, and he knelt at his feet imploring Jesus to help him, to show him the way of escape from his world of personal sorrow and defeat. Said Jesus: “My friend, arise! Stand up like a man! You may be surrounded with small enemies and be retarded by many obstacles, but the big things and the real things of this world and the universe are on your side. The sun rises every morning to salute you just as it does the most powerful and prosperous man on earth. Look — you have a strong body and powerful muscles — your physical equipment is better than the average. Of course, it is just about useless while you sit out here on the mountainside and grieve over your misfortunes, real and fancied. But you could do great things with your body if you would hasten off to where great things are waiting to be done. You are trying to run away from your unhappy self, but it cannot be done. You and your problems of living are real; you cannot escape them as long as you live. But look again, your mind is clear and capable. Your strong body has an intelligent mind to direct it. Set your mind at work to solve its problems; teach your intellect to work for you; refuse longer to be dominated by fear like an unthinking animal. Your mind should be your courageous ally in the solution of your life problems rather than your being, as you have been, its abject fear-slave and the bond servant of depression and defeat. But most valuable of all, your potential of real achievement is the spirit which lives within you, and which will stimulate and inspire your mind to control itself and activate the body if you will release it from the fetters of fear and thus enable your spiritual nature to begin your deliverance from the evils of inaction by the power-presence of living faith. And then, forthwith, will this faith vanquish fear of men by the compelling presence of that new and all-dominating love of your fellows which will so soon fill your soul to overflowing because of the consciousness which has been born in your heart that you are a child of God.

“This day, my son, you are to be reborn, re-established as a man of faith, courage, and devoted service to man, for God’s sake. And when you become so readjusted to life within yourself, you become likewise readjusted to the universe; you have been born again — born of the spirit — and henceforth will your whole life become one of victorious accomplishment. Trouble will invigorate you; disappointment will spur you on; difficulties will challenge you; and obstacles will stimulate you. Arise, young man! Say farewell to the life of cringing fear and fleeing cowardice. Hasten back to duty and live your life in the flesh as a son of God, a mortal dedicated to the ennobling service of man on earth and destined to the superb and eternal service of God in eternity.”

And this youth, Fortune, subsequently became the leader of the Christians in Crete and the close associate of Titus in his labors for the uplift of the Cretan believers.

The travelers were truly rested and refreshed when they made ready about noon one day to sail for Carthage in northern Africa, stopping for two days at Cyrene. It was here that Jesus and Ganid gave first aid to a lad named Rufus, who had been injured by the breakdown of a loaded oxcart. They carried him home to his mother, and his father, Simon, little dreamed that the man whose cross he subsequently bore by orders of a Roman soldier was the stranger who once befriended his son. [Paper 130:6.1-6, Page 1437.1-1438.2]

International Conference 2015 Update

Line St-Pierre

Progressing from Human to Divine: Revealing Ourselves to God

Line St-Pierre Photo

July 30–August 2, 2015
Bishop University, Lennoxville,
Quebec, Canada

The Urantia Association of Quebec under the umbrella of Urantia Association of Canada will be hosting this event on behalf of Urantia Association International. It will take place at the beautiful site of Bishop’s University in Lennoxville, province of Quebec, Canada, from July 30th to August 2nd. Bishop's University Qucebec Conference

We will develop three sub themes, one for each day of the conference. The first is on Family, the second about the Individual, and the third is on Society/Brotherhood.

The Heavenly Father has a mission for each of us. He welcomes us into the great family of God’s children and gives us the opportunity to develop our potentials to carry their full expression of divine values in our material lives and beyond. Indeed, the Father has placed in our hands control over an infinitesimal fraction of the future of the Supreme. We have a good part of eternity to accomplish this mission and it starts now, here, on Urantia.

How do we carry out this major project, this grand and eternal adventure, this beautiful partnership between the human and the divine? By agreeing to become perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect. Growth and progress are the watchwords of the universe. By agreeing to grow, to progress from the human to the divine, we will be able to bring into fruition what God has placed in our hands. What are the winning conditions, the tools, and healthy lifestyles that allow for better growth?

Plan your 2015 vacation. Information on accommodation and registration is available now at http://urantia-association.org/2014/11/01/2015-urantia-association-international-conference/. We encourage parents and grandparents to bring their children and share this experience. Children under the age of thirteen years old are free and we will have a special program for them. More information to come in the next issue of Tidings.