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Tidings – June 2024

In This Issue

President’s Message

Enrique Traver, Brazil

Dear Brothers and Sisters

Reading about Jesus' journey back from Rome with Gonod and Ganid, papers 133:4.1 up to 133:4.12, Jesus meets several people, professionals in different areas of human activity or work and advises them on how they should carry out their daily work to reveal God and do his will. Perhaps, in these papers what Jesus is telling us is that always, in whatever activity or occupation we have, we can minister God to the people around us, revealing truth, goodness, beauty, justice and righteousness.

One passage caught my attention and caused me deep reflection, and that was precisely Jesus' conversation with the owner of a Greek inn to whom he said:

To the mistress of the Greek inn he said: “Minister your hospitality as one who entertains the children of the Most High. Elevate the drudgery of your daily toil to the high levels of a fine art through the increasing realization that you minister to God in the persons whom he indwells by his spirit which has descended to live within the hearts of men, thereby seeking to transform their minds and lead their souls to the knowledge of the Paradise Father of all these bestowed gifts of the divine spirit. 133:4.8 (1475.1) [emphasis added]

Each one of us is an inn. We host God himself within us. Could we have a more illustrious or important guest? Some Most High guest?

He is a permanent guest in our inn and while being there, we are constantly receiving the spiritual nourishment we need to ensure our survival. Imagine if you had an inn and didn't receive guests. How long would your business survive? We must serve this guest with all honor, with all love, with the desire to always do his will, in the certainty that by doing so we will keep him with us infinitely.

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The Importance of Organizational Unity

Gaétan Charland, Canada

Many students of the revelation, as well as our members, may wonder why the unification of Urantia Association International and the Urantia Book Fellowship is important. A recent survey conducted by Urantia Association revealed that an overwhelming majority—92.3% of respondents—favor unity. While many of us pray for unity within the Urantia movement, we may not fully understand what this unity will require from each of us, and from the two organizations involved in this unification process.

Unity is not merely a matter of concern for the welfare of the organizations involved; it significantly impacts the mission of the revelation to the world. Why is this the case? To answer this, we must ask ourselves the right questions. Consider what the young Jesus pondered when faced with important decisions: “As the years passed, this young carpenter of Nazareth increasingly measured every institution of society and every usage of religion by the unvarying test: What does it do for the human soul? Does it bring God to man? Does it bring man to God?”

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Update on Unity Initiative

Governance Committee

For several years, Sue Seccombe, President of the Fellowship, has been in discussion with our President, Enrique Traver, about ways the Association and Fellowship could collaborate. In October 2023, the Fellowship General Council approved a resolution establishing a "Unity Committee" to explore and make recommendations regarding “details and options … of steps toward unity between [our] two organizations.”  The Fellowship selected their Unity Committee members which were approved at their February 2024 General Council meeting.

In February, the Association approved the chartering of a Special Unity Committee granting authority to pursue discussions with the Fellowship towards unifying our two organizations. Our Unity Committee members are Gaétan Charland (Canada), Committee Chair, Michael Zehr (USA), Andrés Rodriquez (Colombia), Chris Moseley (UK), Susan Owen (USA). This committee met on April 29th to get to know each other and discuss the benefits and challenges of unity with the Fellowship. A second meeting was held May 15th to get acquainted further and discuss expectations for this endeavor.

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Retrospective on the 2024 International Conference

Francine Fortin

Come with me, I'll take you to Urantia Association's 12th International Conference 2024 Nature and Nurture of the Soul held from Friday, March 29 to Sunday, March 31, 2024, at the Maritime Conference Center in Baltimore City, USA.

A superb, comfortably appointed center, with indoor pool, 232 rooms, 55 meeting rooms and an auditorium that can accommodate over 350 people.

The name Maritime, referring to all that is nautical, has inspired more than one reader on the following quote from The Urantia Book:

The mind is your ship, the Adjuster is your pilot, the human will is the captain. The master of the mortal vessel should have the wisdom to trust the divine pilot to lead the ascending soul into the morontia havens of eternal survival. 111:1.9 (1217.4)

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Baltimore Children and Teen Program

Alice Wood, USA

The Children and Teen Program at Urantia Association’s Baltimore Conference provided kids with a space to play, make friends, and learn about Urantia teachings. Sixteen kids were put into two different mixed-age groups and moved through activities in the Hometown Nazareth curriculum, a Vacation Bible School curriculum made by Group (group.com). This curriculum was adapted by Urantia Book readers for Urantia kids, and it helped pave the way for the volunteers to talk about Jesus as our earthly brother, and as Michael our Creator Son. It provided fun music videos, Nazareth-themed activities and crafts, stimulating decor, and verbal prompts that the volunteers used for starting conversations. The volunteers thoroughly adopted the spirit of the program. They very often dressed as residents of Nazareth. They could be heard talking about the times that Jesus lived in, Jesus’ childhood, and when opportunities presented themselves, volunteers segued from talking about Jesus to things like Michael and the Mother Spirit, the meaning of “morontia,” and the spirit of service.

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Announcing Two New Programs

Alice Wood, USA

SerphiMail for Big Kids and Teens

Your big kids and teens can receive activity pages through the post office mail. Each SeraphiMail page contains a single, simple lesson. With a quote, some commentary, and an activity (like a crossword or a prompt to draw a picture), your kids will get exposure to the simple truths of The Urantia Book on a regular basis.

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Urantia Association International Conference, 2027

Eduardo Franco, Brazil

During the Baltimore conference the location for the next international conference was announced – BRAZIL! Thanks go out to the Urantia Association of Brazil for hosting our fifteenth conference.

The exact location and details will be released in the coming months. Please visit the country website to learn if you need a visa as they may take time to obtain. Click to watch the promotional video and whet your appetite for congregating with fellow readers in this lush location. We look forward to seeing you in Brazil!

Fourth European Conference, Paris

European Conference Committee

June 6 to June 9, 2025

In Paris, from Friday June 6 to Monday June 9, 2025, (Pentecost), the French invite you to a European Conference.

Our team: 1 Ivan, 2 Sophie, 5 Georges, 7 Gilles, 12 Robert, 13 Jean

The Theme

The Distributivity of God: Man as God's Heir

It's good to tell people, "You are formidable, unique and both the world and the Universe need you!" But can you really explain why? Through three or four short presentations, followed by research workshops, we propose to answer these questions so that we can enlighten mankind.

There will also be time for socializing and getting to know each other.

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ANZURA Conference 2024 – Melbourne

Anzura Conference Committee

4 –7 October 2024

This year’s ANZURA Annual Conference will be held 4 –7 October at the Edmund Rice Centre in Lower Plenty, Melbourne. It is a retreat and conference venue situated on the Yarra River in Lower Plenty. Nestled on 20 acres of native bushland, we will be surrounded by the peace and tranquility that only the natural bush setting can provide. It’s approximately 20 kilometres from the heart of Melbourne and 40 minutes from Melbourne’s International Airport.

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About Tidings Newsletter

The Tidings newsletter is a quarterly on-line publication that serves as Urantia Association International’s primary communication tool for reaching out to the Association’s membership, supporters, donors, volunteers, and general readership friends. It provides news and information on the many activities and events of the National or Affiliate Urantia Associations around the globe as well as information and announcements from Central Office, the International Service Board (ISB), and the International Representative Council (IRC). It serves to keep members in touch with one another and gives readers a sense of belonging—of being an integral part of a truly international movement that is designed to promote the Urantia revelation to all corners of the world.

Note: Tidings also occasionally provides news of other Urantia-related activities and events that may be of interest to our supporters and friends. Please note that any interpretations, opinions, conclusions, or artistic representations, whether stated or implied, are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Urantia Association International, the National or Affiliate Urantia Associations, or the editorial team of the Association’s Tidings.

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