Urantia Association
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Journal Editorial – May 2015

The Journal for May 2015 is now ready to read. You can view it on the website at http://urantia-association.org/publications/uai-journal/journal-archives/. (Choose the ‘2015 No.2’ one.)

The following is from Suzanne Kelly, Chief Editor describing the articles in this issue:

Editorial from Journal – May 2015

Suzanne KellyOur second edition of the Journal for 2015 has three spiritually fragrant contributions that touch upon the personal psyche of our faith and our true being.  The first article by Chuck Thurston, The Inner Voice, sublimely introduces us to our eternal self, to the will of God, and to the “absolute fragment of the absolute and infinite Deity,” within us, that is us.  Chuck elucidates the fullness of the “Voice” echoing with simple clarity, Talking to God is an act of will, which I can only accomplish through the exercise of my own inner voice. By implication, these passages are telling us that our human voice, as a result of talking to God, has the potential to become consecrated, expanded, glorified and perfected!

Our second contribution from Marion Steward, Celebrating God’s Gifts: An Exploration of Creative Living, was originally presented at the New Zealand Conference in October 2014.  Marion gives us a renewed understanding of the creative side of the Adjuster, our Personality, the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit and the myriad of spirit helpers that teem in our world. All these gifts so greatly enrich our lives and make it possible for us to embark, right now, on an exciting eternal adventure.

Our final article What We Can Learn From the World’s Religions by our own Verner Verass, the superior graphics guru responsible for the beautiful Journals you read, is an instructive reflection of the beliefs and actions of the multiple faiths and religions of the 21st Century.  These religions will be represented at the World Parliament of Religions in Salt Lake City in October 2015. In the spirit of this statement and the objectives of the World Parliament of Religions, let us look at what The Urantia Book says about the major religions of the world and glean from them pearls of wisdom that will lead to a better understanding of our fellow believers, for we all know that each is responding to the same spirit influence. As many of us have already discovered, understanding leads to love—true brotherhood.

If you want to determine the outworking of your Inner Voice, the Thought Adjuster, and the receptivity of the Gifts of God in yourself and the religions of the world today, these three instructive essays, each poignant in their subject, will speak to the spirit of truth that is uniquely you, and possibly lead to new pathways of understanding each other.  It is these pathways of brotherhood that shore up the foundation of the thoroughfare that culminates with the Fatherhood of God.

Happy and enlightened reading!!

Suzanne Kelly