Summer Meeting 2015 in the UK

Hosted by the Urantia Association of United Kingdom & Ireland

UK Summer Meeting venue

Friday August 21st to Sunday August 23rd

Ty’n Cellar Farm, Margam, South Wales

Theme: The Times of the Bestowal

Every year, at some point in the summer, British Urantia Book readers choose a rural retreat somewhere in the British Isles to spend a weekend in a calm, relaxed atmosphere. This is a time when we enjoy sharing meals and studying a particular aspect of The Urantia Book in-depth. It can happen at any point in the summer season, depending on when our chosen venue is available. This year, we have extra cause to celebrate, because Jesus’ birthday falls on a Friday.

Please come and join us for this very special Jesus’ birthday celebration. The event will be held at the lovely peaceful retreat of Henrietta’s Hall, located at the Ty’n Cellar Farm, Margam, South Wales.

The South Wales Coast, with its attractive beaches and small towns, is just nearby and the venue offers a cozy setting for our celebration of Jesus’ bestowal on our planet.

It’s not too late to join us. For booking accommodation contact the venue directly via their website at

For more information email either:

Chris Moseley:
Gary Rawlings: