
Urantia Book
A-Z Topical Index


Fables Jesus’ advice to the apostles to refrain from use of, 1691-1692

Face to face Father will be seen, 64, 1786

Fact(s) agreement of, with real faith, 2078
    the basis for philosophic thought, 1120
    consciousness, a result from science, 1122, 2094
    contrast of, with values, 1477
    discovery of new, not a part of religion, 1105
    distortion of, 215
    of experience, 1123
    the field of knowledge, 1459
    of God, the changeless quality of the, 1126
    God the most real of all, 1127
    of life, importance of facing the, 1475
    mature logic’s toleration of truth with, 1125
    proper attitude of science and religion toward their, 1110, 1119, 1127, 1138
    of religion, the religious experience of rational human beings, 1105
    Thomas’ sure sense of, 1562
    of time and space, spiritual realities’ advantage over the, 1125, 1615
    vs. the truth of Jesus’ resurrection, 2023
    the universe’s one and only self-caused, God the, 1126

Factory modern, effect of, on woman’s freedom, 937

Factual enlargement, a necessity in a growing religious experience, 1120
    and nonfactual, differentiation of, 192

Fad Dalamatia plan of teaching as sponsored by, 751
    and five associates, loyalty of, 746, 757

Failure apparent, Jesus untouched by, 1102
    an episode in the acquirement of wisdom, 1779-1780

Fair Havens episode of, 1436-1437

Fair play and competition Garden laws of, 836

Fair-mindedness and prayer about, 998

Fairness of adjudication of the sinner’s universe status, 615
    definition, 38, 114, 158, 428, 1732
    on Havona and Urantia, 158
    Jesus’ manifestation of, 1102, 1383, 1401
    Judas’ distorted ideas of, 1566
    the Master’s, with his apostles and disciples, 1589
    perfection of, in Havona, 115
    a preliminary to manifestation of mercy, 315
    as related to prayer, 998

Faith ability of, to dispel man’s doom and despair, 1118
    ability of, to supplement reason and logic, 1125, 1141
       to unify the truth of God and the fact of God, 1125
    admission to the spiritual kingdom by, 290, 1865
    -adventure, of establishing the Father’s kingdom, 1729, 1750
       to Jesus, Judas a, 1566
    of the afflicted, reconstructive power of the, 1669
    apostles’ possession of eternal life through, 2043
    assurance of, evolutionary religion’s provision of the, 52, 1111, 2052
    assurances of, 1118-1119
    attitudes, four, 1573
    and belief, 1114-1115
    candidates, for the heavenly kingdom, 1676, 2084
    certainty, the greatest technique for dealing with contentions about believing in God, 1126
    children of the Highest, Urantia mortals the, 448
    the connection between moral consciousness and enduring reality, 1116, 1610
    creature, a characteristic of victorious human life, 59, 1616
    a definition, 1114, 1139, 1142, 1447, 1459, 1580, 1583, 1705
    and divine sonship, 380, 448, 1211, 1588, 1596, 1621, 1674, 1682, 1725
    -dominated persons, probable experience of, as to healing, 1658, 1669
    and doubt, Job’s struggle between, 1664
    effect of, on the religionist, 1115
    and entrance to the kingdom, 1537, 1583, 1596, 1861, 2083
    and eternal life, 1567
    evolved religion’s dependence on, 1111
    experience, religion the sphere of the, 1110, 1572
    a factor in Jesus’ teachings, 1112
    the Father’s response to the faintest flicker of, 1733
    a fruit of the spirit, 381, 1674
    the function of, 1682
    Gautama’s disregard for the importance of, 1037
    genuine ability of, to remove mountains of material difficulty, 1619
    the gift of God, 1537
    in God, forgiveness of sin through, 1545
       John the Baptist’s test of his, 1507
    of Havona creatures, vs. saving faith of mortals, 52
    hope, and charity of Paul’s religion, 1745, 2063, 2095
       and love of Jesus’ religion, 2063
    human, in the Father’s overcare, the foundation of Jesus’ peace, 1954
       and Jesus’ creative power, 1698
       survival’s dependence upon, 1205
    vs. intellect, 1653
    of Jesus, 1113, 2087-2097
       effect of, on spiritual doubts, 1112, 2087-2088
       fruits of the divine spirit borne by, 2089
       in man, effect of, 1786, 2093
       triumph of, over fear and doubt, 1970
    in Jesus, John the Baptist’s test of, 1507
    Job’s triumph of, 1664
    just shall live by, 1682
    justification of Abraham by, 1682
    kingdom believers’ living of their temporal life by, 1861, 1916
    lack of influence of, on the laws of the material universe, 1115, 1145
    Lao-tse’s definition of, 1034
    the last grant stretch of, 299
    liberty, religion’s range from primitive fear slavery to, 1104
    living, change to, from an intellectual belief, 1731, 1745, 2064
       the God-knowing individual’s use of, 1126, 1710, 2088
       man’s need of a, 1002, 1222, 1656, 1758
       religion’s validation possible only by, 1141
       religious, an evaluation of, 1114, 1124, 1686
    and love, power of, 1573, 1766, 1921
    man’s ability to triumph through, 1116, 1954
       justification by, 1460, 1610, 1739
    the Master’s desire that his followers should share his, 2089
    as a means of salvation, 1118, 1020-1021, 1017
    the Melchizedek followers’ need to recognize the importance of, 1017
    the method of religion, 221, 1106, 1211, 1459
    need of, to be personal, 1114-1115
    New Testament definition of, 1091
    the only escape from the incompleteness of the intellectual world, 1116-1117
    the open door for entering the….love of God”, 1105, 1545, 1569
    the perfection of Jesus’, 1102, 1117
    personality development’s dependence upon, 1266, 2088
    possession of, fruits of the, 1125, 1766
    power of, 1438, 1601, 1670, 1683, 1766
    proof of the mind’s attainment to the levels of, 1106, 1114, 2043
    -realization, of the child-father relationship, the gospel’s concern with, 1585, 1916, 1957
    reason, and wisdom, man’s highest attainments, 1137, 1141
    release of, by true religion, 1119, 1137, 1727
    a requisite for, 51, 1111
    revelation’s instruction of, 1106, 1137
    the rightful meaning of, 1091
    and salvation, 610, 1060, 1584, 1593, 2053
    saving, Jesus’ discernment of, 1127, 1875, 2053
       of mortals, vs. faith of Havona creatures, 52
    sincere, implications of, 1849, 1861, 1941
    son(s) of God, definition, 31, 380, 383, 447, 1963, 1985
       man the, 66, 157, 448, 1460, 1593, 1661, 2049, 2053
    spirit-born, effect of man’s, 1931, 2003, 2063
    strivings of, and sublime peace, 290, 1115
    superiority of, over knowledge and reason, 1119
    in the survival of supreme values, the core of religion, 1219
    theology’s possible ways of dealing with, 2087
    transformation of, man’s experience of, 1117, 1124
    and true worship, 1448, 1459
    -trust, religion a, 40, 1141
    and truth, 1459-1460, 1740
    undaunted, in the soul’s survival, 1098, 1108
    unflinching, Jesus’ possession of, 2088
    various manifestations of, 383, 1115, 2087

Faithful(s) of Days advice of, to Constellation Fathers regarding Lucifer rebels, 608, 617
    assistance of, by Most High Assistants, 410
    constellation observers, function of, 166, 179, 181, 213, 371, 489, 491, 495
    residence of, vs. that of Ancients of Days, 489
    responsibility of, to Unions of Days, 213
    supreme Trinity Personalities, 114, 207, 213

Faithfulness of the Alpheus twins, 1564
    a definition, 1876
    equality of Father and son in, 55, 85, 1069, 1445
    in little, and in much, 1854

Fall of man origin, of the theory of the, 838, 845-846

Fallen worlds end of the Lucifer rebellion on the, 607, 611, 616

False doctrines, evil the path of, 1446, 1913, 1961
    religions, an evasion of reality, 2077

Falsehood a definition, 555, 613

Family(ies) of Adam and Eve, Edenic and post-Edenic, 834
    altar, the “Lord’s Prayer” an evolution of the Nazareth, 1389
    ancient, mother domination of the, 781
    of Andon, 713
    apostles’ plans for the care of their, 1546-1547, 1554, 1559
    association, of dawn mammals, character of, 704
    basis, relations between God and man on a, 2017-2018
    care of his father’s, Jesus’ first obligation, 1389-1390, 1538
    Chinese emphasis on the importance of the, 888
    civilization’s direct dependence on the, 780, 888
    crests, origin of, 781
    divine, kingdom of heaven a, 1676
    divine, mortal members of, sons of God, 448
    evolving, vs. the horde, in child rearing, 1775
    the first human, 711, 717
    foundation of the, 787
    of God, and discipline, 48, 1861
    human, the high ideal of, 369, 777
    importance of, in Jesus’ philosophy of life, 1581
       in social evolution, 931, 940, 2035
    of the Infinite Spirit, twenty-one classes of, 332
    of Jesus, attitude of, toward him, result, 1539, 1684
       commission of John to welcome into the kingdom the, 1955
       Davis’s summoning to Jerusalem of the, 1923, 1967, 2001
       John’s reaction to attitude of, 1555
    Jesus’ failure to confer with his, reason, 1722
       love for his, 1419, 1722
       question as to his future relationship to his, 1391
    lesson on the, 1603-1605
    life, changing, influence of, on religion, 1090
       children a necessity to, 1089
       present status of, 941, 1089
    love, a human loyalty, 888, 2088
    membership, an advantage of, 619, 940
    organization, practical, an essential to modern national life, 800
    rating of, among human achievements, 92, 939
    relationship(s), of God with his creatures, 59, 618, 1603
       and religious obligations, 1581
    the significance of, in society, 770, 939
    a true, seven foundation facts of, 1604

Famine primitive industry as insurance against, 773, 776

Fanatical Jesus not, 1102, 2088

Fanaticism vs. enthusiasm, 1102, 1673, 2088
    influence of, on prayer, 995
    religion’s method of avoiding, 1089, 1778
    sometime cause of, 1207

Fandors as passenger birds, 746, 832
    use of, in Adam’s Garden inspection, 831

Fanoving Nebadon a neighbor of, 360

Fantad about, 724

Farewell(s) of Jesus to the apostles, 1955-1962, 2049, 2057
    of the Mediterranean travelers at Charax, 1481
    to the seventy, 1804-1806

Far-flung creation, the Father’s technique of working for welfare of his, 362
    ministry of the Infinite Spirit, 75

Farm Jesus’ first experience on a, 1357, 1364

Farmer usual evolution of a man from hunter through herder to, 743, 900

Fasting of body not a requisite to security in the kingdom, 1656
    custom of prophets and human leaders as to, 559, 976, 991, 1515, 1655
    instruction to the apostles regarding, 1577, 1605, 1640
    not a part of the gospel, 976, 1655
    physical, dangers of, 1574
    and prayer, of the old order, 1499, 1609
    and praying, Jesus’ comments on, 1655
    a ritual of religious sacrifice, 976-977, 1576
    spiritual, danger of, 1574

Fatalists only two kinds of peace possible for, 1954

Fate Brahma identified with, in Hinduism, 1031
    of Eve, Adam’s choice of the, 843
    overcontrol of, the Greek’s belief in the, 1078
    primitive man’s belief in his ability to influence, 956

Father(s) Abraham, Jews’ reverence for dogmas ordained by, 1340
    -Brahma concept, a definition, 1028
    and child, living connection between, 1653
    earthly, love of, for his family, 40, 1597, 1601, 1629, 1676, 1923
       reaction of immature children to their chastisement by, 1597
    -family, a description, 933
       and the Roman state, 801
    guides, on third Havona circle, functions of, 294-295
    House,” Paradise, 120, 1384
    Melchizedek, 223, 371, 384-385, 396, 416, 634-635, 1753
    -mother concept, beginning of, 370, 1839
    name, 22-23
    plan, an analysis of the, 1266
    secret worlds, acquirement of status on, 148
    the source of all things, 47, 1145, 2096
    source of life, 35, 404, 1601, 1820
    temple, in Dalamatia, fate of, 759
       Edenic, home of the tree of life, 826
    The, see also Universal Father
    universe attitude of the, 23, 54-56, 480
    unseen, more spiritual worship of, on the Father’s world, 538, 745

Father(s), 1. Heavenly Father’s nature
    -Absolute, of all personalities, God the, 58-59, 111
    appraisal of himself, 34
    attributes of the, 44-53, 2003
    changeless, effect of prayer on man’s attitude toward the, 1639
    divinity on Divinington, Adjuster’s possible contact with the, 1179
    vs. “Elohim” (God), 1856
    escape from personality absolutism, 108
    eternal perfection, 35-36
    of Fathers, God the, 23, 35
    God as a, 59, 640, 1260, 1445, 1448-1449, 1453-1454, 1590, 1676, 1857, 1900
    in heaven, identity of God as our, 31, 1461, 1543, 1598, 1855
       not a king, 31, 1855
       personality and attributes of, 1384, 1702, 1795, 1855, 1857
    heavenly, all things possible to the, 34, 1150, 1169-1170, 1299, 1453
    -Infinite, definition, 6, 34, 59, 117, 1175
    invisibility of the, 361, 1750
    of Lights, 23, 35, 1454, 1702, 1795
    never torn by conflicting attitudes, 38
    not wrathful, 1725
    omniscience of the, 1855
    a partial definition, 1856
    -personality, First Source and Center the infinite, 89, 110
       God is, 34, 79, 109-110, 367
    self-existent, 1294
    of the spheres, definition, 587, 1149
    of spirits, as ancestor of universes, 441, 467, 481, 1796
    unchangeableness of the, 35

Father(s), 2. Father’s kingdom – love
    affection, vs. brother’s affection, 1573
    all-loving, Isaiah’s portrayal of the all-powerful Creator as the, 1070
       religion’s disclosing of an, 38, 1124
    -child affection, cosmic sociology, 50
    eternal, relation of, to the spiritual kingdom, 1675-1676, 1749
    in heaven, result of creature’s choosing to do the will of, 25, 1466
       wholehearted devotion to doing the will of, results, 8, 382, 804, 1095, 1466
    and his kingdom, 1588, 1855-1857, 1952
    kingdom, early believers’ expectancy of Jesus’ early return to establish the, 1585, 2067
       faith the only requisite to entering the, 1545, 1569
       God within you, 1569
       Jesus’ program for the establishment of the, 1523
    love, eternal, the cross and man’s realization of the, 75-76, 2019
       nature of the, 1289
       and the Son’s mercy, 2062
    love of the, degree of, 38-40, 76, 1676, 1795, 2087
    teaching about the, 1590-1591, 1767

Father(s), 3. Relation to man
    affectionate, time for embracing salvation granted the sinner by an, 617
    of all mankind, Isaiah the second’s portrayal of God as the, 1070
    of all the Sons of God, man’s relation to, 448, 1676
    child rearing an essential experience for, 531
    discovery, mortal man’s possible experience of, 1113, 1512
    earthly, a child’s dependence for first ideas of the heavenly Father on his, 1597, 1601, 1922
    -endowed personalities, ultimate status spheres for, 143
    -fragment(s), indwelling in creature minds, fact of, God’s presence determined by, 46, 76, 139, 143, 333, 569
       Divinington the home of, 143-144
       function of, 3, 65, 76, 631, 1177-1178
    -fused being, definition, 333, 343, 448-449
       mortals, goal of, vs. that of Son- and Spirit-fused mortals, 453
          potential finaliters, 453
    the great cause of man’s spiritual ascent, 1291
    in heaven, attitude of, toward his children on earth, 193, 1062, 1454, 1605
       endowment of man with power of choice by the, result, 1429
       God revealed as the, 2052
    method of the, of dealing with his creatures, 1619, 1804
    is no respecter of persons”, 1290, 1536, 1831
    not in hiding, 62, 64
    presence in every sincere soul, 1453, 1965
    Spirit-fused mortals’ inclusion in personality circuit of the, 450
    Thought Adjusters the gift of the, 639

Father(s), 4. The Father’s will
    doing the will of the, and the answer to prayers, 1639, 1946
    will, 1971-1972
       Creator Son’s personification of the, an influence in healing, 1515, 1669
       dedication to doing the, a prerequisite to salvation, 1459, 1829, 1946
       desire to do, a factor in advancement of morality, 193, 1467
          proof of Adjuster presence, 24
       the divine law, 1660
       infinity of the, repercussions of the, 1158
       Jesus’ promise to finish the service of, 1760, 1819
       as law, vs. the Father’s will as the human’s    1589
       man’s choosing of the, significance, 1221, 1285, 1831
       technique of deduction of, by Ancient of Days, 309
       of the, Jesus’ interpretation of religion in terms of the, 2088
          and Jesus’ use of the celestial hosts, 1516
          the Master’s predominant loyalty to the, 1518, 1521
          Son of Man’s obedience to the, 1521

Father(s), 5. Father-Son partnership
    coexistence of the Son and the Spirit with the, 1598
    -Son association, represented by Conjoint Actor, 91, 96, 99, 112, 161
       Havona’s appearance from the union of, 1148
       partnership, evolution of, to Father-Infinite, 1171
       partnership, function of, with relation to Paradise absoluteness, and attributes of Third Source and Center, 93, 99, 291
       policies, Master Spirit Number Four’s relation to, 187
       relationship, familiarity of Jesus with the, 366, 1604
       revelation of the absolute oneness of the duality of the, 109, 1154, 1784
    and Son, effect on, of eternalization of Infinite Spirit, 250
       participation of, in creation of Seven Master Spirits, 184
    -Son-Spirit, the absolute oneness of the Trinity of the, 1154
    Son, Spirit, depiction of, by Master Spirit Number Seven, 185, 188
    Seven Master Spirits’ relation to, 184

Father(s), 6. Relation to Jesus
    -brother, Ruth’s loyalty to her, 1538
    character of the, Jesus’ desire to declare the real truth concerning the, 1494
    -child relationship, the basis of Jesus’ teaching, 1776, 1922
    eternal, Jesus the divine representative of the, 1749
    in heaven, Jesus’ dependence upon his, 1417, 1425, 1436, 1507, 1519, 1892
    to his family, Jesus a real, 1396
    in his local universe, the Creator Son a, 368
    and I are one,” Jesus in the Capernaum synagogue, 1711
    Jesus’ confidence in the constant presence of the, 1523, 1750, 2010
       desire to live and work in manner approved by his, 1515, 1786, 1945
       spiritual communion with his, 1102, 1494
    reality of, Jesus’ refusal to offer proof of, 1855
    supreme revelation of the, 88-89

Father(s), 7. The Father’s activities
    business, the, 1102, 1316, 1376, 1384, 1386, 1418, 1512, 1625, 1634, 1647, 1659, 1722, 1753, 1811, 1917
    circuit, relation of mindal- and physical-energy personalities to, 334
    collaboration with Supreme Being by the, 115
       with the Ultimate by the, 115
    as energy revealed in Paradise-Havona, 1147
    existential expression of the, 10, 644
    First Source and Center’s function as, 111
    freewill act of, effect of, on reality, 7
    personal presence of, 25
    presence of, Jesus’ promise to the apostles of the, 1584
    primacy of the, 52-53, 88
    purposes of, 35
    Reality initiated and maintained by the, 7
    of the realm, definition, 587, 1147
    -revelation enterprise, the bestowal plan, 85, 1732, 1965

Fatherhood absolute, the Father’s retention of, 111
    of God, apostles’ preaching of, in Samaria, 598, 1608, 1616, 1670, 2017, 2042, 2059
       and the brotherhood of man, believers’ need to accept both the, 554, 598, 1608, 1819, 1859, 2053, 2086
          religion the, 44, 1596, 2059
       religion’s revelation of the, 1101, 1572

Fatherlikeness achievement of, relation of, to success in the quest of the Infinite, 1174

Fatherliness supreme, mercy as related to, 1575

Fatherly and brotherly love, 1573-1575
    love, attitude of, toward returning good for evil, 1575
    relationship, God’s, and limitation of his power, 48
    role, of Jesus, 1405

Fault California four-mile vertical, 696

Faultlessness of Jesus, 1594

Fauna Australia’s peculiar, 719
    changes in, during early Oligocene period, 695

Favor divine, Jesus’ belief as to relation of material prosperity to, 1830

Favor of God(s) not for sale, 1838
    primitive man’s effort to win the, 974
    winning the, bestowal of Paradise Son not necessary for, 60

Favoritism absence of, in plan of mortal survival, 452
    Jesus’ incapability of showing, 1554

Fear(s) Adamic children’s freedom from, 851
    and anger, power of, 1573
    animal, mortal minds subjected to, 103
       in primitive man’s religion, 590, 955, 1004, 1675, 1951, 2003,2063
    and apprehension, the apostles’, at Peter’s and John’s return from the tomb, 2028
    banishment of, by a strong personality, 1658
    basis of intellectual religions, 1004, 1780
    common, origin of, 766
    a consequence of personality isolation, 1985
    of the dead, the ghost cults and, 958
    delivery of victims of, from their spirit of infirmity, 1446, 1836
    destruction of, by a courageous faith, post-Pentecostal, 2064
    and doubts, Jesus’ warning against, 1824
    effect of, on the creative imagination, 1220
       on the evolving soul, 787, 1204
       on man’s prayers, 995
    evolutionary religion’s origin in, 708, 986, 1124
    of existence, vs. the joy of living, 952, 1611
    of fire, early man’s, 777
    Gautama’s effort to deliver men from, 1035, 1037
    ghost, relation of, to large families, 776, 940
       see also Ghost(s), fear
    of God, vs. adoration of God, 1467, 1675-1676
       Moses’ attempt to awe his people with a, 1058
    Jesus’ admonition against, 1102, 1608, 1745, 1820, 2088
    of the Lord”, 1675-1677
    of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”, 766, 1444, 1675
    vs. love, and Jesus’ mission, 1013, 1675
    man’s, influence of, on Adjusters, 1192-1193
    is man’s chief enslaver….”, 1596
    in modern races, reason for, 851
    motive power of, in evolutionary religions, 66
    of natural phenomena, mankind’s need to be delivered from, 1013
    not; I will be with you….”, 1103, 1582, 1584, 1699, 1820
    Pilate’s superstitious, of Jesus, 1996
    and prejudice, of the Jewish leaders, 1672
    prerequisite to man’s freedom from, 1443, 1451, 1776
    Primates subjection to, 591, 707, 955
    religion of, identification, 1572, 1728, 2083
    -ridden, Jesus’ followers admonished to strengthen the, 2033
    -ridden woman, presence of, in Philadelphia synagogue, 1835, 2033
    of self-bondage, vs. liberty of self-mastery, 1609
    slavery of, religion’s emergence from, 141
    social influence of, 765
    in solidification of early clans, 577
    superstitious, of natural man, 1729
    unreasoned, a definition, 556

Fearlessness of Jesus, 1785, 1955

Fecundity elaborate ceremonials to insure, 917, 924-925

Federal budget commission, election of, in the continental nation, 816
    chief executive, method of election of, in the continental nation, 818
    government, income sources of, in the continental nation, 815

Feeble-minded early man’s worship of the, 948
    management of, in the continental nation, 812

Feeble-mindedness confounding a belief in demoniacal possession with, 864
    rarity of, on advanced worlds in light and life, 629

Feeding the five thousand about, 1700-1702, 1704, 1708, 1753, 1850

Feeling(s) a concomitant of religion, 1110
    a controlling influence in evolutionary development, 506, 948
    of experience, vs. the experience of feeling, 1110
    mortal man not led Godward by his, 1105
    possible influence of, in religious experience, 1099, 1110
    schools of, on the mansion worlds, 551

Feet of first human beings, 705, 707
    washing, parable of the, effect of, on the apostles, 1936, 1940

Fellow men God’s forgiveness, and man’s forgiveness of his, 1638
    Jesus’ desire to make no overpowering appeals to his, 1424
    Jesus’ influence over, reason, 1589
    man’s privilege to serve his, 1454, 1600, 1860

Fellow servants with Jesus, in doing the Father’s will, 1940

Fellows of the kingdom Alpheus twins as, 1563

Fellowship of believers, and attainment of divine sonship, 31, 1736, 1861, 1947, 2041, 2067, 2076
    divine, finite intellect’s assurance of, 62
    of the faithful,” substitute for Jesus’ “kingdom”, 1861
    of the Father, drawing all men into the, 1584, 1862, 1904, 1931
    Jesus’, a definition, 1750
    of the kingdom, equality of all men in the, 1958, 2088
    personality essential to, 31
    prayer the expression of, 1618

Female equality of mind endowment and spiritual status in male and, 564
    and male activities, early differentiation of, 765
    rule of the male, on some planets, 591, 932

Fern(s) family, sudden appearance of, 679
    -forest carboniferous period, 680-682
    forests, replacement of, time of, 692
    of later reptilian age, 687
    a life feature of the coal age, 679, 682

Fertile crescent migration to the islands by peoples of the, 896

Fertility of the bride, proof of, 916, 925

Festive gatherings Jesus’ encouragement of his apostles’ attendance at, 1541

Fetish(es) bag, medicine man’s, not permitted to touch the ground, 970
    as a barter guard, 775
    belief in, 933-935
    charms, and magic, 967-973
    cult, 967-968
    evolution of the, 968-970
    personalities, kings as, 790
    practice, in guarding property, 781
    worship, Moses’ effort to control, 969, 1058

Fetishism a definition, 967, 970
    and reincarnation, 967

Feud(s) in Andonic clans, results of, 714
    between the churches of Jerusalem and Philadelphia, duration of, 1831

Feudalism of European Middle Ages about, 801

Fidelity Jesus’ estimate of, 1582

Fifteenth year Jesus’, 1389-1391

Fifth mansion world, 537
    mortal epoch, signal for the inauguration of the, 595
    stage of light and life, see Light, and life

Fig tree and coming of summer, 1915
    parable of the, 1830

Fight for his rights, Jesus’ unwillingness to, 1368
    the good fight of faith”, 1766

Fighting an absorbing pursuit of the Andonic clans, 589, 714

Finaliter(s) acting chief of, position of seat of, in the morontia temple, 622
    activity, in the grand universe, 453, 643, 1288
    ascendant, extent of experience of, 350, 362, 518, 643
    career of, preliminary training necessary to, 163, 299
    and the challenge of God the Ultimate, 305
    character of a, dependence of, on the Supreme, 1284
    chief of planetary corps of, as a ruler of a first stage light-and-life world, 627, 633
    circles of the, 148, 486, 527
    companies, permanent members of, 349
    corps, ascending seraphim’s activity in the, 1248
       headquarters of Satania, 509, 530, 604
       nonmortal, guardians’ entry into, 349, 441
       the seven, the representation of divinity response of the grand universe to potentials of outer universes, 353
       trinitization engaged in by certain members of each, 249
       waiting list for, of Havona volunteers, 346
       see also Corps of the Finality, Corps of Mortal Finality
    early assignments of, 343
    eternal career of, 163
    the experimental children of the Supreme, 1239
    the fascination of never-ending problems to, 1174
    Father-fused mortals, 453, 1179
    field of activity of, 628, 643
    finding of the Supreme Being by, 643
       of the Universal Father by, 641, 643
    future, destiny of the, dependent on human volition, 1233
    Gravity Messengers under the command of, 346
    jurisdiction of, over mortals in light and life eras, 623
    and midsoniters, teaching enterprises of, during system stage of light and life, 632
    midwayers as contact personalities for the, 627
    Morontia Companions’ increasing function with the, 547
    mortal, Gravity Messengers’ affection for, 347
    number of, in a company, 530
    oath, by whom taken, 343, 1292
    Paradise chief of, 354
    and Paradise Citizen, trinitization of a “child of time and eternity” by, 262
    Paradise the home, and Havona the workshop and playground of, 163
    and Paradise-Havoner, results of trinitization by, 251
    personal identity of, 345
    possible association of Teacher Sons with, in future universes, 232, 1239
       potentially final absolute destiny of, 1239
    return of, to evolutionary worlds, 509
    the seven corps of, 352-353
    spheres of Salvington, 517
    Spirit-fused mortals not eligible to be, 411
    a theory regarding eternal future of, 116, 204, 417, 628
    trinitized offspring of Paradise Citizens and the, 352
    unification of the three spirit expressions in the, 639

Finality career of, seraphim attainment of, 440
    corps of, 345-354
    destiny, a definition, 347, 1169
    oath, character and individual administration of, 346

Finances apostolic, Jesus’ abstinence from connection with, 1800, 1803, 2038

Financier Judas an able, 1566

Finders of knowledge location and function of, 302

Finding God means of, 39, 63, 1121 1454, 1459, 1731-1732
    vs. knowing God, 1440, 1453

Fine arts conditions favoring development of, 770

Fines ancient, payment of, 796

Fingernail trimmings fetish of, 969

Finishing school future, for outer spacers, 54, 163

Finite appreciation, of infinite qualities, degree of, 50, 1856
    attainment of the absonite by the, 12
    beings, First Father’s plans and purposes incomprehensible to, 35
    cause of the existence of the, 1260
    coexistence of Infinite with the, 15, 1260, 1303
    cosmos, importance of the, 1039, 1283, 1303
    creation, proof of the potential unity of all, 45, 1275
    creature(s), attaining a state of divinity by the, 471, 1173, 1434
       the highest level of progression of a, 1260, 1290, 1434
       Supreme Being the maximum of Deity comprehensible by, 643, 1171, 1264, 1290
    definition, 7, 1162
    domain of the, and Seven Master Spirits, 185
    evolution, God the Sevenfold’s functional co-ordination of, 1164
    experience, the eternal God’s potential for, 1185
       lack of, in future outer universes, 353
    function, of the Paradise Trinity, 1171
    God, the, 1239, 1280, 1283-1285
    level of reality, characteristics of, 2, 1031, 1174
    man, revelation of divinity reality to, 12, 648, 1641
    mind, limitations of the, 49, 59, 104, 481, 1848
    personalities, the lowest, bridging the gulf between the Creator and, 18, 587, 1301
    personality, self-determination of destiny by, 1158, 1301
    potentials, the exhaustion of all, 1266, 1291
    reality, promulgation of, 1158
    trinity attitude toward the, 113, 116

Finiteness not an evil, 1222

Finitude God’s passage from infinity to, 35, 38

Finity of all creatures, the Father comprehends, 35

Finns early beliefs of, regarding tree spirits, 945

First absolute and infinite thought of Universal Father, 93
    -born, former general practice of sacrificing the, 981
       son(s), dedication of, 982
       son(s), Jesus’ early assumption of the responsibilities of a, 1370, 1387
    Cause, Anaxagoras’ recognition of a, 1079
       and cosmic consciousness, 3, 2093
       God of the scientist, 29, 59, 68, 92, 1106, 1122, 2093
    continental flood stage, 674-676
    Havona circuit, arrival on, of candidates of time, significance, 159
    human beings, 707-709
       family, 711-717
    Isaiah, the, 1066-1067
       the, see also Isaiah (the first)
    John,” John Zebedee the author of, 1342
    in the kingdom, a prerequisite to becoming, 1761
    making the tree good”, 1582
    mile,” in winning souls, a definition, 2084
    personal concept, of the Universal Father, 73
    preaching tour of Galilee, date of, 1637-1646
    sermon in the synagogue, Jesus’, 1391-1392
    Source and Center, 4-7, 26
       character of plans of the, 24, 35, 44, 1156, 1174, 1299, 1303
       eternal Father of the Original Son, 111, 1147
       fifteen triunities of the, 1150
       finality unity of energy-spirit in the, 1139
       fragmentations of the, personal reality of the, 333
       geographic location of, 5
       material-gravity control of, and Paradise the, 7
       much more than a personality, 89
       omniscience of the, 76
       one of the seven Absolutes of Infinity, 1155
       the origin of law, 114
       Paradise the universe position of the, 1147, 1149
       personality of the, 29, 110
       the Universal Father the, 5
       prerequisites to a better understanding of the, 1166, 1222
       a relation of Eternal Son to the, 79
       self-liberation of, technique of, 74, 120, 1158
    stage of light and life, see Light, and life
    -stage spirit existence, time of ascenders’ attainment of, 428, 542, 559
    thought, God’s, reason for use of term, 73, 90

Fiscal agent of the apostolic corps Matthew the, duties of, 1547, 1559

Fish(es) adaptation of, to both fresh and salt waters, 679, 681
    the age of, 678-680, 732
    David’s huge draught of, 1629
    the last phyla to appear on Urantia, 733
    teeth-bearing, of Devonian era, 679
    with a shekel in its mouth,” origin of the “miracle” of the, 1744

Fisherman Jesus’ early experience as a, 1369, 1420, 1544, 1629

Fishing the apostles’ choice of temporary occupation, 1544, 1657
    David’s employment at, 1668

Five thousand Jesus’ feeding of the, 1700-1702, 1706

Five-adjutant mind spornagias’, equivalation of, to sixth reality level, 528

Flag(s) a form of totem, 970
    never allowed to touch the ground, 970

Flash of transport departure, 438

Flattery and insincerity Andrew’s abhorrence of, 1550
    Jesus’ nonuse of, 1785

Flavius and Greek culture, 1596, 1600-1601
    home of, Jesus’ appearance at the, 2033
    identity of, 1596, 1600
    reaction of, to Jesus’ teaching, 1600, 2033

Flavor of divinity, the Adjuster exudes a, 1130
    spiritual, divine truth best known by its, 42

Flesh and blood, Jesus a partaker of, 1407
    and blood, spirit beings not, 25
    definition, 382
    eating of dawn mammals, 704
       first generation of Adamic children’s abstinence from, 850-851
    faith the victory that overcomes the, 383
    human, eating of, growth of habit of, 979
    vs. the spirit, 382-383, 1715

Flight of distant systems, exaggeration of apparent speed of, 134
    hasty, of Jesus and his associates, 1723-1724

Flint Andonites’ search for, 715
    and the discovery of fire, 901
    Neanderthaler development of use of, 721
    tools, Andonites’ skill in fashioning, 715

Flintworking Foxhall people’s knowledge of, 719

Flocks human, God the Good Shepherd of the, 1448

Flood(s) Babylonian and Mithraic Stories of the, 860, 1082
    the greatest in all history, cause, 891
    in Mesopotamia, 874-875
    period of all continents except Asia, 675
    stage, recent, 694-696
       second great, 676-678
    third major, of invertebrate-animal age, 675
    universal, and Mount Ararat, 466, 860, 875, 894

Flora changing, of northern latitudes in early Miocene period, 696
    of later reptilian age, 687

Florissant fossil beds, of Colorado, onetime, 695

Flowering-plant period about, 688-691

Focal point for the human personality, spirit of the Father the, 1479

Focalization cosmic, of Universe Father on Paradise, 118
    specialized, of Infinite Spirit, 368

Foes man’s sometime, identity of, 1722

Fog cosmic, star dust, 1722

Folk tales origin of many, 758, 767, 856

Folkways origin of, 767-768

Fonta childbirth not a painful ordeal to, 714
    exploration tours of Andon and, 711
    reception of a Thought Adjuster by, 717
    see also Andon and Fonta

Food animals, as symbols of sustaining power to Andon, 716
    and clothes, early belief regarding the ghost’s need of, 959
    competition, among mid-mammals, cause and results of, 705
       of man and animal, 773
    and drink, vs. the welfare of the soul, 1823
    a factor in the development of culture, 577
    hunger, of dawn mammals, 704
       and early human association, 765, 931, 950
    plants, Edenic, subsequent loss of, 825
    quest, importance of, to early man, 576, 746
    requirements, modification in, during morontia progression, 544
    slavery, influence of hunting on, 768, 773
       influence of pastoral living on, 765, 768
    supply, the savage’s impelling motivation, 914
    taboos, early, origin of, 975

Foolhardy Jesus’ freedom from ever being, 1103

Foolish questions Philip’s habit of asking, 1557

Foot development of, in Primates, 707
    washing, apostles’ reaction to provision for, at last supper, 1938-1940

Foraminifers chalk-making, the source for name of the Cretaceous period, 688, 695

Forbearance a characteristic of man’s striving for supermortal ideals, 1100, 1574
    Jesus’, Peter’s admiration of, 1551

Force(s) behavior of a primordial unit of, 136
    blind, power of God not a, 47
    center, of nether Paradise, organization of, 122
    charge, of pervaded space, 126, 139, 169, 475
    circuiting of, in Paradise, 123, 468
    cosmic see Cosmic, 3. Cosmic energy – force
    definition of, 9, 122, 321, 467-469
    -energy activities of Paradise, focal point of, 5, 122, 1149
       frandalanks’ concern with, 328
       gravity responsiveness of, 131, 404
    Father’s possession of, undiminished, 49
    -focal headquarters of Master Spirits, 121, 184, 320
    functions of Unqualified Absolute, 189
    habitual behavior of, 7, 129
    journey of, through space, 139
    life not, 404
    -mass power, of the mesotron, 479
    morality not advanced by, 193
    need for civil government’s sometime use of, 1579
    organizers, and control of universe metamorphoses, 132-133, 176, 468, 473, 652
    Paradise, 467-468
    phenomena of nether paradise, 189
    pregravity, 126
    pressures, on nether Paradise, variations in, 122
    primordials of, influence of the Absolutes on, 56
    -space, manifestations, Paradise the source-center of, 123, 127
    of space, manipulation of, 98
    the three levels of, 469
    transcendence of, by Conjoint Actor, 101
    unlimited, Unqualified Absolute is, 14

Foreign potentates Lucifer’s designation of Ancients of Days as, 603

Foreknowledge God’s divine, creative free will directed by, 58
    Jesus’, 1786-1787
    ultimate, not an abrogation of finite volition, 49, 1300

Foresight and ability, 773, 1779
    indispensability of, to the endurance of nations, 911
    precedence of insight over, in cosmic economy, 1228

Forests Andonites’ avoidance of, 718
    appearance of, 678
    expanding, European, and the Andites, 900
    spread of, following retreat of fourth glacier, 721

Foreword about, 1-17

Forgiveness appearance of, in primitive religion, 976, 1638
    and the bonds of sin, 1450
    divine, 1898
       acceptance of, a prerequisite to salvation, 1682, 1898
       and human synchrony of, 1638
       inevitability of, 1898
    sin of eternally rejecting, 1714
    the ethical nature of the prayer for, 998
    Father’s, mediator not necessary to, 38, 41
    and free-willness, divine, 42
    of God, the four steps in a believer’s reception of, 1862
       and of one another, 1762, 1861-1862
    God’s, a definition, 1638, 1861-1862
    of Jesus, a definition, 1580, 1590, 1762-1764, 2018
    Jesus’ sermon on, 1762-1764
    of love, vs. forgiveness of mercy, 1652, 2018
    of man for his neighbor, 38, 1898
    a measure of a man’s maturity, 1896, 1898
    in Relation to Repentance,” one of Jesus’ evening discussions, 1452, 1683
    relation of, to salvation, 2018
    sermon on, 1545
    of sin, 984-985, 1638, 1736, 1898
    through repentance, as preached by Hosea, 1066
    technique of man’s reception of, 985

Forgiving disposition Matthew’s appreciation of the Master’s, 1559
    quality of a compassionate father, 1604
    tolerance, a fruit of the spirit, 2045

Form(s) and ceremonies, outworn, submission to, not required of a kingdom believer, 554, 1731, 2064
    modification of, on passage from morontia to spirit, 342
    and patterns, mind dominance, 483-484
    vows, and taboos, of the Latins’ religion, 1080

Formalism threat of, to Christianity, 1092, 2083

Formosa Andite penetration of, 873

Fortant identity of, length of service of, on Jerusem, 512

Fortitude a characteristic of man’s striving for supermortal ideals, 1100
    of Jesus on the cross, 2008

Fortress of Antonia the Jerusalem home of Pilate, 1987

Fortune an associate of Titus in Crete, 1438
    the young man who was afraid, Jesus’ talk with, 1437-1438

Fortunes ancient, a reason for distribution of, 777
    of Urantians, Jesus’ promise to follow, 1914

Fortunetellers present patronizing of, 988

Fortunetelling in Mesopotamia, 1043

Forty-day isolation, of Jesus, after baptism, character of the transactions of, 1504-1505, 1512-1514, 1588, 2040
    sojourn of the morontia Jesus with other morontia creatures, 2040

Forum Roman, Jesus’ frequent appearance in the, 1455

Fossil(s) absence of, in prelife rock layers, 661
    of the age of frogs, echinoderms the guide, 680
    beds of early reptilian age, 686
    Florissant, of Colorado, 695
    see also Florissant
    beds, of fish, in California, 679
    of early Carboniferous age, 681
    fresh-water, of the Morrison beds, of Colorado, Montana, & Wyoming, 687
    of lithographic stone strata, in southern Germany, 687
    of mammalian dynasties, 693
    of marine-life era, profusion of, in North America, 669, 672, 677
    in the Proterozoic rock, 670
    trilobite, early uniformities and variations of, 673
       oldest rocks containing, location, 673
    types of, in the coal beds, 681

Fossilization of truth a cause of, 1727

Foster fathers of ascending mortals Melchizedeks as, 524

Foundation(s) of the brotherhood of the kingdom of heaven, 1714
    of the peace of Jesus, 1954
    of religious faith, 1118-1128
    of Spiritual Progress of the continental nation, 811

Founder of the Christian church, Peter the, 2069

Four and twenty administrators, function of Assigned Sentinels with, 269
    counselors, 378, 513-514, 518, 573, 853-854, 866

Fourth creatures of cherubim and sanobim, 422-423
    creatures of Havona Servitals and conciliators, discernment of both material and spirit worlds by the, 273-274, 498
    stage of light and life, see Light, and life

Foxhall peoples, 719-720
    peoples, retention of remnants of earlier cultures by the, 719
    peoples, settlements, present location of, 719

Fractures and dislocations, the shamans’ treatment of, 991

Fragment(s) of God in the human mind, 17, 26, 35, 43, 46, 50, 62, 64, 379-380, 448, 638, 1129, 1132, 1176, 1179, 1641, 1282, 1857, 1487, 78, 1460, 2095
    length of sojourn of, with man, 449
    see also Father(s), 3. Relation to man, -fragment(s)

Fragmentation absolute personality not subject to, 78
    of Eternal Son’s personal nature, incapability of, 78, 86
    of selfhood of Infinite Spirit, 78, 333
    of Universal Father, 78, 333

Fragmented entities God’s, a definition of, 24-25, 76, 333, 1177

Frailties Jesus’ patience with man’s, 1766, 1871

France Andonic tribes in, 715, 719
    connection of, with England, 718-719
    the Neanderthalers in, 720

Frandalanks compared with reflectivity, 328
    functions of, 315, 327-328, 456
    a group of Master Physical Controllers, 324-325, 328-329

Fraternal affection, the essence of the love of the Supreme, 1289

Fraternity(ies) family the fundamental unit of, 941
    human, of the apostles, forces of evil unable to prevail against the, 1749
    human, and the golden rule, 1747, 1950
    impulse, religion the source of man’s, 1139
    of the individual on worlds in light and life, 630
    international, the first, 792, 1112
    of seraphim and ascending mortals, 78, 419, 534
    social, an analysis of, 597
    understanding, in promotion of civilization, 805

Fratricidal strife, sinfulness of, ethical consciousness’s unmasking of, 597

Free Associators, function of, 546
    Associators, a group of Morontia Companions, 546
    and bond, in the Father’s kingdom, 1536, 2044
    proletariat, of the first century Mediterranean world, 1335
    will, see Will, free

Freedom absolute, vs. absolute slavery, 1490
    of choice, mortals’ range of, 435, 615, 1802
    a definition, 1490, 2078
    of evolving man, fallibility a requisite for, 52, 1490
    and God’s possible foreknowledge of his children’s acts, 49
    in the knowledge of our Father’s eternal love, 1404, 2035
    of men, in the knowledge of Paradise truth, 596
    of the person, in evolution of representative government, 798, 802
    personal, woman’s greater, and divorce, 929
    of the present generation, reason for, 777
    purchase of, by superior slaves, 1335
    from responsibility, Jesus’ first, 1377
    of social, political, and religious activities, in evolution of statehood, 806
    of speech, in evolution of representative government, 802, 1074
    of spirit existence, the struggle to attain the, 555
    from violence, society as a scheme for securing, 906

Freewill action, God’s sharing of, with those who may become his sons, 71, 448, 1299
    acts, of Creators and creatures, the evolution of spirit dominance dependent on the, 1275
    acts, God’s, how conditioned, 58
    being(s), necessity for subjection to supersovereignty by, 1487
       unpredictability of decisions of, 136
    choice, eventuation of, in sin or righteousness, 613
       regarding Paradise career always possessed by man, 516, 620
       respect by spirit world of ascenders’, 552, 614
    choosing, man’s, the importance of, 1232
    co-operation with the Adjuster, a factor in attainment of ascending sonship, 448
    creativity, and freewill destructivity, 1220
    existence, inherent joy in, 238, 312
    liberation of Universal Father, 11
    of personal creatures, and experiential variance of spiritual presence, 150, 614
    selfhood, divine, characteristics of, 71, 109
    spirit world, and character of the Eternal Son, 81

Free-willness of children of Deity, 1299
    divine, definition, 42, 616
    of God, man’s ignorance of, results of, 47
    of Michaels, 237

Fresh-water age, a characteristic of, 687
    organisms, epochs of development of, 669, 682

Friction absence of, on advanced worlds in light and life, 629
    shield(s), atmospheric, as meteor protection, 660
    of transport seraphim, 438

Friend(s) earth, ascendant pilgrims’ contact with, on mansonia number one, 533
    Ganid’s question about how to make, 1438
    of God, 28, 68, 1448-1450
    of God,” Jesus’ substitute for “kingdom”, 1861
    Jesus the apostles’ best, 1546, 1594, 1945
    of Jesus, his chosen men, 1945, 1964
    Jesus an inspiring, 1102, 1395, 1405, 1544, 1722
    of men and angels, Lucifer posing as the, 604
    and neighbor, Jesus a, 1546
    proof of the greatest love for one’s, 1944
    of publicans and sinners,” Luke’s portrayal of Jesus as the, 1342

Friendliness of Jesus, 1102, 1594
    of the real universe, 1470, 1477, 1950

Friendship(s) apostles’ awareness of the continuance of, with the risen Jesus, 2059
    confidential, Jesus’ craving for, 1391
    with counsel, Nathaniel admonished to admix, 2049
    a crowning glory of, 1776
    devotion to, of Morontia and Paradise Companions, 282
    vs. duty and sacrifice, 1945
    genuine, between persons of the same sex, 1775
    with God, the gospel of the kingdom, 1766
    one of Peter’s strong characteristics, 1551
    and personality of Deity concept, 31
    primitive techniques of sealing, 748
    and religion, need for harmony between, 1089
    religion’s encouragement of, 1092
    socializing influence of, 1775-1777
    some essentials of, 30, 748
    Urantia aborigines’ idea of, 714

Frog(s) age of, 680-682
    ancestors of the, 732
    ancestral, of humanity, close call of the, 705, 734
    appearance of, on land, 680
    evolution of, into the reptile, 683
    family, mammals descendants of, 732
    in human evolution, story of the, 695, 733-734
    nonprogression of the, 732
    sudden appearance of, importance of, 682
    survival of, reason for, 683

Frugality Jesus’ attitude toward, 1579

Fruit(s) apostles to bear much, 1945
    -bearing, spiritual, need for progressive, 1916, 1945
    -corrupt, cause of, 1714
    of the divine spirit, bearing of, by Jesus’ faith, 1916, 1931, 2089, 1674, 1944
    of divinity, 648, 1569, 1733
    -good, a good tree essential to, 1502, 1571, 1714
    Jesus and his disciples to be judged by their, 1601
    of the land, Adam’s effort at substitution of, for blood sacrifices, 836
    of loving service, prerequisite to bearing, 1945
    natural, of inner personal experience, 1865
    of the religion of the kingdom, social nature of, 1126, 1862
    of the spirit, 65, 381-382, 1610, 1733, 1916, 1918, 1930, 2054, 2062
       identity of, 1916, 1918, 2054, 381, 1290
       man’s manifestation of, 1738, 1917, 2053-2054, 2062
       a mighty social lever, 1930
       prerequisite to bearing, 1602, 1610, 1705, 1738, 1945, 1961
       proof of Adjuster communion, 65, 382
       religious experience’s yielding the, 1091, 1125
       the soul’s manifestation of, 1585, 1930
       true self-mastery, 1610
    of the trees,” the Adamic diet, 851
    vendor, at Messina, result of his contact with Jesus, 1440
    of the vine, Jesus’ last drinking of the, 1938

Fruitfulness compliance with the laws of, result, 1830
    righteous, faith’s promotion of, 1727

Fulcral zone of Unqualified Absolute, on nether Paradise, 469

Fulcrum man’s psychic, and the Adjuster’s spiritual lever, 1192
    material, of infinity, Paradise the, 101
    power-multiplying, Spirit of Truth a, 1930
    of social leverage, tact the, 1740

Fullness of the age, Father’s action at the time of, 1915
    of God, to be manifest to man, Jesus the, 1409, 1426
    of joy, divine, prerequisite to experience of, 1945

Funds apostolic, division of, into six equal portions, 1545
    apostolic, Jesus’ instructions as to giving alms from, 1580
       Matthew’s technique of making personal contributions to the, 1560
    for equipment of the women’s corps, 1679

Funeral service and sermon, origin and purpose of the, 959
    wastes, ancient, great losses from, 960
    on worlds in light and life, 623

Fungi retrograde evolution of, 732

Fused Adjuster, nature of a, 448, 1176, 1179, 1238, 1511
    being(s), Ascendington the Paradise headquarters of the, 1239
       similarity of, to Paradise finaliters, 1238
    personality, signal for the, to leave the local universe, 1237

Fusion Adjuster, 1237-1240
    Adjusters, vs. liaison Adjusters, 1197
    ascender’s usual achievement of, in his local system, 1237
    the consummation of the plan of the eternal bestowal of divinity upon humanity, 1239
    danger to the personality’s eternal career over at time of, 64, 1219, 1237
    during physical life, the material body consumed by, 1212
    the first stage of adjuster evolution attained at, 1196
    flashes in planetary atmosphere, occasion for, 622, 624
    of human mind and Adjuster, usual time of, 449, 538, 1237
    influence of, on personality, 1237
    man’s, with his adjuster, a mystery, 1237
    mortals’ classification as ascending sons at instant of, 447
    prerequisites to, 1212, 1221, 1238
    the secret of Ascendington, 1237
    significance of, regarding the ascending mortal, 623, 1219
    status of the mind of the Adjuster at the time of, 1112, 1182
    with an ascending personality, Adjuster’s status at, 1179
    with Thought Adjuster, essential to attainment of Paradise, 64

Future the, 2084-2086
    ancients’ reason for desiring to know the, 963
    the angels of the, 1255-1256
    -eternal unity of the Supreme, Havona the, 161
    eternals, the actualizing Deities, 10, 161
    events, forecasting of, by universe authorities, 315
    existence, dream origin of belief in a, 953
    hope, a prophetic concept of the kingdom, 1858
    the, in interpretation of the present, 215, 1295
    Jesus’ knowledge of the, 1786
    magic’s purpose to gain insight into the, 970
    unknown, romance of, 438


Copyright © 2010 Urantia Foundation. All rights reserved.
First Edition April 2010 — ISBN: 978-0-911560-10-7
