Restricted Conference Fund Policy

In 2007 UAI received an anonymous restricted donation of $20,000. This fund is not to be depleted. It is for the sole purpose of providing Local, National and the International associations the initial capital necessary to host a conference. Any interest earned from this capital was requested by the donor to be spent on Conference Financial Aid.

UAI Policy for accessing this fund:

  • Upon RC approval, money from this fund may be loaned to a host Local or National Association or international planning committee of any conference, symposium or event, though preference will be given to International events.
  • Those wishing to borrow from the fund will agree to have their conference budget reviewed by the ISB.
  • The RC may only lend the available balance in the fund. The Conference Fund may not borrow or incur debt.
  • Funds borrowed from this fund must be repaid as soon as possible by the host National or planning committee, but no later than 60 days after the event unless the ISB approves a different due date.
  • Those who wish to borrow from the Conference Fund agree that 10% of their net income will be donated to the UAI general fund.

RC Item 2013-168 adopted December 20, 2013